First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth
Summaries of Fourth 10 episodes of Time Ranger
Most episodes expanded and corrected by Ben who, by the way, says this is the best Sentai show he's seen since Dairanger, which is his favorite when he admits to liking any of them. He was born in 1988. He speaks more Japanese than I ever will, I'm sure. |
To Toie's Episode 31 page
News of the Time Fire and V-rex is taking the city by storm, and probably the world. SNN news reports about the Asami Corporation's involvement and our heroes watch. Reporters are trying to interview Naoto, and Sion is expressing concern over the 30th Century technology that has fallen into these people's hands. They watch as Naoto runs for it through the guantlet of excited people. Tatsuya comments that the City Guardians will protect the people, Ayase nodding slightly in agreement. But an annoyed Domon stands and turns his back. But then a woman's voice takes the sound and catches his ear. The woman speaking is Honami, as Sion gasps and confirms. She is taking pictures of Mr. Asami. Domon, put off-balance, speaks his encouragement, but turns his attention forcibly to the windows or the computer. Tatsuya whispers in to Sion to ask what he thinks, as they watch Domon drink. They are concerned, and he has a look of almost-pain on his face.
Honami has cornered Mr. Asami, with another reporter, and the man is asking if the Time Ranger's identities are still a secret. Well, he knows exactly who they are, if nothing about them, and Honami asks if he knows them. He seems to be keeping it a secret for now. He walks away on the question. She takes out her wallet, her special picture of Ayase, and a faint memory of someone carrying her from the field of battle.
Naoto comes to report to Asami about the V-rex. They are intent to develop the Time Fire suits for the City Guardians. And he is still steaming, I think, because the Time Ranger won't work for him. They will not put themselves in his hands.
And the three villains are deep in discussion, annoyed with this new complication. The V-rex AND the Time Fire. And for Lira, the City Guardians. But Dorunero has this cute little weapon, and they are going to use it. It horrifies Gien. It looks like a baby's sucker, in a way.
A boy huddles helpless in the dark. "Help me," he begs hoarsely. There is someone else in there with him, but I think not a friend. It is a being, and the boy sees him, springs to his feet with anxious relief. Does he see what is really there? Or is this a dream. "Sensei! Please help me!" he cries, clutching at the being. It has a leathery face, and grips his shoulder reassuringly. "Look over there." The boy turns. Appearing stretching out into the distance are rows and rows of bright, shining flowers. And a rainbow appears as the monster is telling him it is all right. He can do it. The boy smiles in dazed delight.
The boy sits in a room, his head encased in a Virtual reality gear that thoroughly plugs up his ears, covers his eyes and everything. A man sits beside him, wearing a much less-covering one, then turns his off and takes it off. He has a high forehead, intense eyes, and a twisted expression which slowly becomes benevolant. He takes the gear off the boy's head. And later he comes out with the doctor and tells his anxiously waiting mother, "Mom, I'm okay too!" and she is relieved. She turns to the docor, who is checking with the receptionist. On the golden wall is emblazoned the symbol for gold. The woman goes to the doctor to thank him and give him his payment for all this work. He accepts it with dignity, his face hard as he quick counts the money, and then softened as he thanks her and tells her to come again.
And e-mail is coming in to the computer. Sion goes excitedly to read it and turns to Domon, who is still staring out the window. "There's mail from Honami," he says shyly. Domon twitches, then acknowledges and turns, "Oh, is there?" he says with fragile friendliness. He sinks into a chair. "Um, that's not really good, you know." But Sion brightens and turns to do something, but Domon leaps quickly and shoves him rather too hard away from the computer. They all look at him with surprise. He's trying to tell them it's all right, and looks carefully over his shoulder. Sion has put the symbol for the Inter City Police as his desktop background, and over it the Outlook Express screens are opening. And Domon reads his mail.
She is writing it on a small hand-held computer, and sending it through her cell-phone, talking about how they first met and gently asking if they can meet. This week, Saturday. New town. 1pm. "Let me know if that time is good." Domon is shaken, still barring his friends from seeing the computer. Tatsuya bounces up to try to see the message and Domon has a greater struggle to prevent him. But before things can get out of hand, Robota chirps up with comments and Domon races to shut it up, knocking Sion totally over. But most of them just take his over-reacting as given and shrug it off. Robota seems to be cautioning.
In the darkness, a tall man is using a pickaxe and slashing into the ground below. The being stands behind him. He has dug his way to the ends of the Earth, and his therapy is over. The Doctor takes the headgear off of him. He is grinning, for he feels his capabilities. But then with humility he explains that his wallet is empty. The doctor's face twists. The young boy tears into the room at that moment, and begs for one more go. So does the worker. The angered doctor grabs both their shoulders. "If you don't have money, you don't get another shot!" he snaps and shoves them away. They are with others in the same boat, and a woman stands guarding the door. They find themselves in a room. Others are tracing patterns on th wall. One man is weeping. Shocked, the two back up against a box. The doctor smiles at them, and with a movement becomes the creature who watches in their dreams. The boy turns in shock as the man beside him starts to laugh insanely. He backs away into the arms of a woman. The doctor-creature is telling him they are dolls, and the boy's fear fades to become the , insane laughter of the others.
Domon is doing push-ups, thinking again of Honami's letter. He is trying to burn out his pain and his constant activity and noise is annoying Ayase, and bewildering Sion who is bringing lunch to the table Ayase and Tatsuya are sitting at. Sion asks softly, "Domon, aren't you giving blood at one o'clock?" Startled, he stops his pushups. "One?" Sion is puzzled, but Domon suddenly relaxes and curls into a sitting position. "Oh, nothing. What day is it again?" when suddenly the door whips open and a frightened woman races inside. She is nearly hysterical, and they can make no sense of what she is begging as she clutches at Domon's shoulders. Tatsuya takes hers and pulls her to the couch, gets her to sit down and breathe. Yuuri asks what is the need and she tries to explain about her son. He hasn't come home from the therapy.
Takku identifies the enemy without difficulty. He explains about what this one does to the group, and Ayase wonders why the people don't return home. And so our heroes head out. Yuuri and Sion are dressed as maintenance workers as they approach the building. Ayase goes in from the roof as a construction worker. Tatsuya and Domon are out front in a car. Domon is going in dressed in a business suit, and man does it look good on him. He has a small device with him for them to contact him. They nod that they are ready. He looks wistfully at his watch. It is almost one o' clock. Honami will be waiting out there. "You promised one, eh?" suddenly says Tatsuya. Startled, Domon squawks, "It isn't particularly about Honami..!" Tatsuya is surprised, but then looks away, pointing out that it was one for which they'd made the appointment. Domon chuckles weakly but Tatsuya knows anyway and tells him that Sion had known what was in that e-mail. "I know how you feel," Tatsuya says softly. "You don't know when you're going back." It hurts him, too. And Domon smiles slightly, easing his own pain in his young friend's. "Yuuri will, too." Tatsuya practically jumps, then starts to stutter defensively, "What? I -- " but Domon squeezes his shoulder and smiles at him empathetically before stepping out of the car. Then Tatsuya calls strongly, "Domon!" and when his friend looks back at him says firmly, "Be careful, eh?" Domon smiles back down at him reassuringly and heads into the building. God he looks good. He keeps checking his watch, and that is echoed by Honami checking hers. She is waiting, hoping.
Domon sits, chewing nervously on an orange cloth. The doctor calls him in and sits him in a chair. "Is this your first time?" the man asks gently. "Um, yes," he says anxiously. When the man asks his birthdate, he accidently start giving his real one. "297 -- " "two thousand?!" repeats the doctor in confusion when Domon cuts himself off. "Uh, no. 1977. December 28th." He smiles innocently as he speaks, his words transmitting through the false tie-clip. Sion and the others all listen as they clean. "So, you are having trouble doing your work?" "Yes," Domon confirms shakily, and asks for help. The man puts the helmet on him, then puts it on himself. Domon lifts his quick to make sure the doctor isn't looking, then puts the small device Sion had made on the headset. The doctor activates his, sending a shock through Domon and he cries out.
"Now!" calls Yuuri, and she and the others race in. In their uniforms, then enter the empty building. They pull open the door to one office and then, since Tatsuya is in front, they all grab him and pull him back. For the room beyond is pink and fire, a hole into another reality where eyes loat and look about suspiciously. Takku calls them and sends them to search, he is tracking Domon. They follow his directions.
Domon is in a blank, white place. And the doctor-creature comes to him and chuckles. Domon spins and tries to change into his uniform, but the doctor tells him here, he cannot change into his suit. Oh dear.... "This is the place of your heart. Here on this canvas you can see what you wish and dream." Domon nervously puts his hand over his heart. But the creature continues. "This is your work?" And suddenly Domon is surrounded by blackness, and he is in his old battle uniform. When Domon tries to defend his private dreams, his strikes do not touch the mocking enemy, but it can touch him, and knocks him down. And then, someones else is laughing. He is surrounded by mocking crowds, and he cries out and covers his ears against the painful sound of their laughter. But then, beyond the crowd, is Honami. And as Domon sees her and stands, his battle-armor is gone, replaced by the t-shirt and clothes he wears regularly in the 20th Century. And the creature has out a powerful blade, and puts it to the still Honami's throat. Domon stares at the tableue helplessly and then whispers, "Don't. Stop!" Then a shout, a plea. "Stop, please!" and as he clutches the pain in his head, the scene changes. It is he who holds the blade to Honami's throat, and the creature who stands watching. It is going to make him kill her. It controls his boyd, forces him to raise the blade and bring it down as he struggles and closes his eyes. Honami falls, dead. The blade drops to the ground with a metallic clink, and Domon stares in horror at his hand and screams.
In the hall they hear him, and race towards the sound. They get into a seemingly empty room and start across it, but a Zenitto trips up Yuuri, and they are fighting in the strange, pale green light.
The creature cradles Honami's limp form. A hand settles on Domon's shoulder. It is himself there, but not himself for of course this is all controlled by the creature. And it speaks, mocking and cold. Domon cannot block out the words in his head. He will kill the people he loves? He trembles and holds Honami, then starts a laughing kind of weeping. The creature is smug in its victory. But suddenly Honami's body vanishes. This was unexpected. But you see, Domon was never under control. He can still think of Honami waiting for him. He faces the monster, and takes control. The background becomes white. The creature is badly shaken and confused, and Dmon in fury strikes it hard. It falls. Domon takes off his helmet and looks down at the shaken doctor, who soon takes on his actual form. The other race in that moment. Tatsuya shouts, "Domon, are you all right?!" "Oh, I'm just fine." For the small piece of equipment he had used to put him in control of the virtual world. Domon has his Chrono-Changer on, and tosses his clothes onto the creature, then changes into his fighting armor. "You are under arrest for breaking the laws of time." And the creature wipes his seal quickly and bursts out of the building. Takku calls in the Time Jets. Domon is planning on losing no time in Escalating the jerk.
And in Mr. Asami's office, Naoto stands there while the batman/toady comes to report. There's been a signal from the Control Room, about the latest battle, perhaps? "This is your chance," Mr. Asami tells Naoto. The Shadow Beta is fighting, and so far seems not to be doing so well. This guy seems proof against their Virtual technology. Logical, I think. It believes it knows how to get at Time Yellow, for its been inside his head, but Domon is not to be weakened. Unfortunately, the creature is deadly dangerous with his blade and is taking them down. And far below, Naoto arrives to watch the battle. He tosses his hat, calls Time Fire into his control bracelet. The creature has Shadow Beta grounded and is just beating on it with the sword when the V-rex arrives to bash it away with a tail and bite it. Throwing it away the others watch as Naoto commands the V-rex Robo formation, and uses the Rex-punch. "Now!" calls Yuuri, but before they can step forward to Escalate it, the V-rex shoves them back. "What are you doing?" snarls Domon. "This is V-rex's fight," answers Naoto. And he commands the Max-Blizzard. Announces, "The end," as it is escalated.
The battle over, Naoto is back in his blues and getting into the car, when he hears Tatsuya calling him. The five are running towards him and he turns to stare arrogantly at them. "You're just going to have to stay out of my way," he tells them. With something of a farewell, he gets into the vehicle and drives off. Yuuri collects the monster, but where is Domon, wonders Sion.
Domon is headed perhaps to meet Honami, who has been waiting, and waiting, and waiting. It's almost 3pm. And she's about given up. But she is not angry, "I don't know who he really is, but that's quite all right," she decides. She is late for an appointment, anyway. She starts racing off and collides with a tall man in a bright yellow shirt. "Oh, I'm sorry!" her wallet with the pictures has fallen to the cement. Domon, meanwhile, has arrived panting and does not see her racing away. She has not noticed that she lost her wallet. He sees a young couple (one of the the tall young man in the bright yellow shirt) walking away and looks for Honami. He doesn't see her, of course. But as luck would have it he spots the wallet and picks it up. When he opens it, he finds the two pictures. "Ayase?!" he whispers in surprise. And as he closes the wallet, he laughs fully. This is too funny for words. He looks arounjd the empty place and then races into the fountain to splash the water, still laughing. He returns home in about the best mood possible, carrying a bag of treats, perhaps. Everyone is trying to figure out why he is so cheerful. "Oh, well it's been so hot!" he tells them. And offers them the food. Then he turns to Ayase. "Hey you," he gets up close and demandingly. Ayase leans back, surprised. Domon stares at him intently, "You... have you got anyone to inherit from you in the 30th?" (This question is meant to imply wife/lover/family) Ayase forces himself to relax, bewildered, and turns his unhappy gaze from Domon's. "Don't mix me up with you." "Right, that's good then." "huh?" "Oh, nothing!" Easy and laughing, he heads out with false cheer as Ayase tries to figure out what all this was about. And Domon leans against the door outside, painfully sad, still. He sinks down against the door.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Surprise is not needed. Tatsuya and Naoto are on the verge of fighting again. And the City Guardians are firing on a blue being Time Green is intent to protect. The next ep won't be until 10/1???? Sion is trying to get through to them about this one. And IT fights him. He has to use the Assault Vector.
In the Londarz Tower, a blue, tentacled being with four or so eyes, chains biting into his flippers, is thrown to the floor with a grunt of pain. Dorunero speaks to him coldly, handling a long, silvery whip, lashing it threateningly against the floor. Lira, Gien and the Zenitto are watching with interest. The blue one gets to his feet, whimpering excuses. He is DD Radesu. And Dorunero brings out a gun to kill him. "Later, DD Radesu." "Wait, Dorunero," Gien suddenly breaks in and steps between them. "You don't want him, let me use him." Angrily Dorunero demands, "What do you want to do with him?" And Gien brings out something which looks suspiciously like a syringe only not. Snickering, he says "Watch." The Zenitto grab DD, who is trying to get away. And Gien punches the device into his skin. Only the red cap remains out. Lira is annoyed and intrigued, asking for explanation. And he explains that with the device (he holds up a controller) he can turn DD into a Hell's Gate creature. And he activates it. DD flails viciously, throwing off the Zenitto and Lira skips back with a surprised scream. But as she shouts for Gien to get control, DD's flailing tentacles knock the device from Gien's hand. The blue runs out into the hall, as an amused Gien picks up the controller. But Dorunero's whip twines about his head and yanks him close. "What have you done NOW?!"
And in the city, a crowd of people flees the attacking blue being. "I'm so HUNGRY!" he half-snarls. But a little girl has been left behind in the panic. She huddles against a tree-trunk, crying, her eyes tightly covered against the monster that has invaded her life. DD starts towards her jerkily. But the girl's mother races in from the side to grab her daugher and run with her. DD is trying to possibly explain something. He staggers off into the road where a frightened driver spins out of control and overturns his vehicle. It is going so fast that it still slides on its hood, straight toward a nurse and her wheelchair-bound charge, who scream. But this is where things get weird.
The wheelchair goes spinning, folds up as it hits the wall. The driver pokes his head out from the window of his overturned car, afraid of what he'll see. The patient stands bravely, one arm and leg bandaged and holding protectively in her (or his? confused Jill) arms the nurse. The driver blinks through his shock, then dials a number on his cell-phone. "Is this the City Guardians?" he asks shakily.
The City Guardians scramble. Naoto walks calmly to the lead vehicle, before an eager young go-getter commands his attention, excited to be working under him, the Time Fire, then salutes and head to his station. His adoration pleases Naoto, who is smiling as he gets in the car. And the City Guardians are off.
