First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth
Summaries of Fifth 10 episodes of Time Ranger
Most episodes expanded and corrected by Ben who, by the way, says this is the best Sentai show he's seen since Dairanger, which is his favorite when he admits to liking any of them. He was born in 1988. He speaks more Japanese than I ever will, I'm sure. |
Morning, and Time Robota is happily announcing the breakfast. Domon scolds it for being noisy, and Ayase, who is bringing things to the boys' room, laughs and teases him. Tatsuya is serving Yuuri tea he's made, explaining one should have this with breakfast. She accepts with shy friendliness, sips and proclaims it delicious to his delight. And Sion is out with the scedule, telling everyone that today they are supposed to clean at a certain hall. Tatsuya grins with dizzy happiness as Yuuri moves to settle down at the computer, while Domon complains that they can hardly clean on an empty stomach. Ayase comes out of the bedroom with his jacket, and Sion pops up to ask if he's feeling all right, and Tatuya watches with concern, but Ayase seems relaxed about it, saying "I'm feeling fine, mostly." And Sion grins in relief, accepting his word. Domon grumbles affectionately, "Even if you kill this guy, he won't die." This makes Tatsuya chuckle. Yuuri gets her word in firmly, "If there's anything wrong, tell us." But Tatsuya trots enthusiastically to his feet. "The last person in the building cleans the..." he begins thoughtfully, then snatches Ayase's jacket. "Toilets!" and races from the room as fast as he can. Sion hurtles after him. Domon leaps from the couch and falls over the chair, shouting. Ayase and Yuuri look stunned, but then Ayase hurtles away with Yuuri on his heels. Domon looks to be last. Tatsuya is most of the way down the stairs but pauses at Sion's "Wait, please!" and catches his friend up before the boy can pretty much fall down the stairs. Ayase makes it out next and calls with some irritation, "Tatsuya, that's MY jumper!" He has brought Tatsuya's, and Yuuri is right behind with Domon last, both still pulling on their jackets. As they gather together, Tatsuya starts the mad rush again.
At the Londarz tower in the morning mist, there is silecne except for the smoke and darkness inside, wherein is the golden robot blowing bubbles. "Where did Dorunero go?" he wonders. "If I can count money, maybe he'll come back!" and he starts counting bubbles. "One, two , three... seven..?"
Dorunero is counting his case full of money. 98,000,000. He turns to the Zenitto and tells it to check in on Gien sometimes. It is obediant. Lira is on the office couch, reading a magazine. As the Zenitto heads off she grumbles, "You shouldn't worry about him. You're too nice to Gien." But Dorunero points out that he's being too nice to her, and tosses her a bundle of 10000 yen bills, to her delight. "Strauss is really raking in the bucks for us. Here's your allowance." She bounds over to hug him, giggling. "I love you, Dorunero! At least if you have money, I'm always going with you!" and heads off with more giggles. Amused, he responds, "Now that's the way I like you."
There is a large group of people in white cloaks carrying a strange prayer-platform. As they walk along, school girls clear out of their path, while others (including a stray foreign student) look at them in bewilderment. What new insane cults might Japan throw at the world? They chant as they walk, about knowing the future. They wear white cloaks. One of those in the lead carries a white sign with black letters, the other carries a black sign with white letters. "How the world will end. We'll need someone to sacrifice. That person goes to Hell, and the world will end on that person's birthday."
And Sion is dry-mopping a lovely wooden floor, racing along calling, "Time Jets take off!" Yuuri is vacuuming, Ayase is working on the doors. And Tatsuya appears to have been sweeping, until he stutters, "You told Honami about the 30th?!" Yuuri drops the vacuum cleaner and races over. "Domon!" He, by the way, is cleaning the glass of the staircase. "I can't keep it a secret forever." Anxiously, Tatsuya asks, "What'd she say?" Grinning, Domon answers with pleased contentment "She says 'What's that supposed to mean?' Our feelings won't change." Sion sighs dreamily at that, and then Domon adds, "Love is something very deep." He blows on the glass until it fogs up and then bestows a wet kiss on it, leaving his lips imprinted there. Ayase, still working on the glass doors, chuckles and says, "Such a guy." Yuuri and Tatsuya are starting to turn back to their part of the work, when he calls them commandingly. "Tatsuya, Yuuri, you guys should say the truth, also." They turn and stare at him then exchange confused, guilty glances and Tatsuya, blushing, says "What are you talking about?" and Yuuri stutters as she heads back to the vacuum, "Yeah, you're sure weird." Ayase leaves the door, heads towards them with a glint of mischief in his eys, but it is Sion who, leaning on the mop, who says, "Oh, so Tatsuya and Yuuri are like that." Tatsuya wheels fast enough to lose his footing in the tools and Yuuri frantically raises the vacuum cleaner both shouting, "Now that's not true! That's wrong!" and Ayase turns from their embarrassment, laughing. He starts wiping the window again when an extremely strange sight greets his eyes. A crowd of people in white cloaks, thumping a drum, carrying an alter, stop in front of the hall. He calls the others to see.
The man who seems to lead the group speaks to the curious onlookers while his people hand out fliers. "People of the city, look at our master, Lord Hakuo. He knows that the world will end in 2001. If you don't want the world to end, pray to Lord Hakou." A tall salaryman glances over the flier and says sneeringly, "What are you, stupid? If somebody had that kind of power, no one would need to do anything." He scrunches up the flier and turns to go, tossing it back over his shoulder. Others laugh agreeing with him. "Wait!" the leader orders. The salaryman turns back, ready for a confrontation. The leader turns to the platform and says to it, "Lord Hakuo, looks like there are people who do not believe us. Please help them." At his plea the prayer-platform rocks. The blinds flap a bit, and a figure in white can be made out inside. People mutter with interest. And then the platform levitates straight up, outlined in red fire. A doubter becomes a believer. "It's true! So his prophecy was real?!" And the tall, young salaryman prays to Lord Hakou.
Tatsuya gasps softly, "Unbelievable!" but he does not try to interfere. He knows that the world will not end in 2001. "Cool!" he sets his hand on Yuuri's shoulder, but she is quick to brush it off. The others gather behind them as they watch and Yuuri says coolly, "Psychokineses. It's not uncommon in the 30th. Especially among aliens." Ayase says fretfully, "It might be a Londarz."
At that moment the City Guardians arrive to disperse the crowd, one saying sharply, "This place is dangerous. Go home." The crowd obeys without much grumbling. Naoto starts forward to confront the cult leader and sees the group of innocent Time Rangers standing there. He turns a glare on them, but Domon holds up his rag, Tatsuya salutes holding up his floor wiper, Sion lifts his mop, Ayase and Yuuri only stare back at him. Realizing this is just coincidence, he simply sighs to himself and ignores them. He goes to the leader and says without anger, "The people in this building have filed a complaint about you. Leave immediately." The other City Guardians watch approvingly. The man nods his believers along with him and they go quietly.
Takku explains, "Hakuo was a person who predicted that in the year 2001 the world would end. Because of his psychic powers, people began to believe him." Ayase, Tatsuya and Domon are at the computer, the others at the coffee table. Domon walks away to join them, taking off his jacket. Sion points out the article in the paper about it to Yuuri, who inquires if there is a prisoner in the Londarz Tower likely to be the cause of all this. Takku checks and finds there certainly is. An image of a vaguely clerical creature. "Prisoner 4288, Strauss. He told everyone that the world was going to end in the year 3001, but all he was doing was taking their money." "Of course," murmurs Tatsuya, leaning on his clasped hands. "Except there are false prophets like him in every century," Takku points out. Ayase, hearing that, sighs and says, "We'll have to find out what this guy really looks like." He heads over to the couch, and Domon slides to his feet and says authoritatively, "Right, a plan to go in and get him. Tatsuya, Yuuri, you two go in." Tatsuya leaps to his feet with a gasp of surprise and knocks into Yuuri, who was standing too close. She is protesting quickly, "Hey, don't start making those decisions!" But Domon is says firmly, "There's no way you can stop me. This is what the leader says." He folds his arms, eyes dancing. They are stuttering in protest, Yuuri going "Why are you the leader?!" Tatsuya stuttering, "Yeah!" and Sion glances playfully over his shoulder and says to Ayase, "Domon was the leader." Ayase simply raises his gaze and says, "I forgot." Domon, well aware that he is being teased, decends upon Sion with his full weight, knocking Ayase down with them. Sion protests from under the pile his apologies, while Yuuri and Tatsuya avoid looking at each other.
The tall, young salary man has brought a brown paper bag to the cult leader. "This is all I have! Is it enough?" And the leader replies calmly, "If that is all you have, then Lord Hakuo will understand you." With a sigh of relief, the man sets bundles of cash on the plate held out. And while the cult leader places the plate at the alter, the salaryman puts his bag neatly away. Praying, the leader says softly, ""Let's pray together so that you can be saved." The man agrees quickly, and then gasps as he is suddenly lifted from the floor by no visible hands. The cult leader's mouth hangs open in awed joy. "It is the power of Lord Hakuo, you are saved!" and the man is set down again, shaken. He falls to his knees, bowing frantically and thanking the lord. A woman places one of the white cloaks on his shoulders, telling him, "We'll work together from today on." He is very grateful. Behind the curtains, a figure in white moves.
Yuuri puts on huge, curcular glasses. She has patted her hair down and tied it into two pony tails, making her look very much like a loser. Her sweater is white, dress yellow and as she puts the finishing touches on her hair, Tatsuya comes out of the boys' door. He, too, looks terrible. His hair is slicked down with gel and his wears an ugly suite shirt over a jacket. He wears glasses that have thick tops. He apparently looks like Nobita from Doraemon. He hesitantly comes up behind Yuuri but she deliberately doesn't look at him. With a weary sigh, he turns to the others who are seated at the coffee table. "If we find it's a Londarz, we'll contact you immediately." "Be careful," says Ayase. Sion, grinning, aims his voice at Yuuri. "You both look great!" Yuuri bites back a laugh and summons Tatsuya, then heads out ahead of him making him rush to catch up. Domon leaps and grabs his arm, forcing him to face away from her. "Hey, if this works out get a two person photo! Go on, loverboy!" and he pokes a long salt treat in Tatsuya's mouth, then bites it in half in an all-too playful gesture reminiscent of Lady and the tramp. Yuuri rolls her eyes in annoyance and heads out. Tatsuya, with a bit slow reaction time, grabs Domon and shoves him over the chair. "You didn't need to do that!"
He heads out after Yuuri with quiet determination. She is waiting for him on the stairs and says firmly, "You asked Domon to do this. I hate stuff like that." But he is confused. "Do what?" "THIS! This plan!" she gestures. "Now wait a minute!" Tatsuya protests, nervously, "He did this by himself!" Yuuri stalks on down the stairs snapping, "I hate this job!" Tatsuya shoves his hands into his pockets and says firmly back at her, "You're sure full of yourself!" When she stops and turns to stare at him, he comes down the stairs to confront her. "Nobody asked me to do this! I'm getting angry, too!" and he heads off ahead of her. She stares after him, somewhat stunned. They walk across a bridge, Yuuri not willing to try to catch up with him, and trying to think clearly. Feeling a bit guilty.
Domon is grinning. "Those two are made for each other," he says cheerfully. He pops a stick of Topo candy into his mouth and grabs Sion, who hasn't yet learned to dodge him, forcing him to eat it from the other side. Ayase isn't fazed by this odd behaviour, he simply advises, "Don't overdo it, they could wind up hating each other." Sion manages to break free when their lips touch and dives away, wiping his face off. Domon says calmly, "No, I know they'll go all right. When we've returned to the 30th, they'll miss each other." He settles down next to Takku. Sion, still looking revolted, says honestly, "I can't argue with the voice of experience." Domon blushes and chuckles. Then he wheels on Takku, "I wonder if Honami is free today?" and lifts a Topo to stuff in Takku's protesting mouth and chew on it. Sion is more amused now that it isn't he who is getting kissed this way.
Outside the cult's building, the worshippers are stretching under the afternoon sun. Tatsuya stares through the window at them, then moves away. He looks down at Yuuri, who gives him the cold shoulder when she notices. So he walks on. Two female worshippers come out to greet them with warm smiles and the older one asks, "So you're the people who want to observe us?" Yuuri stands up quickly and they both say, "Yes." The woman smiles warmly at them. She goes around the desk to have them sign in, while the younger one comes to Tatsuya's side. "Here's where you sign up. If you want, it's okay if only one of you goes in." They immediately protest that it's all right. She laughs softly, as though there is nothing odd about their behaviour.
The younger woman leads them in, Yuuri walks behind, clenching her purse tight as the woman explains. "Everything's already made for you, so you can live here easily. This is the relaxation room." There is a sunlit place where some men are reading. Tatsuya pauses to wonder, while Yuuri follows after the woman. Next they go into a room which looks like a dance studio. It is lined with mirrors on one side, the floor is polished wood. Those inside hold their hands over balls, trying to lift them with power. The young salaryman who is the newest recruit is concentrating and grunting slightly. There is a young man standing on his head, and others doing Yoga excercises in front of the mirrors. The young woman explains, "In order to be close to Lord Hakuo, they work here to get stronger." It is about the efforts to lift the balls, and pulls at Tatsuya to sit down and try it out. "You put your hand out, and you pray 'rise' how about you try?" "Um, just a little." Yuuri is slightly peeved as he is headed over to sit. She sees the cult leader working with a young woman, sees a shimmer from his hands and the ball lift towards her fingers. Yuuri controls her immediate impulse to question and watches as the awed young woman gasps in amazement. The ball falls. The leader praises the girl, "You're really getting close to Lord Hakuo." She thanks him profusely, and then he heads off. Yuuri is ready to follow. She glances over and finds Tatsuya noticed nothing, busy with the girl showing him the way to hold his hands. Yuuri stares at the smiling, chuckling pair and says sharply, "Excuse me! Can I use the toilet?!" The two are startled and stare up at her.
She heads out into the hallway so that she can follow the cult leader. She pauses to glare back into the room, lower lip stubbornly out. "Tatsuya, you're on a job, what are you doing?" However, she is also stopped in her movement by thoughts of Tatsuya and the things he had said. "You only think of yourself! I'm getting pissed off, too!" She concentrates on following the man instead, with a quick glance back. He walks silently, and she sneaks after him until he goes one way. She goes to find a door with the cult's symbol overhead. A quick look around and she sneaks in. It is a chamber full of icons and thinks perhaps this Hakuo is inside. What she's read, perhaps, indicates he would be behind the curtains. She calls out anxiously, but no one answers, so she goes to the alter to ask her question. "I am the person touring for one day, I wanted to see Hakou-sama." She seems to sense someone behind her, but no one is there when she whirls. Then she sneaks a peek at the alter and finds only a dummy in a cloak. Then there is a wind and it is as though someone invisible grabs her body and throws it around. She is helpless in midair, gasping for breath. The leader is there, and he briefly shimmers with his true appearance as he speaks, "What are you looking for, your tombstone?" Yuuri identifies him as a Londarz without difficulty, and then he smashes her against the ground.
Tatsuya is starting to worry about her. She's taken a long time, and he cannot really concentrate on pretending to believe the stone will rise. Then a bell starts ringing, and the people around him get up and head out quickly. The girl with him says, "Hakuo's calling," and he scrambles to his feet to follow them. Confused, he looks around, then he is out in the hall and no one is to be seen. He thinks worriedly, "Yuuri hasn't come back yet, what should I do?" Then he hurries up the stairs and runs into the leader, who says "Here, I can show you a special ceremony in front of Hakuo." "Ceremony?" Tatsuya replies in confusion. "But the other per -- " "You'll be with the other person, afterwards. So, come please." They enter the room, where the others stand at attention on red mats. The leader walks between them to the alter and says authoritatively, "We are going to start the ceremony for our future in the 21st Century." They all settle down while Tatsuya waits nervously, fretting about Yuuri. And the leader calls him softly. "You're here, so why don't you tell everyone to start the ceremony." Shy and confused, Tatsuya tries to beg off, but the worshippers all turn and stare at him, and their expressions are unnerving and threateningly. "Please, come on over." Tatsuya heads forward uneasily thinking, "I have to hurry and find out if this Hakuo is really Strauss." He accepts a candle from the lady worshipper and eyes the faintly visible figure behind the curtains. He has no clue that Yuuri is behind the curtain, thoroughly tied and gagged, struggling furiously. He is to light a fire in the brazier in front of him. He does, and an eerie, orange flame surges. While the suckers pray, a translucent glass globe is lowered onto the brazier from the ceiling. Tatsuya chews his lips, unaware that the leader is watching him smugly. He watches the ball descent, unaware that its rope is attached to a crossbow. Yuuri, however, is VERY aware of this fact. She can see it and struggles all the harder where she is bound. For the bolt will go into her body. This is a trap to kill Yuuri and make it Tatsuya's fault. THAT part she doesn't know, and she thinks his name desperately. The cord pulls tight. The ball settles. The fire licks up the rope. When it breaks, Yuuri will die. She tries to force noise through the gag. Tatsuya, half-hypnotised by the flames, hear something and leaps to his feet, springing past the burning rope in confusion. "Can it be..?" he stutters aloud as he searches for the source of the almost-squeaks. He sees the figure beyond the curtains writhing, and starts to lunge forward.
The leader graps his shoulder to stop him. "What are you doing?" the man growls. In sudden panic, Tatsuya knocks him down and away into the crowd of concerned worshippers, then leaps to tear down the curtain. And there is Yuuri, very cleary not happy with the situation, Tatsuya says her name, but she jerks her head to draw his gaze to the crossbow. He glances back to see the rising flames, and then leaps to knock her out of the way. The leader is on his feet, his face red with fury. "Everyone, they are enemies of Hakuo-sama! Get them!" Tatsuya tears Yuuri free of the ropes and together they over the shoulders of the angry worshippers and as they run he scolds her for going off by herself. "What were you doing?!" They carry on this argument while racing up stairs. Yuuri says defensively, "I didn't want to!" He heards her around a corner and they flatten themselves against the wall. After their pursuers have run past, he gives her shoulder an agry shake. "We were told to do it together, you can't do dangerous things like that!" "I didn't have a choice!" she snaps back. "Because you -- " but a small crowd has rounded the corner, and a man and woman hit them at the same time. They punch their way out and Tatsuya leads the rush down the stairs complaining every step. "Am I that useless? Do you not want me around at all?!" This stops her on the stair and she cries back, "That's not it!" which stops him. He turns and stares unhappily up at her. She comes down the stairs towards him, trying to explain, her voice shaking. "No, I... I do think you're useful! I want you to help me often. I even wanted you to help me just then." Tatsuya blinks on that, then steps up the stairs to look her in the eyes earnestly. "Then, tell me that, please. I want to save you sometimes, you know." Shaken, she thinks, then he turns his gaze down and closes his eyes tight on a vision of horror. "I almost killed you." After a moment, she steps closer to him, saying his name softly. He lifts his gaze to hers. It is a timeless moment as they gaze into each others' eyes.
But the leader has seen them. He stands above them with a large blade. He is about to drop it on them, when a gunshot blasts it from his hands. With a cry of furious pain, he glares down. Tatsuya and Yuuri whirl. It is a blazing-eyed Naoto at the bottom of the stairs. Tatsuya calls his name in grateful surprise. He says reprovingly, "I thought there was something weird about them. That boring demonstration of his gave it away."
The furious Londarz snarls, "How dare you get in my way?!" and takes on his true appearance. Naoto is unimpressed and becomes Time Fire. Yuuri and Tatsuya as one transfer into their battle armor. Tatsuya calls into his Chrono Changer, "Takku, call everyone!" Which Takku would, except his mouth is full of a Popo, which Domon is sucking the other end of. Ayase and Sion are out the door fastest. "Yes of course it's a Londarz," and Domon rushes off, poor Takku still stuck.
The battle has been taken outside. Before the rest of the Time Ranger catch up, the three already there get a bit bashed about. Strauss raises them into the air and smashes them against each other. "I can see your future, it's your death!" he growls. But the others arrive and stop him, firing their cannons on him. The trio fall and at least two are helped to their feet. "Tatsuya, you all right?" calls Sion. And Tatsuya calls Yuuri, and together they attack Strauss. Beat 3 and Beat 6 to seriously damage him, who screams, "I guess my prediction was wrong!" as he starts sparking and blowing up a bit. He wipes his seal and goes large.
Yuuri has Takku call in the Time Jets and Providus sends them back. Time Shadow comes too, and they form Shadow Beta. Time Fire calls in the V-Rex with a furious shout. But they are facing a creature who is able to lift them without touching, and he swings the V-Rex in a circle, doing considerable damage to buildings, before knocking it into Shadow Beta to Naoto's dismay. But he makes the mistake of believing he has them. From shelter where he cannot see them, under the V-Rex, they are able to fire on him. Tatsuya shouts, "I'm not going to lose!" And Strauss is taken down. They get back to their feet, trap him with the Chrono Divider, and use the Pressure Cannon on him. As the refreezing closes around him, he snarls, "The world will end in the year 2001!" and he is shrunk.
Naoto is outside the building, leaning against his vehicle and yawning, while the fooled people are whining and leaving the building under the watch of quietly exasperated City Guardians. Some are throwing the white cloaks off in embarrassed anger, others are more reluctant to let go of their comfort. Some are rubbing their heads in confusion. The businessman grumbles, "So it was all a lie!" Others whine, "Why?"
And Yuuri and Tatsuya are stalking off, very close side by side, arguing like CHILDREN. Tatsuya says, "But I really didn't notice it!" and Yuuri grumbles back, "Didn't notice with that girl hanging all over you! You need to be trained more in doing your job!" "Not so!" Yuuri snaps back, "You were dallying with that girl!" "I wasn't dallying!"
Walking several feet behind them, Sion looks puzzled and confused. Domon has his arms folded and seems amazed. Ayase has one of his regular, "This was not my fault don't bother me about it," expressions on. Sion finall turns to look nervously at Domon, who has stopped. "Isn't Domon's plan going badly?" And Domon answers him mournfully, "It really shouldn't have gone this way!" Ayase pats him reassuringly on the shoulder then, looking amused, says "I thought it would happen this way."
And in front of them the two are still arguing, oblivious to all around them. Tatsuya says, "That was for the plan!" "It shouldn't have been for the plan!" "I did notice! I was worrying about you all the time!"
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Case File 42: A vicious battle. Our heroes change into their armor. Zenitto are trying to kill City Guardians and maybe succeeding, they've pinned a few under their blades. Naoto gets a shock and shouts furiously, "The Londarz are coming in, WHOLE?!" Gien is back and fighting them, gloating, "Money is something humans need," and it would appear that at the end of this one, the Time Captain arrives. He steps out of the shadows and removes his shades. At least the Time Ranger are shocked to see him, and he carries a bloody big gun. 破壊の堕天使 Hakai no Datenshi The Metal Destroyer
The tower is silent, except for the metal being sitting contentedly in a darkened room, blowing bubbles and watching them float with bemused delight and innocent laughter. There is a bizarre sound of an impact. The doors part and Gein turns, interested. A man stands braced on the other side, weapon held out, smoke obscuring his face. The man walks towards the machine, which asks him innocently, "Who are you?" But the man does not answer, only lowers his weapon, then tosses it away. His clothing gleams white in the dim light as he reaches for the strange nob in Gien's back. "Oh, you shouldn't interfere. Dorunero put that there," Gien says, but lacks coordination or will to stop him. He pulls it free and the machine's eyes go wild and madly pink. Gien screams horribly. The man behind him slowly lowers the tool.