Sion finishes his repairs. He has been fixing a number of fans and grins with delight as all of them function perfectly. The owner comes to check and finds our youngster finished, invites him to the office. But as Sion is gathering his tools, he hears a tormented voice crying out. He sees the blue creature, DD, stumbling in his direction. "Londarz!" Sion exclaims softly. He gets to his feet, but before he decides what to do, sees Lira, Gien and a group of Zenitto come around the corner. DD staggers and falls, while the the grim Londarz gather around him. Sion hides and watches to see what is going on. Lira is still less than impressed with this gambit and is sharply berating Gien, who mildly tries to soothe her. He has decided since his control system isn't working well, he is going to kill DD. Sion sees this, sees the blue being freeze in front of the deadly weapon. "Don't do it!" Gien startles at the voice, and flying out of the air is Time Green (Sion having changed) to fight them off. He beats his way through the Zenitto, grabs DD and pulls him to shelter behind him. And about that time the City Guardians arrive. Irritated, Gien and Lira watch them come out, hear Naoto at the front shout, "STOP, Londarz!" Sion exclaims, "Naoto-san!" But Naot flicks off his cap and calls "Time Fire!" in a moment the bracelet has changed him into armor, and he starts off with his V-defender gun. Zenitto fall, to the outrage of their inventive creator. He sets them to firing and the non-armored City Guardians dive for cover. Naoto and his young go-getter wind up together against one of the cars, the boy in front, and fire at the enemy. Lira shields her face from flying sparks. Gien is hit, and some of the shots come perilously close to DD and Time Green, who takes him off to shelter. Naoto and his companion see this with some confusion. But before they can do anything, Gien snaps, "City Guardians!! I'll remember this!!!" and furious, he and Lira spin their cloaks and teleport away. Naoto heads off as fast as he can run in the direction he saw Time Green and the alien go.
Sion is holding DD by the right arm/flipper, helping the weakened being walk. They are headed down a walkway towards the water. Sion leads him into an office and closes the door. DD falls to the floor and weeps helplessly. When Sion comes to him he tries to stutter through his pain, a tentacled flipper flapping over the perfectly gentle Sion's shoulders. "Please, put me back in the Escalator!" shocking Sion.
Back at the ranck, our heroes are plotting the latest disturbances on their computer when Sion calls in, whispering into his bracelet. "This is Sion, can you hear me?" Robota is ecstatic as the others gather close. "Sion's got through, he's got through!" Tatsuya answers him, concerned, for they know the City Guardians had gone there. And at that time, Takku reports on DD Radesu. He makes bombs, and Domon asks if he's a terrorist, causing Ayase to roll his eyes slightly. But Sion says, "He doesn't look like a bad guy..." Confused, Tatsuya asks him to explain himself. Hesitantly he answers, "I'm with him now." Stunned, they race out of the building as fast as they can. Just as they run into the street, a large black vehicle skids to a stop in front of them. Of course it's Naoto. And boy, does he looks peeved. He walks steadily towards Tatsuya, stops and asks coolly, "Where've you hidden it?" Tatsuya, confused, asks, "What?" Annoyed, Naoto steps past him, stern eyes sweeping the others. "Where are you keeping that monster?" They all look at him, and at each other, worriedly. He knows this means they are headed out after it. "Don't go looking for that monster. This is my job." Tatsuya answers him urgently, "You're wrong! I --" but before he can get another word out, Naoto's finger is in his face, almost touching right between his eyes. "You can contact the Asami Corporation. After all, you are your father's child." He is rather intimidating, moving his finger to brush against Tatsuya's hair in a bullying, mocking manner. The words hurt, and Tatsuya slaps Naoto's hand away only to find his clasped in the other man's fist. Then Naoto pushes his hand away contemptuously, informing him that HE will find the Londarz base. Coldly, he starts for the car and then pauses to tell them they'd better stay out of the way. Tatsuya doesn't asnswer, but lets him go though with reservations. The whole team keeps out of this argument.
And at the docks, City Guardians search boats. Sion watches them go past, then rejoins DD and asks him to come with him to a safe place. "Thank you, Time Ranger." "Oh, I'm Sion." DD is grateful for the gift of his name, but is still in pain. And Sion takes him off.
At the Londarz base, Lira is touching up her makeup, while Dorunero is demanding more information of Gien. "You're telling me he ran off with a Time Ranger?!" Gien is trying to repair the controller, while Dorunero rants. But the idea as he explains it strikes some doubts. Gien says he would NEVER lie to Dorunero. "No?" snarls the Don. "Well, maybe a little." But he has the controller, and he activates it.
And hidden in an underground garage, the device in DD's shoulder glows and he cries out in agony. Sion, keeping watch, turns immediately. "Are you all right?" As DD sobs, Sion sees the thing sticking out and wonders at it, but when he touches it, it is terribly hot, and his Chrono Changer bleeps. "That thing has a lot of power," Sion gasps.
Domon is searching. He meets Ayase,then meet Tatsuya and Yuuri. They cannot find their friend anywhere. Tatsuya calls Sion's name into the Changer, but only static answers. But Takku calls them, saying Sion has to be within a kilometer of them. They head off into the street, looking about, not noticing Naoto glaring at them from the big, black car. He follows them.
Sion is working at the controller with his multi-purpose flash-pen... you know, Doctor Who has one of these.... "Hurry, please!" begs DD. But the device is not moving. "I can't get it out." With a frantic cry, DD moves to try to tear it from himself, but Sion pins his arm warning him that he may die if he does that. DD is nearly hysterical. Sion uses a towel to wipe DD's head and asks how he got involved with the Londarz in the first place. DD explains the sad story, which I can't understand. If it follow the usual pattern, though, it's that he just couldn't get out after he got in. But he is in agony, and there's really nothing Sion can do. And then a cackle from behind. Gien is here. He pretty much ignores Sion, and turns the power up on his controller. DD screams with pain and staggers back then around outside. Sion frantically follows him. He falls outside, and the Zenitto come as Sion struggles to hold them off from the agonized DD. The sound of the battle catches Domon's ear and he and the others race to help. They have switched to their in-between clothes and they fight, finally Ayase is the first to complete his change into armor and continue fighting, but then they all are. Sion is still in his civvies some distance from them.
And then Time Fire arrives. He is clear of all combatants, for they hadn't expected him, and on the opposite side from the Time Rangers. Sion sees him there and whispers his name, knowing that this is not good. Gien is finding this all interesting, but teleports out of there. And Naoto pulls out his gun to fire. The Zenitto have cleared out, and Sion frantically shields DD with his own body. "Please, stop!" he cries. Naoto has no intention of stopping, but I think doesn't want to hurt Sion either. He commands his gun to Falcon Mode and starts firing. Sion cringes, but Time Red is there between them to take the impacts and face Naoto, who is surpised.
But DD is on his feet and staggering away, Sion after him. Naoto intends to pursue, only to find the other four between them and the arguement ensues across a few meters of space, about the different types of monsters the Londarz release, and what the Escalator system is. Ayase explains that they don't kill the creatures, but only replace them in jail. Time Fire thinks that's ridiculous. He confronts Time Red and says he is going to kill these creatures. THey face each other for a moment, then Time Fire sucker-punches Time Red and heads off with the four Time Rangers chasing him.
Sion is with the terrified, agonized DD, who begs him to hurry and Escalate him. But Sion cannot do that alone and is worried about DD's life. But just then Time Fire arrives to attack. "Get out of my way." Sion stands to protect DD. "I can't." "Then I'll just have to shoot you, won't I?" Sion stands bravely, waiting, while DD weeps. The other rangers arrive and Time Fire shoots at them to keep them back. But Tatsuya tries again to explain that this is a prisoner and they are not justified in killing him. Naoto is NOT open to this and keeps a bead on DD, angrily saying the City Guardians are going to kill all these monsters. "Monsters, you say," repeats Sion, an idea striking perhaps? "That side!" he suddenly exclaims and braces himself, staring intently into the man behind the mask. "You hate him because he's an alien. Because of what he looks like, you want to kill for that alone. But I'm one too!" Startled, Naoto lowers his gun. "What?" "Sion!" whispers Tatsuya painfully. DD grabs at Sion. "Just get out of the way, let him kill me," But Sion will not. Braced and uniquely vulnerable. "Why not just give up, then," he says wistfully. He turns to DD intently, "Is that good?" he half begs. They stare into each other's eyes until Sion lowers his, thinking. "I know you're a criminal, but that isn't everything you are. You don't have to die!! Or I might as well die with you."
And Naoto finds himself facing a boy he can only view as hysterical. Sion picks up a pipe and holds it, then turns to DD, to ask him to use it, to defend himself. Not to let himself just be killed. DD takes the pipe as Yuuri shouts, "Don't do this thing, Sion!" But DD lets the pipe fall to the ground. "I can't do this." He is weeping and Sion turns to in relief to Naoto. "It's all right. We'll go together." This statement puts Ayase in sudden panic. But Sion continues, his eyes alight and shining as he talks only to Naoto. "Use your V-defender in Falcon mode. Escalate us." Domon shouts to him to stop. And Naoto is obeying and switches to Falcon mode. But when he fires, it is around the young man and DD. The smoke clears and they glance at each other, Sion blinking in surprise before he looks back up. "Naoto-san?" But that one seems more philosophical at himself. It is one thing to fire on a fighting enemy, another to kill a brave young man. But Gien is back, and he has every intention of preventing a happy ending.
He turns the controller to full power, and DD goes into convulsions with snarls of furious agony. "What is it?!" cries Sion, but he is knocked flying by a flailing tentacle. The others gather around him, except Time Fire who stands back, and suddenly DD is rushing through them. He grabs Sion by the throat and hauls him outside the building. When he tosses Sion away, our boy changes into armor and rushes in through the tentacles, trying to reason with the crazed being. "This isn't you! Fight it!" But it is now too much to fight, and from DD's blast knocks the five flying. They see Gien snickering off to the side as he turns up the power again, and DD wipes the seal from his leg. And Sion demands that they call in the Time Robo, even against Tatsuya's hesitation, and Takku does. The ships come through the gate. Sion asks what they shall do, and Takku suggests Shadow Alpha, so they takes that form. And Sion leaps out onto the arm with the Assault Vector, searching for a good vantage point. He gets down to attack from the ground level with the Assualt Vector Sniper Mode, shouting isntructions to Tatsuya. Shadow Alpha and DD end up locked together. Sion is trying to get a bead on the controller, when Gien gets to him and smashes him into the ground, laughing. But before anything can happen, Time Fire shoots Gien and forces the startled Londarz away. "Naoto-san!" They look at each other for a moment, and then Naoto calls in the V-Rex. It comes rushing obediently, following his commands. DD is able to throw it to the ground, but between the two robots (or three) they manage to pin him and hold him still. Sion fires on the cotrol device and it is destroyed. DD goes limp, and Sion calls Tatsuya, who uses the Blizzard-Divider. With relief and compassion, watching, Sion says "Time up." And DD shrinks, finally. Gien sighs and heads off.
And Sion takes DD in the cell, and races to his four friends. Tatsuya slaps hands with him, Domon roughhouses him affectionately, until Sion gasps in surprise. They turn, Tatsuya grinning. It is Naoto, walking over and trying to see what Sion holds. "So that's the Escalator. It sure LOOKS like he's dead," he comments as Sion holds the case protectively. Tatsuya steps protectively between them. "Naoto -- " he begins. But Naoto cuts him off coolly. Something to the effect of don't think I'm going to thank you for your help, here. He glances at each of them stubbornly. "But I am going to get these Londarz back in the Escalator. Later." He walks off, them watching him. Ayase has his arms folded with mild irritation. Tatsuya opens his mouth but can think of nothing to say. Domon comes round in front of him. "Just what kind of crazy IS this guy?" he grumbles. But Sion smiles and steps forward, DD's cell held warmly. "He's not like that. He weilds the Defender PERFECTLY," he says with admiration. Domon is hurt and stutters "What do you mean?!" but Sion looks back over his shoulder and says, "Isn't that right, Tatsuya?" Tatsuya agrees somewhat reluctantly as they watch the car drive around the corner. Then Domon asks, "What about your salary today, Sion?" This triggers startled dismay. "I forgot!" "But, tonight's dinner...??" he is holding his stomach in dismay, but Yuuri cuts off the coming confusion. "We'll have peaches." Ayase half-sighs and heads past them, "Guess we'll be eating lean for a week." Domon, dismayed, growls, "SION!" who shouts, "I'm so sorry!" and races off. Tatsuya is still, thinking about Naoto, when Ayase calls him. He joins the others, where Domon has swept Sion over his shoulder but now sets him down gently. Then Sion says something about something he knows and he and Domon shout the word in agreement, then go tearing off. First person in and all, so they all race after the wild pair, laughing.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Ayase is walking along when a tiny child grabs the back of his jacket, to anxiously tell him something. There is a strange man, foreign, bullying her father. There is a yellow alien, and Ayase has to protect the girl in blue armor.Case File 33: Little Lady リトルレディ
From the vantage point of a small child, the bars put up to keep people from falling over edges are formidable obstacles indeed. For this little girl, who in the shadows is trying to sneak away, what is most frightening? She has her teddy bear and carefully makes her way. There are men pursuing her, like gangsters in dark suits. They search for her in an alley, but miss the child, who is so small she has hidden under an overturned box on a ledge. She peeks out and watches them pass away. Down she goes, quietly as possible, but her jumper catches on a nail and she carefully tears it free. They do not hear, and she clutches her golden teddy bear tightly before running the opposite way.
A truck comes out in front of a man driving a car. At first he is annoyed, but then he notices it is wildly swerving and he honks his horn in alarm. The truck has stopped and he has to stop, and someone gets out, an angry driver who kicks at the car and shouts at the man "Do you have a problem with me?" the car driver pales and is willing to back down, but someone has come. Ayase in his blues and leathers. When the truck driver asks who he thinks he is, he answers, "Oh, only someone smart." "Someone smart?" growls the driver, hitching up his pants for battle. Ayase shrugs slightly. "I saw what happened. You're the bad driver." No one notices the tiny girl who pushes her way through the people who've stopped to watch the altercation. The truck driver grabs Ayase's collar and swings at him, but our hero just ducks and punches him in the stomach. Coughing, the man sinks down. Ayase says cordially, "If you don't move your truck soon, you'll get a ticket," and walks off. The little girl follows him.
Just as he is about to get back in the black car he is driving today, there is a tug on his jacket. He turns to see this tiny girl. "Hey you smart person, would you be my bodyguard?" Ayase is struck with surprise and he smiles down at her, chuckling. "Bodyguard?" She gazes up at him, all this watched by the still panting truck driver. "I want to go to Asagiri Mountain, but for a girl by herself it's dangerous." Ayase folds his arms, thinking. "A girl by herself, eh? I'm sorry but, I have a job -- " But while he's thinking, she runs to the passenger side of his car and gets in. He sees this with a start and before he can protest much she has belted herself in and says, "Please! I'm in a hurry." With an exasperated sigh he gets in. "Whatever, I guess I'll take her home." He gets his belt off and drives.
After a while he asks, "Name?" She holds out her teddy-bear. "Kuma-chan!" (bear) Ayase chuckles. "Your name." "Emily Sakurai!" she replies contendedly. "Is your home at Asagiri?" "That's a secret. I can give you money for driving me." He glances at the tear in her jumper, the dirty look it has. He will not say anything but he thinks, "This is a bit weird."
At a lovely building titled, Nikoniko(someking)Gold - Loan... there is a furious man with a long cane beating two men. "What are you, idiots? Why can't you catch one little girl?!" His men are back on their feet. "Today is when the boss will inspect and you won't be able to do anything!" In a chair, being watched over by other men, is a badly bruised man in a white shirt, blood here and there. He closes his eyes in relief and sighs. The evil man slashes him. "Don't be happy. I'm going to get your daughter, with my own hands!" He grabs Mr Sakurai's collar menacingly. "If it remains like this, you won't be able to be an example." He shoves Sakurai back in the chair and steps back, and then shimmers and becomes a gold and black horned creature. Dogooru. Then he becomes human appearing again.
Domon drops the groceries (huge bags of toilet paper and things like that) where he waits at the market and speaks into his Chrono Changer. "HUH?! What do you mean a little girl with a mission?! What am I gonna do with all the groceries?!" "Be still!" snaps Ayase. "You're just going to have to go home by yourself." He signs off as Domon protests and signals a different person, speaking quietly. "This is Ayase. Sion, can you hear me? I've found a lost child, can you help me find her address?" Sion bounds over towards the computer asking if there's anything to go on and Ayase answers, "Her name is Emily Sakurai, and she is seven or eight years old." "Right, checking." As he types in, Yuuri and Tatsuya come over to see. Ayase says softly, "I don't think she lives very far from here."
In the car, Emily clutches her teddy bear close, remembering the shining river and pulling a damp net out to splash her giggling mother. She was wearing a tye-dye yellow shirt with a heart on it. Her parents gather lovingly around her, father touting the joys of being together. And Emily's thoughts drift, to being pulled into a room, held between two men. Watching a towering man beat on her father, whose wrists are chained together. "Daddy!" she cries.
Ayase returns to the car and offers the little girl a can of pop. When she doesn't seem to notice him he asks softly, "What's the matter?" She comes out of her trance and accepts the drink with thanks. His lips tight with disturbed worry, he drives on.
The truck driver from earlier is under attack. The tall man terrifying him comes down with a wallet, open to a picture of a woman and a child. He asks the driver about the little girl. Panting, the frightened man replies that she is headed for Asagiri Mountain. Pleased, the enemy puts the wallet back in the inner pocket of his suit. "Thank you very much!" he says in bad English.
Ayase drives along and Emily asks him, "Can't you go faster? Pass before this signal?" But he has to stop at the red light. They are next to a man who is leaning against a handsome sports car and talking to the driver. Ayase is telling her it isn't good to speed through lights. She purses her lips and nods her understanding. "That's not convenient," she says almost to herself. She starts shaking her can of pop very deliberately. It takes Ayase a moment to notice, but before he can quite get what's going on, she leans out the window, takes careful bead on the man next to them, and sprays him with the pop. When he turns and stares at her in stunned anger, she grins back at him and giggles. Ayase, also stunned, starts to say, "You..!" But the other man is glaring furiously down at Emily. "What the hell did you do that for?!" he snarls. Ayase is pulling Emily back in, trying to placate the man, "Um, she's just a little kid," he starts.
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But Emily is very deliberately provoking the man. She pulls a terrible face at him and in a fury, he grabs a baseball bat from the back seat of the other car. Ayase wastes no time and takes off as Emily giggles. And the guy jumps into the other car and makes the driver pursue. Ayase is driving as best as he can to get away, and Emily is encouraging him on while he feels how terribly unreal this all is. She just seems to be enjoying it all as they weave through traffic. Eventually they give the frustrated man the slip, and Ayase sighs in relief. "You're fantastic! You a really great driver, smart man!" Ayase, though, has had enough. He pulls over on a bridge. "Just what are you planning?" he asks her. She tells him calmly, "I want to go really fast. I have to get to Asagiri Mountain." With an annoyed sigh he says, "An adult knows a good kid. This time I think I'd better hear the rest of this. Okay?" He points at her, demanding the truth. But she shoves his finger down. "We can't stop! And I'm not a kid, I'm a lady!" Ayase's eyes flick at this. "A REAL lady is bigger. And sexy." Emily huffs and refuses to look at him, her lower lip stuck stubbornly out. He is not going to get any answers, he realizes, and at last continues to drive.
Out into the mountains, crossing a long bridge surrounded by green. Perhaps they haven't spoken since that time. Ayase seeks to fill the silence. "What's this about?" But then he notices that our stubborn girl is fidgeting slightly, rubbing her legs together. He resists laughing by a small margin and soon pulls over at a service station. The attendant guides him into place and Ayase tells the cheerful young man to fill the tank, then gets out and goes over to open the door for Emily while doves sing. "Come on out. You're a lady, you want to go there." He hooks his head, indicating the red woman sign on the restroom door. Emily looks at it, up at him, then gets out of the car to walk slowly, then suddenly race to the bathroom. Ayase is smiling fondly after her when his Chrono changer starts signalling. He goes out of sight to answer.
It is Tatsuya. He and the others are at Emily's house, but something is strange out here. It looks like the house is being repossessed by some bank in lieu of a payback for a loan. There are three names on the house-sign, father, mother, and Emily. Yuuri tells him that from what they've learned, the family had to borrow money to cover the mother's medical care, but the woman was dead since a month ago? Tatsuya adds that no one has seen the people who live here come home for two or three days, and Sion has gone to investigate the bank.
He is carrying Robota and sneaks around the back, into a storage room. He sends the little robot into the ventilation system with orders to be careful. It is enthusiastic for the job. And inside, in a room, Mr Sakurai looks terrible. And then he looks terrified, for Don Dorunero and Lira have arrived. They study the man and Lira comments that she thinks he's trying to bilk them, skip out on his debts. He anxiously tries to tell them he wouldn't dream of such a thing. He tries to plead with Lira, but the men watching him keep him from touching her. She is not interested in his pleas, keeping a cold shoulder to him. And Dorunero reveals that what they want from him are his bank codes. He stares terrified around, as the Don sucks his cigar. Robota witnesses this from the ventilation shaft. "Oh, this is terrible!" it frets and backs away.
And Sion signals Tatsuya and Yuuri to tell them what he's found. Domon has finally returned home, staggering under the groceries he's been forced to lug. He hears Sion's report about the Londarz, but they cannot tell Ayase about it, for they cannot call him while he's with the girl. So he is not prepared when a large, white expensive car wends its way past him and stops. And the tall man with the cane gets out of it. Before Ayase quite knows, the man addresses the little girl, who huddles in the seat with her teddy bear. Ayase frowns and glances at the man, but then... the man swings his cane. His body turns red and horns grow from his head and as he says, "You'll come with me," he takes on his true form. Emily screams, but Ayase knows what he's seeing. "Londarz!" and he hits the accelerator. Driving straight into Dogooru, who ends up across the hood, Ayase weaves past the other car.
Meanwile, the others have arrived inside the bank, much to Lira's annoyance and Mr Sakurai's astonished relief. They challenge Dorunero, and the men all around prove to be disguised Zenitto. The fight is on.
Ayase can't shake Dogooru off, so he resorts to driving straight at a cliff, suddenly hitting the brakes, which tumbles Dogooru off, then driving him into the cliff. Dogooru is stunned, closing his eyes. Ayase races out, gets Emily out and runs with her. But suddenly she pulls her hand free and stops. "This is Asagiri Mountain. I got here." She starts running off in another direction. Ayase grabs for her and kneels with her, trying to get through, "What are you doing, do this later!" "No, it has to be now." She looks at him with utter, tiny determination. "I can't help my father. Can't contact him." Ayase doesn't know what to say, but at that moment Emily shoves him hard and he falls on his butt. She races off and he starts after her, but then the car is shoved towards him by a very angry Dogooru. Ayase has no choice, he switches into battle armor. Emily, heading up the hill, stops and witnesses the struggle. She moves on as fast as her little legs can take her. Ayase is outpowered by Dogooru, loses his double vector but does not give up. And Emily reaches the riverside and stops to look anxiously about. She takes her bear-pack off and opens up the back zipper. There is the map drawn so long ago, with a shining, golden sun marking a spot under a statue. Emily looks at it, looks up. There is the statue rather a bit ahead of her, but she cries out in her delight at having found it so swiftly. She snatches up her bear and runs to the statue, to begin digging in the damp river sand somewhat in front of it.
The others fight the Zenitto at the bank. Enthusiasm does well for them. They are each taking out their opponents with ease. Domon does his patented punch through the chest of one of his.
Emily digs and digs, wiping the sweat for her face, remembering her mother holding a palmful of preciousness and telling her how beautiful it is. And her father's anguished face, the day he said her mother wouldn't be coming home and hugged her tight, telling her to be a good girl. At last she finds what she is digging for. A soft bag. With a grin of relief, she pulls it out.
And Ayase is getting beaten pretty badly. Dogooru hits him with electric beams, and he curls around the pain. Dogooru comes to finish him off when a tiny voice demands, "STOP!" Dogooru glances around. Emily comes racing over to stand between the two. She holds out her treasure, the bag in her hands to him. "Take it! Give me back my father, and I want to help the smart man!" Ayase behind her is struggling to get his strength back. "Emily!" he gasps. Intrigued, Dogooru steps forward to see what she has. She unwraps the soft, dirty white cloth to reveal... "Here! These are precious stones, but I'll give them to you!" They are quartz rocks and crystals, smoothed by the river. Dogooru comes close to see them, excited. There is a long moment until he realizes what they are, then he says sneeringly, "How stupid! Those aren't worth anything!" and he slaps them from her hands. She gasps as they roll on the dirt below, and almost starts crying. But the stones gleam in the sunlight, and Emily remembers collecting them with her father and how her mother said, "Oh, how beautiful! Look!" "Yeah, beautiful!" she had agreed. And her father had warmed her with his smile. Her mother had said these were beyond price (or something). And Emily collects her fallen treasures, one by one. "Mother said they were precious stones." Dogooru sneers but this does not deter her. She holds the stones out to him again. "Let my father go, please. Please!" And Ayase might have wept himself. But Dogooru snatches Emily's arm, intending to bring her home. "Help!" she cries. "WAIT!" shouts Ayase.
And Dogooru glances at him. He is slowly getting to his feet, right hand clenched over his aching heart. "You get your hands off of Emily!" he says hoarsely. She looks back at him as Dogooru sneers, but Ayase leaps into attack with a ferocity he had not shown before. Dogooru falls with little trouble, too surprised to put up much of a fight. And Ayase goes to his small charge and kneels with her. "Emily, it'll be all right," he tells her, then hugs her tight. He loosens his hold and cups his hands firmly around hers holding the stones. "Your mother was right. They are precious stones. Things are precious because they have meaning for people." He brushes her hair from her eyes to reassure her, though she cannot see his face in the mask, she smiles at his warm words. And a moment later, as Dogooru is getting on his feet, Ayase puts himself between the Londarz and Emily and hauls out his badge. "You are under arrest for breaking the laws of Time!" Dogooru is still unimpressed. But that doesn't matter.
And the others are still fighting, temporarily everyone but Sion is caught in Lira's firepower, pleasing the Don and amusing her. But they are getting bored, so they teleport away. And then Time Green comes racing out of the basement, helping along a very battered man who stutters at them that his little girl, Emily, had run away. Time Red is quick to reassure him that she is with one of their people.
She certainly is. Time Blue is making quick work of this battle. He gathers up his fallen Double Vector witha roll, and does a bit of springing back and forth and a spinning, flying attack. Dogooru's electric attack is no longer enough to stop the determined man, and Emily cheers him on from behind a rock. But then the rest of the team arrives and he calls for the Escalate. Hearing, Dogooru pulls his seal and goes large. Time Blue calls Takku, who summons the robots. And Providus sends them back.
Ayase command "Delta Formation, Shadow Alpha!" and the Time Shadow arrives to join with them. They form right up and face Dogooru. But when they strick with the blade, he only catches it, then them and slowly spins them, perhaps intending to pop their head off. When he can't do that, he throws them down and gets ready to stomp on them. But laser blasts hit him and hold him off. The V-Rex has arrived and catches him by his right wrist, holding him as he struggles, while Shadow Alpha gets back up. Yuuri is first to identify him, and they can only stand aside as the V-Rex sends Dogooru flying. Far below, Time Fire has arrived to witness the battle and make cutting comments. He orders the V-Rex Robo, and it takes its humanoid mode to fight. "Time Ranger, move a bit, please!" Startled, Tatsuya calls back, "Naoto!" and Domon grumbles, "What the heck are you doing here?!" and Naoto answers indignantly, "I'm here to help." The Shadow Alpha is still standing between the V-Rex and Dogooru, pilots non-plussed, but Naoto calls for the Rex Punch and his mecha obeys. The flying fist narrowly misses Shadow Alpha, and connects with Dogooru, doing him a good blow. Tatsuya comments rather stubbornly on it. But Naoto is not done yet, he calls for the Max Blizzard. Tatsuya tries to outrace him with the Blizzard Slash. Thus Dogooru gets a double whammy. This creates a lovely explosion as he is Escalated.
And at last, Emily comes home driven by Ayase in the black car, none the worse for the wear. She sits unhappily in the passenger seat as he goes to open the door for her. "Time to get out," he says softly. When she doesn't move, he bends down and asks what's wrong. She says unhappily, turning to look up at him, "I don't have any money to give smart man. These aren't precious stones. It's bad." She holds out to him her treasures, the lovely river rocks. He looks down at them, his eyebrows raised. Then he reaches down and selects the lovely, pale pink egg-shaped one. "Thank you for this one," he tells her warmly, and closes it protectively in his palm. The astonishment takes a moment to turn into joy. "Thank you! When I grow up, is it okay if we get married?" He drops down to her size with a lively smile. "Absolutely. But you're going to have to be a little more sexy." A flash of utter indignation crosses her face as he reaches around and unbuckles her seatbelt. "But right now I'm a LADY!" "Yes, a little lady," he replies firmly and he holds out his hand, "Take my hand, if you please." He helps her from the car with great dignity. And then her father calls and Ayase is forgotten. The little girl runs to her father who scoops her up and spins with her wrapped tight in his arms.
Ayase watches this with a tremor and considerable wistfullness. He says softly, "Yes, when you grow up. That'd be great." If he is only alive. He turns from the joyful reunion with the stone in his palm, looks down at it, then tosses it into the air to watch it shine in the sun. A stone flying, not knowing where it will land.
Case File 33
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode:We see Yuuri, with a sniper rifle, preparing to file. We see a panicky Takku calling warning about the latest enemy, and about Yuuri. She faces the Londarz, but has she lost? For she lies weakly in a bed, the new enemy bending over her. "You are mine," he tells her. And she fights his control. Time Red calls urgently into his Chrono Changer, and the enemy has set Yuuri up to fire. She weeps as she fights but cannot seem to win.Case File 34: Assassin 暗・殺・者 Ansatsusha
Another day, clear and bright in the city of Tokyo. Trees are green, buildings are tall, businessmen are leaving their offices... and a man hurries from around a corner, his face intent and set. He draws something from his case with a shout and the man being escorted to an expensive car turns. And with a cry the attacker begins firing into the old man's torso. He falls even as security guards grab his attacker's arms.
And the four men are reading the news report about the assassination attempt on this guy by the Assassin's Group. The man is in a secure wing of the hospital. Tatsuya, Domon and Ayase are drinking their morning coffee, Sion nearby and Yuuri over by the computer with hers. Ayase asks her what she thinks. But she thinks this was a Londarz attack, and calls Sion to confirm it for her. And he does explain. So Yuuri calls up the file on the likely attacker. This one had been known to the grim, quiet Yuuri. This man. The boys gather around the computer to see the readout on him. Yuuri moves away. She explains slightly why she thinks this is the one, but seems calm.
And at the Total Reasearch R&D Lab, Naoto is explaining to his men all about the attacks. They will keep the man under 24 hour watch.
And atop a building, Yuuri waits with a large sniper rifle. She has a man on a speed-boat in her sights, and bends her finger to press the trigger. It is Tatsuya on the boat, a slim, arrogant looking man except that she knows his true self. He lowers his dark glasses for a moment. Yuuri takes a bead on him. She fires. With a grunt of agony he jerks as he is hit in the chest, and falls sideways off the boat into the water. Sitting far below, Domon jerks out of the doze he was in. Yuuri slips her glasses and watches with interest as he goes running, calling desperately for help, an innocent fisherman. She dons her glasses again and makes tracks.
And our heroes are watching the news report as police unload goods from the boat, all looking mightily amused. Today they are watching NNS News, whose reporters are puzzled about who the assassinated man could be. The man in question has just finished showering and is toweling his hair madly when Domon calls him over to see the news. Ayase thoughtfully says that he is sure Yuuri will be recruited by the Assassin's Group. Tatsuya agrees, but he is worried.
And Yuuri sits at a bar, lovely and frozen cold. She lightly pushes forward a pale, pink rose. She is alone there, and seems to have the utter attention of the bartender, cleaning glasses. He glances around at a strange, pale man who nods. He approaches Yuuri with a drink, and tells her it was bought by the man over there. Yuuri looks around at him. He is all in grey, impeccable if rather odd looking. She collects the drink and heads that way. She sits beside him to ask if he really is her contact. He asks in a rather deep voice what she wants and she says she needs work. She is tired of being on her own. When he asks about her qualifications, she counters didn't he see the news? But he doesn't really believe her. She puts her dark glasses on and offers him a challenge. He moves away from her to place a call, and she watches him.
Yuuri heads into a building in the dark evening. Is she unaware of the man from the bar following her? Or is this a test? An initiation.... No, she knows he is here. She heads further into the hotel (Hotel Bantaya) she wants him to believe she is staying at, sees him leave. And then she is signaled. Tatsuya is on the line, wanting to know how it's going. She is tense, but answers him quietly. She'd met the boss, and he cannot see her near any of them. She must stay alone. "Be careful," he warns her anxiously, and signs off.
Lira is watching with glee as the program on their computer adds up their accounts. They are getting rather rich these days. And Lira has acccumulated QUITE the collection of jewelry and offers bangles to Dorunero. The pair are very happy. But Gien, sitting exiled in a nearby chair, is shaky and has had enough of this. He gets up and faces the cells in the alcove behind him, his eyes glowing red.
A warehouse, dark and ignored. Men walk in to see someone stting on the boxes in there. He turns his head slightly as they approach. It is the man, the recruiter. And the other with him is not a man, but Yuuri in black. The man bows to his commander, and leaves. Yuuri watches the robotic being get to his feet. He is balanced and in a way beautiful. And he greets her cordially. He is Aberu. He looks a bit like a Roman Legionnaire. And he takes her hesitation for nervousness, until she removes her glasses. "It's been a long time, Aberu." The recognition takes barely a moment. He is stunned to find her here, almost worshipful, I think. And she is grim and calm in greeting him. She asks him why he is an assassin in this time. He is too floored by her presence to truly acknowledge her words. "Are you listening to me?" she demands angrily. "I heard EVERYTHING!" he snaps back, and stalks around to face her, angry and yet she counters to his accusations that she has never lied to him. But he is less than willing. There is a terrible madness at work here. Was he once her student, or was she once his? For she is trying to explain that this is not her nature. But he says it IS her nature, furiously kicking at cans. And when it looks like he won't listen to reason, she changes into her armor to fight him. The signal attracts the others, relieved to know it really is a Londarz doing these assassinations. And Yuuri, fighting, loses her weapon the Vol Sniper, and finds herself under Aberu's sights. But he has no intention of killing her. And when she strikes at him, he vanishes. And then the point of his weapon is in the small of her back, and he gasses her. She falls to the floor and in a moment her armor vanishes, leaving her quite helpless, skin slick with sweat. And when the others arrive, there is nothing but Yuuri's chrono-changer on the floor. Tatsuya picks it up, and both he and Domon realize it in horror. Tatsuya signals Takku. "Find out where she is!" he calls urgently in a panic. But Takku cannot.