Sion and Tatsuya are out together in the brilliant morning light. "It's cold," shivers Sion protestingly. Tatsuya's eyes dance. "Yes it is. It'll be Christmas really soon!" I think Christmas is a new concept for Sion. His eyes light up at the sight ahead of them. "Tatsuya! A tree, a tree!" and he dashes towards the displays in front of a large stationary store, waving Tatsuya to join him. There is a big, fat model Santa in front of the doors. Sion squats down to better gaze up in amazed delight at the decorations all over the fake tree. "It's so pretty." Tatsuya stands grinning beside him and then says, "We'll have a Christmas party!" "Really?" gasps Sion, leaping to his feet. "Yes!" Sion looks happily back at the tree. "I just wanted to see this once." Tatsuya laughs and tugs him along inside. The store is brilliantly decorated, and there is a father with two children picking out presents. Sion notes this with bemusement. "This is also a toy-store?" The proprieter is there in front of them, greeting and welcoming and quite happy to help.
The pair of them return home with a bunch of Christmas decorations, Tatsuya hauling out brilliant, silvery blue fuzzy rope for them to string around the tree. Yuuri grins behind him. Ayase, sitting across from Domon, looks put upon as Tatsuya is urging them to help. Sion bounces enthusiastically over. "We're gonna have a Christmas party!" Domon gins deliriously and says, "But I have a date with Honami!" I think Ayase wishes he had such a good excuse to get out of it. Tatsuya dumps the decorations and pounces on Domon to scold and plead. Yuuri, who is holding a small model Santa, leans over and says, "You can invite that girl." "REALLY?! It's okay?" gasps Domon. And suddenly he cannot get up fast enough to help, dragging Tatsuya along with as Ayase sighs.
The Londarz Tower is not yet clear of the morning mists. Dorunero drops his broken control-device heavily onto the floor. Agitated, he takes a whiff of his cigar. Who has dared to get in here and let Gien loose? And what might Gien himself have let loose? The lights turn on, but before he can begin searching, Lira comes in. She has found an empty Hell's Gate cell. "Look, Dorunero!" she grumps. And they know Gien has released a powerful Hell's Gate being. What will happen this time, I wonder. Dorunero takes a puff of his cigar.
At the top of a tall, tall building, a group of very dignified businessmen are meeting. One of these is Mr. Asami, and he has brought Naoto Takizawa with him. Our young Time Fire has been stuffed into a handsome, dark business suit for this meeting. When he bows to the dignitary, the man eyes him steadily. "So this is Time Fire." Mr Asami confirms calmly and Naoto says, "I am Takizawa. I'm honored to meet you." Odd, like a dog performing tricks to these powerful men. When asked, he answers with a somewhat shy chuckle, that this is the first he's heard of this meeting. It seems that Mr. Asami is putting up Naoto as a sort of heir or something. When the man questions him about Tatsuya, he is quick to correct that assumption, and Naoto hides a smirk. The other man apologizes for his presumption and offers papers for Mr. Asami's approval. And Naoto thinks dark thoughts.
Back at their base in the Blyus building, the Time Rangers are happily decorating. Well, more or less. Sion, Yuuri and Domon are gathered around the tree, putting white fuzz on it. Domon being tallest has been delegated to reach the highest branches. Tatsuya is untangling decorations and Ayase is watching from the couch, perhaps delegated to gluing paper decorations. Sion starts putting the white fuzz on Yuuri's head, which soon causes a minor, playful contest between the two trying to get the most fuzz on each others head. "I can't wait for the party," Domon says happily. He whirls to settle in the chair across from Ayase and see what he thinks, while Yuuri and Sion grinningly get back to putting the white fuzz on the tree. Tatsuya interrupts the discussion to take a polaroid. Domon half-drags Ayase to join them in front of the tree. After the first photo is taken, Sion makes Tatsuya trade places with him. Ayase looks severely annoyed as Domon forces him to mug for the camera. Then he gets to take the picture. Domon has stuck some white fuzz on his upper lip and eybrows. Domon takes the next picture, which includes Robota, and Ayase is actually beginning to look amused for the camera, a pair of bells have been hung over his ear. Yuuri and Tatsuya are bound together over Sion, by that long silver-blue fuzzy decoration. Sion determines the next photo should be with Takku, and Yuuri is completing winding the fuzz about Tatsuya, who ends up with the camera from Domon. But before he can snap the shot, Takku says quickly, "We're getting another time-signal from Dorunero!" Ayase remembers to pull the bells off his ear.
And Dorunero is not even waiting for any of them to answer him before he starts speaking. "Time Rangers! I've got something to tell you." Tatsuya speaks into the mike. "This is Time Ranger," but Domon snatches it from him and demands into it, "What the heck do you want this time?!"
In Dorunero's office they sit, Lira comfortable on the edge of his desk as he talks to them. "This is also business," he informs them calmly. He explains that Gien is loose and could cause all manner of trouble. When they are confused, he simply explains that if they make this things he's sending them the specs for and stick it in the hole in Gien's back, it will reduce the robot's mind. They peer at the code he's sending them. Tatsuya frowns at it, then looks up at Domon, who straightens up grimly.
Gien walks in the wreckage of an abandoned office-building. Zenitto trail behind him obediantly as he settles down, cackling about the fun he will have. And unseen, the man in white stands watching. A missile seems to suddenly appear. It hurtles past Gien's head and impacts against the far wall. Gien doesn't even seem to notice it. But he does turn to confront Haabaru, a truly funky-looking fellow who is currently quite annoyed. He wants to be sent out, and he wants to be sent out NOW. Gien reassures him, and starts up his small computer to plan the attack. And the man in white, who clearly has all this time been the Time Captain Ryuuya, turns away from the scene.
Lira has transferred into a zebra-print dress, and is touching up her makeup. She is really quite lovely once you get used to her. She tilts her gaze to Dorunero with annoyed confusion, wanting to know why he is helping the Time Ranger against Gien. And he angrily replies, "Because he is not a robot. He is also a human." Lira's mouth practically hits the floor. She forgets her makeup and whirls in the plush couch to ask for further explanation. "Really? But then how did YOU get involved with him?!" She leans and listens closely, as he tells the tale of something that happened.... long, long ago. Or ahead.
The year was 2990. It was a dark and stormy night. The city beyond these warehouse ghettos was lit and beautiful. Suddenly, a shot rang out! (I couldn't help it) Pounding feet. Human storm troopers racing through the puddles, searching. Angry voices reaching the ears of the wounded Don Dorunero. "SEARCH! This is Kuron Family territory!" Don is fretting about where can he possibley go. And then a voice speaks above him.
"Are you all right?" He wheels and stares up in surprise. There is a pale human boy, peering at him with thin face pushed between bars of fencing. He wears a heavy, dark brown robe. He smiles and says, "I'll give you medicine." For there is a terrible gash on Don Dorunero's chin, and it is seeping green blood that is pooling on the wet cement. Dorunero thinks about this, and the possibility of a trap. But the boy smiles at him. Weary, he decides the only course to do is to follow. Groaning, he slowly moves after the boy.
This human has made a small nest out of the main driving force of the rain. There is a hammock to sleep on. Light is provided by a few globes. There is even a table with a couple of tiny chairs. It must be freezing in winter, and pretty bad on windy days. But this is where the young human calls home. He has a strange, metal implant over his right ear. "Is this your house?" Dorunero asks him. "Yes, isn't it nice?" he tells Dorunero, then moves to the table. "Some strange woman gave me this medicine, when I was hit by my friends and bleeding, she felt sorry for me and gave me it." The wounds hurt, but there is considerable relief in the frail human's gentle ministrations. "Thank you for the help, can I stay here until they give up searching for me?" The boy answers, "Okay, this is the first time I've had a friend stay at my house. What's your name? I'm Gien." "I'm Dorunero," the Don says, expecting a reaction. When there is only innocent blinking, he snarls, "Aren't you afraid of me?!" Gien simply looks puzzled at him, "Why? You aren't going to hit me like everyone else, are you?" The Don counters with puzzlement over why his friend's hit him, and Gien explains "Maybe they hit me because I can't study well." He rounds his hammock sadly as Dorunero ponders that. "But it can't be helped, because I never go to school. It's not my fault." Dorunero offers up some money to pay for the care. Delighted, Gien says, "Oh, money!" and ducks under his hammock to take it. "For me?" When it is clearly so, he happily counts the bills. "One, two, three." Dorunero pats his back fondly. "Oh, you're smart enough even if you never go to school! It's all you need if you can count money." "I am very bad at numbers over three. I'll remember them soon." The boy is happily agreeable on that, then goes to his small storage box, where he had the medicine, and pulls out a small bubble blower and liquid. Yes, he would soon be able to remember how to count. Then he starts blowing bubbles until they fill the air. Dorunero finds this bemusing, as the clouds of bubbles float around them. Gien says happily, "Look, aren't they pretty? This is for children, but I like it." He continues filling the air with bubbles.
Morning. The sunrise is beautiful over the tall building of the city that can be seen through the rectangular hole in Gien's makeshift wall. And then a sunset. Dorunero is bandaged up and he is watching Gien try to count. The boy puts small stones on his table. "One, two, three... seven?" he looks questioningly up at Dorunero. With a throaty calm, the Don corrects him. "Very close, it's four." Delighted at this discovery, Gien gets up. "Ah! Four, is it?" He holds the small stones in his hand and wanders around past his hammock. "Four, four, four, four. One, two, three, four!" to Dorunero's fond encouragement.
Night, and the news is one. A white-haired woman reports that the Kuron Family and the Dorunero Family struggle for powery is worse than ever, and the Don slams the holovid shut with anger. But before he can do more in his frustration, he hears sounds of pain. Gien is staggering down the stairs, coming back to him. The boy has been beaten, badly. "Gien!" At the bottom of the stairs, he falls. "What happened?! Who did this to you?!" the boy manages to lever himself halfway up on the table. "They wanted to know where you were," he breathes weakly. Horrified, Dorunero can't believe his ears. "What?" This fragile human he has become attached to is failing before his eyes. Gien weakly explains that he wouldn't tell them anything. That he wants to be with Dorunero. He reaches out his hand and the Don moves to take it, but Gien slips down into blackness. And so Don Dorunero does the only thing he can.
In a clean office, he waits, smoking a cigar. When the robot doctor comes out he says firmly, "Here is the money I promised." The doctor checks the case. Pleased, he offers Dorunero the curious device that will act as a breaker on Gien in case it is needed for the electronic brain. And the robot is gone into the night. Dorunero moves into the dark room. There is a person in there. No, not a human or at least not seeming a human. The floor is a spill of red blood. What sits on the operating table is a being all golden. Blood drips on the floor. Dorunero calls hopefully, "Gien." The being leaps to its feet and turns. The voice is the same. "Dorunero! Look, isn't it great? It's wonderful! And now my head is really great!" Then Gien picks up the bubble blower and starts blowing. Dorunero sighs with relief. He's done it. "That's great. I'm pleased."
But then Gien starts bursting the bubbles in midair, and his mad cackle startles Dorunero. His voice changes to the arrogant, conniving one we've known so long, but his attachment to the Don remains.
Dorunero puff on his cigar. "It was my mistake," he says with quiet thought. Lira has gone back to her makeup. "What did you say?" He shrugs and whirls away from the window. "Oh, nothing." He looks at her and clasps his hands close on his chest. "Lira, you aren't ever going to change, are you?" Laughingly, she gets to her feet and comes to him. "Don't even worry about that! I want to go out shopping now! See you later!" Giggling and flouncing, she dashes off. He takes a puff of his cigar and turns back to the window with a weary sigh.
Gien is outside the 3rd R&D building. It is time to send his troops in, headed by his Hell's Gate being. They are to retrieve the Lambda 2000. And Sion is building the instrument Dorunero had told them about. It is the only thing that will control Gien, perhaps it cuts him off from his cybernetic brain. Domon settles next to the computer, tapping the screen and studying Sion intently. "This will really control Gien?" Ayase is agreeable on the subject. Yuuri is the one to raise the point of not knowing what kind of things lay between Dorunero and Gien. Tatsuya has determined the onlyh thing to do is to keep decorating the tree, but he agrees with Yuuri, and also points out that what little he's seen of Gien only proves the robot to be very strange. And a golden bauble slips from the tree to land with a clear ting on the floor.
Screams and explosions. Scientists run willy-nilly as Zenitto plow and blast through them. The secretary hides behind her desk. Scientists who are not killed cry out in fear and agony against the pain, sometimes only discovered after they realize they are bleeding. The Hell's Gate prisoner blasts his way through everyone.
Naoto is suiting up with the alarms start going off. He glances up in surprise, then someone knocks on his door. One of his men comes in at his call to tell him the Londarz are breaking in, in force, to this building. Naoto quickly gives orders (one being to get Mr. Asami out of here) and the other man dashes off. He dons his hat wondering, "Why have they come HERE?!" Scientists are going down like burnt flowers. The dead litter the floor.
Takku alerts the Time Rangers to the attack in quick alarm. Yuuri knows this has to be Gien's doing. Sion shows them that he's finished the controller, and they all head out. In their rush, the Christmas tree is bumped, and falls ominously.
The fighting is vicious. The Zenitto are slicing throats and firing. And Gien has toughened them up. The shots from the City Guardians' small, deadly guns no longer stop them. The young City Guardian tries to lead Mr. Asami and his batman out of the building, only to accidently lead them into Haabaru's path. "Hey, where are you running to? I'm not done playing!" The Guardian is quick to fire, Asami ducking. The small impacts do nothing, and Haabaru fires back. The young man goes down, but so does Mr. Asami. Naoto arrives just in time to face Haabaru. He changes into Time Fire and is able to slow the Londarz down.
Two security guards are leading a mad dash out of the building, protecting a scientist and three business-suited men. Unfortunately, they run straight into Gien, who chuckles with great joy and blasts them down. He is rhapsodizing about killing them, when a voice screams at him. They have arrived in their civvies, but he knows them. "Time Ranger. It's been a long time," he greets them. Domon is angry, and Yuuri warns Sion to be ready with the control device. He holds it up and confirms. Gien recognizes it, his eyes narrowing to yellow slits. "That key!" he gasps. Ayase steps closer. "Are you afraid of this key?" Gien is shifting nervously. "Oh, yes. So, Dorunero doesn't care about me anymore." He is badly shaken by this fact. But he pulls himself together and snarls, "I guess there's nothing to be done about that!" and gets ready to fire. Yuuri coordinates the group. At her command, Tatsuya leads the change into armo. The four of them attack Gien, trying to get hold of him so Sion can insert the key. Gien laughs madly.
And Dorunero is thinking his farewells. He drops the old bubble-blower and stomps it under foot. "Gien. You changed too much."
Time Fire is still engaged with Haabaru, demanding to know why this attack on this place. But there is no real answer forthcoming. The Zenitto have made it through to the lab, and blast open a cabinet to find six containers of Zeta Three crystals. Gien is blasting his way through the Time Rangers. "No one can stop me!" he crows. He approaches the fallen Yuuri, but Sion is there to try to drive him back. He simply walks through the blasts and fires Sion away.
Time Fire is doing his best against Haabaru, and getting pretty beat up at the time. But he finally gets the upper hand with a blast the separates the criminal from its cannon. With the DV Defender, he does quite a bit of damage. But Haabaru wipes the seal and goes large, and Naoto calls in the V-Rex. At his confused command, it uses tail-attack first, and then transforms to V-Rex Robo to continue the fight. The Time Rangers finally notice the battle going on the other side of the building (now that prisoner and V-Rex are both there and very large), which briefly costs them. They do not see the gun poking out of the shrubbery, targeting Sion and the control device. V-Rex uses the Revolver Missiles, which is good. But not enough, so he does a lovely forward flip, then the Rex-Punch. And finally the Max Blizzard. Haabaru is shrunk at last, and Naoto sighs with relief, then runs to find out what's happened.
The Time Rangers finally manage to pin Gien hand and foot so Sion can put the controller in, but then someone fires on him and blasts the controller out of his hands. It is wrecked. Sion is not actually hurt, but stunned. He looks in confusion towards the source of the blast. So does the rest of the group. Gien finally throws them off and blasts them down. Laughing, he mocks them and remarks "History needs me, nobody can stop me!" Tatsuya is confused "What?" he asks, struggling back to his feet. And two Zenitto arrive with cases containing the Zeta Three. Gien is very pleased. "Ah, good. Time Ranger, I'm afraid this is as much playing as we're going to do today. I'll see you again." He is almost sane sounding, as he teleports out with the Zenitto.
The stunned group scrambles to their feet and races to where he has vanished from. "Who did that?!" gasps Domon. Yuuri growls, "Where did that shot come from?!" But then Tatsuya sees something. "Hey..." he says nervously.
A man in shining white walks out from beyond the bushes. Calm, steady strides, weapon pointed up at the sky but he's got the drop on the confused bunch. They tense nervously. Even from this distance, he is clear, and tall, and too familiar. The gun lowers to point at them.
Naoto searches the ambulances for the one carrying Mr. Asami. He finds his boss, unconscious but making noises of pain, being ferried by two ambulance-men, hovered over by three suits and followed by a pair of the City Guardians. Naoto is frozen as they wheel past him. He is too shaken to respond when one of the men calls him to come with. The ambulance hurries away, siren howling. Naoto's men race to get one of their vehicles to take their captain.
Gien is back in his hiding place, the destroyed building. He actually has eight Zeta 3 crystals, and is quite pleased. Dorunero, leaning heavily against the wall in his office, is miserable. Gien's bubble-blower lies behind him on the floor, as bent and twisted as Gien has become.
The Time Rangers, Time Red at their front, face the man in white. He lowers his gun and, though confused, they relax somewhat. And then he removes his glasses, and the face is exactly like Tatsuya's, save for the incredible stillness of his expression. The incredible self-control. Time Pink steps forward as a flabbergasted Tatsuya points. "Captain Ryuuya?!" "Huh?" nearly whimpers Tatsuya. But the team all know. Sion is looking back and forth between Time Red and the Captain.
Time Red moves closer, knees wobbling. In his confusion he disrupts the energy of his armor, and faces his doppelganger in his regular clothes. "Crazy! ME?!" Almost. Almost him. Perhaps the Captain is older, for he seems so much sharper-edged than Tatsuya. He only meets the confused man's anxious gaze.
And Mr. Asami is wheeled into the hospital. He has been thoroughly bandaged, though blood still seeps through at his forehead and left shoulder. He is in an oxygen mask. He has not regained consciousness. Naoto and his batman are the only ones left with him besides the doctors and nurses. And they have to wait outside surgery. Both sigh, but Naoto sinks onto the bench, while the other paces anxiously. And then that one whirls. "Madame!" For Mrs. Asami has arrived. She is in brown and deep reds, and all business as she asks about her husband's condition. Naoto stands and bows deeply to her. She takes one look at him and identifies him as "Takizawa, who went to the same university as Tatsuya. Thank you very much for your trouble," and turns anxiously to the operating room. One of the men behind shoves Naoto aside contemptuously, to try to ask about the business while Asami is out of the picture. Naoto glares as the men pester the other, then gives it up as useless and turns away to stare at the operating sign. He frets that Mr. Asami cannot die so soon, he hasn't yet secured a place of power and he's put everything into that with Mr. Asami. And the operation is getting underway.
A subtle change of expression has come over Captain Ryuuya's face. It seems somewhere between anger and pain, if one fights hard enough to find any expression at all. Tatsuya is still gaping at him, struggling for words, when Yuuri says, "Captain Ryuuya." He glances back. The four of them are also out of their armor, looking almost as shocked as he is. He turns back, opening his mouth at last to ask a question, but before he can do more than gasp, Captain Ryuuya walks past him, giving him a wide berth. "It's been quite a long time, Sion. Domon. Yuuri. Ayase." He looks at each of them in turn, but he is no less grim. It is Domon who asks uncertainly, "Is it really you? Are you the real Captain?" There is a slight heave of his shoulders, as if to push a weight off, and he replies that he hasn't the time to answer all their questions. "Get your things. Come with me." He hooks his head and starts off. Still stunned, they waver. Then Yuuri steps forward. "Wait a minute, please!" He stops and turns his head to eye her from the corner of his eye. For this is not good enough. She needs answers. "Why are you in this time?" He simply says firmly, "Come and understand," and heads off. Ayase says coolly, "Why did you help Gien?"
I think it's been a long time since anyone's questioned Captain Ryuuya. And he is as forthcoming as Lira was when pretending to be him. "This way." But Sion's soft, "Excuse me," gets him to turn around, a true expression on his face of pained question. "What about Tatsuya?" And he turns his troubled gaze on the young man of the present, who stares equally troubled back at him. And then he says grimly, commandingly, "He's an outsider." I think he is startled when they stiffen against him. Ayase starts it. "Outsider?!" he snaps. And Domon growls "You can't say that! When you weren't here, he did your job no matter how hard it was!" when he is starting to confront the Captain, the other man's temper shows signs of fraying and he, too, raises his voice. "I'm not saying he can't come. I have something I need him to do, too." And Tatsuya, finding himself the subject of their argument, can say nothing, only swallow on his confusion and pain.
Takku has found another Time Pulse, just like the one that had brought them the V-Rex.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Case File 43: The V-Rex, under Naoto's command, is fighting another vicious robot. Tatsuya is forced to hand over his Chrono Changer to Captain Ryuuya. Sion is the first to grab his arms as he leaves them, the group protesting losing him, but he runs away from them on the beach as Yuuri calls his name. And the new robot is there. And the team, in their armor, stands at rather a distance from Captain Ryuuya in the Time Red armor. 歴史修正指令 Rekishi Shuusei Shirei An Order to Revise History
The waves smash against familiar rocks covered in green moss. Captain Ryuuya rounds a boulder towards the beach Tatsuya had first found them on. Ayase is next, then Domon. They stop and stare. There is a huge, yellow time-ship. It looks rather like a bizarre lightbulb (which leads to some safe conclusions about the materials used to build the model). The Captain continues his steady pace to the ship, while Domon glances back. Yuuri, Sion and Tatsuya are next. "Hey," he calls them, "it's the same. We can go back." They all gaze at it. Tatsuya asks, "What is that thing?" and Yuuri explains, "It's a time-ship, we came here in one just like it." Strangely, they seem less than overjoyed at the sight of it. Sion says worriedly, "Of course, Captain Ryuuya came back in the same type of ship." They glance at each other. The captain has reached the open hatch and starts walking up the silver, metal stairs. He is so straight backed, you would not believe it was possible for this man to bend.
And in his hiding place, Gien's eyes glow orange as he paces by the Zeta 3 crystals he has stored. "I'm supposed to preserve history," he chatters happily. "That's so wonderful! And nobody can get in my way! And I can kill anyone!" He spins about, delighted. He rests a palm over his heart, praising himself and the value he knows he has. "I will win!" He begins cackling madly.
Durunero stares out his window at the city scape beyong, deeply troubled by what has happened to Gien. "It was my mistake that made him deteriorate like this. They failed to kill him. Who on Earth is helping him?"
And back at the silent time ship, in the bright sunlight... They enter the command deck, Sion in the lead. He takes one glace around and comments how warm he feels to see all the old, familiar technology. There is the clear wall. Here is the round command console like the one they had sat at going back the first time. Domon makes it around after Sion, then comes Yuuri, Tatsuya and Ayase. They are more disturbed than delighted. "Great!" says Sion softly, plopping down into a seat at the console. Captain Ryuuya stands across the room, his back to them. Domon braces his hands on the console and looks over at him intently. "Can we go back?" he asks tentatively. But Captain Ryuuya only says, "Stand at attention." When he turns, they are all still staring at him doubtfully. He repeats the command more firmly. Reluctantly, Domon straightens up and they line up, though not fully at attention. Domon in fact leans against the clear screen with an annoyed huff. Tatsuya, knowing he is not one of them, backs up to lean against the wall and listen.
Captain Ryuuya begins, "The only reason I've come to this time is to revise history." This gets a certain amount of confused reaction. Domon repeats the phrase, and Yuuri steps forward to demand clarification. "Has something altered history?" How have they failed in their duty? He answers, "Events so far are not connected with history." Or rather, they are. He paces towards the window and explains. Yes, they had known the prison break would occur, and ship and Tower would hurtle into the past. They had known that Gien would creat Nova, and the Asami Group would respond by creating the City Guardians. Everything had been going as planned, as expected, as before. It is Ayase who steps forward with quite frustration and asks, "You mean everything from the first was already decided?" Captain Ryuuya confirms calmly. He turns from them, most likely so they do not see how haunted he is. "There is only one thing different from history." He waits a beat, before he tells them, "You are alive." They freeze in shock, and Tatsuya gasps softly. Captain Ryuuya reminds them about their first battle. Tells them how he had heard their call for help and decided to send the ships back, even though they were to have died there and then. They stare at him in shock. Yes, Shadow Beta flying in to the attack, firing the Flyer Magnum. Time Red swiping the blade echoed in the movement of the Time Robo Alpha to imprison their enemy. And as Domon sits weakly and Ayase turns away, breathing, "So you saved our lives," Sion says quietly, "You mean we didn't survive by our own power." But Tatsuya straightens up against the wall, realizing "You even knew I was going to become a Timeranger?" Captain Ryuuya turns around, expression calm again, and says, "Yes, we did." He had sent the ships at their call, even though he knew they were supposed to die. They are all in shock. Domon rubs his face. Their lives, more than they ever imagined, had spun far out of their control. But there is more. Captain Ryuuya touches a particular place on the panel.
A hologram of the city of the future appears. And over the city is a strange vortex. "This is what it looks like. And we have to protect our time." Gazing in amazement at the hologram, Tatsuya murmers, "The Thirtieth Century...." Miserable, he sinks down to huddle against the wall. They stare at the hologram and Domon stands, lips pursed in confusion. Sion asks softly, "What is that?" And he tells them that after they came to this time, the vortex had opened up and buildings had started to be sucked into it, vanishing as though they had never existed. As they watch, they see in the hologram buildings being drawn into the vortex. With a gasp of helpless fury, Domon swipes his hand through the hologram, which flutters and vanishes. "I don't believe it! You're lying!" he snarls, glaring fiercely. But Captain Ryuuya is impossible to argue with. It hadn't been enough to merely have history be close. "I told you when you were first debriefed about the disaster. This revision hasn't finished yet. This is your job, here."
Waves on the beach, the sun brilliant and shining. The great ship waiting, sheltered from prying eyes by the cliffs. And the Time Rangers inside, all still and angry. Tatsuya raises his gaze to look unhappily at the group standing there.
In the hospital, a determined doctor is operating on Mr. Asami. In the hall, a group of four men are fretting worriedly about what will happen if he dies. Who will be in charge? The whole organization could fall to pieces while they waited to decide. Naoto leans against the wall by the door, and Mr. Asami's batman is next to him. But Naoto hears everything that is being said. And on the bench next to them sits Mrs. Asami. Now she gets to her feet and heads for the payphone. They watch her go, puzzled. She opens her wallet and looks at the precious card inside. Then she begins to dial.
Takku is monitoring the disturbance. Something happening in Space-Time. He frets and heads for the window. He has pinpointed where it will arrive, whatever it is. "I can't be mistaken, it's a Time-Space pulse! Something just like the V-Rex is coming!" (what are these people a thousand years later doing, creating random robots and throwing them in between times?!) But then the telephone rings. Takku, surprised, listens.
Stillness in the time-ship. Tatsuya huddles miserably. The others are all still in quiet shock. And then the alarms start going off, the light in the center of the table flashes. "It's coming," says Captain Ryuuya, heading towards the door. They are to come with him. Heavily, they turn to follow. Yuuri trails behind and turns to the huddled Tatsuya, to summon him gently with them. He gets up and follows her.
He walks down the steps carefully and stares up at the sky as they others are doing. Lightning flashes in the clear sky, and then a hole opens, crackling pink, purple and blue. "What is it?" gasps Yuuri, startling back. But Captain Ryuuya, who is in front of them, doesn't answer. He only turns and walks past them to Tatsuya. "You have to give me the Chrono Changer." Tatsuya is shaken. Domon stutters out, "Huh?" behind him. The whole team opens their mouths in silent protest. Tatsuya alone is not protesting, just staring numbly at his double. "You've done all you can. You have to be somewhere else, now." He steps past Tatsuya, and they stand facing away from each other. "You have to return to the Asami group. That's what history says. Tatsuya Asami commanded the City Guardians. And -- " but finally Tatsuya's silence is broken. He whirls frantically, "Hold on a minute, please!" Captain Ryuuya looks back at him over his shoulder, startled. Tatsuya protests that he is always going on about history, "But I don't want to take orders from you!" The group silently offers their support behind him, lips closed stubbornly. "The City Guardians are my father's -- " but this time it is Captain Ryuuya who cuts him off. "Wataru Asami..." he stops for a long moment and no one breathes. Then he continues. "He will die today." Tatsuya takes an instant before he laughs forcefully and turns his gaze away. "Surely nothing could kill my father," but then the Chrono Changers start whistling, and the group lifts their wrists to listen. Takku says urgently, "Tatsuya, your mother's contacted us. Your father is in the hospital, he was injured in a Londarz attack." Tatsuya raises his gaze and stares dumbly at Captain Ryuuya. Takku continues to explain about where he is, about the operation. When there is long silence after he finishes, he asks urgently, "Tatsuya? Can you hear me?" and Domon snaps into his Changer, "He heard!" They stand, breathing heavily in the tense atmosphere, staring at Tatsuya pleadingly. But Captain Ryuuya feels this has gone on long enough. He turns to face his young lookalike. The matter is becoming urgent. "We have to preserve history as it is."
Hard waves hit the cliffs and rebound. Tatsuya finally looks up bitterly at the captain, who continues to explain. "The City Guardians will evolve into the Inter-City Police." Tatsuya cannot hold his gaze and looks away, back towards the others. Yuuri takes a breath and steps forwards toward him, then bites her lips. There is nothing they can think of to say. Captain Ryuuya tries again. "Do you understand? We cannot change history. The roads are set and must be followed. You have to go and do what you hate. You have to, just as I have to. I, who am a descendant of the Asami Family." The shock is perhaps not as great as it might have been. They all stare at the two men. Captain Ryuuya stares only at his ancestor. "Give it back to me. Return history to what it should be." and he holds out his hand.
And Tatsuya, unable to look up, unable to breathe, at last raises his left wrist. A touch and the bands of his Chrono Changer release his wrist. The others stare, horribly unhappy, and Sion murmurs his name. "Hey!" protests Domon. He wants this, so badly, to be some sort of joke. But there is no chance. Tatsuya won't look at any of them as he hands his Changer to the captain, and only briefly at him. Ryuuya, becoming slightly impatient, steps forward and holds out his hand so Tatsuya will drop the changer into it. He pulls it away quickly, and Tatsuya feels himself tearing as he lowers his hand. He turns and starts to walk away.
The others leap quickly to intercept him, Sion grabbing his arms and crying his name. Yuuri demands that he wait, Domon is next closest gasping, "It's not true!" But Tatsuya pushes Sion's hands down, gently, and heads on past. Captain Ryuuya is calling them to get to work with him, but Ayase says, with some hostility, that they will not do this, not with him. Domon nods smug agreement and they all whirl to follow Tatsuya. But the captain only remarks that he won't stop them, if they don't care that the 30th Century will be annihilated. This stops them in their tracks. They all fight the pain and anger. For they have a duty. Domon utters a furious cry, throwing his hat to the stones under their feet. Sion is about ready to burst into tears. And Yuuri can only watch Tatsuya walking away from them with his heart broken. Suddenly, Captain Ryuuya races past them to look up at the sky. "Hey, it's coming!" Lightning crackles in the sky. The captain stares up at it fiercely, and dons the Chrono Changer.
Tatsuya walks, each step heavier than the one before. Chains on his feet he thought he had escaped. At last he begins to run, as he had always run to escape the pain.
Domon steps past Ayase and snarls at the captain, "So what is coming?!" "The G-Zord." "G-Zord?" Ayase repeats, puzzled. Captain Ryuuya turns towards them, determined. He explains something about the years 2994 and another time experiment that failed, losing the war-robot. Sion puzzles over this being just like the V-Rex, and Captain Ryuuya looks increasingly forboding. With a furious, silent sigh, he turns back to stare at the vortex.
Gien is studying the readings he's getting. He will head out to that point, too.
The hospital. The crowd of five fretting businessmen grumbling that this is really bad. They are deep in conversation. They are nearly frantic about who is going to be the face for the Asami Corporation if the President dies. The batman is listening and comes to Naoto's side to fret that they cannot decide who to choose. Naoto responds he is only worried about what will happen to the City Guardians. The batman is devoted to the project and says that this is not a simple problem. But then Naoto stiffens slightly, staring beyond him at the elevator. "Asami." The batman lifts his gaze in surprise. Sure enough, there is Tatsuya just stepping off the elevator. He looks nervously around and sees "Naoto," he says, and starts towards him only to be intercepted by the batman who is practically shaking with relief. "Tatsuya-san! Thank heavens you've come back!" and things like that. The group of businessmen see him and practically pounce with relief, asking him to take over. "But, wait please. I'm only here until Father is better!" He looks into Naoto's eyes, trying to reassure him silently. But the businessmen don't believe his father is going to get better, and plead with him. Naoto stares at him steadily, weighing him and his determination.
But Tatsuya's mother has come to rescue him. "You don't have to decide now. He's not going to die. He'll be better, soon." She is very firm and cold to them, yet when Tatsuya breathes "Mother," with relief, she melts and smiles warmly at him, nodding reassurance. She takes him to the window so they can see his father lying on life-support while monitors track his heartbeats. The impossible wall of his life looks so small and frail, now. "Father..." he says softly. His mother turns her head and smiles up at him. "It'll be all right. I'm just going to go home and bring him some luggage. You stay here and keep an eye on things, all right?" Then more seriously adds, "I need you to stay here, please." As she walks away, the batman moves quickly to escort her out with all important bowing and scraping. The other men seem a bit befuddled. Tatsuya stares through the window at his father, the nurse and doctor. The men gather near him, watching him expectantly. He glances their way, but thankfully they don't press him, now, and he can worry about his father in peace. As much peace as anyone can have when he's been told that his father will die today, by someone in a position to know.
Naoto races from the hospital. He pauses outside to look up alertly. With a slight huff, he heads into his car. "Asami, it's going to be weird working for you," he thinks. He gets in and signals the City Guardians with orders. The man who answers him agrees. He drives off.
Still staring at the hole in time, Ayase says, "Something's really coming." Captain Ryuuya turns to the group. "As soon as it comes through, we'll attack the G-zord. It's fighting skills are advanced, but you are used to fighting. We'll have to use the time system." Sion frowns unhappily. "Fighting the Londarz was only practice?" Domon is still snarling his thoughts how he doesn't understand, but doesn't like this at all, and Ayase is glaring, letting Domon speak his own thoughts. Then there is a flash and crackle of lightning down at them. They cringe and cry out in surprise. The hole develops cracks, the membrane of space-time shatters and something falls heavily into the ocean. The group is huddled together, and Captain Ryuuya is up first, fiercely ready to fight. "It's come. Let's go!" and he whirls to touch his Changer, throwing aside his white clothes to appear in the between-outfit. They watch numbly as he glows and becomes Time Red. He turns to find them still in their civilian outfits and tells them to change. They stare back at him, and at last it is Yuuri who says they should do it, even though they don't like what's happening. She leads the change and they obey her. They take a step forward, but they will not gather to him as they would to Tatsuya or even to Naoto. He does not fret about that, though. And he calls into his Chrono Changer for the ships.
In the future, there is no one at the console. The city outside the viewscreen seems shrouded in mist. A computer voice announces the auto-control system. Ships clear the airspace around, and Providus launches the ships, including the Time Shadow. They come out the top of the Tokyo Dome. Once in his seat, Captain Ryuuya calls for Delta Formation, Shadow Beta. His voice is firmer and more mature than Tatsuya's. They form Shadow Beta with their usual flair. And they wait above the ocean, which boils at the point of impact. Finally, something comes out.
The G-Zord is stiffer than the V-Rex. It has a smaller head and makes me think of a rabid kangaroo as it drags itself to the surface of the water. Sion asks worriedly about the G-Zord. But Captain Ryuuya has some explanation about it not being in warrior mode and having a weak spot. Yuuri repeats the word. It seems they cannot hit it from the outside, so Domon demands to know what they are supposed to do. He shows them the specs on it. It has a port at the back, and they have to fire into that port to destroy it. The energy in its stomach is the cause of the disappearances in the 30th Century. This is a relief. It is, in a way, another beautiful robot. Up to its thighs in the water, it looks their direction where they hover over it. But when they do nothing, neither does it. Gien has arrived and watches the G-Zord pace out of the surf. He admires its beauty and delights in the fact that it is something he can use.
Back at another building... well, Naoto has gone to the man Mr. Asami had brought him to in the previous episode. "Of course," the man answers. He settles on the arm of the couch across from Naoto. He will probably support this venture. "It is an interesting story, and it is what I was thinking of doing in the end." "I thought so." And then Naoto gets signalled. The person reports that he's discovered a new robot has come, another attacker for the Londarz. Naoto listens and decides to go, apologizing to the man, who is happy to thank him. And the V-Rex digs its way out of its cave at Naoto's call. Naoto drives quickly. There is another signal. "Captain Takizawa, the V-Rex has gone out!" "I called it." Startled, the man protests, "But... we aren't supposed to do anything, not while the President is ill!" but Naoto will have none of it. He tells the man not to worry, they'll be fine. Confused, the other stops calling. Naoto speeds away, determined. As he races, he thinks, with a small, smug smile, "Asami, the City Guardians are being given to me!"
And Tatsuya, watching his father, knowing he will lose him, can only think of the determined voices of the old men. "No one could just make a business this big like this Asami! It is fate!" He leaves the window and sits on the nearby bench.
Gien is moving to get a better view of the huge, beautiful robot as it walks along aimlessly. The sound of jet engines cuts the air. Shadow Beta settles on the ground behind the G-Zord and walks after it. They have out the Chrono Divider, they intend to stuff in the hole in the G-Zord's back. They move quietly. Gien realizes they intend to shut the robot down. "Why aren't you fighting? This is boring!" He shoots at it angrily. The impacts swing it around. Captain Ryuuya gasps and says angrily, "Gien, that was stupid!" For the G-Zord will only target its attacker. When it opens its missiles in the shoulders and blasts them at Gien, Captain Ryuuya throws Shadow Beta down to take the impact, saving Gien. They are shaken by the impacts and Ayase gasps, "Captain, why?" The captain straightens up and says urgently, "The G-Zord is switching into battle-mode! Be careful." They are on their feet again. The G-Zord opens its chest cannons and begins firing. They are staggered by the impacts. It starts walking towards them, when it is hit from another direction and stops in surprise. Yes, the V-Rex has arrived and chomps on the G-Zord's left wrist, trying to hold it still. I think Captain Ryuuya is surprised. Domon gasps, "V-Rex!" and just that moment, Time Fire arrives over the cliffs, hurrying to see how to fight. He calls the V-Rex to attack. Captain Ryuuya certainly seems a bit surprised and says softly, "V-Rex. Time Fire."
The V-Rex uses its head as a battering ram to knock the G-Zord back, and Naoto calls for the Voice Formation, V-Rex Robo! The change is accomplished quickly. He calls for the Revolver Missiles and the V-Rex starts firing. But the missiles accomplish nothing at all against the G-Zord's armor, and he gasps in surprise. The Time Rangers are at a loss, but Sion calls urgently, "Naoto, we can't do it! He's proof against any external attack!" Totally confused, Naoto stutters in surprise. "What?" But now the G-Zord is tromping towards them, and it uses its tail to strike, knocking them back. Yuuri suggests retreating to think of a better strategy and calls on Time Red to implement it. When he doesn't respond at once she snaps sternly, "TAtsuya!" and then remembers in dismay who he is. They all freeze in surprise and look around at her. However, Captain Ryuuya is slower to turn and I'd swear he sounds amused when he says, "That's the right idea, Yuuri." "Um, sorry," she mutters. He issues commands and they get ready, firing at its feet to weaken it and allowing the G-Zord to get close to them. Its shots do considerable damage. Even as they writhe in the painful feedback, their thoughts are far away. Yuuri thinks of Tatsuya. Domon wonders what they can possibly do. Sion wails in his thoughts about history being decided will they, won't they. And Ayase thinks how he understand about all this, that it is fated.
And back at the hospital, Tatsuya is very alone with his thoughts. For more than half a year, he has not been alone. He has been a Time Ranger. But history was decided, that he would be, and that man was making him do what he was now. "Even the thing I wanted was decided. So at last I'm on the decided path." And tears spill from his eyes. "You can't change tomorrow." And the Time Robots go up in flames.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Case File 44: The V-Rex falls, mouth open, to land hard. The Time Rangers race through fleeing crowds. The G-Zord tromps in to fight. Tatsuya frets over his dying father, while his mother tries to help. And he is in a business suit, fighting the change this requires of him. He returns to his home to stare wistfully at their Christmas tree. And then he is in his regular clothes, racing determined out into the mad city. Fighting Gien without his armor and doing well. "Who can decide what history should be? Of course I can change tomorrow if I want to!" he snarls. Captain Ryuuya is bleeding from his mouth and speaking desperately to someone, and at some point is confronting Yuuri, who is similarly bleeding. And Tatsuya has his Chrono Changer back and is in vital danger. 時へ反逆 Toki e Hangyaku Revolt Against Time
Captain Ryuuya throws away his external clothes to reveal the between-outfit and changes while the Rangers stare at him. Tatsuya watches over his father, unconscious in a hospital bed. The G-Zord fights the V-Rex and is getting knocked back and away, so Naoto calls "Reverse-formation, V-Rex!" and is obeyed. In dinosaur-mode, the V-Rex lunges in and drags the G-Zord by its right arm, forcing it around so that its back is to Time Robo Beta. Captain Ryuuya says firmly, "This is our chance," and they head in. However, the G-Zord opens its chest missiles and blasts the V-Rex point-blank. The V-Rex falls hard, but takes that right hand with it, clenched in its great teeth. The G-Zord roars, and then its right arm instantly regenerates, to Gien's delight. "Wow, now that's Mute-o energy it's using!" The G-Zord bends its knees and leaps, diving into the ocean. The startled heroes gape after it and Domon groans, "It ran away!" Sion says, "It's going to repair itself and get faster!" Gien, meanwhile, is pretty happy himself. "Mute-o Energy! What an interesting find!"
Lira is in all-white, today, and loaded with bags. She is with Don Dorunero and fretting about his obsession with Gien. She just doesn't understand. "I have to know what he's up to," responds the Don. "So what are you going to do?" she asks suspiciously. He has a plan. "This." He opens his hand to her and in it is a big, black and red bug. Despite the noise of disgust she makes, she takes it from his palm whining, "What is this thing, it looks like a cockroach!" He uses some word probably combining things like automatic and spying and tells her it will blend in with the background so he can hear. Bewildered, she stares at him and repeats the first syllable of the word a few times as she's never heard it before. But then the bug in her hand activates and she shrieks and lets it go. It circles, then hovers in front of them and the Don tells it to go and find out answers. It opens its wings and flies away.
They've returned to Tomorrow Research, and Domon flops down on the couch to fret and curse. "That was NOT interesting." Ayase paces past the tree, thinking hard. "All we do is fight. That's all we're for. And then after the enemy disappears he just orders us to wait," he says quietly. And that he really doesn't like the captain. Sion is at the tree, fixing it up and has his own unhappy comments to make. "It's like we've been ordered even to breath." Takku, who is behind Yuuri, speaks at that point about the accident which let Dorunero and the criminals escaping, and how everything was decided from then. Even he has trouble believing it. Ayase answers him, "He says our only purpose is really to destroy the G-Zord. If we don't stop it, the 30th Century will be wiped out." Sion lifts his gaze from the tree. "That would be good, wouldn't it?" (He means saving the 30th) Then he turns to stare with earnest confusion at Yuuri and tell her, "Although... I feel terrible. I just feel so bad." He seems helpless, standing there. And Yuuri turns her gaze from his, also frowning. "I think so too. Everything was Captain Ryuuya's scenario. Even our being alive, now." They shift unhappily, but Domon clenches his teeth and gets to his feet. "I understand! But dammit, I'm sick of fighting!" and he slams his fist angrily on the computer desk. The breeze from his action sends something fluttering to the floor. A picture, which Yuuri reaches down to lift. They were all playfully mugging for the camera with Tatsuya, except for Sion because he was taking the picture. Ayase says painfully, "And the most hurt of us is Tatsuya, yes?"
Tatsuya is in the hospital, staring through the observation window at his father and thinking about what the captain had told him. "Wataru Asami will die today. Saving the Asami Group is your responsibility, that's what history says." And it still hurts every moment. He punches the wall in helpless pain. But then the elevator opens and out come those two men from the group to ask him again to stand for them. They bow and stare at him earnestly and one says, "Tomorrow they'll decide who will be the president, and it's best if it's you." Without a choice, he finally nods. They are very relieved. They go to tell the others, and Tatsuya turns to stare at his unconscious father, thinking, "Father's collected me. How he would laugh about this. You'd laugh, Father." He is unaware that his mother is similarly watching him, eyes sympathetic.
A Zenitto sets a box down. Dorunero's bug is hiding on the opposite side. Gien is building something, pleased with this energy he's found, and talking with interest about the difficulties entailed in history. He turns. Don Dorunero has a headset on and is listening intently. And when Gien asks about something, a strange, firm commanding voice answers, startling the Don. "I told you before. The battle is coming close now. You cannot be killed before it. Your fate in history is something else." It is Captain Ryuuya, standing behind Gien. Dorunero has only sound and so he puzzles angrily, "Who is this man who's come?"
A calm day, civilians on their way home from school, from work. And then a distant roar catches their ears and most turn, puzzled. "What's that?" And above them an office building explodes. People run for shelter. The G-Zord is back. With each heavy tread of its feet, glass falls from the windows of great buildings. The City Guardians are already on their way out, led by a calm Naoto. He tells his men he will bring the V-Rex, and turns and whispers his command. His bracelet replies in English, "Go out." I guess it translates Japanese for him. The G-Zord is continuing its destructive attack on the city. It turns slowly, firing. And Captain Ryuuya leads the others to the scene. After a quick look at the towering giant, he calls in the ships.
Tatsuya is back to staring miserably through the window. Finally, he sits down again to stare unhappily at his knees. That's when his mother comes to talk to him. She smiles gently down at him, "I heard you accepted the position as substitute-president, didn't you? Or you'll quit, this hard-built business." He responds that he thinks his father must be laughing. She glances over at her husband and says with a tender smile that he is not. Her eyes twinkling, she meets her son's puzzled gaze and says, "A long time ago, your father also ran from the Asami name." Startled, Tatsuya stares through the window. His mother continues, speaking as if to her husband as well as her son. "Don't give up. Don't give up. You can win a place for yourself with your own strength. Your father had to return home. And he became a changed man as he built the business. He made the Asami family bigger." "My father fought." A new concept, that he and his father have things in common. But then the two businessmen arrive, bowing to him expectantly with relief. Before he leaves, he says unhappily, "And now he's beaten. Like me." His mother answers him with quiet firmness. "Your mother doesn't know if you've lost or not. But though your father lost, he did not blame it on the Asami family or anyone else. He believes that in the end it was his decision to live this way." And she turns to him, almost in tears, with a tender smile. He meets her gaze with his own, before dropping it to go with the men. "Tatsuya, your father isn't defeated yet. Not yet. Not defeated yet." And as he leaves, she finally cries, fighting the tears.