In an underground tunnel, well-lit, Yuuri lies barefoot on a white dais. And in a bowl, Aberu tosses the fine, pale pink rose she had carried. It floats at the center of red roses. He comes to her side. "Yuuri, you're mine," he murmers happily, brushing at her hair. She is struggling but whatever drugs he's given her keep her limp and unable to speak or move. And he chuckles arranges her body to suit him.
City Guardians salute and step aside as someone walks the hallways. It is Naoto. And there has been no sign of any assassins. He tells his men that they are going to move the patient. And someone else is listening around the corner, a hospital orderly in pale blue. And in the underground chamber, Aberu is still with Yuuri. He taps a cannister against his chest, and leans down to explain to her that with the substance contained herein he has control of her. She can speak, though still has no motor control, and argues. But there is no argument to his madness. Down the stairs comes the frail man in pale blue, to whisper a report into his master's ear. Confirming his man's words, he picks up a gun and, laughing, starts towards the stairs.... Then pauses. Yuuri has a chance to prove or be shown that she is his. She fights his control, but all her struggle cannot free her, and his order to take the gun is eventually obeyed, however much she would choose not to. The bowl of flowers shudders and then goes still. Yuuri's eyes go blank and cool, and now she takes the gun with confident hands.
And a white car arrives at a bar. The four men of the Time Ranger have arrived and they confront the startled bartender, Tatsuya demanding to know where the Assassin's Group is. He is indifferent to their demands, and when Tatsuya starts to attack him, it is Domon who lunges forward to stop our boy. It takes all three of them to pull him off the bartender. That man coolly straightens his clothes, but Tatsuya demands again.
It is time to move the patient. Far from the building is Aberu atop another. He has Yuuri and is carefully setting her up for the assassination. She is fighting his control again, panting, but whatever control she has does not extend beyong her facial muscles, and the only thing she can do is pray the otehrs will find her. She sees broken glass beneath her, from a brown bottle. And since such movement is not prohibited, is able to force her hand down to slice her palm on one of the edges. This gives her a moment of control, and she is able to hit the signal device on her belt. Takku hears and relays her desperate voice to the others. She has to fight out every word and then the signal goes silent. Aberu has taken the device and smashed it under his foot. He is enraged with her, and because of the drug she cannot move as he grabs for her in fury. He doses her with the drug again, though she struggles. The others only know they cannot find her, and discuss anxiously how they might manage it.
And the City Guardians are preparing to move the wounded man. They shelter his face from the light, and head out for the ambulance. And Aberu is demanding that Yuuri fire. She thinks desperately, "Please, somebody stop me! Tatsuya!" At last her finger squeezes the trigger and the homing bullet shoots out as Aberu crows with delight. But before it can hit the gurney, Tatsuya in his armor is there to take the impact and fall. Yuuri gasps out his name and Aberu stands in fury. The rest of the group gathers around him and they see Yuuri struggling as Aberu grabs her and pulls her away with him. The City Guardians watch them run in pursuit. Naoto smiles a small grimace of pure satisfaction. For the gurney only held a dummy and he had drawn out the assassin for the Time Rangers.
Tatsuya is first to catch up with their enemy, and demands Aberu give Yuuri back to him. Aberu is outraged as he practically carries her with him. And Tatsuya runs, ignoring the bullets that hit his suit, and takes her from Aberu and into his arms. She stares up at him in relieved amazement, for she still cannot move. "You give her back to me! She's MINE!" whines Aberu. The words are startling to the boys, all but Tatsuya straighten up in surprised confusion. And Tatsuya utters a bewildered, "Huh?" Domon sneers with mild amazement, "I just don't think you're her type." This understandably outrages Aberu (men just hate to be told such things). Sion gets down and hands Tatsuya a small bottle. This contains the antidote to the drug Aberu has been using, and Yuuri gladly drinks it as Tatsuya carefully holds it for her. And Sion puts her Chrono Changer back on her wrist. Aberu is totally outraged. "What are you hanging out with these losers for?! You only belong to me!" But Yuuri is at last able to get on her feet. She is not entirely steady as she confronts him. "That's not true. Aberu, you're going back in the Escalator." And she changes into her fighting uniform. And she announces that he is under arrest (well, you know the drill). He snarls helplessly, "Yuuri! Why can't you understand how I love you?" he pulls out his gun to fire and then his weapon is blasted from his hands. Naoto is there. "Because murderers like you exist, we can't get a rest. Let me crush you." He flips his cap away in a cool gesture, and calls Time Fire into his band. And they are almost delighted to see him, Tatsuya gasping his name. But he turns to them, "So Time Pink was almost made into a murderer, eh? Except for Asami. What you did was good." Half-outraged, Tatsuya stutters, "Naoto!!" But Aberu is not taking all this lying down, and calls in the Zenitto. And our heroes fight their way through them, Sion with the Assault Vector. Time Fire slashes through the enemies, and Time Pink confronts Aberu alone. He manages to shoot her Double Vector from her arms, only she vanishes on him. And in a moment, she slices and dices him. He is fallen, and the others gather around as she summons them for Escalating him. Furious, Aberu shouts, "If you leave me, I'll do this!" and he wipes his seal and roars from high. And Yuuri has Takku call in the Time Ships. And they come hurtling into the present. Yuuri suggests using the "Shadow Beta" against him and Tatsuya calls it in. And they form together. And Naoto calls in his V-Rex and tells it to form V-Rex Robo. It is there and ready to fight. But Aberu is still obessed with Yuuri. "You don't need to be with those people! Leave them!" And when Naoto orders the use of the Revolver, Aberu simply shoots the bullets out of the air, to their astonished amazement. But Shadow Beta slices his weapon from his hands. And when Time Fire would have sent V-Rex against him, they place their Shadow Vector in between to stop him. This is their job, and they trap him at the center of their clock, and fire. "Time up," says Yuuri. And he is shrunk and frozen.
And the news the next day is a relief to read. Tatsuya brings it to Ayase, "The Assassin's Group leader is arrested. The businesses were probably mad." Yuuri listens and shrugs. Ayase, reading, replies with calm relief, "The Assassin's Group had their contacts in that bar, and the bar has been shut down." Sion gets up and walks calmly over to them, softly saying, "So this incident wasn't only the Londarz's fault. They were evil people, and their friends." Tatsuya stretches to his feet with irritation. "Couldn't they stop stuff like that?" Domon pokes at him with a scowl. "Don't talk silly." He turns to Yuuri, his face somewhat mischief-filled and his eyes twinkle. "Yuuri, you were sure popular with men!" Yuuri goes some interesting shades of pink, "Oh, don't say that." Blushing, she moves away to stare out the window, thinking, "That was the first time I asked Tatsuya for help." She remembers being there, unable to save herself or stop herself, and thinking desperately of him. She turns to look and hears Domon saying softly to Tatsuya, "Hey, Yuuri's not bad, except maybe you could pick someone more sexy!" Tatsuya bends low in front of him and says back, "No way, she was very soft when I held her, and it was really..." he is cut off as a firm hand closes around his wrist. He looks around in dismay. Yuuri is clearly furious, and she flips him hard onto his back, spends a bare instant glaring at him before stalking off to her room. They gather him up, Ayase snickering as Tatsuya whimpers about the pain and they briefly lose hold of him.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Our heroes are in a hospital, surrounded by excited children. And Naoto is trapped under some wires. "This little boy and the Londarz know everything I do! I'm doing the same thing as they are every single day!" And he struggles hysterically against Time Red. We see him in his armor, calling the V-Rex, and frozen in wide-eyed horror. Case File 35: Tomorrow isn't Coming. Ashita ga Konai 明日が来ない
The labs of the R&D facility, Time Fire on a slowly rotating slab, while a screen shows his spine. Lying on another gurny, this time without his armor, as they do CAT scans, scientists peering anxiously through windows. Back in his armor, to see if there's a difference in the CAT scan. Out of his armor and a technician is adding parts to the bracelet, with a new symbol. Fitted it together, OK, he signals the watching scientist, so familiar from earlier episodes. This completed, the lab technician turns on the lights, and under all the probes, Naoto opens his eyes. He's been putting up with all this prodding pretty well. He sits up and the technician starts pulling the probes off. "I finished setting your D-sensor." Naoto studies the new piece with mild interest, and heads out with the head scientist to dress. He wears black silk underwear. As he gets dressed, the scientist asks him, "How do you feel? Is there no effect on your body?" Naoto glances down at the interesting toy in front of him as he answers. It is a spined wheel with balls on the spines, pretty. "I feel like a guinea pig, this experiment is going over and over, every day." He flicks one of the balls and sets the small toy swinging as he puts on his uniform. Amused, the doctor says, "Complain, complain." A lab technician pops in to say, "If you have the D-sensor on while you're Time Fire, it'll give us all the data we need." "Destroy the Londarz and save the world, that is all we need of the V-Commander technology." Irritatable, Naoto rubs at his sore neck and complains, "If I hear stuff like that, I get hives." The lab tech and head scientist exchange glances of quiet annoyance with his attitude.
The secretary, a lovely lady at the Information desk, in front of her the sign saying 10th month, 22, Octobar (yes, Octobar). She blinks when she sees him coming and says, "Captain Takizawa, someone is here to meet you." "Someone?" "Over there." He looks over and there is his guest, jumping up from a chair and grinning bashfully at him with a bouquet of flowers. Naoto sighs to himself. "Asami." Annoyed, he heads towards his old rival, who moves eagerly to meet him. "I told you not to come here ever a -- " but he is cut off as Tatsuya meets his eyes with bright earnestness. "Naoto, don't say anything and come with me, please?" and he sets his bouquet down and kneels at Naoto's feet bowing low. "Please?" and he is all brightness and puppy-begging as he grins up at the stoic, confused Naoto.
Tatsuya brings Naoto to a hospital. Naoto walks a meter or so behind him, still trying to decide why he shouldn't just walk away. Tatsuya grabs his elbow and pulls him with him into one room and calls cheerfully, "Taichi-kun!" The little boy on the bed turns to look at them, and smiles in delight. There is a wheelchair beside the bed. "Big brother! Did you bring Time Fire?" Above his bed are two crudely drawn, adorable pictures of Time Fire. Tatsuya heads for the boy's bed and sets the flowers down on the way. "I think he'll be coming soon." "Really?" asks the boy brightly, as Tatsuya leans down and picks up a notebook on the floor to show it to Naoto with an inane grin. "Time Fire!" he identifies the picture, as if there were any doubt. "Were you a good boy?" Naoto folds his arms in irritation. "What is this about?" And Tatsuya glances back to him, then says to the boy, "Just wait a little longer, Time Fire will be here soon." "Un!" the child agrees happily. And Tatsuya comes to Naoto, grabbing his arms and pulling him out the door. He closes it behind them, drags Naoto a bit up the hall and starts to explains cheerfully, "His name is Taichi. I met him here."
Tomorrow Research was there, hired to clean and Yuuri was doing the floors. And there was an angry child in a wheelchair, arguing with his mother and ignoring the nurse pushing him. "I don't want to have an operation!" Tatsuya at the nurse's station, turned to watch the altercation. "Taichi, an operation isn't scarey," but the boy cried out that he hated the idea, and shoving wildly around knocked over the drip and cart next to him, forcing his mother and the nurse, and the collection of Tomorrow Research people around, to do damage control while he wheeled himself to his room. So Tatsuya in white gloves came to see the child, noted the picture of Time Fire held tight in the sad boy's hands. "Taichi, you're good at drawing." And he turned the boy around and began talking to him.
He told Naoto what he had said, pleading. "Taichi's having an operation on his heart tomorrow -- " Naoto pulled from the grasping hand on his arm. "You should do it yourself." "I DID!" cries Tatsuya miserably. They had all done. They showed up in their armor in Taichi's room, Time Pink with flowers and Time Yellow with a bloody big bear, Time Green with a present. "Nice to meet you! Were you a good boy?" he as Time Red has greeted the astounded mother and child as Time Pink handed off the flowers to the mother. Time Red ruffled the boy's hair, but the astonishment had already turned to indignant annoyance. "I want Time Fire! I don't want to meet YOU!" and the boy had turned his back to them and Time Yellow, also indignant, had started to snarl, but Time Blue tapped his shoulder to stop him. Taichi's mother is trying to get the boy to stop pouting, "They came here to see you!" but there is a faint roar, and our heroes are soon overwhelmed by a crowd of young excited patients. And Tatsuya is still explaining to Naoto, "He's YOUR fan. So please, turn into Time Fire once, and be nice to him!" Naoto is not at all happy with this suggestion and won't look at him as Tatsuya puts his hands together in prayerful pleading. Rubbing his neck he grumbles, "I'm getting hives again." as he starts to walk around Tatsuya, a voice pops up behind them, and it is NOT a happy one.
"Big brother, he's not coming, is he?" And then the misery turns to a child's frustrated anger. "You promised me you were going to bring him here, you liar! Don't come tomorrow!" The boy slams his sliding door shut and while Tatsuya is stepping forward in dismay, Naoto says wryly, "You made a promise you couldn't deliver on. This is your fault."
But before the conversation can deteriorate, the hospital alarms go off.
Tatsuya heads straight for the office and asks an alarmed nurse, "What's the matter?" She tries to shove him out. "Nothing wrong, everything's fine, don't come in here, please!" Naoto pushes his way past Tatsuya and calmly asks what is the problem. His uniform is familiar, and his calm manner. The other nurse answers him anxiously, "There's a virus in the computers!" Tatsuya looks over his shoulder nervously, but a nearby doctor is calling, "Can anyone get this door open?!" a nurse replies affirmative. The alarm brings Naoto who identifies himself as a City Guardian. An older doctor explains that they can't open the door because of the computer." If things stay as they are, the man in the room is in danger. A patient lies there, breathing troubled through an oxygen mask. Tatsuya still hangs over Naoto's shoulder as another nurse calls him. For there is an image on her screen. A strange, tentacle-ish being on the screen. "I'm the person making the computer go crazy. If you want to save that guy, give me 50,000,000 yen!" Tatsuya moves to the side immediately and signals Takku about the enemy. Takku tells him the man is not just in this hospital's computer, he's in EVERY hospital. The other Time Rangers listen anxiously and Sion has backtracked the signal to the terminal which is the source of this problem. Naoto listens and then the two follow the directions given by Sion to find the actual location of the enemy.
At the waterfront, and Naoto says with puzzlement, "The Londarz would be in this place?" His foot kids a tiny, child's doll. Irritated, he deliberately kicks it into the water. But Tatsuya indicates a hut across from them, and a faint, electrical pulsing sound in the air. Together they close on the buidling, Tatsuya entering first. There is a glow flickering off a great blue tarp, and they glance at each other. Tatsuya leads the move close to see. There is a computer, on and with bright colors on the screen. "Isn't this computer -- " but a noise behind them and the two men whirl to fight, only to find a little old man standing bewildered behind them. Haltingly, the man says, "Can I help you?" Tatsuya relaxes somewhat and moves around to the other side, while Naoto stands there authoratatively. Tatsuya asks if he knows who's been using this computer. The man steps forward and stares with bemused interest at the thing. "So this is a computer, eh?" Naoto, irritated, moves towards the door. "He must have run away," and Tatsuya sighs agreement. But the little old man starts to chuckle. "No, he hasn't run away." And in a moment he changes, to become the alien face they saw on the screen. His blasts knocks the two men, who change into their armor just barely in time, out of the hut onto the dock. Time Fire and Time Red have out their respective V-Defender and Double Vectors, but their enemy analyses their weapons as they fire. He dematerializes his body, a head floating in the air and snickers at their shock when their shots go through where he was. Naoto gasps, "He evaded?"