Tatsuya is now dressed in a handsome business suit, to which his hair-style is ill-matched. He allows the relieved men to usher him into a huge, black car and they drive him off. The car door locks automatically, and Tatsuya stares at the lock with haunted eyes.
The G-Zord turns. The Time Shadow and Time Robo Beta are there to fight it. Captain Ryuuya is directing the battle, his crew less than enthusiastic about following his orders. Time Shadow catches the G-Zord's hands and pins it with its back to Beta. They have the Flyer Magnum out to fire into the hole in its back, when a strange blue electrical lightning flares over all three robots, staggering them. "What's going on?" gasps a startled Sion. The G-Zord and the other two robots are offline. Down below them is Gien with his machine, and he cackles happily. "Success!" he crows. Captain Ryuuya comments with seeming worry on this, muttering, "That guy! He doesn't understand what I tell him!" Gien, however, is on his way to collect the G-Zord's energy. Captain Ryuuya has firm instructions for his group, which Yuuri finds quite confusing but he cuts her off when she questions him. They have to act now. Domon is about ready to pop the captain one, but Sion prevents him. They head out after him, Domon probably going through a whole inventory in his head of nasty names to call the captain. Captain Ryuuya begins cutting fiercely through the Zenitto with his Double Vector. Yuuri calls in her Vol-Sniper. Ayase kicks and Domon has his cannon. Sion kicks and punches.
And there is a massive traffic jam, as one might expect with a battle going on but I think this might be normal. The businessmen are anxious to get to the meeting. Tatsuya stares out the window unhappily. He sees a young woman and two young men going by together, the man in the middle carrying a fake Christmas tree, chattering about what they'll do together. The man next to Tatsuya frets, "Can't we take a bypass?" but about then Tatsuya unbuckles his seatbelt and says eagerly, "I'll walk." The two men turn to stare at him in shock, protesting. "But..." the one starts and Tatsuya says, "No, it'll be all right." And he gets out of the car and closes the door behind him before they can think of more protests. They leap out, calling him to wait, but he has already managed to lose himself in the crowd.
As he walks, he thinks of his mother's words. "Your mother doesn't know if you've lost or not. But though your father lost, he did not blame it on the Asami family or anyone else. He believes that in the end it was his decision to live this way." He stops to think, and finds himself in the middle of an intersection, alone on the strip that splits the cars going opposite ways. Traffic passes him on either side. There are obstacles in every direction. Yuuri kicks Gien and gets knocked away, but she shoots him bouncing back. They gather together quickly and have him in their sights. He is panting in his armor. Yuuri calls on the Captain to Escalate him, but he says they can't do that. Very confused, the group questions this, Ayase pointing out that this may be their only chance. "That's an order!" snaps the captain. "You just obey my words!" The team is quite confused. Gien is not. He says with amusement something about them following orders, and hits a button. A crackle of energy from his machine lashes out at them. They cry out in pain and in an instant their battle-armor is gone! Gien happily announces that they just can't get in his way, and starts firing. They cry out as the shots hit. Takku comes racing in to help and Gien shoots him in annoyance. Damaged, he falls from the sky into Sion's waiting arms, who takes him off to the side. "You all right?! Wait here!" and he joins the others as the team battles the Zenitto. They are getting very beat up. Takku is fretting for their safety but cannot move.
Tatsuya returns home, to Tomorrow Research. He passes the closed sign and trips the sensors, so that Takku detects him coming in. When he opens the doors to their office, he looks wistfully around. Their tree is alight and lovely. Little Robotta has had a tiny Santa suit and hat put on it. It greets him happily, "Tatsuya! Everyone's worried about you! Is it stopping time?" He shakes his head and answers softly, "No, I've just come to take a last look." He glances at the tree and his heart breaks a little. There is one of their photos, hung like an ornament. Domon, Ayase, Yuuri and he. And written in green on the bottom is a message from Sion. Please, Tatsuya, hurry back home! it says. He holds it sadly, then notices another one. This message is in pink, but still Sion's. Please, I hope all of us can be together! This one has all of them in it (who took the photo, Takku?) Yuuri and Sion decked in Christmas decorations. He can't help but laugh painfully at it. "It's not Tanabata, Sion." (Tanabata, Star Festival, July 7 or August 7, you make your wishes and prayers) He puts the photo back on the tree, a lump in his throat. "Oh, Sion. This isn't ordinary, you know." But then there is a bizarre sound. Takku returns home, falling onto the computer keyboard and then over the edge of the table. Tatsuya dives and catches him before he can hit the floor. "Takku!" The little robot somehow has expression when he holds it up, of delight and relief. "Tatsuya! You came back after all!" Pained, Tatsuya lifts the little robot to the table and asks what's happened. "Yuuri and the others are in danger. Right now they're fighting Gien!" "What?!" But Takku can only say, "Please, everyone -- " before his power fails him and his eyes close. "Yuuri and the others..." Tatsuya frets. Then he leaps to his feet to race for the door, but halts, his mind full of other people's words. Captain Ryuuya's "You can't change history." The business-man's "You have to stand for the Asami Group!" The captain again. "Wataru Asami will die today." So many words, so many locked doors, blocked paths. "You won't be forgiven if history is destroyed." He clenches his fists in his hair and screams in frustration. Half-curled on the floor, he hisses hoarsely, "That's it, that's it. I can't take this!" he slams his fist into the floor, scraping the skin on his hand. And beside him lands another picture, shaken loose from the tree. This time, as he looks at the photo, it is his mother's words that come to him. "You'll quit, this business built so carefully?" Choking, he answers unhappily, "Now I want to help them." For he knows they are out there fighting for their lives. "I don't know what history is meant to be. But I can't not fight!" And finally he gets to his feet and determines he will change tomorrow, even if it changes history.
Gien is having fun taking them down and gets past them at last heading for the great robot, but then the G-Zord sends beams of light to blast him back. Furious, Captain Ryuuya shouts at the robot, "What are you doing?! Don't let Gien approach the G-Zord!" He turns his shout to the others. "You have to stop him, it's more important than your lives!" Bleeding, bruised, they gaze at him in shock. Perhaps he means for them to die here. But they get to their feet and stare at him, their eyes emotionless except for Domon, who leads the march over to him. The others stop a bit away, but not Domon, who gets in his face. Sion, suddenly frightened, whispers his friend's name. The two men glare at each other until Domon cries out and throws a punch. Captain Ryuuya does not move, not flinch. It is not, by a narrow margin, at the captain, but at a Zenitto behind him. It falls, faceplate shattered. Domon, as ever, when things hurt too much, shouts his protests. "Captain! We don't need any orders!" His fury frees the others to speak, and Sion cries out a furious protest that they aren't just tools to move history. Captain Ryuuya asks in still surprise, "Then why do you think I let you live?" Ayase answers him. "At least we used to be fighting by our own choice. And that's what we'll do from now on." Yuuri and Sion stand support around him. Ryuuya looks at them with troubled brow. His lips firm but I think he doesn't know what to say.
But Gien is back on his feet and ready to kill them, as the group gathers to protect the captain despite everything. Gien says bemusedly, "It's a little hard to see who's with you and who's not, eh?" Domon stiffens into a fighting stance. "Die," says Gien. But before they can be killed, Tatsuya arrives with a flying kick to knock him back. Yuuri calls his name with amazed relief. Captain Ryuuya looks as if he doesn't know quite what to say. Tatsuya stares at his friends desperately and tries to excuse himself. "Everyone, I know this is bad. I can't endure obeying anymore! We can do it all together!" it is half a wail, he being unaware that they would probably tackle him just to keep him with them. The captain watches as they step towards Tatsuya, Ayase agreeing with enthusiasm. Lifting his head haughtily, Captain Ryuuya remarks on the uselessness of this, but Tatsuya takes a step to confront him though not with anger. "History is decided, remember? Useless or not." and Captain Ryuuya gazes at him, seeming perplexed.
But then Gien gets back on his feet and leaps to attack Tatsuya, "You're not going to treat me like this!" Tatsuya kicks him back until he falls, then races for the machine. Gien starts firing on him, and the others fight in a tangle of Zenitto. "Father, I do not believe you are going to die today. You fight. You win. Live!" And in the hospital, Wataru Asami is finally regaining consciousness, to the pleased doctor's delight. Tatsuya still thinks of him, "I'm not finished fighting yet, either." He leaps and breaks the machine's wand. Time Shadow and Time Robo Beta are free.
Captain Ryuuya throws off two Zenitto and starts to head for the machine, and suddenly finds Yuuri there, grabbing his right arm in a vicious hold. "I'll be taking this back, now," she tells him. She snatches for the Chrono Changer, and he blocks her move with his left hand. He will not fight her but says urgently, "Do you understand? The G-Zord has got to be de -- " She has had quite enough of him, though. Keeping a tight grip on his wrist she tells him, "We know. It's our choice to protect the 30th Century." Angry, he jerks his wrist free of her hold. He has something to say about that, "I don't care about your choice." But he also hands her the Chrono Changer. She takes it and tosses it to Tatsuya, who accepts it happily. Gien decides he's done enough here, and heads out.
The G-Zord manages to blast Time Shadow back, and it falls. Sion gasps and calls its name. Yuuri quickly gets Tatsuya up to speed on the weak point in the G-Zord's back. With immediate understanding, Tatsuya calls for a change of formation to Time Robo Alpha. The ships reassemble. Time Fire arrives to see with relief that a battle is in order and calls in the V-Rex. Tatsuya sees him coming, and suddenly gets a tremendous idea. "This is just what we need!" and he throws things into confusion, by leaping the 3D Formation on to V-Rex's back. "Hey, what are you doing Asami? That's mine!" protests Naoto. Tatsuya gives him a helpless shrug from the cockpit. "I know, but I have an idea!" Sion is like "Tatsuya?!" and Domon stutters nervously, "Are you okay?" "Trust me!" He hauls out the Time Blade. The G-Zord fires on the approaching robots, but despite size this is a hard target to hit, what with the way the V-Rex moves. Domon, clinging to his control, stutters, "This is crazy!" and Sion says, "Yeah, but this is just like us!" Yuuri adds, "Maybe," and Ayase doesn't really speak except he agrees. A couple of slashes damages and confuses the G-Zord. Yuuri calls "Now!" and the V-Rex roars as they leap from its back, flipping over the G-Zord and spinning, to stab their blade deep into the hole in the robot's back. Maybe even Naoto is impressed. He calls "Rex Laser!" and his machine respond's quickly, firing. The G-Zord is badly damaged. As Time Robo Alpha pulls out its blade, the big Zord turns around, and then explodes in a slow motion ending. It's energy signature flashes out, and the Time Rangers rejoice. And things hurtle back through the vortex.
Then the Time Captain speaks to them through Time Robo Alpha's communicators, his voice echoing. "History is back to normal. The 30th Century is safe. I've gone back with the Time Ship." To each of his people he says their name and tells them they have to return soon. Something else is going to happen in 2001, perhaps a third of the Earth will disappear. "Disappear?" repeats Tatsuya. And the Captain finishes, "It is the result of history being repaired completely." And with that last remark, he has them ejected into their civilian clothes, and the Time Jets return through the vortex. They land clumsily on the cement, not expecting that. Sion gets up and asks the others shyly, "What does that mean? Disappear?" Tatsuya looks nervously around at them. Domon grins and folds his arms. "Not like I believe that." But his grin fades to trouble. Tatsuya says softly, "But he said you could escape." Ayase sees their troubled expressions, and then shrugs slightly. "With things so unclear, we can't go back. Wouldn't we feed bad?" Yuuri eyes him, then adds her opinion. "Yes, we still have to stop the Doruneros." Domon stretches, happy. "Yeah, it's about to be 2001!" and Sion pops up beside him, "Yeah, I don't want to return yet, either!" he turns a happy grin to Tatsuya, who laughs. Yuuri puts on a haughty expression and walks forward to their front. "Let's go home." She starts off. Domon is ecstatic, they can have their party! Sion is also ecstatic. He has wishes to make, and Tatsuya grumbles that that is supposed to be at Tanabata, and Domon with them chatters happily about being able to eat and races off, Sion on his heels. Ayase is left to put an arm around Tatsuya's back and head off with him.
Sion repairs Takku, but it is no easy task. Tatsuya calls the hospital and gets off the phone to tell them with relief and joy that his father is fine, and that the City Guardians are his responsibility. Sion crows, "Now you don't have to go there!" Ayase is quite smug about it, "The City Guardians are the responsibility of the Asami President." Domon laughs between them and drops a hand on Ayase's shoulder, which is quickly shoved off, though Domon ignores that. And Yuuri sits down uneasily, but won't tell them why. Only that not everything their captain had said was true. Honami arrives shyly. She looks lovely tonight, she is wearing red under her long jacket and that color suits her much better than yellow. Domon shoves Tatsuya away and heads for her. She is somewhat nervous, but he puts his arm around her shoulders to reassure her, and Sion happily welcomes her, then turns and suggests, "Let's start our Christmas party!" Tatsuya happily agrees, "Yes, the last one of the 20th Century! Let's party!" When he incidently puts an arm over Yuuri's shoulder, she is quick to shrug it off. At Domon's encouragement, Sion puts on a CD.
Mr. Asami regains consciousness to his wife's joy. She comes close, and the two are in a world of their own for this Christmas.
In the future, Captain Ryuuya stares out the viewport in relief, and salutes with the red wine he is about to drink. He still doesn't look happy, but at least things are quiet.
Lira is putting the finishing touches on Don Dorunero. He has a Santa Claus beard and she's bedecked him with ribbons and all sorts of things. He even has a hat! She looks lovely in her white dress, and snatching up two golden presents from the pile, leaps to hug him.
Honami straightens up Domon's collar, and he brushes frosting from her shoulders until they are ready for the camera, which they happily mug for. Their picture joins the others on the Christmas tree. Honami finds herself surrounded by the tall Time Rangers and delighting in her welcome. They all have wine in a toast, even Sion who takes one sip and keels over, Domon and Ayase quick to catch him.
Naoto Takizawa is heading home alone. He is passing a pet store and sees a nice, simple birdcage out on display. He lifts it and a very small twitch of his lips makes me think he's going to buy it, and a couple of birds to take care of.
Gien is hard at work building something, his eyes bright red. I'm not certain if he's happy or furious.
They are eating more cake, and Ayase is stealing Tatsuya's strawberries. Sion, standing up to admire the effect of the sparklers they've stuck in their tree, catches sight of something and points. Honami is handing off a special present to her man, who takes her hands and pulls her close, smiling. But before they can kiss, Sion has bounded over and caused Honami to have an attack of shyness, not to mention indignation at the interruption. The others follow, then suddenly shove Domon and Honami away from the window. It is not them, but the fact that it is snowing outside that has caught their attention. Hearing that, the surprised couple pushes in to look out. Domon pushes Sion until he gets down so they can all see through the window. Honami is over his shoulder. Sion suddenly points, "Look, Santa!" Domon leans in quickly, "Where?!" "There!" he points. "Is NOT!" Domon scolds him affectionatley. "But it's sure pretty." "Yeah!"
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode:
Someone totally bizarre comes into Tomorrow Research. Maybe it's a woman, but seems to be wearing a black wig. It looks like they have a competitor. Honami is in this one, too, she and Domon staring astonished. They are having a tough time of it. And the final scene they show us, oddly, has Sion and Yuuri in front, Honami, Domon, Tatsuya and Ayase next, and Naoto looking quite bemused at the back, in Tomorrow Research's offices.
終末! TR Shumatsu! TR The END of Tomorrow Research?!
Morning, and everyone's cleaning, Tatsuya asks "Anyone know where Domon went?" and Robota says he's gone with Honami. Ayase sighs out, "And we have to do the end of the year cleaning." Yuuri leans in to Sion. "How's Takku?" Sion replies calmly, "If the time stabilizer synchronizes well, he'll be able to functio, I think." Yuuri is delighted with him and grins. Then a very large, indignant woman walks in. Tatsuya greets her as the landlord. The woman is practically steaming. "Mr. Asami, the rent is three months overdue! You owe me 459,000 yen. Pay up right now." Astonished, Tatsuya glances at Sion. "But, we've been paying through the bank!" But it seems that there hasn't been enough money in their account and she hasn't been paid. She slams her fist against the locker full of Londarz prisoners. "Anyway, pay it all TODAY. If you don't, you're evicted!" AAAAGH!
A check of their bank accounts and cash on hand reveals VERY little. And Robota says, "Oh, only this, time." They all sigh in dismay and Yuuri says unhappily, "This is all the money we have." Sion says unhappily, "And we haven't any work to ask for payment from." Ayase says unhappily, "The end of the Twentieth Century is the end of Tomorrow Research." They imagine a sign on the door to that effect. They all sigh. Tatsuya says unhappily, "Somehow we've pulled through so many things...."
Memories of the first time they met, when Yuuri thought he was Lira and they fought, he and all of them. "It was astonishing, meeting you. You came from the future and there were the Londarz to fight. So many things I just couldn't understand." The first Londarz attack. "And you let me fight as a Timeranger." Yuuri handing off the bracelet to him, determined. The first time he changed. Their first confrontation with the three criminals, Yuuri announcing the arrest. Yuuri says calmly, "There was nothing else to do. It was an emergency. In truth, I didn't intend Tatsuya to get deeply involved." Fighting more enemies. Nabaru. Gougan. Hydreddo. And Ayase comments dryly, "Looking back, we can see it was all destiny." Tatsuya is firm in denial, "No, destiny is not decided. In the end, I fought as a Timeranger because I wanted to." Sion has his own comment to add. "Because we met you, Tatsuya, we could win together." The battles with Domiro and those with Baron when Lira controlled him. Ayase adds, "We're not only allies as Timeranger, but we live together as friends." The battle with Dogoal.
When Tatsuya came to join them after their first battle, and he said to the unhappy group, "The one who decides what to do the next moment is yourself." And he had reached down and snatched up a stone. "Like this rock," and sent it flying out into open air. "It's not history and not the future, you know?" And staring at them. Ayase, struck by his words, murmers, "We can change tomorrow." The others caught in a moment of realization that they can indeed choose.
Battling Furan. Even the battle with Jagguru, when Tatsuya's helmet was blasted apart. "We make of the future what we choose. At least while I fought the Londarz, I carved out my own future." And those battles ended.
Yuuri holds up a thousand yen bill. "And this is the result," she says with mild wryness. "Heartbreaking," grumbles Tatsuya and drops his head between his knees. Sion looks thoughtful, "We have to think of a way to earn that money today." Ayase looks very thoughtful, then slides to his feet. "I've thought of a way." "REALLY?" begs Tatsuya, bounding to his feet. "Yes, just count on me." Ayase heads for the door, pausing to say, "I'll carve our future." He is determined, and pale as ever. Sion grins after him, while the others look slightly worried. Yuuri gets to her feet, "Well, let's see what we can sell." Sion bounds up, "Should I contact Domon?" Tatsuya smiles back at him, "No, let him alone, he's on an important date."
They are out sitting on a bench together, and Domon is flipping slowly through a photo album of Time Yellow pictures, blushing slightly. "They all look great. You are really a professional photographer." Honami is delighted in his praise. They are almost cuddling on the bench and she grins, "Of course, but this is not because of my arm." He is wondering, and she sees his expression and clarifies, "It looks good because of the love in it." And Domon chuckles in dizzy happiness.
Memories, of when she'd first met them, come rushing out trying to get their pictures. And she tells us, "At first I was taking pictures just to get a scoop. But I came to care about Time Yellow." The time he had punched their way out of the crystal barrier when they were fighting Gougan. And when she had been convinced that Ayase was him. The time she's been in the truck with Ayase and he had asked, "You like yellow, do you?" "Oh, yes! And of the Timerangers, Yellow is utterly the coolest!" A vague memory of his strange amusement. When she had been hostage to them, held by the assassin Reihou. And Domon pointed out, "You sure got in a lot of trouble." When she was shot during the battle with Borgu, and she knows now that it was Domon who carried her from the field of battle. When Domon had suddenly dove from the top of the stairs to protect her, expecting a bomb to go off. Honami comments, "I think that was good, because every time you saved my life." And when he had come to her afterwards and she had known it was him and leaped to hold him saying "Oh,I'm so glad to meet you at last!" and his shock at knowing it was him she wanted.
She laughs beside him on the bench and he also says, "I'm really glad we met." And the seriousness is too much for them and both descend into giggles. But then as he reaches to put his arm about her, she leaps from the bench making him fall over. There is a couple strolling by with their adorable baby, and Honami asks if she might hold him. They are willing. The baby is startled and cries a bit, but she joggles him gently and calls Domon over. He comes to them with a grin.
Sion touches their fine computer screen and asks, "Yuuri, how about we sell this too?" She is firm in response. "No way, we can't fix Takku without it." Tatsuya joins them, smirking. "How about this, then?" and opens wide... the ART PAD! With the portrait of Yuuri Kenji Toba had drawn! Oh, the memories! Kenji almost naked in their office, huddled under a blanket and terribly embarrased. Yuuri leaps at Tatsuya, who runs and she chases him around the office. "Give that back!" "I'm going to sell it!" Sion sighs and heads to their boxes full of things. "Is there anything else we can sell?" he wonders, and picks through the boxes they have of equipment, books, spare clothes, a stuffed cat. Yuuri finally gets her artpad back from Tatsuya and whaps him over the head with it. "Idiot!" and turns with dignity to Sion. "It seems the only thing we can do is count on Ayase." Sion wonders, "But what is he going to do?" Tatsuya is getting back to his feet. "Yuuri, you're scary." And no one notices the door to the prisoner cabinet is slightly ajar, and closes itself.
Ayase heads down the road. He thinks restlessly, "Carve our destiny." He stops a moment and touches the faint ache in his chest, then sighs and moves on. Memories. The day he'd gotten his license, and the terrible attack he had fled the others so they would not see. "When my body was affected by the Orishisu Syndrome, I thought my future was over." Trapped in the freezer with Tatsuya, and how he had told him, "When you said we could change tomorrow, it seemed that was true, that I could do that, as long as I'm a Timeranger, it's true." Taking care of little Emily. Fighting to protect the case of vaccine from Dorba. Being together with them and that moment at their barbecue when he told Tatsuya, "I want to be, now. I can believe in now. I can believe tomorrow might change." Domon, furious with pain and helplessness, "Ayase, WHY?!" and Sion weeping on the cement, Yuuri too. Ayase having to force Domon's head up. "I want to do this. I'm begging you." And afterwards they had gone home together. "For my friends, who accepted my wish to be a Timeranger until the end. I want to help them."
Not that his choice of how to help them has much chance of working out. It's a sort of lottery, and the highest prize is a diamond necklace worth a good 50,000 yen. Red balls win you a high quaility tissue. Yellow wins you a Cup Ramen. He has tried six times already, and there are six red balls in the tray. "If I spend all of my money, maybe I can carve our future." And he turns the crank. He prays, for this is the last chance. YELLOW! He is horribly dismayed, and they hand off his prize and the woman behind him shoves him out of the way. Miserable, Ayase shuffles away from the contest.
Then a hand settles firmly on his shoulder, encouragement offered from a most startling source. "It's a pity. It looked like you were really trying." Naoto recognized the deep desire, even if he does not understand what generated it. He is in regular clothes, an inclination towards black today with warm fuzzy scarf. Ayase is stunned to see him. "Takizawa! What're you doing here?!" A slight shrug and Naoto says easily, "Oh, I'm free today. I was just passing by." He starts to head away, pausing briefly to give Ayase's arm a comforting pat. "Later." Ayase stares after him a moment, then forces himself to call out. "Takizawa, a word." Naoto stops and waits for it. "Lend me some money, please." Dumbfounded, Naoto turns around and stares at him. "Huh?" Ayase comes close, his voice shaking. "We're about to lose Tomorrow Research." Naoto is having considerable difficulty believing he is being asked this. "I don't care about your company. Bye." As he turns away, Ayase leaps after him and spins him around anxiously. "I know, but do something, please, I'm begging!" "Now stop it!" "Takizawa!"
Ayase returns home, miseralbe, to tell the others he's failed. They all look unhappy and Tatsuya leans against the cabinet. "Well, this is it." Sion says cheerfully, "Well, I've never skipped out before!" He's all set for a new adventure. Yuuri whaps him, "Don't say such a weird thing! Let's think of something." But Tatsuya has just opened the cabinet to look at the small prisons. "We can't sell these, huh?" Yuuri snaps, "Of course we can't." And Ayase says mildly, "We'll keep a lot of memories." Yuuri folds her arms and says quietly, "Yes, all of fighting the Londarz." Arnold K chasing people through the streets. The group trapped in Genbu's virtual world. The battles with Sandoora. Tatsuya adds, "Yeah, all those cruel Londarz attacks." Gien shouting at Uugo "There's no time for this small battery!" Vincent in the restaurants destroying simply because the taste didn't suit him. Doc about to slice off Domon's head. Domiiro turning the sea red. Reiji caught by the criminal, Banjan. Domon, Tatsuya and Ayase caught in Barbera's tentacles. Tatsuya comments, "They gave us a really hard time, all the time." Sion adds, "Every time we thought we had the enemy trapped, they'd tear off their seal and become giant!" Reihou. Jekkar. Furan. Tatsuya almost laughs. "But for those times, we have the robots and work together." "And the Time Shadow!" Sion points out. Fighting Borgu using the Virtual Boomerang and Time Shadow. Trapping Jagguru in the clock-circle. Yuuri puts her two cents in. "No matter what, until we've caught all of Don Dorunero and his people, I have no intention of returning to the future." Ayase agrees they have to keep trying. Deafeating Hydreddo. The arrival of Time Fire, and winning the battles with his strong support. Defeating Master Hunter.
And suddenly Tatsuya notices that one of the containers is fallen against the wall, and cracked. He gets it and hands it to Sion, worriedly. "It's broken!" exclaims Sion. Yuuri is shocked, "How'd that happen!?" They remember when their angry landlord was there, and had slammed her fist against the locker. That must have been when it broke, comments Ayase. Yuuri agrees. So the enemy must be loose. Sion points out that he's surely very small. They are fretting anxiously, when there is a clink behind Tatsuya. He looks down in surprise. A ceramic bowl moves between his feet, heading across the room. They stare at it, then at each other. Tatsuya steps forward and bends down carefully. He lifts the bowl. There is the prisoner, Geymaruku from way back in episode 12. He is so concentrated on what he is doing, that he doesn't notice the bowl is gone and continues across the room. Tatsuya gapes, then sets the bowl firmly back over him and looks back up at the others. "Well, it's here." They all nod and grunt agreement. Geymaruku chooses that moment to hurtle himself across the room, strong though tiny, and Tatsuya is tumbled over. Sion catches him, while Yuuri and Ayase go diving after the bowl only to land on each other. Geymaruku throws the bowl into the air and it smacks Tatsuya a good one in his forehead. He tumbles back against Domon's locker while Geymaruku laughs. But when Ayase makes another lunge, the miniaturized alien evades capture again. Poor Ayase ends up stepped on by Sion, who pursues their target with Yuuri. Tatsuya rubs his aching forehead and puts the blame on Domon's locker, unfairly punching it. He gets his as the door ricochets open and he is hit again in the forehead.
Domon and Honami are enjoying their day together. She says, "It's almost 2001. Almost the 21st Century." She takes his hand in hers as they stroll and he agrees. But he pauses, troubled, remembering Captain Ryuuya's words. A third of the world to be destroyed in a catastrophe. The fights with the G-Zord. The fact that they should return to their own time. He shakes slightly, still and trapped in his own thoughts about the coming disaster. Honami studies his face, recognizing he is troubled. When he finally turns and looks down into her eyes, she smiles warmly for him and asks what's the matter. He can only think, If I return to the 30th Century, I'm helping no one but myself. There must be something I can do! and he pulls her tight into his arms. She is startled and worried about his pain, but holds him. "Honami, I want to protect you. I want to protect you from everything." Touched, she holds him tight, and they kiss (this is not shown, just assumed as they are about to).
Geymaruku takes a flying leap and lands on the door handle, but strong as he is, he has no leverage and is not heavy enough to force the handle down. Tatsuya lunges for him and he leaps away, leaving our boy's face plastered against the door. He runs the gauntlet through Yuuri's and then Ayase's lunge for him, between Sion's feet and then turns and blasts them. Small as he is, the blasts do no real damage but they are painful. He mocks them and races away to hide.
Exasperated, Yuuri points out that they cannot use the Vol-Tech Bazooka in this enclosed space. But perhaps Sion has an idea. He recalls battles with the giant robot Nova, and how they had escaped destruction being so small. Tatsuya things about the battle with Blaster Madou. Ayase reminds them of the importance of protecting people from these deadly criminals. The time when Tatsuya rescued the drugged Yuuri from Aberu and kept her from being turned into a killer. The battle with Doc. Time Red and Time Fire fighting together. Time Blue and Red up against Keys. The alliance they'd made. The battle with Nabaru. Sion recalls the time when he was essentially adopted by the old man, when they'd fought Domiro. How he's really loved all this time being one of them, helping. Yuuri is drawn to remember the day her family died and she was left alone. Or the day they chose to fight to protect people, even though their history was being kept from them. Tatsuya, when he had decided yet again to live his own life. Or the day when he had come back to find the Timerangers and join them. When he had fled the rich party to be with his friends instead. When Domon had been broken and grieving for the loss of his time and place. When Yuuri had said goodbye to Kenji Toba at Ueno Station. When Sion had screamed his denials upon learning that Ayase was dying. When Ayase had almost told Tatsuya the first time about being a racer. When Tatsuya had also chosen to fight for people, though he did not want his fate ruled. And the five of them, together celebrating victory.
Tatsuya affirms it for them all. They would protect the future, they would fight the Londarz. They all nod agreement. And they hold up their weapons. Yuuri and Sion have cans of Raid, Yuuri also has a fly swatter. Ayase has a net and Tatsuya has a baseball bat. But then there is snickering behind and below them. They turn to look. Geymaruku comes out from behind the table pulling with him Robata swathed in yellow tape. As he tells them he has a hostage, Sion calls his little robot's name and Robota responds with, "It's helping time!" in dismay. Geymaruku threatens to destroy the little robot if they don't drop their weapons, and orders them to open the door. Yuuri obeys. Geymaruku drags his way close to the door, then finally shoves Robota away and turns to run for it, laughing.
"I'm home," Domon announces, rounding the corner. Before Geymaruku has a chance, Domon's foot decends on him. There is a wet scrunch sound. Yuuri, Tatsuya and Sion utter the same cry of shock as Domon and Honami walk in. They point. "What's the matter?" Domon asks in confusion. "Your foot!" stutters Tatsuya. They gape and now even Ayase points and Domon lifts his foot in puzzlement, to find the tiny, flattened alien stuck to its sole. Geymaruku peels off and falls flat on the floor. Domon and Honami both stare in surprise. "What's going on?" Domon asks in confusion.
Evening has fallen. Yuuri puts the flattened Geymaruku back in a new container and returns him to the locker. Well, things are safe. Domon and Honami are playfully tussling over her jacket, they are all set to relax, Ayase commenting on the end of the year. Tatsuya mutters worriedly that he thinks he's forgotten something. Then they simultaneously remember their BIG problem and utter horrified cries. Domon asks what's going on, and Yuuri mourns that they'd forgotten about....
There is a nock on the door. They all jump and turn. And the door opens to reveal a tall young man in black. He wanders in, looking all cool and arrogant at them. "Yo." A dumbfounded Tatsuya asks, "Naoto?" But Naoto is looking around the room with quiet interest. "You guys do anything here, right?" He turns his gaze on them, while they all stare back. Ayase has folded his arms. "I've got a job for you." He heads towards the window. They turn and stare after him, still very confused. He opens the shades and they see out their window, bathed in floodlights, the face of the V-Rex, a bit scratched and dusty. "He's gotten a bit dirty. I want you to clean him up for me."
As a group, they gawp at him. The V-Rex shifts and stretches, giant form towering over their building. Domon gets on his feet unsteadily. "You want us to wash HIM?!" "And do a good job for me," Naoto says arrogantly. He hands Domon an envelope. Ayase seems to be amazed. Domon certainly is when he sees the amount of money in the envelope. And then Naoto looks straight into Ayase's eyes with just the tiniest twitch of a smile. "You do, and this is yours." Ayase seems to fall halfway into more shock, fighting a smile and pretending this is not about him. Tatsuya catches the exchange and wonders at it, but a happy, bounding Sion at his shoulder tells them all, "Yeah, let's do it!" And Tatsuya agrees, telling them this is their last job of the 20th Century. Domon, blissfully ignorant of Tomorrow Research's impending doom, starts to stutter about just how many hours this is going to take and how much work it'll be. But Sion happily takes the envelope from his hand, while Yuuri points out that this will take care of their immediate expenses. "Immediate expenses?" Domon is just beginning to realize he must have missed something. Tatsuya, Sion and Ayase repeat the word together. And Honami pops up to hold Domon's arm and offer happily to help. Still confused, Domon agrees they can do it. Led by Tatsuya, they head out to get to work. I think Naoto has to stifle his smile.
And in the 30th Century, everything looks fine and beauiful. Traffic is calm. The Time Jets wait for their next launch. Memories of the year behind. Good ones, bad ones, courage and pain, and joy. Every defining moment.
And the V-Rex is clean and shining like new. Finished with their work, Tomorrow Research gathers around their client, who studies his robot critically to hide how pleased he is. Sion suddenly rushes over, he has a present for Naoto, who sees it with surprise. "For me?" "Yeah!" and when he opens it, there is a beautiful Time Police badge, specifically designed for him. He accepts it under the grins of the Timerangers, looking more than a little touched and reluctantly smiles his thanks, while Tatsuya puts a companionable arm over his shoulder. Domon and Honami laugh together. Ayase's quiet pride in this moment is clear. And they all look up at the roaring V-Rex.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: A litle bit between Tatsuya and Yuuri, as they are alone and he makes a grab for her (it looks like she was teasing him about something). Sion has to deal with Takku, who is finally repaired but who seems uncertain of his place among them. And there is another vicious prisoner loose. He looks like one of the Hell's Gate ones. He and Time Fire end up dueling it out. It seems Captain Ryuuya is going to have another appearance, but I think in the future. He looks quite upset. And something will happen to Takku.
Case File 46:
未来との断絶 Mirai to no Danzetsu The Future's Extinction
Takku is stood, eyes closed, while the sound of Sion's pen buzzes at his back. Sion concentrates, careful on the tiny board in Takku's back. A fine trickle of sweat streaks his cheek. "This is it," he says. Darkness. Stillness. "Takku!" calls Sion's voice. "Takku!" comes the call again. Sion gazes intently at the little robot. Domon, Tatsuya, Ayase and Yuuri all peering anxiously over his shoulders. "Takku, do you understand? Open your eyes, please!" The words sink in, and the red light at the center of Takku's forehead blinks, then so does he. Takku opens his eyes at last and flips his wings to stare about in surprise at the gathered group. "Sion! Everyone!" Tatsuya pats Sion's shoulder in relief and everyone lets out a pleased sigh. "You did it," says Tatsuya to Sion. Then to Takku, "How are you feeling?" "I'm just fine." "Oh, that's great," agrees Yuuri. Domon frowns. "Are you really all right? Hey, what's one plus one?" "Three," replies Takku, then laughs at their dismay. He was joking. But they have another, very important question for him. They've been told there will be a mass disaster in the years 2001, Ayase says. And Yuuri asks if it's true. But Takku has no data on the disaster. This was not information Captain Ryuuya had input. He is a bit upset about that. They stir restlessly, worrying. "So, you really don't know about this future?" asks Tatsuya. And Takku blinks.
At the Londarz Tower, Lira and Don Dorunero appear to be doing inventory. They are sealing away the prisoners in large boxes. It seems they are letting ones out, interviewing them, and then putting them back if they aren't good enough. One snarls and glares at them as he is shrunk, and Lira gathers him up. Dorunero asks what's left. There is only one, Lira replies, looking at her list. A computer engineer, Geeto. And he has something to say for himself. He thinks they should quit. After all, there is this disaster coming up. Lira gives him the cold shoulder, they intend to send him out. He is a reptirle, and heads out with his own arrogance. Lira shiffs about him, and Dorunero frets about Gien and the things going on over there. But Gien himself is busy building a new robot.
The Timerangers are upset. Takku is gone, they know not where. When they ask Sion about it, he replies unhappily that he and Robota were in the tub (there is a tiny towel on Robota's head). He takes the others to see the message left on the computer. Takku is distressed because he cannot access any of the information he is supposed to be able to help them with. After careful thought, Sion heads out.
Wataru Asami is in a wheelchair. He is very bandaged, and red and black throw is across his legs. There is a package waiting for him, and he lifts it curiously. Tatsuya's business card is on there with an almost affectionate message, and Mr. Asami snorts and nods at it, reluctantly amused, for it says something in a PS about free service. "He is persistent," thinks Mr. Asami. He sets the card down and opens the package eagerly, despite his cool demeanor. Tatsuya has gifted him with a Tomorrow Research jacket. But then his batman races in to tell him something terrible has happened with the City Guardians. "What?!" and he drops the jacket to the floor.
Yes, Naoto has finally figured out how to use his knowledge that they come from the 30th Century. When Mr. Asami comes to protest, he finds his lack of information has been used against him, and he has not a leg to stand on to regain control of them. He tries to laugh off the idea that the enemies are from the 30th, but there is no help for it. The other man has removed the City Guardians from Mr. Asami's control and they are now firmly under Naoto's command.
Tatsuya is running around calling for Takku, when Yuuri brings him a newspaper to look at. The news is out that the Londarz are from the 30th Century. But of course, no one knows about the coming disaster. And they remember together the message from Captain Ryuuya for them to come back. Tatsuya suggests gently that perhaps they should go back, then. Yuuri starts to protest, but he isn't finished. He has a lot to say about his own time, and fate. He looks to her with a half-sad, noble smile. She wants him not to say such ridiculous things and turns from him, but he asks softly, "When.. whenever you return..." But she is upset, and lets him know she will tolerate him making these decisions for her, that is hers to make. He chuckles at the expression on her face, confused she asks him why, and he teases her gently about using his lines that he always said. That gets them both laughing, softly. Yuuri looks over at the flowers, then goes to them, calling him after her. "Tatsuya, do you know this flower?" He wonders what she's about. "Our future's like a flower." "Really?" "Nope." "Huh?" and she turns to look at him. When he realizes he is being teased, he makes a grab for her and she ducks away from him. But the smiles fade in the seriousness of the moment. "If... if that happens, together... um. This is a bit stupid," she manages to say. She has to drag the words from her heart, but he hears her. He determines to turn the subect back to their hunt, because they miss Takku.
Sion goes looking for Takku on the beach where their ship had first crashed. There he is. "Of course you came here," Sion greets him cheefully. "We're all looking for you," and crawls up to sit on the rocks next to him. "Sion?" startles Takku. "This is the place where we first came to this time. We'll return together. Everyone's worried." The little computer is in distress, for he thinks he is a failure. "It's no good. I can't be your navigator anymore." Sion turns to say kindly, "That's not so." But Takku's distress in not easily handled. "No! I can't give you any data! I cannot help you! I'm useless!" He goes on in his unhappiness, while Sion gropes for how to reassure him. Before the discussion can go further, there is an explosion and Sion goes to investigate. Geeto and the Zenitto have broken into a computer facility. They clear out the frightened civilians, and Geeto sets up a destruct systme. Sion, peering through the windows, sees a few dead guards on the floors and frightened people. He settles down to call the others.
A young City Guardian has come to report on another Londarz attack. He explains that a major self-destruct system has been set in order and they only have so much time before it explodes. And Naoto heads out, saluting his new commander. Geeto is very pleased with himself.
The Timerangers arrive. They cannot get into the building, and fret over it, then Sion signals them and explains that he thinks he can shut down the system. He has Takku with him. Domon is shocked to hear that. Takku is almost protesting, but Sion knows there is no other choice. They sneak quietly through the building once the Zenitto have cleared out, and find the computers on a countdown. Sion asks Takku to investigate, but he is convinced he cannot, so Sion tries, worried that he won't be fast enough. And the City Guardians arrive. Naoto dispatches his men. The computer's timer is down to seven minutes. Geeto, leaning on the keyboard, accidently releases a system error into the little windows computer, and the timer goes wild. It is now down to four minutes. Geeto is dismayed. So is Sion. "What happened?!" The computer is announcing the new conditions and panic reigns in the building. A young man reports the new situation to a startled, furious Naoto. Domon frantically signals Sion, and so with such limited time, the Timerangers switch into their battle-armor and head in. Geeto has decided to be philosophical about this, and get while the getting's good. Unfortunately he meets a very pissed off Time Fire blocking his escape. The City GUardians are fighting Zenitto with mad courage, and the Timeranger fight their way through, hoping to get Sion out. Down to thirty seconds. Nine. Domon finds a closing blast door and throws himself under it to stop it descending. The computer protest this, for if the blast door is open, it cannot set off the bomb. Domon is buying them time. Yuuri and the others have to keep the Zenitto off him, which is no easy task and he does get hit a few times, but he will not move from his place. Domon is in agony, his shoulder is being crushed. He fights the pain with a distressed cry. Sion begs him to hold on, and continues programming as Takku sighs in relief. Sion smiles slightly.
Time Fire and Geeto are well-matched. Suddenly they end up with Naoto's gun in Geeto's face, and Geeto's gun to Naoto's heart. It takes a moment to decide what to do about this impasse. So they turn now back to back and pace away from each other (guns at dawn, 30 paces) and Sion begs Takku for help. He is afraid. They are both afraid. Takku protests and Sion asks why. "I can't do this myself, you can't rely on me!" "Neither can I!" Sion cries back and whirls away. He is almost in tears. "I don't have the power to help anyone. I'm not that strong!" and he collapses to the floor in anguish. "But I want to help. I want to help everyone." It is the most important thing to him in the world. Takku is convined he cannot do it, but Sion has done what he could to repair the little robot because he loves him. He even repaired a chip put in there by Captain Ryuuya. Not for the data within him, but for the character and friendship. Domon is on his knees, fighting to hold opem the blast doors, which is the only reason the computer hasn't blown up yet. Tatsuya smashes down another Zenitto and leaps to help. Ayase and Yuuri also come under the door and they all fight to hold it. But they are too weak and Tatsuya and Domon are the last to hold. Sion slowly gets through to Takku's obstinate convincing of his own worthlessness to the team, but finally Takku breaks through his programming and helps Sion with the code. Our heroes lose hold of the door and it hits the floor. But they are alive, for Sion and Takku have stopped the computer. They all collapse in relief, and Sion praises Takku. "I knew you could do it," Tatsuya calls through his Chrono Changer.
And Time Fire calls in the V-Rex to fight the enemy gone large. Takku calls for the ships. The captain listens to the call, but doesn't want to send them back. "I'm not going to interfere in that time again," he says, determined. He stares out the window to where a white haired, alien child is releasing a white dove into the air, under the watchful eye of loving parents and another child. "Captain!" protests Takku. "The Time Jets aren't coming," Tatsuya notes wryly. And the battle goes on, Time Fire alone with his mecha against the enemy. V-Rex chomps on Geeto's left wrist, and it takes a bit for the giant to beat the robot off. So Naoto calls for the humanoid battle mode. He uses the revolver-missile, but Geeto dodges. Without the ships, they try their vol-units. Geeto laughs at the shot. Takku mutters, "Of course that didn't work." But then he receives a signal from Captain Ryuuya. "Takku, this is the last time. Yuuri and the others have to return to the 30th Century." And something else. "Captain!" protests Takku. "You're demands are unreasonable!" And then Takku starts to say that he, too, is going to have to start deciding for himself. "What are you talking about?!" demands the startled man. "I am not yours anymore. I am THEIR navigator-robot!" Takku shouts back. And inside him, his motherboard starts to short out. He falls to the ground while the captain calls his name. "What are you doing, Takku!?!" cries Captain Ryuuya. Frustrated and confused by the lack of response, he shivers. The Timerangers are about to try again, when Takku signals them. "Tatsuya, use the Time Flier!" Obediant, Tatsuya calls for it. Takku is going to do his last navigation for them. And he shuts down.
They come hurtling in on the Time Flier, startling Geeto who they shoot down. Weakened by the explosion, he is unable to dodge and Naoto is able to capture him with the Max Blizzrd. He uses the badge Sion had given him to place Geeto in a prison cell. "Well of course," he snorts
Our heroes find Takku shut down. Sion gathers him up anxiously. "Takku, what's the matter? Open your eyes! Takku?" Huddles around him, they again bring him back to base. Takku wakes in surprise to be greeted again by the others. Sion had backed up Takku's data into the computer. Everyone straightens up in impressed surprise. They affectionately welcome him back and all tease each other, and offer salute. Sion vanishes while they er... discuss what they'll use, then reappears with bowls of soup. But even poor Sion has to wince at the taste. Tatsuya says in dismay, "What did you put in this?" "Oh, I just put stuff in," Sion says shame-faced. Domon, however, finds he quite likes the taste and swallows up all of his, then launches himself after everyone else's. They start fighting him for theirs, while Sion gives his another chance.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode:
Don Dorunero is on a mission. Lira kisses his cheek happily. He faces Gien and seems to be winning... but.... "One, two, three, four. Gien, I'm homesick for that time." Yuuri is running, injured. Dorunero lies, green blood all over him. I think he will die. Yuuri is weeping in Tatsuya's arms. And Lira walks out a door with a parting smile. Dorunero lies alone under a bright sun.
Gien walks down the stairs, into his workship. He says "If I had the Mu-to Engergy, I wouldn't have to use the Zeta-3 crystals from the Lambda 2000." He unveils his creation, a robot of some sort. "Well, it can't be helped." He gathers one crystal and inputs it into a chamber, then chuckles as it glows brilliant orange. And over the city, a black hole swirls, visible for only a moment before it closes in crackling lightning.
At Tomorrow Research, our heroes are having breakfast, and Tatsuya speaks of the disaster "If Gien has something to do with the end of the world in 2001, then I want to know what will happen." He is making coffee, and hands Yuuri her cup. Yuuri sips, then answers him. "That's what's kind of strange. Instead of saying destroying, or everyone dying, why do they say the End of the World?" Sion, stirring his drink, reminds them of what they saw in Captain Ryuuya's ship. A golden spiralling hole above the city of the future, whole buildings being sucked into it, complete with foundation. "For the 30th, it really did look like the end of the world." Ayase comments, "If what's happening is the same, the reason it's happening might also be the same." Yuuri agrees, "The G-Zord." Tatsuya thinks this bears investigating. Takku interjects with some urgency, "Yes. There's something I'm uneasy about. In my data, there's new information I've never seen before. It could be a piece of data the captain left." Sion asks anxiously, "Really?" and Takku confirms, "When Sion restored my database, some new data came with it. We might find something about the End!" Yuuri says quickly, "Right, please, we'll try to find out about the G-Zord's energy!" Takku is quite willing. "I understand."