For they are facing Hacker Yuugento, blue and silver with a huge brain, a wide grin and mocking them. "With my powers, I can calculate what your weapons can do!" and he makes a pun which I can't translate. And then from his wrist-cuffs fly cords which catch both reds and hit them with a tremendous electrical charge. Time Fire's V-Commander gets the brunt of it, suffering severe electric spasms. They fall and he is about to finish them off, when Time Yellow and Green arrive, their cannons staggering him until he hits them back. But Time Blue and Pink hit next with their Double Vectors. He sends them tumbling into the water and laughs. "You're still too young," he laughs. Furious, Tatsuya gets up and attacks him, but after a few shots, he is knocked aside, his uniform burning. Time Fire calls his name and then finds himself the target of Yuugento. Before he can move, Yuugento says happily, "This is the end!" Naoto tries to get up enough to evade the dot that comes roaring at him, but he falls back as it hits and----
He wakes, on the testing gurney in the Research lab. He sits up and the technician starts pulling the probes off. "I finished setting your D-sensor." Naoto studies the new piece with mild interest, and heads out with the head scientist to dress. He wears black silk underwear. As he gets dressed, the scientist asks him, "How do you feel? Is there no effect on your body?" Naoto glances down at the interesting toy in front of him as he answers. It is a spined wheel with balls on the spines, pretty. "I feel like a guinea pig, this experiment is going over and over, every day -- " He has flicked the toy and set it swinging, but he trails off uncertainly. Amused, the doctor says, "Complain, complain." A lab technician pops in to say, "If you have the D-sensor on while you're Time Fire, it'll give us all the data we need." Naoto is touching his forehead, confused. The scientist asks anxiously, "Do you have a problem?" Still bewildered, Naoto straightens up. "No, um, I thought there was something like this, a long time ago." The lab tech is amused, "Deja vu, eh?" As he leaves the scientist says, "You're just tired." Then, excited, he says, "Destroy the Londarz and save the world, that is all we need of the V-Commander technology. Please stick with us." Naoto smiles slightly and adjusts his jacket.
The secretary, a lovely lady at the Information desk, in front of her the sign saying 10th month, 22, Octobar (yes, Octobar). She blinks when she sees him coming, rubbing his tense neck and says, "Captain Takizawa, someone is here to meet you." "Someone?" "Over there." He looks over and there is his guest, jumping up from a chair and grinning bashfully at him with a bouquet of flowers.
Tatsuya brings Naoto to a hospital. Naoto walks a meter or so behind him, still trying to decide why he shouldn't just walk away. Tatsuya grabs his elbow and pulls him with him into one room and calls cheerfully, "Taichi-kun!" The little boy on the bed turns to look at them, and smiles in delight. There is a wheelchair beside the bed. "Big brother! Did you bring Time Fire?" Above his bed are two crudely drawn, adorable pictures of Time Fire. Tatsuya heads for the boy's bed and sets the flowers down on the way. "I think he'll be coming soon." "Really?" asks the boy brightly, as Tatsuya leans down and picks up a notebook that falls to the floor. Naoto stares at it, unable to deny the knowing as Tatsuya shows him the picture. "Time Fire!" As Tatsuya continues to speak, Naoto's world is warping. "That boy, this place, I thought I saw it before!" Confused and pale, his silence brings a concerned Tatsuya. "Naoto? His name is Taichi. I met him here. He's a GREAT fan of Time Fire." But before he can continue, Naoto heads out the door rubbing his chin nervously and Tatsuya goes after him frantically. "Wait, Naoto! It'd be really great if you'd visit him, he really wants to meet you, he's your fan!" Naoto brushes him aside. "That's no good. I'm... I'm a little tired." He starts to walk away when the boy's voice comes. "Big brother, he's not coming, is he?" Tatsuya bends down anxiously, "No, he's coming. You just have to wait a little longer, eh?" But then the misery turns to a child's frustrated anger. "You promised me you were going to bring him here, you liar! Don't come tomorrow!" The boy slams his sliding door shut and while Tatsuya is stepping forward calling the child's name, Naoto is staggering back against the wall, his mouth hanging open and his eyes wild with confusion and fright. "I remember this," he thinks. "After this the alarms are going to start!"
And then when the alarms go off, he startles forward and says urgently, "The Londarz are hacking into the hospital computers!" "Huh?" replies the understandably startled Tatsuya. But Naoto's eyes are those of a drowning man. "And the place was -- " cutting himself off he races outside, followed by Tatsuya, who finds this all odd. But he obligingly follows Naoto to the waterfront, where the black-clad man stops and stares about. Tatsuya asks bewildered, "You think the Londarz are here?" and nudges the doll at his feet before picking it up and tossing it into the water. He moves closer to the tense Naoto, who twitches at the sound of the doll hitting the water, and says, "Over there." Only a hut, and a strange sound. The pair race off but this time it is Naoto who leads the way in. And they find the little old man at the computer. He gets up and asks, "Can I help you?" "Londarz!" But of course when Naoto pulls out his weapon to fire on the old man, Tatsuya moves to stop him asking, alarmed, "What are you doing?" Naoto snaps back, "Don't you remember? We were fighting him!" "HUH?" logically replies Tatsuya.
And in that moment the old man changes, to become the alien. Out on the dock, from his wrist-cuffs fly cords which catch both heroes and hit them with a tremendous electrical charge. He is about to finish them off, when Time Yellow and Green arrive, their cannons staggering him until he hits them back. But Time Blue and Pink hit next with their Double Vectors. He sends them tumbling into the water and laughs. "We're going to lose!" gasps Naoto. Tatsuya tries for an explanation in the confusion. "You're still too young!" mocks Yuugento. Time Red gets up and attacks, but after a few shots, he is knocked aside, his uniform burning. Time Fire mutters weakly, a hand out towards Asami, "It's happening again, the same." And now he himself is the target of Yuugento. Before he can move, Yuugento says happily, "This is the end!" Naoto tries to get up enough to evade the shot that comes roaring at him, but he falls back as it hits and----
He wakes, on the testing gurney in the Research lab. Panting and wild-eyed, he sits up. The uncertain technician says, "I finished setting your D-sensor." But Naoto looks at him in horror and skuttles back on the gurney only to fall onto the floor and cringe back against the computer banks. "What is it?" exclaims the startled technician. And the scientist is there now, too, kneeling and putting a steadying hand on his knee. "Are you all right, Takizawa-kun?" Trying to wedge himself into the corner, he is anything BUT all right. Closing his eyes tight he cries out, "Today -- WHAT'S THE DATE?!" Confused, the men look at each other and then say of course, "It's the twenty-second of October." And time distorts and whispers. He remembers the secretary at the Information desk, in front of her the sign saying 10th month, 22, Octobar. "It's happening again."
Naoto retreats outside to sink onto a bench, "I'm not wrong. But only I am repeating this day." Shuddering, he puts his hands over his mouth, trying to hold it together. "How long has this been happening? One day? Two days? Or -- " "Naoto!" It is Tatsuya, of course. "I've been looking for you! I couldn't contact you through the City Guardians -- " Naoto tries to flee him, but nothing stops Tatsuya. However, it's pretty hard to stop Naoto, too. Stalking wildly down the sidewalk he shakes Tatsuya off muttering, "Don't come, don't come, don't come." Finally, with fury and hysteria, Naoto grabs Tatsuya and demands to know why he is always appearing. Confused at this emotion, Tatsuya says, "Because I've have something to ask you." Naoto shoves him away and pants hoarsely, "You want me to come to the hospital and meet Taichi." Dumbfounded, Tatsuya looks closely at him. "How do you know?" "I KNOW!!" Naoto shouts back at him. Tatsuya blinks in confusion. "But it doesn't matter!" Naoto snaps and turns away. Tatsuya carefully takes his arm and asks softly, "Then why did you come here?" Naoto turns to see that they have walked straight to the hospital. Tatsuya reads the sweat dripping on the other man's ghastly pale face, not knowing what is going through his thoughts. But it is simply the memory of Taichi shouting, "Don't come tomorrow!" and sliding the door shut. Badly shaken, Naoto half-staggers back, clutching his pounding head. Anxious, Tatsuya closes with him, for he is shaking and looking like he might break apart. "Naoto, what is it?" But then Naoto screams and slams the bouquet from Tatsuya's hand and runs. He finds himself again on the dock in front of the shack, fallen after tripping over that darned doll and knocking it into the water. He stares in horror at the shack, panting. "Why? WHY do I have to come here?!" he slams his hand into the dock. A very concerned Tatsuya has caught up with him. "Naoto, what's happened?" Naoto doesn't want to get up. He stares hopelessly at the shack. "I'm living the same day over and over again." "Um, that's kind of silly," Tatsuya says with a soft chuckle. But Naoto gets up, breathing, "There's a Londarz in there. I've been fighting him for some times..."
Our boy goes to investigate the shack over Naoto's protests. "Wait, Asami, don't go in there!" but as I said earlier, who can stop Tatsuya? He gently shoves the hysterical man back and says, "Shouldn't I figure this out?" and heads in. "Please don't do it!" begs Naoto, but his words have no effect, and he is too afraid to move. He watches wildly, then the moment comes and he twitches as Time Red is sent flying through the wall with a cry. And there is Yuugento, rather surprised himself. "How did you guys know to come here?" Time Red has taken up a protective position in front of Naoto, who pants painfully, "You can't run away from your life." Tatsuya turns and shoves at him urgently. "What are you talking about? Hurry, change into Time Fire and fight!" But Naoto is not able to focus himself enough for it. "NO! NO! I've had enough!" he cries and shakes in his boots. And Tatsuya ignores Yuugento, for there is someone who needs him. "Naoto?"
But Yuugento is still there, and asks with interest, "What happened to you?" So Tatsuya whirls to fight and protect the hysterical man. But of course his shots are ineffective as Yuugento dematerializes, and out come the cords to catch both men. The flashing electrical charges are agony, especially for Naoto around his V-Commander. Released, they both fall. Time Yellow and Green arrive to draw Yuugento's fire. Naoto watches this, panting and saying, "Here it is, the same again." As Yuugento throws Pink and Blue into the water, Naoto pulls back towards the edge of the dock. "We can't beat him. It's fated. Can't change it." "Naoto!" snaps Tatsuya sharply, but Naoto is sheer white and losing his mind, and that drowning man look is there, a man pushed too far and unable to find any footing. In sympathy for his terror, Tatsuya leaps to protect him. Seeing Time Red fall, for the first time more with pain than mild annoyance, Naoto calls his name. The laughter of Yuugento and his approach. He's going to send me back again, as Naoto raises his arms automatically against the coming blast, his eyes light upon his bracelet. The D Sensor is still channelling an electric charge, and it hits him at last. "It couldn't be..." He stares in amazed realization, "It's this sensor's fault!" and he tries frantically to tear the thing off his wrist. Yuugento announces, "This is the end!" and Naoto cries out in frustration and terror, raising his hands to protect himself. And when the shot comes that would send him back again, Tatsuya is between them.
Time ripples, brief meetings seen and repeated, slightly different each time.
Naoto finds he is still there, cringing in a fetal position against the expected shot. He looks around. Limp beside him on the dock is Time Red, uniform blackened and smoking, unmoving. "Asami," Naoto whispers weakly. But then Time Red moves, jerkily, to get up and half fall as he leans towards Naoto. "We can change our fate, ourselves," he groans out, then staggers to his feet, clutching the torn area of his chest. "If you are scared, if you let it make you crazy, you're only running down the river." Odd, that notion. Naoto slowly fits back into time, breathing hard as he watches Time Red engage Yuugento, only to be knocked back and fall at his feet. Automatically he catches hold of him, "Asami!" but instinct says the man is all right. Yuugento is coming after him, though. But he is together and steady, now. Helping Tatsuya sit up he says, "You're an optimistic sort." And standing to face the oncoming enemy he adds, "Thank you, for changing my fate." And he glares and calls into his V-Commander, "Time Fire!" and changes.
And for once, he is where he should be. There, with the others gathered around him, feeling their support as they face the Londarz together. "You guys are a pain in my back," Yuuginto comments and blasts at them. But Red and Fire evade the shot and hit him together, sending him back. But he blasts them down. "You guys can't beat me!" Tatsuya begs to differ, saying to Time Fire, "Naoto, destroy his mechanical brain!" Naoto is entirely agreeable on this, and they head into attack together, Time Red in front so that the illusion is created that only one warrior is rushing at Yuuginto (with an odd third arm), and Yuuginto is able to hit Red but Fire is able to dive to the cement and fire between Red's legs, hit him, and his computer is gone. They attack with enthusiasm, slicing him up but he pulls his seal and goes big. At Tatsuya's command, Takku calls in the ships. They form Time Robo Beta first.
The Time Shadow helps, but when it attacks is caught and taken control of in the enemy's tentacles. They are soon under attack by their own robot, whose eyes glow red. But Time Fire calls in the V-Rex and has it form V-Rex Robo. And it delivers an attack on Yuuginto with its missiles, or so it seemed, for he rolls away unhurt and mocks, "Where are you aiming?" to which Time Fire replies, "I wasn't aiming at you." Naoto commands a strike at the Time Shadow with the Rex Punch. While Domon is shouting at him angrily, he calls, "Are you awake now, Time Shadow?" They find that what Naoto did broke the Time Shadow free of Yuuginto's control, and Tatsuya is very pleased. They slice Yuuginto, and Naoto uses the Max Blizzard. It is over. The three robots stand together. And Naoto tears the annoying device from the V-Commander and tosses it to the cement. "It's been a long day," he says wryly.
Our heroes in their civvies come to the hospital. Yuuri comments, "The operation will start." "Naoto didn't come?" asks Domon. "He'd never come," says Ayase indifferently. Only he is wrong. They stop in the hall and stare. Time Fire is there. He is seeing the Taichi off to surgery, and the child will bear anything now that he's met his hero. "Don't give up, Taichi." "UN!" agrees the ecstaic child. And the mother thanks him deeply. They are all very pleased. Tatsuya is about to comment, eyes shining, when a roar of young voices sound behind them, and they turn. A crowd of children is racing up the hall. "They're coming again!" Our heroes dive opposite ways, and poor Domon ends up trampled. And then Time Fire finds himself surrounded and clambered all over. As he is sinking under their combined weight, he calls desperately for help.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Honami is back, passes Ayase on a bridge. "I don't care who Time Yellow is." She pauses, and we see she is standing beside Domon, who suddenly heads off. A moment later Time Yellow is there. "If there was an answer in front of me..." And the two stand together. Case File 36: Stay in Your True Face. Sugao No Mamade 素顔のままで
Another bright day. Honami is breakfasting at a cafe, feeling good. She's wearing her yellow vest and a blue, patterned bandana. She settle does to eat a big hotdog and look through the paper. A particular headline catches her eye. "Behind the Murderer is a Hero's Shadow. It might be good money!" This is something she will have to look into, and she pulls out her red schedule-book to write the date in. A photo falls from it. It is her favorite picture of Time Yellow, with his great cannon. She lifts it to look wistfully.
Someone else is looking wistfully at another copy of the same photo, in a small wallet with another picture on the opposite side. Domon is lying on a bench at the waterfront. "I have to hurry up and finish this. Return this to Honami and tell her about Ayase. That's the manly thing to do." It frustrates him no end that Honami thinks Ayase is Time Yellow, for he really likes her. He sits up to think unhappily about the facts, and finally lies back down. But a voice calls him from the bridge far above. It is Sion, with Ayase actually. "What are you doing down there? Come home with us!" he calls. Ayase, who is carrying the groceries, hollers, "Yes, there's no food for someone who's goofing off!" Domon scrambles to his feet and growls "That guy," indignantly, but then looks sadly at the picture in the wallet again, "I can't let him..." and heads off to go home.
There is a black car going quickly, and then skidding as it stops inside a warehouse. A man in grey, tall and slim, steps out. His companion behind him is bald. They both look alertly around. "I waited for you, did you bring the money?" announces a voice. Out from the shadows steps a Londarz criminal. This one isn't wearing human face, and is dressed in heavy red clothing. The design is faintly Chinese. He seems to be an insectoid and his narrow eyes glow yellow. A small troop of Zenitto are with him. His name is Banjan. The Zenitto carry a heavy, silver case. And the two men carry a black case full of money, which they open and show to Banjan. He nods and sends the Zenitto with the other case forward. It opens the case, and both humans look tense when they see inside it. "Here's the proof for you to see. The one in the middle is the bomb. The one on the side is the remote control." In the box is a strange, geometric object and beside it cushioned is, as Banjan explained, the remote control. The men come in closer to study the goods. And far off, hidden behind some junk, is a slender young man in an yellow-orange jacket. (This actor played Reiji in Gogofive, and may be playing him again) The boy shies back and something falls. The cling of it hitting the cement gets the immediate attention of those dealing, and they whirl. "Who's there?" calls Banjan. There is a moment of silence, then an eerie, echoing "Meow" is voiced. The humans sigh and turn back to their goods. The boy sighs in relief and relaxes. "If only they weren't Londarz, I would have gone out and gotten the money!" The Londarz is saying, "Now we're done." The boy comes to a decision. "I'm ready, I'm dead or I'm not, let's see what happens," and he breaks a red tube apart, almost instantly it flares into light and he tosses it among the gathered group. Startled, Banjan leaps back. The two humans seem to recognize a flare and are confused. Into the smoke runs the boy, a gas mask on his face. He runs off with both cases as the two sets pull themselves together and start to pursue. But the boy is gone, vanished. It is hard to say who is more annoyed.
"He's gone. We'll go this way," announces the non-bald man, and they start to bolt. "Wait, please," says Banjan firmly, and they wheel to a halt. "I rather think we should search together on this." They exchange worried glances. He bends close to a Zenitto and whispers, "If you have to, kill him to get the money." The Zenitto are off around a corner, then bits and pieces fly in the air and two human-seeming men, gangster-like in black suits, come Zenitto-marching out. With an annoyed pursing of the lips, the leader of the two human men takes off with them, four altogether. Long feelers like a mustache, Banjan watches them go and takes the others with him. "Let's look in a different place."
The humans and Zenitto pass where the boy is hiding in a trainyard. He sees them pass and hauls off his gas-mask to crow with delight at the success of his strategm. "Man, that was dangerous!" he is so pleased. He gets up and fretfully remarks that carrying these two cases is going to be troublesome. He opens the big silver case, pushes at the geometric bomb and remembers what Banjan had said about the remote. Smugly, he gathers it up, grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
And breakfast is underway at Tomorrow Research, for at least two people. Yuuri is doling out pancakes. She and Tatsuya are alone together on the couch, comfortably close, her bare left leg against his right. She's learned to make pancakes, and they are delicious, he says. She happily says he helped. And he demures. While they are busy complimenting each other and blushing furiously, the others arrive home with Sion's cheerful "We're baaaack!" Yuuri and Tatsuya instantly bounce several inches away from each other, looking quite guilty in an attempt to look innocent. But of course none of this is noticed, as Sion bounces in ahead of Ayase and Domon, and beelines straight for the food. As Yuuri gets a plate ready for him, he asks if she made it and Tatsuya says something about it being with his help. "Oh, so I can eat it?" he says innocently, but Yuuri knows when she's being teased, and leaps to her feet. Quick boy, he grabs his plate and a brief, playful scuffle ensues as she tries to get it back and Tatsuya intervenes. An amused Ayase heads over to put the groceries down, which include several boxes of tissue paper, unaware of Domon watching him thoughtfully. Yuuri finds she is fighting both young men for the pancakes she made, and Domon is sort of following Ayase around the room. At last he takes off his hat and clenches it nervously in his hands. Ignoring the playful feud behind him, he girds himself and heads over to Ayase, who is now putting his locker in order. Domon leans back against the neighboring locker, speaking low and quiet. "Ayase, after we eat I want to tell you something," he starts. Then his lips go tight as he struggles for words. Ayase waits, puzzled, about to hang up his coat.
But then the door to the office opens, and a young stranger comes in. He is sweaty, his hair wind-blown and out of breath. "This is the everything store?" he asks, setting the two cases down. The fighting group all stand staring at him. Tatsuya breaks the silence first. "Well, yes. But what do you want?" The young man points down at his two cases and explains that he needs them delivered to somewhere very far away. "Think you can do that?" he challenges them. They glance at each other, then Sion asks timidly, "Can it wait until after we eat?" The young man is about to rant angrily at the question when Domon pipes up, "Sure we can, we can!" They all stare at him, but he whirls back and throws an arm over a rather bewildered Ayase's shoulders. "Say, Ayase, you and I can do this, right?" Ayase points out that at this time, trains would be faster than a car. Domon cheerfully answers that train will be fine, and hangs on Ayase in a very playful fashion (easily called flirtatious), asking if it's all right. Their visitor is relieved, then notices the pancakes and with delight hops down and grabs one, to the dismay of the three who were earlier arguing over them.
Banjan is coordinating his own search. He has a Zenitto working on a machine, and paces his office. They will be able to track the thief, using another bomb or a controller of the same sort stolen. A Zenitto brings him a silver case, and he picks out the remote control.
The two gangsters and the human-guised Zenitto are racing up a path beside the river, when the leader skids to a halt, signalling them to stop. For he sees crossing the bridge above them two men carrying the cases. He pulls off his glasses and growls an exasperated, "Those guys."
Domon has the black, chained case clutched protectively against his chest, and is trying to enjoy the walk. Ayase is carrying the silver case and feeling quietly put upon. "It sure feels good moving these things, doesn't it, Ayase?" Domon cheerfully asks. Half-amused, Ayase says, "You're really weird." "Oh, now I'm fine." "Really. And what is it you want to talk to me about?" Domon glances over at him, "So, you noticed?" Ayase utters a brief laugh. "You're easy to understand! So it'd be good if you hurry up and spit it out." Domon blushes and falls behind uncertainly, lowering the case. He stops for an instant, then hurries forward and moves in front of Ayase to stare intently into his eyes. "Ayase, please go and meet Honami, once."
Totally flummoxed, Ayase's mouth drops and he says, "Huh?"
Domon sets the case down and moves away to the bridge-side, as Ayase is trying to figure out where all this is coming from. Domon pulls something out of his pocket and turns to hold wide the red wallet so that Ayase (who is trying to recover his famed expression of put-upon boredom) can see it. "This is why." When he sees the picture of himself, next to the picture of Time Yellow, things become clear. But he does not try to be indifferent, only winces in understanding and twists his face away. When he meets Domon's eyes again, it is with a hollow sadness and sympathy. Domon sees that expression and the anger he had felt vanishes. He drops the wallet and tries for false cheer. "No, it's okay." But he is unable to quite maintain that cheer, try as he might. He turns to brace his palms on the bridge. "I mean, I've given up on her. A man's gotta do, I mean... I can't keep it this way. Please?" he turns and begs, hands together and head bowed. Ayase is really put on the spot, for once it is more than an act. After a moment he says, "I refuse," and heads on. Bewildered, Domon puzzles, "That guy, even though I'm trying to end this..." he picks up his case and follows calling, "But it's okay if you see her -- " but then men step out in front of them. The two lighter dressed men and the two black-clothed men on the outer sides.
"What's going on?" Domon asks as he and Ayase have to halt. Ayase eyes them suspiciously, sensing purpose. "Maybe they need us to do some work." But the man who leads the group says surprisingly softly, "Those cases -- " Domon cuts him off, "Ask us later, please," and aims to pass them. The two men in black go on the attack immediately, and Ayase and Domon fight. At first the other two men seem to back up, but then the leader grabs Domon in a headlock and the other tries to pin Ayase. The leader says urgently, "Give me those cases." "What are you doing?" protest Domon in confusion, for the man holding him does not seem to be trying to hurt him. But Ayase has pulled free of the man in black and shouts, "Domon, run!" so Domon slams his head into the man's and they race off. He overturns a stack of crates which causes their pursuers considerable difficulty as they race away only to hit a deadend. After a moment of frightened confusion, Domon hollars to Ayase and in agreement, they toss their two cases over the wall. Domon bends down so Ayase can spring off his back, then follows him up the wall. They are at the top when their pursuers spot them. The two in black start firing. Ayase and Domon fall off the wall into a pile of bags of garbage.
The port, and a large boat about to depart. The young man is waiting anxiously. He checks his watch. "Where are those guys? They should've been here by now!" He hauls out his cellphone and dials. In the pile of garbage bags, Ayase pops up first. A moment later Domon struggles up. They are both coughing miserably. Ayase is first to dig through the bags and find the silver case as Domon answers the phone to hear the voice of their outraged client. But his response demanding to know what he gave to them and saying they've been attacked, defuses the youngster's wrath. "Did they get the case?!" When they demand some sort of explanation, he bends down cautiously to hide and tells them that they better run away, "Run away, or when I press the button, you guys'll blow up too!" Horrified, Domon says "This is REAL?!" Ayase does a quick dig through the debris and finds a crowbar. He pounds on the chains as Domon tries to argue with the boy who says that it's true. "You have ten minutes, or else!" Domon is practically screaming into the phone. "TEN MINUTES!!!" but the boy has hung up. Furious and frightened, Domon throws his cellphone to the ground. Ayase has broken the chains and opens the case. Yup, that's a bomb of course. They look at each other in horror, and Domon smiles wryly. "He was telling the truth."
But there are voices, and the four pursuing men are upon them. Domon and Ayase grab a couple of bags and dive into the pile. The four men also dive in, but our intrepid heroes sneak out. The leader sees them going and shouts after them.
And back at Tomorrow Research, the other three were happily eating and have their mouths full when the report comes in. "A BOMB?" More than a bomb. It is a product of the 30th Century, Ayase explains as he and Domon run. And Domon adds that the boy who hired them has given them ten minutes to get rid of it. And their four pursuers are hurrying after them, careless of pedestrians AND catching up.
"I'll see what I can do about the bomb," says Sion, heading for the computer. Yuuri and Tatsuya head off (he pausing for a last bite of the pancakes), as Sion asks Domon and Ayase to describe everything they can about the bomb.
And our young thief is waiting anxiously at the port. Against the railing he mutters, "You guys please run away. You only have one life, so take care of it! If you don't run away, that place'll be a world of roses!" (Ben indicates this to be a proverb) Until he bumps into Banjan. "It'd be a good idea if you give me those cases," the creature invites him. "Um, but... um, I don't have them," he stutters weakly. Banjan slams him one, sending him over the railing. He clings frantically and Banjan takes the remote from his hand and demands to know where the other pieces are. "I don't know! REALLY, I don't!" So Banjan bends down and begins poking at him, threatening to make him lose his grip. And that is the scene to which Time Red and Pink arrive. Time Red leaps, hits Banjan in the back and the young thief is knocked flying, to land in the water below with a cry.
"Time Ranger! Why are you here?" exclaims the startled Banjan. Time Red is in fighting stance. Time Pink takes a quick look at the control in his hand and says nervously to her companion, "I'm afraid that's the bomb's remote control." But Banjan (who always is VERY polite) says, "This is none of your business!" and starts firing at him. Odd beams, they seem to wash off the stones around, but to our heroes they will be deadly. They hide behind a great pillar. Time Red hollers into his Chrono Changer, "The Londarz have the remote control!" Ayase and Domon race through a pedestrian underpass, and Ayase suggests a quick hiding place. The pair dive behind some construction barriers and freeze. The pursuing men pass them by. Breathing hard, Domon asks, "If that's the bomb, what's this?" "It must be money," Ayase tells him, then adds, "This is not good at all. If it blows up here..?" Domon picks the silver case off Ayase's lap. "I'll take it somewhere else, by myself." Ayase is surprised and leans forward, chuckling, "Now wait a minute. What are you trying to pull?" "It's fine if it's me," Domon says and gets to his feet. He looks around above them, trying to decide where to go. Ayase leans back slightly. "Oh, of course." His wry tone gets Domon to look down at him. He looks back up innocently. "And you're going to say you want me to take care of Honami?" Domon answers him gruffly, looking down at him, "No, I'm not saying something like that. I just want you to see her once, and tell her what you feel." After a painful moment, he adds, "Please?" and bows his head low.
"I understand." Ayase gets to his feet and tells Domon quietly "If you're going to be a loser like that, I'll go and see her. She's not the type I hate, after all." Domon lifts his gaze slowly to study Ayase's face, looking miserable, and Ayase hastens to try to assure him he means it. "I could be serious about her." Domon looks away and says quietly, "That'd make her happy." Ayase is getting quite exasperated, "You're such a showoff!" (for Domon is out-cooling him!) when there is a shout from above. The four men have found them. again. Ayase and Domon dive for cover as the two in black start firing, and the other men race down. They find the money case, the leader picks it up and starts looking around. There are Domon and Ayase, squatting against the wall. The four men simply stare at each other for a breath, and Domon crosses himself. Ayase closes his eyes, and waits.
But the two men in black have changed once again into Zenitto, and they are about to fire on the other two men, who see this and look up in dread. The leader quickly puts the case aside for them, "Here, you can take the money!" But the Zenitto are coming down, and the two men are backing away, their faces pale. Ayase and Domon watch them back up, unable to see the Zenitto, who pick up the case and prepare to fire. But a Zenitto comes into sight and is closing on the two men, when Ayase calls it. Time Yellow is there and fires his bazooka, destroying the one. The other races off with the case and with a snarl, Time Yellow is about to pursue, Time Blue fast behind him when an anxious hand closes on his shoulder. "Wait!" calls the leader of the pair of men. "This is a good thing," he tells the astonished men. And then he pulls his skin off.
It is Naoto, who was wearing a very flesh-friendly mask. (okay, so it was really a different actor, but willing suspension of disbelief, eh?) "Finally, the plan went right." Domon and Ayase are in amazed shock and gape at him behind their masks.
And Sion is wildly at work investigating the bomb in the case, locating the references to its remote control. Time Red and Pink are fighting Banjan, who is a tough customer. He manages to slam Time Red down, and throws Pink on top of him (this is fate). But then as he is about to get them, he is signalled. The Zenitto has returned to base with the money. It tapes a kind of morse code, and he is pleased to announce to his two opponents that he knows Time Yellow and Time Blue have the bomb. And he is also quite delighted to set it off and blow them sky-high. But just as he is about to do so, a voice calls through his ring-com. "Wait! This is the City Guardians!" for they have arrived at his office, and with Ayase and Domon (out of armor) have battled their way through the Zenitto and taken control. And blowing up that bomb is not a good idea. "The bomb is in a safe place, so it doesn't matter if you blow it up." Domon grabs the microphone to Naoto's annoyance and mocks Banjan, "And I easily finished off your friends!" but offers the mike back when Naoto glowers at him and continues explaining "It was all faked, just to find your location. I didn't think it would be this hard to get the thing to you." For they had put a tracer in the case of money, and it led them there. Banjan is furious, and stomps on the remote while Time Red snickers.
And police arrive. Honami arrives too, on her bike. She sets it down, "Now's my chance to get inside!" and sneaks into the building, just knowing there'll be some good pictures. Domon and Ayase are heading out to join their teammates when they hear a man saying, "You can't go here." "No, please, just a little!" protests an all-too familiar voice. Domon stands frozen, while Ayase is simply surprised. There is Honami, slowly forcing the protesting police officer up the stairs ahead of her with her pleading and innocent determination. He is about to shove her, perhaps, when Domon says firmly, "Please let her go." Startled, he turns and looks up. Honami is startled, too. The police officer clears out, heading down the stairs. Honami stands frozen, stairing up at Domon.
But her eyes glance past him, and she gasps in surprise upon seeing Ayase. She gulps and bows her head a bit to him. With a quiet sigh, he waves slightly back at her. He glances at Domon, who has been drinking her in, but now turn his head to look at Ayase. Blinking back tears, he stoically waits and Ayase finally heads past him. With a brief pause as the two engage in voiceless conversation. Honami watches this interaction in considerable puzzlement. Ayase finally starts down the stairs, and Domon has a great effort to keep his mouth shut. Finally he just looks miserably at the floor. Ayase is coming down, but very, very reserved. Domon forces himself to watch.
And Banjan is still furiously fighting the other two. Time Red stands for Time Pink to bound off his shoulders and use her Double Vectors to attack. Furious with this failing fight, Banjan finally hauls out another remote. And he sends the signal that will set off the companion bomb. Time Red screams into his Chrono Changer, "Everyone, RUN! The bombs are going to go off!"
Timing is everything. A very reluctant Ayase is starting to put his arms around Honami, who is probably wondering why he won't look at her, when the panicked call comes. He grabs her shoulder and tells her "Get down!" then races back up the stairs past the locked Domon. He runs into a police officer in the hall and forces him to the floor, shouting past him at Naoto, "GET DOWN!" A beeping beyond and Naoto stares at the one case open, and knows it will go off. Everyone in the room dives for shelter. Looking back over his shoulder, Ayase sees his friend hasn't moved. "DOMON GET DOWN!" he screams. But Domon may not hear him. He and Honami are both staring at each other, frozen.
"It's over!" smugly states Banjan. He pushes the green button and it flashes.
Domon suddenly moves into action, hurtling down the stairs to grab Honami. He flips them as they fall so that he takes the impact on the floor, then rolls them over to cover as much of her body with his own as he can (get those minds out of the gutter, kids). They cling together, everyone in the building closing their eyes tight.
"Well, the bombs won't go off," announces a voice from above the fight. Time Green has arrived with an odd device. He had blocked the signal from the remote. Time Red and Time Pink sigh his name in relief. Banjan is not relieved, but furious.
And in the building, Ayase sits back up, breathing again, knowing it is over. Naoto lets out his own breath and sinks down, letting himself relax. Ayase pats the back of the police officer whose body he had protected, and gets to his feet. He goes to look down the stairwell, and sees with some relief the two at the bottom, who to an unknowing observer look locked in a lover's embrace. They are still clenched tight, both trembling and waiting for the bomb. Honami is first to open her eyes, feeling his body against hers. She looks over at his fists clenched in her jacket, and the first realization begins to hit. And Takku signals them. "The Londarz have rebounded! Hurry up!"
Domon realizes they are all right, and loosens his hold on Honami. He disentangles himself, helping her to her feet. He stares at her for a momentless instant before he tears away. She watches him go, then Ayase hurtles past her without a backward glance. Outside the building, he finds Domon has stopped, and comes to him to listen as he says painfully, "Ayase, it's not cool, is it? I can't let go of Honami." And he suddenly grins and glances up at the sky, "I am going to tell her what I think, until she dumps me." and he races off. Ayase watches him run and chuckles in fond relief.
They all are together, fighting Banjan, who has wiped his seal. They call in their mecha and head into battle with Shadow Alpha. Ayase says wryly, "We were really terrified today," and Domon chuckles agreement. "So let's finish him quickly." And Time Red brings out the Chrono Divider. And they do indeed finish him quickly, with the Blizzard Slash. He is done in no time.