At the Londarz Tower, they are about finished clearing out. A Zenitto counts the cells in a case and closes it up. The Zenitto head out with about four cases as Dorunero puffs on his cigar. Lira comes to tell him that is all and there are no more prisoners, and they can run away. "Aren't you going to try to stop it, the End of the World?" She is teasing Dorunero, intrigued about the disaster they know is coming. He says quietly, "If we destroy Gien, it will stop." He remembers when the young human Gien had stumbled back home, injured and dying. His horror and dismay. The first time they talked, when Gien blew into a tube and bubbles flying through the air created a dreaming. He utters a sigh and stubs out his cigar.
A trio of City Guardians greets local police officers, exchanging "How's things?" "Oh, fine," blissfully unaware that they are being watched from a non-descript van across the street. In it are Tatsuya and Yuuri. They talk quietly, "Right now the police are worse than the City Guardians." Yuuri confirms quietly that this is the only way they can get to the G-Zord. She glances over her shoulder into the back of the van. There are three men, unconscious, wearing bullet-proof vests. They are thoroughly trussed up and blindfolded. Tatsuya adds sadly, "And we can't tell them about the end of the world." As Tatsuya and Yuuri watch, the trio of City Guardians across from them get into their car and head off. But now we see that the one driving is actually Ayase. Sion is in the back, and Domon in the passenger seat. They look very professional. And they head off, the van looking innocent far behind them. They turn in to the 3rd R&D Facility, gate-guards saluting them.
Naoto is walking with his own batman now, who is dutifully explaining what is going on today. "In the afternoon you have a lunch meeting, and then after that you have to talk with the boss. Is that all right?" He is a very smug person is Naoto, and says "Me?" small and wry which his assistant tries to catch, but it's nothing. Does Naoto see ahead of him the three men walking into a side corridor who are NOT really his?
Tatsuya and Yuuri lay out the three unconscious City Guardians they waylaid, very gentle. Then they go to peer over the hedge and sneak back into the van. "Now we just hope that Ayase and the others will do all right," Yuuri says quietly. Tatsuya stares unhappily at the building, and Yuuri notices his troubled silence. "What is it?" Letting out a breath that is visible in the frigid winter air, he replies sadly, "Now Naoto's in charge of this place. How far is that guy going to go?" Yuuri looks at the building thoughtfully, then turns her voice to him with some kindness. "We might all see how it ends." "Eh?" he asks, startled. "Power is something that we also must have to survive, isn't it. We don't know beyond what we're chasing. Just like I'm chasing Dorunero, and I don't know what will happen." He watches her, waiting to hear her feelings. If she, like Naoto, finds her goal accomplished, what then?
Sion has a tiny laptop, and he is hacking into the security system of a particular door. Ayase stands watch down the corridor, while Domon hovers worriedly. Domon goes over to him. "Hey. What do you think, about this end of the world?" he asks fretfully, leaning against the wall beside Ayase. "Will it really happen?" He runs his fingers along the back of his head and pulls off the tight cap to loosen it. "Isn't that what we're here to find out?" points out Ayase. Domon hesitates, then says "If... if we find out it's gonna happen... what are we going to do?" He does not want to meet Ayase's gaze. But Ayase says firmly, "If we can stop it, then let's stop it." Domon is startled, and stares at him. Ayase glances at his amazed face and settles his back against the wall. "The things that are supposed to happen will disappear if the world does, right?" "Um, yeah that's true," says Domon uneasily. Then he turns his gaze towards the working Sion. "If we change it, the 30th might be something worse." Ayase asks coolly, "Are we going to let this year end?" Staring at Sion, Domon says unhappily, "We'll already by home when I choose what I'll do." He crosses the hall to lean against the opposite wall miserably. "I really don't understand anything anymore. What am I going to do?" And Ayase watches him empathetically. Sion says, "I got the lock open!" and they hurry to his side, approving. Domon heads in first, but as Ayase passes, Sion says his name pleadingly. "I want to protect this time. Is that bad?" he is troubled over the many ramifications. Ayase stares at him and shakes his head gently, then claps him on the shoulder and heads on in.
Gien is Frankenstein, delighting as his creation rises. "Go, my pretty! Go and destroy!" and he does not know that something is on his back. The large spy-bug that Dorunero had sent before.
The Don has made a weapon to destroy Gien. It is reminiscent of the design of Gien's gun-hand. "I'm going, Lira." She is warm and affectionate, still teasing. "Hurry up and finish it, and come back okay? If Dorunero's not here I can't get my money!" and she kisses his cheek. He laughs and puts his arm around her waist. "You're really cute, even though you're really bad." She dimples for him, laughing. "Really?" "But... I know that the world is money, and you can't live without money, but..." and he moves away from her, while she listens with puzzled interest. "But there's something that you cannot buy with money." Dumbfounded, she touches his shoulders in concern. "Are you okay?" and tries to lighten his mood, "You're not going to say love, are you?" He moves away from her again, stubbornly. "I bought my mother back with money, so I wouldn't say anything like that." Lira is more confused. "Then what?" she asks, fists on her hips. He pats his chest and says firmly, "This hole that opened here, no matter how much money I put into it, it will never get full." Lira tries to laugh it off, whatever he is saying is beyond her. Then he adds, "Poor Gien. His hole is overflowing." And he walks to the table, to take up his weapon.
In the labs, our three are carefully searching through the wreckage of the G-Zord. Sion finds a strange, shimmering substance. Domon pokes his head over to see it. Now that they have it, they sneak out and run down the hall, right into an inquisitive Naoto. Domon utters a disbelieving squawk as they all freeze, and Naoto tilts his head accusingly. "Hey, hey. Since when did you guys join the City Guardians?" Ayase avoids his gaze and says, "It's just circumstantial." Naoto half-snorts. "Circumstantial, eh?" He steps forward sternly. "Right now, we City Guardians have to keep our place and goals, so there's no turning back." Domon, whose cap is on backwards, says indignantly, "Oh, that is something very important, isn't it?" and steps forward threateningly. Sion breaks between to apologize profusely, bowing and saying urgently, "There was something we had to find out!" but then an alarm goes off, and a voice over the speakers announces "A Londarz is attacking the city! Everyone evacuate!" Sion says suddenly, "Naoto?" and the distracted man looks at him to find a grin of angelic mischief on his face. What looks like a pen in Sion's hands suddenly opens, and there is a flash of light that blinds Naoto and sends him to his knees. The three race past him, Sion hollaring back, "I'm really very sorry!" and Domon adding, "Bye!" Naoto shakes off the effects of the flash, furious. But he cannot pursue them. The voice over the loudspeaker is calling his name and he must go the other way.
They get to the van, and when Tatsuya asks how it went, Sion says "We found one thing that seemed suspicious," then Ayase adds that there is a Londarz attack going on. And there are bodies flying, explosions. Gien's robot is blasting cars, and people run frantically. The City Guardians arrive, Naoto leads his men gives them instructions sending them off, then with an angry toss of his hat, transforms into Time Fire. Above, Gien is thoroughly enjoying himself. "You are a tank of destruction!" A woman is in danger from the robot, unable to run she falls, but Naoto cuts the robot off and his men get her out of there. He holds out his badge and announces the arrest. "Londarz, if you keep doing this, I'm not going to be so nice!" The robot does not answer, only advances.
Takku meets the others, and Sion gives him the sample he stole from the labs. He heads off with it promising to research it, and the team heads off to fight the robot. They change into their battle armor. Naoto is struck down, but Tatsuya kicks the robot away. When it fires on them, he leads the change into their armor, and they all fight, but it hits them pretty badly.
Gien giggles from above. "Kill the Timeranger!" But at a noise behind him, he turns and finds Don Dorunero has tracked him with a tool. The Don sighs sadly. They face each other, but Gien tries to be cool about it. "Dorunero, if you have something that you want with me, tell me it later." But there is a kind of wistfullness here and the Don says, "It's not going to go that way, this time." He holds up his cannon. Gien stares in interest. "Oh, are you going to kill me?" and turns his back. Dorunero says sternly, "It's sad that you're the one trying to destroy this time." Startled, Gien whips back to look at him. And Yuuri, turning in battle, sees Dorunero atop the building, facing Gien. She whispers his name and races off, Tatsuya sees her go and calls her name, but he cannot break from the fight with the robot and is hit badly.
It is between Gien and Dorunero, and they confront each other with arrogance and determination. Gien stares with interest. "You're going to kill me? You're the one who made me what I am, now." Dorunero replies, "That was my mistake." And Gien sneers in response, turning as he speaks. "I'm thankful that you're the one who let me get closer to becoming a god!" Dorunero growls and says furiously, "You're not a god! You're a fucking lunatic that I found downtown and kept alive!" This sets Gien off, "No! Stop picking on me!" But Dorunero continues to snarl, "I'll let you remember it all! All you are is a -- " "SHUT UP!" At last Gien fires on the Don, and Yuuri leaps between to take the shots with a cry of agony. Dorunero's return shot destroys Gien's weapon hand, but Yuuri's armor shuts down. She falls in agony. Tatsuya arrives to gather her up, helping. And the Don says angrily, "Timeranger, what are you doing?!" Yuuri manages to get back to her feet. "I can't let you die. Not until I arrest you!" At her side, worried, armor-clad Tatsuya says her name. But the Don starts his rockets, for the first time since the beginning of the series, and heads up into the sky. He shouts down, "Defeating Gien is my business, stay out of my way!" Yuuri screams up at him, "Wait, dammit!" and he fires down a final shot that injures her knee even as Tatsuya leaps to protect her. As she holds her bleeding knee, he holds her shoulders and says, "Are you okay? Don't do anything more that'll hurt you!" Yuuri shrugs him off, pulls out a handkerchief and binds her knee with it, keeping her leg straight. "Oh no, I gotta get him." She seems only peripherally aware of Tatsuya, who hovers anxiously. When he grabs her, trying to shake her to knowledge that she is not as powerful as the Don, she throws him off. "If Dorunero gets away, I won't get revenge!" She pulls up, Tatsuya unable to say more. She finds the tracker that had led Dorunero to Gien and stalks off with it. Tatsuya starts after her, then signals the others and tells them he is going with Yuuri after Dorunero. They confirm, and continue fighting. Time Fire, Blue, Green and Yellow, are left to deal alone with the robot. They fire their cannons at it, then Naoto attacks with the DV-Refreezer and slashes, and then the robot suddenly goes large, to their surprise. They stare up in shock, gathered together. Takku calls, "This thing isn't from the Escalator. Gien made it!" Naoto calls in the V-Rex and has it take V-Rex Robo formation, using the Rex-Punch. The others call in the Time Flyer and sweep in, firing.
Dorunero has trapped Gien on the beach, and Gien asks painfully if Dorunero will really destroy him. And his voice is almost the same as it was years ago, which gives the Don pause. Gien is preparing to fire from beneath his cloak, while pleading with the Don. And Yuuri races painfully. "Father. Mother. Mei."
Gien says shakily, "Have you forgotten how I helped you, so long ago?" A red flower in the rocks. Tatsuya catches up with the stumbling Yuuri and helps her gain her feet. "You won't be able to do anything with your leg like that!" And she stutters back, "But I have to!" and then there is an explosion. Dorunero is surrounded by fire, and they see from where they are.
The battle goes up, and Sion calls through the communicator to Naoto, that what they are fighting is only a machine and they cannot put it in the escalator. "Oh, well then I guess I don't have to restrain myself," he replies, and whirls about. He puts the V-Rex back to dino formation, leaps atop its head and directs the attack, uses the Max Burning. And it is over.
And the Don is leaning against a stone, unable to get up. Green blood is everywhere. He sucks on his cigar feebly. "Well, a person like me couldn't shoot you...." He coughs and heaves. He is dying. Yuuri and Tatsuya find him there, and she is frozen, whispering his name. But Tatsuya runs to confront the dying Don. "Hey," he says, moved to pity. Blinking, Dorunero greets him. "Timeranger. I'd rather you didn't see me like this." He finds the strength to stand, to give face Tatsuya as equals and make a request. "I'll give you all the remaining escalated criminals. Take them back to the 30th Century, please." Tatsuya is dumbfounded. But the Don starts to tip and forces out, "I know about the end of the world in 2001. It looks like it's Gien's fault." Tatsuya breathes in horror, "I thought it was Gien." Weakening, the Don is now lying back against a boulder. "I'm the one who let Gien go on. That was stupid of me." And he loses his strength, his hand with the cigar dropping. He start to close his eyes. Yuuri gets moving, staggering over. "Dorunero! If you die I'll never forgive you!" Tatsuya says her name worriedly, and Dorunero asks, "Why do you not want me to die, after all I've done?" She explains quickly, accusingly. "Do you remember the police you arranged to have assassinated? The policeman, his wife and two childen? I'm the one that lived." He forces himself up and stares at her in surprise, and then falls back saying he does not remember. "I've done so much, I've lost the feeling for it." "You forgot? I could not forget every day!" Shaking, she says, "Mei... Mei wasn't even five yet!!" With a scream, she launches herself at him. Tatsuya holds her back, and she struggles, writhing hysterically, and the Don has a last thing to say. "Timeranger, hurry and do what I just asked you." Yuuri is infuriated and goes even more wild. Tatsuya is hard-pressed to hold onto her, saying her name sternly. The Don tries to take a last puff of his cigar, but cannot. And he says, "My door is closing, isn't it. Oh, Lira. I wanted to see your face one last time. Did you ever know your face looked just like my mother's?" And he finally dies, closing his eyes. His cigar falls in his blood, and he topples over. Tatsuya at last releases Yuuri, and she stumbles to stare down at his body. She is in shock, shaking her head and saying, "No, it can't be. Open your eyes. I haven't even had my revenge yet!" and she is screaming at him for dying. And Tatsuya grabs her, holds her tight. "Calm down! Dorunero is already..." she peers at him, seeing him again, panting with pain.
"What? Dorunero is..?" Lira confronts the Zenitto who have returned to her. She stalks at them, past the lonely model of his dream house. "That means he couldn't kill Gien. Damnit." She raises her shoulders commandingly. "Get the luggage ready, we're going to go, now." They head off obediently. With them gone, she lets her grief show a little. "I was sure he'd be okay. Now we have to run to a safe place." With a whirl, she changes into a human appearance, gathers a case, and heads out, pausing in the door. A small, sad smile crosses her face. "Dorunero, I liked you a little, even without money." And she leaves.
Beside the dead form, Yuuri weeps for the loss of her parents and her failure to keep her promise to them, speaking of it. "Why?!" she starts to stumble forward, and Tatsuya leaps to catch her tight against his chest, holding her tenderly to reassure her that none of this was ever her fault. "Even without keeping your promise, you chased Dorunero to the end, didn't you?" He presses his hand into her hair. Then he pushes her slightly away to look into her eyes. "You're a cop that will never lose." She finally weeps in his arms and huddles against him of her own will, holding him tight. The other three arrive to find them standing like that, Yuuri's quiet sobs filling the air.
And Takku, researching the sample, finds out what it is. "It's from the Lambda 2000!" And there are black vortexes opening and closing in the sky. "This might be it!" and the Timerangers are unaware of anything but their people.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode:
Tatsuya and Yuuri are together again, cloaked in blankets and drinking hot drinks, while Tatsuya teases her. And Gien is controlling a gigantic, golden robot. The group has boarded the Time Ship. Tatsuya's voice, "The 30th Century might be destroyed if they stay here, so I need to get them back." I think he has tricked the others into boarding the Time Ship, and locked them in to get them out of here. He hollers into his Chrono-Changer. They stare out the window, horrified. Yuuri screams his name, while the others hold her. The V-Rex fights Gien's latest creation. And Naoto, blood all over his face, stands in flames and wreckage with his gun in a shaking hand, eyes wild.
Night falls, and our heroes are in deep discussion about the importance of Takku's find. Tatsuya hands Ayase the small piece from the Lambda 2000. He is troubled, as he listens to them talk. Yuuri is at the window, staring emotionlessly out of it. And in the sky are the black whirlwinds.
And Gien is pleased with himself over the creation of his golden robot. "Just because Dorunero is dead, I will have the joy of becoming a god."
And the disaster is beginning. The Timeranger are sucked into a vortex, Yuuri with her bandaged knee calling out for Tatsuya. He wakes, crying her name. He leaves the boys' room into the main room. There is Sion, who asks if he couldn't sleep either. "Who else is up?" "Well, Yuuri is." Sion points towards the ceiling. She is up on the roof. So Tatsuya heads up there with a blanket for himself and hot coffee (or is it cooa?). When he pours it for her, she thanks him and sips. They talk quietly, over the low rumble of the night city. Tatsuya is still shaken by his dream, and so his words are a little strange to her.
And Domon is also awake, remembering when he and Honami were eating together on a park bench, and how troubled he was. And a small girl across the way talking with her mother. Honami tells Domon that she will be all right. She tells him not to forget to protect the 30th. Unhappily, he hides under his blanket. Ayase sits up, watching him. And Sion talks with Takku about his own troubled soul.
Naoto is sure feeling his oats, walking with his batman and spinning his hat. Mr. Asami comes out, limping slightly. Naoto greets him respectfully, then heads on by. But Mr. Asami's words halt him. It is grim, neither of them mocking, I think, and Naoto salutes him and moves on. Wataru Asami is NOT a happy camper.
The Timeranger are on the Timeship, loading prisoners into cabinets. They have all of them, now. They didn't have to fight the others because Dorunero (and probably Lira) had arranged to give those to them. Tatsuya is looking grimly about the ship. Ayase eyes him, but before he can say anything, Takku calls them with grim news. The power has started to open the great holes in the sky. Lightning flashes down. Building are sucked up. The city is in flames. Takku tells them frantically to come. Yuri leads them off, but Tatsuya lets them go, and then calls Takku to ask to be taught something before he fights.
Gien's robot blows up big. Gien himself goes into the cockpit in the head to direct the attack. The City Guardians head out, Mr. Asami watching from above. And while Gien is destroying the city, Naoto and his people arrive. "Time Fire!" and then he calls the V-Rex. Gien is less than impressed, and his attack is devastating. The Time Ranger get there, less Tatsuya for the moment, to witness the battle. And then Tatsuya and Takku arrive. A quick analyses reveals the situation is worse than they thought. There is a Lambda 2000 unit in Gien's chest. There is also one in the V-Rex's head. The power surging from the two units as the battle is waged is causing more vortexes to open! Tatsuya hurtles fast to warn Naoto, who I think refuses to understand. He orders the attack to continue. And then, another vortex opens in the sky and they all watch buildings get sucked in before it closes again. Takku warns that this disaster is also because of the V-Rex, and then while they are distracted arguing with each other, the V-Rex wanders a bit, giving Gien space to turn and see them. He fires down at them and they get blasted from their uniforms. However, Naoto is not hit by the brunt of the attack and is still in the Time Fire suit. He heads off to join the V-Rex and make the fight more personal, though they frantically call him to stop. Tatsuya suddenly leaps to his feet, saying he has an idea but they'll have to be at the time-ship, and races off telling the others there is no time. Confused, nevertheless Yuuri nods and they follow him.
At the Time Ship, Tatsuya races in and starts to press several buttons. Domon blinks startled and asks him what he thinks he's doing, he says Takku had taught him this. Takku settles into place on top of the center of the console. Tatsuya takes a fine, translucent card from the console. Ayase finds himself very uneasy, and he tells the others to go with him and starts towards the door. Tatsuya walks to him as if to obey, then grabs his shoulders and throws him to the others, racing out the door which locks behind him. Ayase has caught on indeed. He turns to tell Takku to stop, but Tatsuya signals them and tells them they have to return to the future. He won't let them die. Sion protests that he wants to protect this time. This is, to him, the place he was born. Ayase is in shock. They all are. Above them, a vortex opens, and Tatsuya tells Takku to hurry and take off, this place is dangerous. Domon screams protests, but Tatsuya calls again and Takku obeys, though protesting. Yuuri tells Takku to stop, but gets no reaction as the ship starts the countdown to launch. She leaps back to the viewport and screams Tatsuya's name. She and Sion both press themselves against the glass, protesting. And then Tatsuya turns away, while the ship launches. As Domon shouts protests, and they all stare at him out the viewport, Takku takes them forward through time. It is a shaky ride.
Above Tatsuya the black vortex sends out its wild lightnings, hitting very close to him. It closes at last. A smoking hole in the cliff remains where his friends had been. And Tatsuya carries the translucent, yellow card with the Time Police symbol on it, and races back to the battle.
Gien is feeling very pleased, as Naoto rides the V-Rex to fight him. Thus young Takizawa is caught at point-blank range when Gien pins the V-Rex and fires. The V-Rex is badly damaged, and Tatsuya witnessing races to help. Gien takes his mecha and leaves.
Naoto's suit has powered down. He slowly digs his way out of the rubble. His mecha is aflame, and he is staggering, bleeding and badly bruised. A City Guardian vehicle passes by, swerving wildly. Another comes, with Naoto's batman, who asks him if he's all right. Then the man tells him that Mr. Asami has pulled some fast legal manuevering and regained constrol of the City Guardians. Naoto is being dismissed. Naoto warns that he has the equipment. They are not impressed. They think after all this research they can get it to accept another voice. It seems they intend to take it from him. Three men surround him. The man who first tries to get the V-Commander gets decked, and Naoto fights his way free of the ones who try to hold him, and runs.
The first rush of adreneline running out, he staggers on his injured leg. Moving into hiding and furious, he sinks bleeding against a wall. He cups his hand over his V-Commander, thinking nasty thoughts about Mr. Asami. Then he sees a little girl, I think THAT little girl to whom he gave his birds several episodes ago, but another actress. She is running from a crowd of Zenitto with the birds in a cage in her hands. Naoto races around her and between them and fires at the Zenitto. They fire back and without armor, he is hit badly. The cage drops, and the birds flies free. In agony, panting, blood streaming down his face, "Run," he tells the girl. "But big brother -- " she starts to protest. "GO!" he says hoarsely, and she obeys. He faces off against the Zenitto and squeezes the trigger. The gun is empty, but he will brazen it out. They are about to fire when Tatsuya arrives with a shout to turn their attention from Naoto. Taking them by surprise, he manages to down several of them but then sees Naoto spin into a fall, lying helpless on his back. Tatsuya races to his side, lifting him and shaking him frantically. Regaining consciousness to find young Asami cradling him, Naoto shoves the man away with a burst of strength that quickly leaves him. But Tatsuya sees another vortex opening, and gathers the man up and hurtles away with him. Naoto has enough sense to not fight him, indeed, can barely keep himself up and must rely on Tatsuya's strength. They flee through the fires and the buildings being sucked up into the holes.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Tatsuya fights alone. The Timeranger arrive in the future and end up fighting their own people. Sion is dragged away. They race through halls. Case File 49:
Four bodies lie on clear glass beds. Four people, dressed in sheer white. A woman and a man on the left side, two men on the right, one very tall. Blue light glows within the glass beds. A mist keeps the floor invisible to the eye. All is still. Yuuri begins to wake, at the same time so does Ayase, Domon and Sion, who turns his head to look at his companion beside him. Yuuri is fastest to sit up with a sound of pain and a hand to her pounding head. And then she notices her clothing. Ayase beside her is wide-eyed, as she touches her cuffs in disbelief. Ayase and Sion are on their feet first, Sion murmuring a stunned, "Where..?" and Domon and Yuuri up behind them. Yuuri steps to a thin console and taps in commands to the unmarked hexagonal touch-sensitive controls. Then she places her palm firmly on the broader area, and the wall beside her opens.