And Naoto goes to the edge of the bay, where a frightened, familiar young man is struggling to keep his head above the water. "Well, it's your fault, this day," Naoto says, sitting down on a stone. And the boy cries, "I'll never do anything bad again!" But Naoto, staring at the blue sky, says, "You should drink a little more water."
And police are clearing out the building, an excited crowd still watching the going-ons. But Honami is out, now. She has settled next to her bicycle, and is putting her equipment away. A footstep and she looks up, her eyes wide. There he is. The tall, tall man, one of the Time Rangers she had over-looked. The one whose eyes were lost and lonely when he looked at her, not the eyes of the man who seemed to barely notice her. She is locked into those eyes. She pulls herself to her feet, clutching her camera case, and it seems to her that he is unaware of anything else around them. Then he takes a step forward, saying her name ever so softly. And her blood sings. "It was you who was Time Yellow" she says with relief. He is so tall... and she can bear it no more and flings herself against him, "I'm so happy to see you!" to hold his arms under her hands and feel his body. Domon is temporarily thrown into shock. He had girded himself for a struggle only to find what he wants in his hands. Literally. And a small smile of relief and genuine happiness finally curls his lips. Honami suddenly realizes what she is doing. In total embarrassment she leaps back from him, flushing.
Across the street, Sion is watching those two. They are like shy children together, afraid to touch each other, afraid to meet each other's eyes. A hand settles on his shoulder. It is Ayase, who scolds affectionately, "Spying is a bad thing, Sion." With a happy chuckle Sion answers, "Yes, I know, but this is really good." Ayase rounds him to take a good look at the shy couple talking across the street. "This is the way it should have been, anyway. From the beginning the one she liked was Time Yellow," comments Ayase. Sion is quite agreeable on that subject.
And back at Tomorrow Research, Yuuri puts their latest capture away in the cupboard and heads towards her room. Tatsuya, finishing up a pancake, calls her. "Why don't you have the last one." She sits across from him and starts to ready some pancake sauce on her plate. He says thoughtfully, watching the top of her head, "Well, Honami and Domon are together, now." She meets his eyes slowly, and they both reach for the last pancake. Sheepishly, he draws his hand back so she can have it, and she laughs shyly as she takes it.
Domon is walking Honami and her bicycle home. His long strides keep taking him ahead of her, and it doesn't help that she feels really bad. "I'm so sorry, so sorry I mistook him for you," she says. "Oh, no, no it was nothing, you know," he tries to reassure her. And he offers her wallet back, which she starts to take, but she is so nervous she jerks her fingers back when they touch his, and it falls to the cement. The pair walk away from the fallen wallet, too absorbed in trying to communicate past their innate shyness. They are still busy apologizing to each other, and Domon takes over the pushing of the bicycle as they walk together. And the sun is setting.
It must be noted that they are back in the clothing they were wearing a long time ago, Yuuri in her brown leathers and Tatsuya in his reds...
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Time Fire is fighting, and generally exploding things. But then the V-Rex Robo is also fighting... fighting the Time Shadow. Yuuri confronts a rather bruised and beaten Naoto, "You're doing this all just because you want power more than your LIFE?" He has a hard time meeting her eyes. He is caught by the villains, hands tied, and a deadly weapon to his head held by a Londarz who knows exactly who he is. The Time Rangers are in a panic, and Naoto goes over a cliff into a flowing river, his wrists tied together. Running furious. Case File 37: 狙われた力 Nerawareta Chikara Aimed at Power
Another innocent day, and at a stylish clothing shop things are about to go awry. Two women are admiring a shining, wine red blouse when an excited voice pops up behind them. Lira sees a woman holding a lovely pink jacket with fuzzy lining and snatches it from her to get a better look. Without thinking, the startled woman struggles for it and Lira gives her a loftly look of annoyance and calls in the Zenitto. The first one in head-butts the woman and she falls against the clothing rack behind her. Now other customers can see the trouble, and they begin screaming and run. A salesman tears in, skids to a halt in terror and heads the opposite direction at once. Lira is asking her Zenitto what they think, and they are all enthusiastically agreeing with her that it is lovely. But the man who works there is on the phone, sweating. "Hello, is this the City Guardians?" he asks frantically.
And of course the black car heads out right away. Naoto calls in for details. "How many people are there?" and is told there are seven. "Let's go crash their party." He puts the siren atop the vehicle he and his men are in. Others of the group pull out from where they are parked. All will converge on the shop. And there is one man who watches them pass, looking more than a little angry. A muscle twitches in his cheek.
Domon is staring with a dreamy, happy smile at the inside of his locker door. There is a picture of he and Honami cuddled up together and grinning with joy at the camera. On the couch, Ayase, Tatsuya and Yuuri are watching him half-perplexed, half-amused (and perhaps even a little envious?). They sigh and turn back to their drinks. But Takku opens his eyes and alerts them that the City Guardians have been called to face a Londarz problem. All of them gather around him and Sion. Domon grumps, "Why were they found so quickly this time? This'll be boring." "Nothing to be done about that, they'll just go anywhere," Tatsuya responds. And Yuuri says, "We can't just keep talking about it," and Robotta agrees at the top of its little voicebox. "Time Rangers go!"
Customers run panicked from the store as Lira exits with her goods and her Zenitto. She is very happy and strides jauntily along the sidewalk. "What'll we do next?" when the City Guardians arrive to cut her off. She stops giggling and stares at them with annoyance as they set up their bazookas in front of her and prepare to fire. Time Fire walks out to stand at their center and tell her "Your fun's over." With irritation she identifies him. Hands on her waist she glares at him accusingly and yet somewhat sexily. "Surely YOU aren't going to get in my way?" He answers laughingly, moving forward a bit, "But of course. And if you don't stop, I'll have to blast you off the planet." This pisses her off, and she sends the Zenitto at him. He and the others fire until all the robots fall. The Time Ranger arrive and Time Pink calls, "Lira!" But the other woman only glares and huffs indignantly. Then she faces Time Fire haughtily again. He asks, "What's it going to be? Are you going keep on with this shopping?" Head held high, she answers him, "Oh, yes. I'm never going to stop shopping this way." And she teleports away in a shimmer of light and sweep of her cloak.
The Time Rangers shift restlessly, but then Naoto says, "Asami." They turn to him. He sheathes his gun. The City Guardians are putting away their weapons as he goes to the Time Rangers. "You must be getting tired, doing everything every time." Gracious, the sarcasm just drips, doesn't it. But Time Yellow responds indignantly, "This is OUR work, stop it!" "Work, is it?" Time Fire responds easily. He glances around where the Londarz had been and comments, "I want to hear about your work, later." "Why you -- " snarls Domon, starting forward, but Time Red puts out an arm to stop him. They all stare at each other, then Tatsuya sweeps his arm about Domon's back, turning him. "Let's go home." They start to leave, but Naoto rubs the chin of his helmet thoughtfully. "For two months now we've been investigating this suit and the V-Rex, but we still don't know where they came from." The Time Rangers pause in mid-step. "What is this about?" Time Pink starts to turn to confront him, but Tatsuya calls her softly, Still holding a calming arm over Time Yellow's shoulder, he draws his team away. Time Fire snorts mildly at them.
In the tall office building where the Londarz have taken up official residence, Dorunero is contentedly pacing in his office. He has a symbol for gold hung on the wall, a plant in the coner, and his model of his dream castle displayed on the table. He is quite pleased, for their loan business really has raked in the dough. And soon he will be able to build his castle. His musings are interrupted as a VERY irritated Lira comes striding into the room. "Whatever is the matter?" he asks her. "Do something about that damned Time Fire!" she slams her hand down on the table and continues, "I'm sick of his arrogance!" Don Dorunero deflates with a sigh. "I guess it can't be helped."
Gien is alone at the Londarz Tower, polishing his gun hand boredly. "How many days has it been since we got here and the ship was destroyed?" Even more miserable, he continues polishing. And then the phone on the table beside him rings. Surprised, he picks it up. In the office in the city, Dorunero takes a puff of his cigar. "Is this Gien? It's me." After listening, Gien nods happily. "Of course. You want me to wipe out Time Fire. With pleasure." He sets the phone back in its cradle, and his eyes gleam with joy. "I can have fun without Dorunero noticing!" And he gets up and chooses a prisoner, laughing.
The men responsible for funding the City Guardians are in discussion. The room set up is interesting. Mr. Asami is at the head, with two meters between him and the people at the sides. Naoto is on his left. And there is another man, the one we saw glaring as the City Guardians went past, coming to sit on his right. As Mr. Asami sits, he introduces the man. "Before our meeting, there's something that I have to tell you. Captain Amata is in good condition now." Captain Amata bows and when he sits. "He couldn't do anything while he was in the hospital, but now that he's back, he's going to help us all in our work. Could you say something to us?" The old Captain and Naoto stare at each other across the table. At invitation, he stands. "Now that I'm back after so long, I've seen that the City Guardians have made remarkable progress. But, they work the same outside as they do in here." (he keeps shooting these little side-glances at Naoto) He straightens up gravely, their attention completely on him. "There's too many men on the Guardian Force. We've got to do something about that." Naoto leans forward now, slightly mocking. "That was short, Head of Staff. Does that mean you don't want me here?" Pleased to have drawn Naoto into words, the man answers him with a bit of a sneer. "You're too young to do this, you'll just get in my way. I'm going to take over from now on." The sneering becomes more pronounced. This man feels his power. Mr. Asami stiffens slightly where he sits. Naoto counters that now that Time Fire is in their group, things have changed. If you try to tell everyone something that is old, they might have some problems." This wipes the smile from the old captain's face. "What?" But he glares ineffectually at Naoto, as an angry Mr. Asami cuts into the discussion to tell him this one is over. But the two men continue to glare at each other.
Naoto leaves the meeting, a calm stride swinging his clipboard in his hands. The Captain hurries after him. "Takizawa, call everyone from the team! I'm going to tell them what to do." Naoto is not impressed, or bully-able. He leans against the rubber shielding for those riding down an escalator and says, "I'm just the captain. So you can do it yourself," and lets himself be carried down. The old captain glares after him, cheek twitching.
Sion, holding a cup, comments on the fact that both Time Fire and V-Rex are 30th Century. Naoto and everyone might catch on about that. Takku cannot utter reassurances. All this worries him, too. Yuuri, arms folded, anwers, "I've been thinking about that. They are needed to fight the Londarz. They should know about the 30th." Ayase is not disturbed much, he is willing to cooperate with Takizawa and his group even if they're from the 20th, but Domon is annoyed. "They aren't the type of guys that would help us. And what if they called us to come?" Tatsuya answers fretfully, "That would really piss off Naoto. And I really hate the idea of becoming part of my father's business." Yuuri blinks thoughtfully.
Naoto is at home, getting ready to clean his birdcage. He collects his two beautiful white birds. Their names are Tora and Sakura. (Ben says Naoto's house is too pink, but it's only an apartment) He is out at the water fountain, scrubbing the bottom of the cage with a white brush and rinsing it, when a tiny girl comes to ask about them. "Are the paddybirds?" and he affirms it, whapping the cage-bottom dry against his knee. "Are they a boy and a girl? Are they married?" Surprised, he repeats, "Married?" He thinks about it. "I don't know...." The delighted girl smiles into the cage. "I sure wish I had birds." Intrigued, he takes a closer look at her, when feet approach them and a man says, "Aren't you Naoto Takizawa?" Two men in gangster black, with sunglasses. The third peering down at him is in gray. One man moves up behind the little girl. "It'd be good if you'd come with us." Naoto is about to decline, when he sees that the third man has a gun pointed at the little girl's back. The man in gray nods his head in expectant amusement. And a bit later, the girl is still watching the birds. No one else is around and she says to them softly, "He's a little late coming back, eh?"
Naoto is trapped between the men, in a white car that heads out of the city through a tunnel. He has been badly beaten, but carefully touches a button on his watch. And at the City Guardian's communications center, a young man is being watched over by the old captain. "The mission records? Of course, sir. Just a minute." The man sets aside his headphones and goes to get that which was requested. And at that moment, the signal comes in. The old captain sees it, sees it is from Naoto. And in a moment, he erases it. He stands up and looks perfectly innocent as the young man returns and says he'll print out the data.
They bring him to a cliff a bit above tumbling rapids, and he jerks back in their hold. "Hold it. Why have you taken me here? What do you want with me?" The man in the gray suit holds his V-Commander and smiles mockingly at him. In a shimmer of light he becomes a creature, and Naoto gasps "Londarz!" making an ineffectual struggle against the men holding him, who are Zenitto. The creature facing him is Meiden. It brings the Commander to him, holding it near his face. "I only want one thing from you. Call the V-Rex." Naoto refuses to even answer, and looks away. So the enemy brings out a great weapon and repeats his demand. Naoto thinks quickly. If the City Guardians are coming, they should be there in one or two minutes. Uneasily, he hits the button again. The river tumbles.
Back at Tomorrow Research, Takku picks up the call. "That's strange. The City Guardians have been receiving a distress signal, but they aren't answering it." Yuuri asks alertly, "Do you know where it's coming from?" "I'm looking up the information, now."
The weapon against his temple is frightening. "CALL!" demands the enemy. No help seems to be coming. Shuddering, he stalls for time and asks, "Why do you want me to call the V-Rex?" "You don't have to know. Hurry up and call." He shoves the gun closer. "If you don't call it, I'm allowed to kill you. And don't try to control it. I know that this is how you do it." So at last when Meiden holds the V-commander to his face, Naoto says "V-Rex, come." And it does. He is shaken and confused by the lack of help coming to his distress call.
Mr. Asami is in his office with the old captain, when he receives a call from the alarmed man in the communications room. "We've been contacted, the V-Rex has disappeared! He's gone out!" Alarmed himself, Asami asks, "What about Takizawa?" "We can't reach him!" answers the man. And the old captain straightens and says softly, "He has a code for a distress call. He must be just acting up because he's resents me." Unnnerved by his reasoning, Asami lowers his head. He had begun to have faith in that boy.
V-Rex has arrived, and Meiden is quite pleased. "Isn't he cute?" And Naoto is getting increasingly worried. "They should've been here by now." Meiden has put the V-bracelet on and summons V-Rex, but it is not interested. Naoto comments wearily, "He won't answer to any voice but mine." And Meiden turns and says, "Yes, that's what we thought." And he pulls out a strange mask, and is able to speak in Naoto's voice. "We just copied your voice." Naoto winces in horror. Meiden pulls off the mask to tell him victoriously, "A long time ago, I made all these robots, even your V-Rex. So I know a lot about things like this." And he turns and commands V-Rex Robo. Naoto almost shouts in horror as it obeys. And then Meiden turns back to him. "There's no way that people from the 20th Century can control something from the 30th Century." Dumbfounded, Naoto repeats, "30th Century?" He stares up at his robot. Meiden grabs him and shoves him towards the cliff, raising his gun to kill Naoto, who is debating between getting shot and falling off the cliff into the water below. He decides to face his death but at that moment the Time Rangers arrive. Naoto throws himself into the river, taking a shot in the arm on his way down. Time Pink dives after him, while the Time Rangers face the enemy. When they hear Naoto's voice from Meiden's mask, telling the V-Rex to stomp them to death, they are horrified. Especially when it comes after them. But Time Blue has Takku call in the mecha. At Tatsuya's command, the Time Shadow is to fight the V-Rex, while they try and get to Meiden. The Time Shadow fights the V-Rex, but it is having a tough time of it.
Naoto regains consciousness on a rock beside the rushing torrent, his wounded arm has been bandaged, and when he looks frantically around, he finds Yuuri there, tending him. Seeing him conscious, she tells him firmly, "Your arm is injured, but you'll be all right. Stay here, I'll come and get you later." He pulls himself to his feet angrily and goes for utter cool, pacing away from her. "I can't believe you guys got here faster than my team," he grumbles. "The City Guardians have to train themselves over again to be faster." But then Yuuri tells him they aren't coming. He turns and stares at her in surprise. For no reason she can guess, his distress call had been ignored. He is weakly shocked and looks down. "Ignored?" She comes closer to him. "Leave it to us. You don't have your V-Commander, so give up for now." Grimly, he looks away. "So I'm naked without my power. Just like the old days." Yuuri does't know what to say to comfort him, so says only, "Just stay here." But he straightens up and says softly, "The 30th Century." She stops in mid-step and he turns agressively needing answers. "What did they mean about the 30th Century?" Slowly, she turns and meets his determined eyes.
"Rex Punch!" calls Meiden. Tatsuya intends to blast his way through and get the V-Commander, but it isn't that easy. Meiden tells the V-Rex to destroy the Time Shadow.
Naoto and Yuuri sit together a bit more than a meter apart. She has answered him somewhat, and he says, "So you and the Londarz all came from the 30th Century." Yuuri tries, "Really, we needed to go faster, and we wanted your help and then -- " he cuts her off, getting to his feet abruptly, his voice strained. "So all I have to do is believe you. That's all I need." Yuuri stands, too, watching him. "I'm amazed that the V-Rex and the V-Commander are from that far in the future. And I have to work harder to get it back, with my new team." He is referring to them. But he turns his gaze on her slowly, with a haunted wildness. "I'm sorry, I can't stay with you. Especially not with Asami, because his father would be angry with me." With frustrated annoyance Yuuri snaps, "You want power that badly?" And he half-grins back at her. "Yes. Do you understand now?" Her expression is one of quiet annoyance as she says half softly, "You have to forget about power." His smile fades to grimness. "I won't betray you." She eyes him, his bruised and bloody face, for a long moment before racing off to join her team. He is left alone by the river.