Though they knew it, the sight of the city they once called home is startling, dream-like to them. Something unreal and half-forgotten. Domon gazes narrowly out the window. "Have we... come back?" he says weakly. He glances at his clothing, and remembers as they all do, Tatsuya telling them he's sending them home. The fury and helplessness of that moment. The agony of being torn from what they'd come to love. Distraught, he strangles on a sob. "Damn him, he didn't have permission to do this!!" Sion suddenly spins and races across the room. They turn after him, Yuuri calling his name, her voice breaking. The door opens as he reaches it only to find the tall, forbidding Captain Ryuuya standing there staring icily at him. Sion nearly falls over stopping and gapes at him. "Captain!" Ayase gasps softly.
The captain is a barrier in himself as he says coldly, "Where are you going?" Sion unhappily replies, "Back to the 20th Century, to stop the destruction." Then, desperate, he grasps Ryuuya's arms and cries, "Get out of my way!"
Captain Ryuuya's kind response is to pull out a small device which wraps Sion in blue fire, lifts him with painful shocks and drops him sliding back into his team's arms. They gather around him protectively and Domon snarls at the captain, "What the hell are you doing?" Ryuuya ignores it and walks past them. "Welcome back to the city. It's now the year 3001." Ayase and Yuuri stand to confront him, protectively in front of Sion, whom they've left to Domon's care. Domon helps Sion sit on the edge of one of the beds, a gentle sweep of his hands easing the cramps from the shock Captain Ryuuya had applied. Now, though, the Captain's voice is gentler. "You've come back to a new era." "The year 3001?" Yuuri repeats uncertainly. Ayase confirms quietly, "We were in the 20th Century for a year."
Domon is sure Sion is all right, but our youngster is angry and studiously avoiding looking at the captain until Ryuuya says, "Yes. But there's nothing that's the same as your 30th Century." When they all stare at him (and Sion's expression is wonderfully resentful, I tell you), he adds that it is because they changed the G-Zord event, time has been changed. Domon gets to his feet, a calming hand on Sion's knee in passing, to comment. "The 30th Century wasn't destroyed, you said." The captain looks slightly irritated, but says calmly, "That wasn't the only thing." He gazes at them steadily. "Your history also has changed." In lecture mode he strides forward. "For example, ten years ago Dorunero had a family assassinated." Yuuri refuses to look at him as he passes her. Until he says calmly, "That event didn't happen." Yuuri whirls around to find he is gazing steadily at her. Looking down into her stunned eyes, he adds "Your family is alive." And while she reels, he says "Domon," who jumps slightly. "You can go back to your grapple-fighting any time because you haven't been there for a whole year. It won't cost any money." And without ado he adds, "And you, whose life is fading -- " Ayase's eyes go wide, " -- One year ago, we found the cure. Now you can save yourself." Ayase, like Yuuri before him, reels. And then Ryuuya adds, "This is your new world." He holds up the same device he'd hit Sion with, and beams it into the air to show a hologram of a man, a woman, and a teenage girl who bounds into the picture in an excess of energy, calling her father. They all stare out at Yuuri with delight, and the mother goes, "She's beautiful!" Yuuri simply gazes, stunned, and weakly whispers "Father. Mother. Mei...."
Two men toss a beautiful little deactivated robot into the dark compactor. One says to the man beside him, "We have to destroy the robots. And those rangers who've come back don't have their licenses any more. I wonder what's going on?" The other comments back wryly, "Well, Captain Ryuuya ran the time-warp, you know. And history changed!" "No, really?!" gasps the other in shock. But then the other chuckles, "No, it's only a prediction!" and they laughingly close the door. Takku lies alone atop the metal garbage. Then his power activates and he flicks his wings and opens his eyes. "Everyone..." he says weakly.
Captain Ryuuya has closed the hologram. He watches over his shoulder as a shaken Yuuri sinks onto one of the beds. The others are all wavering, but Sion wonders tentatively, "So it's true, everything." But Captain Ryuuya says quietly, "Everything has changed except your history, because you're an alien. You don't have an effect on Earth's history. You're still the only survivor of Harvard Star." And Sion's expression becomes still and murderous, as Ryuuya continues almost blithely, "It means nothing, even if you don't believe what I say, because I'm going to change your memories." Yuuri gazes at him in shock, the others are still. "Your memories don't have any meaning in this time, and the research of the year 2000 is being destroyed." Sion stumbles over to him to protest, but gets no word out as he continues. "Your memories of the century will also be erased." Sion is in shock, and so is Domon but it is the boy who protests weakly. The captain ignores him. "Until I change your memories, I can't let you leave this room." He turns to them, face almost friendly. "It's all ready. Don't worry, you'll get a better life than you had before." And he leaves them there, turns to leave the room. Sion springs around anxiously in front of him, grabbing his arm and forgetting to fear attack. "Wait, please! But, what about Tatsuya? And did Naoto really..?" he trails off. Exasperated in his stiff way, Ryuuya says firmly, "You all are 30th Century people. You don't have to worry about such small things as that. The year 2000 really did end, a thousand years ago tomorrow. On February 4th." And he's had enough of being interrogated by these of his, and shoves Sion as he stalks past him. The doors open to let him through, and close behind him. Sion is stunned and angry. Yuuri is numb where she sits and says weakly, "My parents and sister are alive." And ships fly by peacefully out the window.
Wreckage, smoke, the air acrid. It is 2001, February 3rd. Tatsuya half carries Naoto through the rubble, pulls him to lean against a wall in the shade. "Are you all right?" he asks frantically, but Naoto can only gasp in reply. Tatsuya looks around. Far above them, over the sound of the mad sirens, gloats Gien inside his great robot. He blasts and destroys more buildings, and laughs wickedly. "Destruction!" he says gleefully. More buidings are sucked into more black vortexes. Tatsuya hovers slightly over Naoto, who is huddled around his pain. "Gien won't be able to find us here." An idea strikes, "We can go to the City Guardians' base!" and he reaches down to help Naoto up, gathering him. Naoto pulls away slightly, and gasps out, "Don't worry about me. Hurry and go back to your friends." Tatsuya, still holding his hands loosely around Naoto, says softly that Yuuri and the others have gone back to the future. Naoto stares at him briefly in surprise through the pain until he adds, "Because they don't have anything to do with this time." Then he tells Naoto commandingly they have to go, and tries to get him up. But Naoto shoves Tatsuya away from him and snarls weakly, "I told you to leave me alone!" Getting furious himself with this, Tatsuya snaps back, "You can't ignore your injuries! Even if you don't want to go, I'll make you!" and grabs Naoto's shoulders to drag him but the other fights at first, then sobs in agony over the pain of his wounds. Anger changing to worry, Tatsuya moves to help him but Naoto wants him to leave and shoves him back against the wall, sobbing in pain that is not only physical. Then he forces himself to his feet, as Tatsuya carefully positions to catch him if he falls. Naoto looks so fragile. Holding himself up, he explains "I was thrown out of the City Guardians. If I go back to them, they'll only take the V-Commander from me," ending it on a strangled gasp of agony. He pauses to breath and adds, "The voice-key was changed." Tatsuya breathes in dismay as he understands what has happened. But Naoto adds, "Don't think I'm going to give up now!"
A crowd of Zenitto come marching near and see the two men. Before they can start firing, Naoto moves to protect Tatsuya, pulling his spare gun from its holster above his ankle and firing. Tatsuya leaps to fight them off. Naoto cannot fight, but can fire. He is pinned by one Zenitto attempting to slice him up, but Tatsuya manages to get there in time to pull it off of him, calling his name. Drags him up and flees with him. For Tatsuya remembers one other thing Takku had told them all. That today, the pilot of the V-Rex would die. And he is determined to prevent that from happening. He thinks harshly, "Don't die. It's not like everything is history!" He races through the fighting, dragging Naoto, while Gien continues firing. More buildings fly apart. Gien says ecstatically, "I'm so happy I cannot speak!"
City Guardians are calling people to evactuate the streets and hide underground, and being pretty ineffectual against the masses of Zenitto. In the base, A man has come to report to Mr. Asami who growls, "What?!" The man explains unhappily, "Yes, there's a lot of destruction. Everyone is dying out there! How can we help them?" The man who had formerly been toadying to Naoto comes in to report, "Takizawa has disappeared with the V-Commander. The V-Rex is is repairing itself. Do you want us to look for Takizawa?" This is not good news to Mr. Asami, who slams to his feet. "No! There's no reason to look for him." And staring out the window he thinks, "Takizawa, I said too much to you...."
Tatsuya still pulls Naoto through the streets. They find shelter between buildings, and Tatsuya is urgently calling Naoto to hold on. He sees an emergency station has been opened and nurses are shepherding wounded inside, he heads them that way. Inside, past the sounds of other agonies, he half-carries the drooping man.
Gien finds he cannot continue the attack. Explosions damage his robot. "Oop, looks like I've done too much destruction. Time to rest for a while, Neo-Crisis. This destruction should continue for a long time!" For the moment, he has to let his robot repair itself. He's had a great time, though, and heads off, under a whirling vortex.
Naoto's wounds are mostly upper body. The doctors and nurses have done the best they can, and placed him on a cot with a drip. His hand, forehead, upper chest are all heavily bandaged and they've covered him with a blanket. He lies still. Tatsuya comes to his side, trying to cheer him. "I'm really relieved. It didn't go the way it was supposed to go. You're not dead." "Why did the person who saved me have to be you," Naoto mutters resentfully. His hands clench in the blanket, the V-Commander only making his bare arms look more fragile. Tatsuya sees this and says empathetically, "Are you going to keep on, then?" Naoto reluctantly looks at him, then away. "Yuuri said you can't see the end. What happens after you get power?" He trails off.
Naoto responds, "But it's certain you can't live only on power." Tatsuya doesn't really know the significance of this statement. Naoto turns his head to look at him. "You also said that, didn't you? Can you see your end?" Tatsuya gives a puzzled noise, and Naoto continues. "Just like I'm running from death, you're running from Asami. What can you see after the end?" Tatsuya drops his gaze away uneasily, then raises it again. "That means you and I are the same. Two that were relying on power." Naoto looks away and says heavily, "Well, you can't change your life now, because you won't be able to forgive yourself after that."
And then a frantic man runs in and tells them the Londarz are nearby, everyone must stay hidden. Nurses and doctors quickly start calming frightened patients, and Tatsuya starts out. But he pauses to say to Naoto, who tries to sit up and witness this. "But I know one thing. You can change the way you live. That's for you to choose. I'll go home. If I live." He runs off. Naoto thinks about it, but then is overwhelmed by a sudden coughing fit. He spits up a rather large mouthful of blood, which runs to the floor. He lifts his gaze and thinks, "You'll live. And then you'll survive. Even though you have no reason but you are sure you can live. And you're always happy. I always wanted to know what's after you find power.... If I live...." And he lies back to try to rest, while Tatsuyua fights wildly as Time Red, to rescue fleeing people from attacking Zenitto.
Captain Ryuuya strides confidently to his station overlooking the city. This was the place he had launched the Time Jets from, so many times. He stares tensely out at the city, then turns to the boards and keys in a sequence quickly. The computer projects a screen in the air, and the captain says firmly, "Case File 48. February 3, 2001, four Time Rangers, Yuuri, Ayase, Domon and Sion returned to the 30th Century. On the same day, V-Rex pilot Naoto Takizawa died." The computer immediately flashes a red warning, and informs him that the pilot's name did not match the established data. Captain Ryuuya stares, horrified, at the screen. Then he steadies himself and snaps, "The data is wrong! Enter new data!" but he is still shaken even as the computer complies. He breathes out a sigh and closes his eyes for a moment, then looks out again at the city, worried.
A little girl walks into the sick ward, carrying her empty birdcage. It is not the same girl, after all. She comes to where Naoto is to thank him for helping her. He sits up, and notices the empty cage. "Your bird hasn't returned yet?" he asks her kindly. Mournful, she nods. Then they hear a faint chirping. Out the window behind him, when he turns they both see the yellow parakeet, and it flies away. The girl gives a surprised, delighted gasp and Naoto turns to look at her. Then, eager for someone to help, something to do, he sits up and pulls out his drip. "Let me have it," he asks her for the cage.
He throws on his shirt over his bandages and heads out of the shelter, to look for the bird. He is so badly bruised.... He looks and listens, then sees the bird flying up, to settle on the railing of a staircase, about two floors up. Naoto makes his fragile, heavy, stumbling way up the stairs. The bird is tired, and does not fly away. He remembers what Tatsuya had said. "Naoto, you are also able to change your life." And so he heads for the sad parakeet. He does not hear or see the lone Zenitto round the corner far below. He gently cups his hands around the bird and puts it in its cage.
In the 31st, the computer says "Case File 48 found. Do you wish to append it?" Captain Ryuuya snaps firmly, "No. There's nothing more." And he closes the file.
Naoto begins to smile, pleased he has the bird safely in its cage. He lifts it to peer and poke playfully. And then bullets fly into his back. He doesn't feel them after they hit. He loses his hold on the cage, and it falls to the pavement far below. And in a slow instant, blood sliding from his mouth, his eyes close and he falls, too.
The sun is setting. Tatsuya has returned only to find Naoto gone, and some sort of explanation I think must have come from a little girl, for he is frantically searching, calling the man's name and almost in tears. And then he sees him, limp and unmoving, and runs frantically to the bloody form, calling him to open his eyes. And to his surprise and pained relief, Naoto does. "Hey," the dying man greets him. Naoto shifts and looks over towards the bird chirruping in its cage. Tatsuya follows his gaze miserably, then feels Naoto going loose in his arms. "Naoto!" And his friend replies quietly, "Asami. Try to change it."
Naoto touches the sides of the V-Commander, and the bands vanish obediently. He holds it up to Tatsuya, who takes it, swallowing, and then Naoto's hand falls to the cement, for he is dead. And Tatsuya gasps strangled protests. "Why? Why do you have to die?" he bites through his tears. He holds the limp form and screams his protests to the uncaring skies. To the black vortex far, far above.
Sunset in 3001. Yuuri stares out at the city. It is no comfort, her thoughts are far, far away. "Tatsuya," she says without knowing it. Domon lifts his head and says softly, "He's by himself because he saved us." And there was what Tatsuya had always said. "Even if we can't change the future, let's change our tomorrows." It echoes in this room, where the four of them can only wait to have everything in their lives of the 20th taken away, and everything in their lives altered so they do not know that the world is any different. Ayase thinks, "Our tomorrows did change, but his didn't." Sion is huddled around his own pain, for he is still an orphan of the storm. "I want to think about Ayase and everyone, but right now I can only think about Tatsuya." Yuuri closes her eyes, to remember every precious moment, everything that Tatsuya had done for her, his smile. How they played together. And he had said, "Yuuri, you can find a new road." She thinks his name. A new road.
Tatsuya fights madly through Zenitto, in too much pain. He bashes, smashes and finally reaches Tomorrow Research. The building is dark, save for one light over the computer. When he walks heartbroken inside, Robotta greets him with a miserable question, "Tatsuya, is no one coming home?" So clean. So empty. "Yes." He sits in the chair by the little robot, and holds up the V-Commander to stare at it. "Naoto," he thinks mournfully. There on the corkboard are their photographs from the Christmas days. "Domon. Sion. Ayase. Yuuri." And he only sits and stares through the night. If he sleeps, I do not know.
Bright morning light. 2001, February 4. Gien walks cackling to Neo-Crisis. "Today is the day when I will become the god of chaos! Destruction!" and he boards. He begins his attacks, and Tatsuya gets up to go fight. He seems to be facing hundreds of Zenitto. "I'm going to fight to the last." And then he holds up his arm and shouts into the V-Commander, "V-Rex, COME!" It obeys.
Two black security robots walk into the room. One announces, "One person at a time will be changed. The first is Sion. You." They march towards him. The others gaze, faces white. Domon glares. They grab Sion's arms and drag him between them. He peers helplessly back, and Ayase's gaze becomes piercing, until thought becomes action, his hands curling into fists. And he leaps, to snatch the weapons from their hands and use those to knock both robots away and disable them. Sion is too stunned at first. "Ayase?" He drops the weapons and stands to say softly, "No matter how good this century is, I'm not going to keep it." Domon says shakily, "But you -- " And Ayase meets his gaze a moment then says, "Don't worry about it. You can choose your own way." One robot starts moving, grasps Domon's ankle. "I am!" Domon snaps and kicks and bashes it to destruction with ease. "This way." He is suddenly proud and calm. And the other robot starts to move, Yuuri suddenly launches herself and destroys its head. She turns to them firmly. "I'm going too." Domon protests, "But Yuuri, you don't have to fight -- " and she meets his gaze with her heart. "I can't let Tatsuya or his century end." Then she shakes her head to herself and says, "That's not the reason. But I have to go." Ayase holds back a hearty laugh of delight and looks at her proudly, Domon behind him is firmly determined. And then the laugh is gone to a nod. Yuuri says, "Sion, let's go back to the 21st Century." With a delighted grin, Sion nods and leads the race from the room that had been their prison. They race through an empty building, up stairs, through halls and down corridors, where there is no one at all to stop or even notice them. Captain Ryuuya is in for one hell of a surprise. The battle a thousand years in the past, where Tatsuya fights as Time Red alone, using the DV-Defender, and the V-Rex bites and fights Gien's Neo-Crisis, is going and going.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: "I'm going to believe in myself. Nothing's going to get in my way. And I'm going to open tomorrow's door. And we are going to go on!!"
For the others are appearing beside him. First Sion and Yuuri, then Domon and Ayase.
Grief is a force in itself, as Tatsuya screams defiance and leaps, changing into his Time Red armor, into battle against what seem to be hundreds of Zenitto. "This is my last battle!" he thinks as he uses his Double Vectors.
And a thousand years later, four people in white race across the halls and wide, pristine white floors of the Provider Base. Yuuri's voice, though none of them speak, their faces determined. "Let's return to the 20th Century."
Time Red fights alone, a single spot clear in a sea of Zenitto. Even as one falls another takes its place. And above this struggle is another one, Gien in his golden Neo Crisis battles V-Rex and is totally enjoying himself. "Today, I've become a god!" he delights. And buildings are sucked up into great, whirling vortexes.
But the news has finally reached Mr. Asami. "Takizawa?!" he exclaims in shock. "You can't mean it!" And yet we all know how he died in Tatsuya's arms. The batman explains that Tatsuya is, in fact, the current holder of the V-Commander. Mr. Asami hears this in shock, as the man continues, explaining that Tatsuya is out there fighting alone and gets more urgent, starting to suggest they go and stop him from fighting, but he replies, "No. No, he won't stop. That man is my son." He is shaken and off-balance, but if he has any care for the man who died, I think it is only for Tatsuya, who fights alone and worries about keeping the V-Rex from using its Lambda 2000 energy, because it will destroy the world.
Crowds running, a mother kneels with her exhausted children, trying to encourage them on. Honami appears beside them to encourage the weeping girl of the children, and help move them to hopefully safer areas. "Don't give up! We're almost at the evacuation center! Just a little farther!" And the skies open with terrible holes.
A thousand years later, and the fact that rogues are loose in the complex has finally been noticed. A voice over the loudspeakers announces, "Four prisoners have escaped." Armored security personnel race through the corridors searching. This is the familiar armor that both Domon as a pro-fighter and Yuuri as a police-officer have worn. Takku, lying still on the pile of scrap metal, hears the announcements over the loudspeakers and begins to brighten up. And our four are trapped, cornered between two groups of security men. They race away and hear Takku calling them, see a grate open up. Sion calls his name and they head into the grate, Domon last to close it behind them. The security men are in quite a state when both groups meet up, and clueless as to where their targets have vanished to. They continue off.
Domon arrives at the bottom to join the others, as a fastidious Ayase is dusting his hands off. "Are you all right?" Takku asks them anxiously from his perch atop the scrap heap. Sion greets him with joy and delight that he is all right. Takku explains that he managed to reactivate himself by gathering energy as he could and asks if they really plan to go back. Ayase replies a firm affirmative and so Takku frets telling them, "There's no way you can stay in that time! If the information from the year 2000 disappears -- " But Yuuri counters that they know, and want to return anyway. Takku closes his eyes a moment to digest this and then declares that he will also help. "First we have to get the Time Jets." He will be their navigator, helping them through the obstacles.
"They're in Time Jet Gamma form, in the hangar. And we also have to get the Chrono Changers from the workers' room. And we have to get all the information we can about the disaster."
And so as per his directions, they split up. Domon and Sion tackle the men guarding the Time Jets, Sion pounds on a crate to get their attention, and Domon takes them out. Sion boards Time Jet Gamma while Domon lays down covering fire to keep panicked guards back. Yuuri goes to retrieve the Chrono Changers. She sends a marble rolling to attract one guard's attention, and disarms him before he knows what's happening. Two startled guards leap when a door slides open, but they are not expecting the small Takku below their eye level, and so he is easily able to knock his way past them. Ayase renders them unconscious.
And there are two men walking down a hall, one is Captain Ryuuya issuing orders to a worried subordinate, who races off. "Don't let them get away. If you can't stop them, you're authorized to kill them." And when the man is gone, Ryuuya quickens his steps, wondering why in the world these crazy four are doing this, when they've got the best of all worlds, in this time.
Domon is still keeping the guards off and Sion has managed to power up Time Jet Gamma. Domon goes into a wild dash to protect Yuuri when she arrives, and soon the two are able together to get through and board the ship. In the meantime, Ayase and Takku are in the main control room, Ayase programming quickly with the Time Gate in clear view outside. They will get the ships free and the program going, Takku will run it for them.
And then the doors slide open and Ayase whirls, but it is to face a gun and the grim captain. "This is as far as you go," Ryuuya says. Almost as white as his uniform, Ayase holds still, eyes intensely wide.
Yuuri has changed into her 20th Century clothing and puts her Chrono Changer on. She asks Sion how much longer, and he replies there's just a bit more to go. He is still in his whites. He explains unhappily as he programs, that the ship has only enough time energy to cross a thousand years. This is a one-way trip. If they go back now, they'll arrive just about the same time the disaster happens. She has no trouble with going.
Ayase faces the captain, eyes determined and wide. He has a weapon up and pointed, they are faced off, both men in equal danger from the other. Ryuuya, though, brazens it out. He steps towards Ayase, asking him if he really knows what he's doing. "Only in this era can you keep living." The danger of losing his own life. Ryuuya stops and stares intently, Ayase's head firmly in his gunsights.
Aboard Time Jet Gamma, they are waiting anxiously, all now in their 20th clothing. Domon is, as ever, the most demonstrative of his nervousness. Then an alarm sounds, and they hear Ryuuya's voice. "Give me your gun. I think you should keep living." And they suck in their breaths, realizing why Ayase hasn't completed his part of the mission.
Captain Ryuuya is trying to be reasonable, explaining "No one will blame you for betraying your friends." Ayase swallows, face ashen. His lips part slightly. The captain is waiting him out, and this tense situation is being watched by Takku, who seems just as wide-eyed. A shiver runs through Ayase. Defeat taking him, he lowers his gaze from the captain's. "I..." he starts, the tremor becoming so pronounced it is easily visible, even to those with less sharp eyes than the captain's. "I want to live." He looks up again, his eyes haunted and defeated. He lowers his weapon. "Of course you do," Captain Ryuuya replies. He steps forward, his gun never wavering, but he reaches out one hand for Ayase's weapon. Ayase unwinds his fingers from the trigger and lifts the weapon obediantly. Lips parting slightly, Ryuuya's gaze shifts down to it and just before he touches it, Ayase lets it slip from his hand and fall to the ground. Ryuuya is not quick enough to change gears. As his gaze follows the weapon to impact on the floor, he is not ready when Ayase lashes out with a foot and knocks his gun away. And then Ayase grabs Ryuuya buy the upper arms and throws him with fury against the console, pins him there. Ryuuya is not such a good fighter, and so is unable to free himself while Ayase calls Takku to get a move on. Furious, his teeth bared, Ryuuya says hoarsely, "Don't you want to keep living?!" and Ayase simply agrees with him, still white as his clothing. "Yeah, but I want to live my own way." "You're an idiot!" cries Ryuuya with painful fury, and he yanks himself free, decking Ayase and leaping for his gun far away from them on the floor. Ayase tackles him, and they struggle. Ryuuya is beginning to sound hysterical, but his fingers close on the gun's handle and he fights to keep it while Ayase fights to disarm him. Four hands close on the weapon. A moment later, the other three are just about to the room when they hear the sound of a gun discharging. Horrified of what they may find, they leap to the door. It slides open, Domon and Yuuri ready to fire, Sion behind them.
Ayase and the taller Captain Ryuuya are face to face, staring at each other as though nothing else exists. Ryuuya has the gun, his hands are both caught in Ayase's. The weapon points towards Ayase. Domon gasps his friend's name in painful expectation. Neither man moves, and then the captain utters a wet, "It can't be." He is starting to waver, his face distorting as his lips begin to redden, and then blood trickles from his mouth. "Why would I..." he manages before the pain takes him and his knees buckle. He crumples at Ayase's feet, who whispers "Captain," with instinctive pity, but makes no move to bend down. The others cross the room to them, looking stunned themselves. A hand clenched over his stomach, Ryuuya raises his gaze to stare dazedly at them. "I don't understand," he says through the blood that slowly trickles down his chin. And which pain is worse? "Why are you..?" he asks miserably.
Takku interjects softly, "Captain Ryuuya, the V-Rex's pilot, the real Time Fire... that was you, wasn't it?" He waves his wings alarmed and upset to realize this. The others all stare. Ryuuya turns a horrified gaze on the little robot as it finishes, "You're the only one who had all the data!" "Yes, it's true," the captain confirms in a moment of shock. But then the pain of his wound strikes him anew, bringing tears to his eyes as he curls around the agony, starting to fall back. This time Ayase cannot help it, he moves quickly to put supporting hands on the stricken man's back, beating Yuuri's brief, aborted motion. Held, but no reassurance for him, he tries to explain. How 6 years ago the G-Zord was lost in time. He was sucked into the time hole with it. How he saw two histories. Gien would fight the V-Rex and cause this terrible, 20th Century disaster. He remembers his horror at the thought of it. At the terrible, evil destruction. Or the G-Zord would kill Gien, thus aborting the destruction of the world, BUT he would still fight the G-Zord and he would have died either way, as Time Fire would stagger from the battle to fall, helmet vanishing first to show his own face before he would finally die. "Being the captain, I have to protect the 30th Century. But I wanted to change just that one thing." All of them are pale and white, now. "But I couldn't change my own fate," Ryuuya says heavily. Ayase's hold on his shoulders is the only thing keeping him up, his head is sinking.
It is Sion who breaks the silence. "And that's why... you made Naoto take your place...." Perhaps Ryuuya is trying to defend his decision. History had said Time Fire would die. "It's good for history." Sion breaks in outrage and leaps at the dying man, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him furiously. "Did you think you were safe just by doing that?!" Ayase cannot bring himself to stop the boy, but Domon leaps to put reassuring hands on Sion's shoulders, while Ayase holds the captain. Half-hysterical, Sion protests, "How could you do that? You changed history for YOUR OWN SAKE AND NOTHING MORE?!!" He is calming, somewhat, enough to release the captain and talk "The people a thousand years ago are alive just as people are now! And NAOTO..!" And then the anguish hits again, he grabs to shake the captain this time Domon does wrap him in his arms and pull him back. Yuuri is biting her lips, a funny almost-smile on her face that contains irony and anger. But Ryuuya tries to answer, his hand on his wound covered in blood. "If you knew you were going to die, you'd try to find some way to save yourself. Anyone would." He looks bitterly back at Ayase's face, "Don't you think so?!" to see the realization. "So, it was you who wanted to change tomorrow," Ayase says. Had wanted it even more than they had. Ryuuya's eyes close for a moment. His lips are pale and blue. He opens them again and says, "It took six years, but it was going to be the same thing anyway." And he shudders, sputtering in pain, fine drips of blood down his chest. And then he convulses, and falls back into Ayase's lap. His eyes roll up a moment before they close, forever.
And Ayase swallows weakly, for he has just killed this man, however the circumstances. The others are as pale as he. For a moment, he bows his head over the captain. And outside the window, the time-gate waits. Sion gets slowly to his feet, and Domon does as well. The floor is littered with at least three guns and the dead. Takku has to break the stunned tableau. "Everyone, go." He explains that he will run the equipment. They should go, now. All the data is in the computer. They can stop the disaster with that information. "You might be doing the wrong thing, but I believe in you. I believe in the tomorrows that you have chosen. Now go!" And with his reassurance, they board Time Jet Gamma and cling to the command bars as he calls through their speakers, "Time Jet, LAUNCH!!" And the ship glows brilliant white and shimmering. For they do not need the gate, now. Takku knows the path.
The 21st Century. Vortexes open in the sky. Neo-Crisis blasts the V-Rex. Gien loves every minute of it. The V-Rex falls and Time Red, fighting, sees this and calls its name. The Zenitto are just too many for him. It seems as though every one of those in the city is gathering. They at last knock him down and get a bead on him, firing until he falls, his armor disrupted. Above, Gien cackles his hyena laugh. And then, in a voice full of innocent glee, "Dorunero! Watch me! Where are you?" And still more buildings are sucked into the skies. The city is in flames. Panting, starting to get back to his feet, Tatsuya gasps, "The end of the world!"
Elsewhere, a crowd has given up on running and only watches, faces lifted to the sky. Honami is there, holding a little girl protectively. She breathes in at the horrible sight. In the City Guardian's base, through the window Wataru Asami and his batman watch with the same horror. Tatsuya makes it back to his feet, and Gien sees him. "It's over!" that one calls. And Tatsuya whirls, to find the Zenitto preparing to fire a final volley on him. He faces it bravely, straightening up despite his wounds. And then, a strange sound fills the air.
Zenitto and Gien turn. A new and different vortex opens in the sky, and Time Jet Gamma hurtles out of it. Sheer speed and beauty as it flies. "Time Jet! But -- " gasps Tatsuya. And in the Jet, Yuuri calls "Time Tornado!" and the ship goes into an obedient whirl. Neo Crisis is sucked up and temporarily put out of the battle. And Tatsuya, feeling as though he is dreaming, turns to see four Time Rangers running towards him. He swallows, pain and wish and worry all too much now. Ayase leaps into a spinning kick. Soon, the three are among the crowd of Zenitto, clearing more and more away. They are swift and fresh, using their cannons at last to do devastation. And when they've cleared enough, they come marching to Tatsuya.
Their armor shifts away. They are beautiful, and strong, and so darned intense. Tatsuya stands, swaying slightly, his face bruised and bloody. "You guys," he manages, still not certain he isn't dreaming. Sion breaks into a grin and bounds the last meter to him, but only says his name with warmth and joy as they gather close to him. It takes him a long moment, gazing at them, before the mist in his brain lifts and he starts to whirl. "Why... why are you back here?!"
Ayase puts his hands on his hips and says almost playfully that they've come back. The 30th Century was different, so when they went back they hated it. Domon adds that it was frightening, grinning. They all smirk at him playfully, but to him this is no laughing matter. It is Yuuri who knows what to say to him with calm seriousness. "Tatsuya. Didn't you say that we could find a new road? Well this is my road." Barely able to stand, feeling somewhat dizzy, he gazes around at them. As they nod. "You guys are crazy. You're not people of this time." But Domon lays a hand firmly on his shoulder and smiles at him. Ayase folds his arms and they all meet his stunned gaze. And he stutters a weary laugh.
Neo Crisis lays in the hills, not moving. Gien regains consciousness and then is quite alarmed as he struggles to make sense of things.
And around a fire of broken branches, ignoring the distant sirens, the four returnees explain to Tatsuya what they learned. Yuuri says, "While Gien's gone, we should try to come up with a plan to stop him." And Sion reports that Takku's data says if they don't stop the V-Rex and Gien's robot, they won't be able to stop the disaster. He explains that what they have to do is change the V-Rex's Lambda 2000 to Zeta 3, and then use that energy for the Max-Burning, they should be able to stop Gien's creation. Ayase asks if he knows how to change the Lambda 2000 into the Zeta 3? Rubbing their arms and staying near the fire, the others listen. Sion points out that with the DV Defender, firing they can fuse the Zeta-3 crystal powering the V-Rex. "We'll need the person holding the DV-Defender to do it but -- " he starts to worry about getting it from Naoto.
But Tatsuya says softly "That's no problem." And he slowly reaches behind his back and pulls out... "I have it." He holds the bracelet in his hand so they can see it. And the pain is sheer as they realize what that means. Sion stares beyond pain. Domon closes his eyes in agony. Ayase is still and grim, for he knew a little more about Naoto than the others did. Yuuri whispers, "So it happened after all," and Tatsuya bows his head, clenching the bracelet protectively. Sion leans weakly back against the wall. Domon turns away to stare out into the streets. Tatsuya gets to his feet and looks to Sion. "What Naoto can't change," he explains in a voice tight with loss. "I will." And he holds the bracelet out to Sion, who takes it solemnly. Domon kicks a can with furious helpless grief.
And then he lifts his gaze, lips parting. Among the shell-shocked people crossing the plaza across from them is Honami. She stops and turns her gaze, sensing him as he sensed her. His lips form her name and he takes a half step towards her. She stands, just as amazed at his presence. The others see this, and it is Tatsuya who steps to Domon's ear. "Go to her," he says softly. "Stay with her 'til you get to the evacuation center." And Sion agrees softly, that they have alittle time left for him to modify the DV-Defender. Domon doesn't really need more encouragement. He goes. The other four talk together.
The world for the pair falls away as Domon goes to Honami. She takes a few steps forward to meet him. He is first to speak, a soft laugh of joy. "I'm so glad you're safe." She teases him back affectionately and punches his stomach lightly, "Of course I'm all right!" He yields before her touch, and reaches out to stroke her cheek, to see that the darkness is is only dirt and not bruising, telling her how her face is really dirty. Still playing at lightness she says "Really?" The gesture is so tender, and he loses his teasing smile, unable to bear it. She sees his pain and reads it rightly. And so for him she smiles tenderly, fighting back the tears, leaning in to his touch. "This is it, then. This is the last time." And now the tears break loose, and she folds her hands around his. At the first sniffle, he pulls her close and strokes her hair. She cries quietly, does Honami, not wanting to hurt him. But he also does not wish to hurt her, and now he wraps his arms around her, needing her more than anything else in time or the world, to be safe. To love her. Together. All right, I'm crying, now.
Gien has power back, but has been unable to raise his robot. He struggles in the cockpit, hitting buttons flipping switches and pushing levers. "Move, move, move!!" The robot twitches in response to his efforts. And above the city, the vortexes whirl. The other four Time Rangers watch and Ayase says "It's begun." Gien has his robot up and moving into the city. Sion completes the modifications of the DV Defender and hands it off to Tatsuya. For he is of this time, and was given this by Naoao. Tatsuya accepts the dragon-gun and, with a determined nod, leads the rush off. Domon joins them along the way. They stare up at Neo-Crisis, and then Tatsuya leads the change into armor. Yuuri calls in the Time Jets and orders Time Robo Alpha, controlling the fight. She's a tough woman. The V-Rex arrives to fight, only to find itself under seeming attack from its own pilot. Following Sion's instructions, Time Red has not joined the others but waited on the street, and now he fires the DV-Defender on the crystal powering the V-Rex. Time Robo Alpha fights to hold off Gien while that is going on. Bewildered, Gien protests, "What...? Who are you? Why are you getting in my way?" Confused, Domon turns to the others. "What's with this guy? Doesn't he recognize us?" Yuuri attempts to answer. "I don't know, but until the Zeta 3 is made, try not to let him move!" They use Jikuuken, but Neo Crisis catches the blade and breaks it, to their shock. And another vortex opens. Seeing it, Time Red redoubles his efforts with the rather confused V-Rex. He calls to his friends, "Hold on, just a little more!" and Neo-Crisis fires madly at them. They are taking some pretty tough hits, but even as another building vanishes into the vortex, Time Red's helmet reports that the Zeta-3 crystal has finally fused. There are sighs of relief all around, and Time Red leaps aboard V-Rex, and calls the others that the V-Rex can't move, so they must force Gien's robot into the line of fire. Time Yellow grumbles, "We got it, but..!" and Gien also has coments that he will destroy them all. But they have changed while he is gloating, and Time Robo Beta hits Neo Crisis hard, knocking it down. They call Tatsuya to do it now. And he obeys. "Max Dividing!" and the blasts bear in until, Gien screaming, the Zeta-3 crystal within his body bursts. Neo Crisis blows out, a shattering fire, and pieces fall to the ground, burning.
Amongst the wreckage lies Gien, moving feebly. "Dorunero," he says weakly. "Where did you go? I can count money, now!" and he holds up his hand to close fingers as he counts. "One, Twooooo -- " he doesn't make it to three. With a gasp of pain, his systems shut down. His mechanical face begins to fall apart. Then his body vanishes in golden light, leaving only a pile of ashes, shaped very like a human, behind.... The wind blows. And the vortex closes forever.
It is over. The skies are clear. It happens so suddenly, that our heroes can't believe their eyes at first. "Hey!" gasps Time Yellow. And Time Red, from his perch atop the V-Rex exclaims with joy, "The end of the world is OVER!" And they all cry out in joy and delight. They did it. They really did it. And then a strange, glimmering, gleaming light opens behind the V-Rex. Time Red cries out as the world vanishes into white light.
He is in his regular clothes, now, his torn, burnt and tattered jacket, struggling to maintain balance on ground that does not seem to really be there. Tatsuya Asami is confused. He looks about. Colors shimmer aurora tinted in the whiteness. And then his four friends materialize, walking towards him. Shaggy, unkempt, he greets them with painful wistfullness. It is Sion who comes closest first, gazing up into his eyes with unaccustomed seriousness. "It looks like we have to go back," Sion says softly. And then with a small smile adds, "To a new 30th Century."
Weakly, Tatsuya answers, "Of course. So the future was changed." He feels bad about that, but also confused.
Ayase smiles slightly and comes close to him, glancing around at the strange lights all about. He says teasingly, "Yeah. You don't have to look so sad. It's different, but we changed it with you." He gives Tatsuya a serious look. "So it's not a bad future, you know?" Tatsuya is too confused to brighten up. Domon pushes him and also teases, "Hey, stop looking like that. From here on, you really are choosing for yourself." Tatsuya cannot dredge up a smile, But Sion calls him and he sees the boy is fading away. "Tatsuya, I'm really glad I met you. I'll always remember you. No matter what happens, I'm not alone anymore!" and he is gone into the mist. And now Domon is starting to fade, but he regards Tatsuya with a cocky grin. "See you! Hey, please keep an eye on Honami for me!" and he is tucking his hands in his pocket as he recedes and vanishes.
Tatsuya is breaking, tears streaming down his cheeks as he protests, "Domon!" and takes a hesitant step forward. Then he closes his eyes, swallowing his tears. "Sion!" and opens his eyes again to find Ayase is watching him with empathy that becomes a bright smile of such joy. Then Ayase can meet Tatsuya's eyes no longer, turning his gaze shyly down. Choking, the tears starting anew, Tatsuya says, "Ayase, you..." and Ayase lifts his gaze to meet Tatsuya, but he is starting to recede and fade away. He says gently, "It's all right. I'll live." And he is gone.
Tatsuya weeps quietly, the same tears Honami had earlier. Watching him, Yuuri steps forward slowly. They are all that is left. And in this moment, he can at last lift his eyes and say the words he has longed to say to her. "Yuuri, I should have said this an easier way." He has to breathe first. "I love you." "Tatsuya," she breathes back, and they stand there a brief instant, before moving almost as one into each other's arms, weeping. He holds her as Domon had held Honami. There is no time left. Yuuri begins to glow. Seeing it, Tatsuya forces himself to pull back so they can meet each other's eyes one more time. As she begins to recede, she speaks to reassure him about them. "We won't ever forget each other. So Tatsuya, don't give up...." And she is gone, words not spoken but felt so deeply....
And Tatsuya is standing onsolid ground, under the clear sky. "Yes, I understand. This isn't goodbye." He balls his hands into first. The time for tears is over, until the darkness of night. And white doves fly into the sky all around him.
Tatsuya jogs through the park. The destruction of a year past has long been cleaned up. The world is normal and growing again. And it is morning and he hops up a few steps, pauses and waves singing out "Good morning!" There is a group of young mothers sitting, and amongst them is Honami, with her son. The little one is about three months old, quiet and peaceful in his mother's arms as Tatsuya asks after him, and Honami responds that she and her child are really healthy. Tatsuya ruffles the baby's thin hair affectionately, brushes a finger against the child's cheek and says warmly, "Hey, hurry up and get big, Domon Junior." The angel-child peacefully licks his lips, and Tatsuya heads off to continue his morning jog with a happy farewell. Honami watches him go with a warm smile.
As he jogs along the sidewalk, an expensive car drives past. It is his father in there, no wanting to disturb his son but able to watch him with pride. His health and strength. Wataru Asami has learned to let go, and love his son anyway. And Tatsuya thinks to him, "Father, someday I'll join the Asami group, but when I do, I'll change it. Right now I'm going to live for Naooto." But in his jog he pauses in frozen shock. Yuuri is running toward him in a long, fuzzy coat, waving. He stands, stunned, until the girl shoots past him without a glance. It is not Yuuri, of course, but merely her doppelganger come to join a freind at a table for coffee. Tatsuya rolls his eyes at himself and continues his jog. Still slightly stunned, he runs headlong into a man coming around from behind a truck, a man delivering good. The face under the white bandana is Ayase's. The apologetic manner is not. Tatsuya's run takes him near a daycare. He sees a child chasing a ball out into the street, but in an instant one of the daycare teachers is there, gathering the boy up. A man who looks exactly like Domon. Getting used to this, Tatsuya watches with a happy grin. He runs on, and gets between high school students tossing a bottled drink. The one who apologizes and asks for the drink back looks exactly like Sion, except for how strange it is to see him with black hair. And continuing his run, he passes a pet store, where the owner or salesclerk is helping a little girl and her mother who want to buy a lovely red finch. And this man looks exactly like Naoto, save for the glasses. And Tatsuya runs on....
He thinks each of their names and says to himself, "I am going into the future. I don't know how I'll get there, but I know there's a connection between you and me. I'm going to make my own time. My own tomorrow."
They stare out their windows to see the five Goranger go into battle, the first Super Sentai. They gather and use the soccer balls as Takku explains to us that our parents watched this show. Then Takku calls them to form Time Jet Gamma and they surge into the next show.
1977 and see the JAKQ, witnessing the Cyborg-Sentai fighting. Ayase and Sion are impressed. And Yuuri calls them to the next.
They nearly collide with the first giant robot in 1979. Battle Fever J. Sion is delighted and admiring. And then to 1980, and the Denjiman. The first change formation robot. To 1981 and Sunvulcan. A team of only three. Eagle, Shark, and Panther. "Three of them, how cool!" exclaims Tatsuya. And Domon mourns the lack of women. Yuuri gives him a dirty look. The fist combined robot.
And then was the Goggle Five in 1982. This group used technology from the future. This gets Yuuri's rather alarmed attention. Ayase comments that the peope of the 30th Century would never have dreamed of this. Sion is delighting in how cool they are. But they hit 1983 and Dynaman. The explosions startle Domon as we watch the group. The 7th group and that one has an awesome flaming attack. Domon is delighted. To 1984 and the Bioman, who Takku explains about them. Domon goes into ecstacy that there are two girls. "Maybe there should have been one more girl in our group! A better one!" he dreams. Yuuri is about to explode. Indeed, next we see him he has a bloody nose.
And the Changeman in 1985, who came from space to fight. Tatsuya is delighted. You know how he feels about aliens. To 1986 and Flashman, a family of five who were raised on alien planets. God their robots are ugly. To 1987 and the Maskman group who use the Aura Power. Tatsuya envys them and wonders if they have that sort of power. 1988 and Liveman. He does not explain the details.
They all sigh and Yuuri says, "So we had a lot of older teams before us." Takku answers, "But there are more!"
In 1989 was Tubo Ranger. Domon is delighted by the cool cars. The group is pretty cool. And they attack together. They were all high school students. And then in 1990 came the Fiveman. This was a family of five, and Tatsuya comments, "A family? That would have been great team work."
And they reach 1991 and fly into the midst of a five-jet Formation. The Jetman who fought Radiege and the Vyram. And when Yuuri sees Red Hawk spread his wings and fly she is delighted and amazed. Sion goes into spasms of delight. "Wow, they're really BIRD SOLDIERS!" he shrieks in joy. The team in battle, and Tetra Boy. This was the first team to have three giant robots, says Takku. They watch Jet Garuda take the Tetra Boy.
1992 and the Zyuranger. Domon gasps in amazement upon hearing, "A hundred million years in the past" and Ayase comments wryly, "They'd think our mere 1000 year shift in time was pretty cute, wouldn't they?" and Domon nods, gaping. There is the Dragon Ranger with the others, who fought Bandora.
And we reach the Dairanger and 1993, watching them announce themselves. Tatsuya is very pleased to hear that they all use Kempo. And the battles with the Gorma.
Sion, however, goes into a wild state, swinging his huge blade around and the others duck and dive while Ayase, being farthest from him, just watches coolly. Domon and Tatsuya pin Sion, Yuuri issues a scolding. Ayase decides to ignore it and direct Time Jet Gamma on to 1994 and the 18th Sentai. The Kakuranger, Ninja Sentai. Domon breaks to ask, "Ninja? The ninja as in Nimpo, where they disappear?" Tatsuya loses his hold on Sion, who pauses to crow, "I love Ninja best!" and starts waving the sword wildly. This time even Ayase ducks.
They watch the five fights, and then hit 1995 for the Oh Ranger and hear about the Machine Empire. They see the King Ranger fighting. And Domon laughs hysterically upon realizing their power comes from artifacts over 6,000,000,000 years old. They hit 1996 and Car Ranger. Yuuri repeats the unwieldly word, extending it. "Caaaaaar Ranger?" They and their engine roaring effects. They are fast and lovely as any group. They fought the Bozoku to protect the world.
And next we hit 1997 and the Megaranger. Another group of High School students facing the evils attacking Earth. 1998 and we hit Gingaman! The animal motif the folks who use the Earth Power to fight the Balban!
And 1999, the Gogofive. Sion crows with delight, "I know them!" And Tatsuya says back, "Yeah! We've seen them before!" A family of five, who fight together to protect the Earth. And then to 2000, to themselves. They change into their armor and come home. Then as a group back home, they gather around Takku and Sion says, "So, there's supposed to be somebody after us, right? Tell us!" And they all beg him until he admits there is one.
The Gaoranger. They appear, beautiful and animal motif is bright and strong, announcing themselves. The Timeranger look up at them out the window and admire them. And Tatsuya says softly, "So they're going to be the next people to protect the Earth." And Ayase answers just as softly, "Just like their predecessors." Yuuri, with a smile, adds "And their protection will extend to our 30th Century." They all nod solemn agreement. Takku says to them, "And you guys are also a Super Sentai." And with delight, they hang out the window, calling to the Gaoranger to protect from the year 2001.
And our group gathers to thank us, the audience, and say farewall, waving from the cockpit. And it is over. Goodbye, Time Ranger. I love you all.