The Time Shadow is getting the worst of it, and the battered heroes protest. Domon launches the attack at Meiden, who shoots them down and is about to finish them, but a blast hits him. It is Time Pink, arriving to fight, but Meiden shoots her down and her Bazooka goes flying. Naoto comes running for it. Meiden sees him and shouts, "Time Fire! V-Rex, stomp this boy!" Tatsuya summons the Time Jets to slow V-Rex down. Naoto is just barely ahead of the stomping feet. Just as the V-Rex is about to shoot him, he screams at it to stop. His voice is picked up by the bracelet, and the robot obeys, its cannons just a few meters behind him. He rolls to Time Pink's cannon and gathers it up, quickly he fires on Meiden, and the blast sends the V-Defender back into his hand, he transfers into his fighting uniform. He draws Meiden's fire while the Time Ranger's form the Vol-Tech Bazooka and soon they are able to fire on Meiden, and with the fire of the D-V Refreezer, he is shrunk. It's over.
Naoto stands still, then his power fails him and his armor vanishes. He falls to his knees in pain from his wounded arm. Sion has bagged Meiden. The team runs with Tatsuya leading and calling Naoto's name, but he stands and glares at them, so they stop, rebuffed. He tells the V-Rex to return, and it does. And he walks away without a backwards glance. Yuuri says softly, "We should go with him, the same way he goes." For he is hard to let go. But they do.
And Gien throws a fit because of this failure. Shrieking shrilly he blasts around the room. "I thought I could have destroyed the V-Rex!" he whines. He blows out a transformer and the tower is plunged into darkness.
"So you erased Takizawa's distress signal?" accuses Mr. Asami. Naoto stands staring out the window of his office. The old captain stands penitent in front of his desk. "Everyone knew you would disappoint us." There is nothing to say. The man bows and leaves. And Asami turns to address the bandaged Naoto. "Everything that happened this time is top secret. If anyone knows, our image will be tarnished." Naoto turns with a slight smile. "I don't care about that. But what are we going to do about a new Captain?" Asami eyes him a bit, almost smiles. "That will be you." And Naoto stands proud, and salutes.
He leaves his apartment forever. Everything he owns is bundled into a medium-sized sports bag in his left hand, and he carries the birds in his right. The little girl comes bouncing out of the bushes as he walks past. "Are you moving?" she asks him accusingly. He is much better now, his bruises faded, and his face smooth and without its accustomed arrogance as he gazes down at her. Then at his birds, and a thought occurs. With a gentle smile, he bends down and tells her, "Their names are Tora and Sakura. Could you take care of them for me?" and he offers her the birds. She nods ecstatically, he tousles her head with a warm smile and leaves, not looking back when she calls her thanks. She cradles the cage happily.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Our heroes are hired to play Ninja in a movie production, partly because of Sion's enthusiastic joy in the job, and it looks like Sion gets his one night of sleep, for they are patting him into bed. Case File 38: Pleasant Dreams.ぐっどないと Guddonaito (this is a pun, by the way)
Early morning, yellow light in Tomorrow Research. Tatsuya, Domon and Ayase are at the coffee table. Yuuri is reading a book next to Takku and Robota. Sion is playing his game on the computer, the dolphin swimming past obstacles. Suddenly he yawns, rubbing the back of his head. Yuuri looks up, and the sound also catches Tatsuya's attention, who stares in amazement. "Sion, did you just yawn?" Domon and Ayase turn to stare at him. The center of all their attention, he shyly confirms. Domon grins at him affectionately. "Maybe you should stop playing on the computer." "Oh, that's not the reason," Sion answers sleepily. Takku confirms it amusedly. "So it's finally come. Hubbardians need to hibernate once a year." Tatsuya grins in delight, and Domon had forgotten. Ayase smiles, "Ah, yes. I'd forgotten that." Yuuri is bemused, "If he only has to sleep once a year, he'll sleep a long time." Sion turns back to the computer, smiling. "Not that long. Usually only about a week." Domon's mouth drops open and he starts up. "A week!" And Sion again utters a huge yawn, stretching his arms above his head.
Evening, and the great building Don Dorunero and Lira live in sits in the city, no different from any other building. In the office, discussion is going on. "A new boyfriend?" the Don questions. Grinning, Lira confirms. "He's an actor. He's going to be in one of the new movies! Wait and see!" She flirtatiously pokes at his lip and heads for the couch. "Even though he's good, don't be jealous!" Rubbing his eyes he grumbles back, "Of course I won't, don't say stupid things like that. I'll watch with you." She turns on the TV to show him. And the picture shows "Tokyo Story" A ninja leaping into sight in front of the moon, landing on a rooftop.
Sion is watching the same movie. Well, sort of watching. His eyes keep swinging shut and he is slowly toppling. But he forces his head up to watch the ninja leaping from building to building. "Sion," Yuuri calls sympathetically. "Don't you think you should turn that off and go to sleep?" "Oh, but it's just getting to the good part," he answers her foggily. Ayase, over by the computer, looks up and smiles at that. "You would say that. You like this stuff." Tatsuya comes bounding out of the boys' bedroom with two pillows in his arm. One a soft, flat one, the other a cylinder. He offers Sion the choice but encourages him to use the cylindrical one. It's his favorite. Sion thanks him. A moment later, Domon also tears in. He's been to the grocery and has brought back a lot of things he likes to snack on before bedtime. "You should eat a lot, you'll be sleeping for a week!" Sion grins in delight as they hover across from him. "Oh, please don't worry," he says as Domon holds a banana out to him. Then he falls over, mumbling, "You don't have to take such care of me," and curling around the pillow. And on the TV the white ninja faces the evil black ninja, flipping out of their attack. He is the hero, and he faces them fiercely and tells his audience, "I'll take your life!" as he lunges toward them.
A man with big teeth arrives at their door, wiping sweat off his face with a towel and telling them he needs something investigated. Yuuri is the detective and takes him on. Robota yells, "Welcome to Tomorrow Research!" but he looks automatic where he sits in front of Takku. She reads his card (with the Toei symbol in the upper left corner). "Junichi Machida, producer." She lowers the card and looks at him curiously. "You make movies, or TV shows?" Over at the couch, Tatsuya is settling a blanket over the smiling Sion, who is still curled around that pillow. Mr. Machida sheepishly answers that they are making one right now. "But the camera-man says there's something really strange going on with the shooting." Domon and Tatsuya settle tea in front of him, which he inclines his head in thanks to, and asks if they can come and investigate, but without disturbing the shooting. Yuuri answers cautiously that they probably could, but they've never worked on a film before. He looks eagerly around at them. "Could you come to the studio just like you're actors? Then you can look around easily!" Domon finds this intriguing. "Acting..?" he murmurs thoughtfully, and Machida nods eagerly. Eyes twinkling, Domon asks, "What kind of movie is it?" Bright eyed himself, the man answers that it is a "Ogata Shingo ga Shuenchi da Hittoeiga Part 2!" Sion pops up off the couch, eyes half-hidden under his mop of hair. "Tokyo Ninja Story?" he makes his way to the man, half-asleep on his feet. "We'll do it!" "Really?" confirms Machida as he is half-pulled to his feet, his hand clasped between Sion's eager ones. Sion says happily, "I'm a huge fan!"
Domon and Tatsuya are dressed as purple-belted, black ninjas. In the proproom, Domon has a blade and holds it happily. "This is great, I've been waiting for a job like this!" He makes as if to slice Tatsuya, who reaches up to fake missing the blade and they play like he's been cut in half. Yuuri arrives to glare at the pair of them. "Stop it now, you're not supposed to be playing," she scolds them. Sion is yawning on his feet as the costumer fits him into his outfit. They are all in their ninja clothes. Ayase asks if he's all right and he answer he is tired, but he wouldn't miss this chance for the world. He starts to say something and then topples over into Ayase's arms, Tatsuya and Yuuri leaping to make certain he's all right.
And the director is filming a fight scene. The hero trashes some black ninjas, slices one across the face. The man pulls his mask down so we see blood trickling, stares into the camera and says gutterally, "I'm destroyed!" before falling dramatically on his face. Annoyed, the Director cuts the scene and shouts, "That was terrible! There's no dynamism!" he kicks the actor before the fellow can move and heads vaguely towards the hero, who knows he's done well and ignores him while the props-woman helps straighten up the sword. Complaining bitterly "Your face is open to get killed!" he snarls at the guys in black. And then Machida-san comes rushing in, toady-like, to soothe the director. The Timerangers arrive behind him. "I have five strong people, I think they'll bring a lot of dynamism to the scenes!" The group gathers behind him, and Sion tips over. Tatsuya and Domon carefully hold him up between them. The director takes a glance at them and says, "Good, let's try it." Relieved it went over that easy, Machida turns to the group telling them to try, and he's counting on them. He vanishes away. Domon is again keeping Sion from dropping.
Sion wakes up enough to look straight at his actor, whose makeup is currently being touched up by a nice lady. "Shingo Ogata!" He's a man in his early thirties, very handsome, being reassured by his makeup lady that he's looking good. Sion asks hopefully, "Can I go ask him for his autograph?" Tatsuya looks at him fretfully but says, "Sure you can, but are you okay?" Sion, whose eyes seem inclined to stay shut every time he blinks, says okay and heads off to look for paper. A man runs up to tell the group where to go. "You guys go to the middle and back. You're the enemy ninjas." (My son has noted that their Chrono-changers are all sticking out on their wrists) Domon asks anxiously, "We didn't get to see the script, we don't know our lines." "Lines? Oh, it's okay. You're extras, you don't have any lines." And he's off. Domon is about to whine, I think, but Ayase pats his shoulder comfortingly.
Sion has found a piece of paper, and his hero is kindly signing it, signature taking up the whole left side of the paper. Sion happily thanks Shingo, who shakes his hand and tells him not to give up. The man is firm and very heroic. Yuuri retrieves Sion. "We've got to act, stop playing about." She draws him away with a nod to the actor. And the director is ready to get his people going.
As he speaks, the others gather around opposite the five newcomers. "You bunch, you try to get the main actor!" Tatsuya and the others start pulling their swords, Sion yawning. The other ninjas in black are supposed to be on the hero's team (they havee funny hats) and gather behind him. "Start shooting!" Shingo raises his blade to fight, and the startled Time Rangers find themselves on the defensive, back to back, as the others in black surround them. Shingo says, "I'm going to take your life!" and he starts with Domon, who instinctively catches his hands and twirls him away. "Hey, we're not the lead guys!" he protests in confusion. Ayase dives under one deadly-seeming blade. "What's going on?!" and Tatsuya leaps back from a blade and finds it's sliced his gi. "These are REAL blades?!" he gasps. They shine in the sunlight. Yuuri, hovering protectively in front of Sion, tosses spikes to the cement, and the ninjas squawk in surprise as they trod on them. "Sorry," she grins at them, then shoves Sion out of the way of one attacker. Sion cathes the blade when the man falls on him and then rolls against a box, but then Domon swings across on the rope hanging from a crane to protect him. Ayase is taking down some, and Tatsuya is atop a false building fighting two, then leaps to the cement. The five assemble, and then the director calls "CUT!"
When Yuuri demands an explanation, the director stands, grinning. "Ah, that was very good!" he tells them. Domon, furious, shouts back, "This is not very good! Are you trying to kill us?" as Sion starts to droop in front of him, then fall against him. The director grins and confirms, showing them the script. The title page, with red blood around the title. "End of the Time Rangers," it says. Our heroes gape in shock. And he laughs and becomes a fanged alien in a director's outfit. The men surrounding them turn out to be Zenitto. Sion gapes and mutters, "But that means my autograph is -- " but before he can finish his sentence, Gurokon is explaining the next scene. "Time Ranger, do you think you want to make a good movie with us? It's going to be a fun one, this time. Ready, start!" and the clip is shooting.
The Zenitto go at our heroes, who quickly beat them down and Tatsuya calls for them to go into armor. "Chrono Changer!" and everyone is except... Sion, who is in the pale between clothing, looking in surprise even as his armored teammates turn. And then the outraged director shouts "CUT! This is no good!" The Zenitto surrounding him wait. "Hey, you's supposed to all change into your armor at once!!" Domon, stunned, gapes at him. "Huh?" The director waves the script at him, and the Zenitto clack for the next scene.
Whithout transition, our heroes find they are all in gangster-black, driving a car down the road between warehouses. Ayase is driving and all peer out the windows when they realizes the director is in the car behind them yelling to start filming. And the Zenitto (looking human) start firing. Ayase shouts "DUCK!" Domon is in the death-seat, the others in the back and Sion falling over. He weaves wildly, avoiding the bullets. Yuuri shakes Sion, shouting "Don't go to sleep yet!" Sion pulls off his glasses halfway, mumbling, "I'm not asleep," and Tatsuya protests, "You are!" (Tatsuya looks very like the Time Captain at this moment). They are cornered by men throwing hand grenades, and the one who is playing Sion's hero fires right at them. But for unknown reasons, as the Time Rangers spin the car, the missiles seem to bounce off and go back at the villains, hitting and exploding, sending the director flying! He lands on his face, drags his head up and manages to say, "CUT!" And the next scene begins.
A Chinese temple. Tatsuya finds himself shirtless, and they are dressed in Chinese-style black clothing. Sion is out of it on the ground, curled up. Ayase grumbles, "The scenese changed again." Yuuri's looks like Chun-Li from Street Fighters. Distressed, she looks around. "This is really weird, there's got to be some key to what's happening!" Tatsuya sees Sion curled up and races over, trying to wake him, patting him on the cheek with Domon hovering anxiously over them. Sion opens his eyes, glances sleepily around and smiles happily. "Oh, a Hong Kong movie." "HUH?!" asks Domon. But the enemies have arrived. At the top of the temple steps they stand, Sion's hero in yellow. They all get ready to fight and the director, off to the side, shouts "One more time, action!" A Zenitto claps the board.
The actor says with firm hand grasping, "I'll give you death!" and they all leap to attack. Tatsuya stands firmest guard over the sleepy Sion, and Yuuri as she tosses attackers (some rather old men) about yells "Everyone take care of Sion!" Tatsuya shoves Sion into Ayase's arms, and Ayase soon passes him to Domon. Domon uses Sion's feet as weapons to knock enemies away. The director, reading the script, says "Next comes a lot of Zenitto out of the woodwork! Let's go to the next scene!" and our heroes surround Sion as it happens. Their enemies become Zenitto, and the team gasps in terror to find still more of them dropping out of the sky. There is a terrible explosion, and all the Time Rangers go flying with cries of terror.
They land in the corridors of a hospital. For a brief moment, all is quiet. Then.... They find they are in soft-helmets with padding on their elbows and knees. "What is this?" gasps Yuuri. Domon looks with frustration at his padding. "What's happening to us?" Ayase, feeling about his own padding, has no answer for him. And then bicycles come rolling out of the hallways. Zenitto come riding down at our frustrated heroes, who run. Ayase has Sion with him, and kicks away some Zenitto. Yuuri and Tatsuya manage the others, and soon our heroes have snatched the bikes and go riding down the hallway. But suddenly everything goes dark and they find they are flying in the night sky, in front of the moon. The startlement gives way to delighted laughter as they peddle and stare down at the city below. Even Yuuri smiles. Domon shouts, "This is great, we're flying!" Ayase frets agreeably, "Sure looks like it." Sion starts to doze off again, and then with a crackle the bicycles vanish and our heroes fall in the darkness.
They land on a dark rooftop, and then there is the crackle of thunder, flash of lightning. They duck in the brightness and suddenly it is raining... er, no, there are Zenitto with hoses and also ones doing the sound effects. "Now what's going on?" stutters Tatsuya. And the laughter of the director answers them. Waving the script, he dramatically explains, "Next scene: Time Rangers are being attacked in thunder and rain!" Sion's hair is getting plastered to his head. Perhaps the water is waking him. "What?" and then they find their former enemies appearing in the "storm" DD being not there. Yuuri growls, "It's all of the monsters we have captured!" Tatsuya watches this tightly, and Ayase says, "This is crazy!" And the director bellows into his megaphone, "Now the additional player is going to come in and you turn into your costumes and fight him!" Ayase, startled, laughs wryly. "Additional player?"
There is a flare of light at their feet and the little blue Robotta appears. It apologizes and Tatsuya is confused by its appearance, but it suddenly whirls. "Switch ON!" it shouts. And a flare of light from its eyes and explosions force away the enemies. Domon, surprised, asks "Aren't you a little dangerous?" and the robot shouts, "Shut up, hurry up and change with the Chrono Changers!" Yuuri, confused but not letting that stop her, says, "We have to do it. Sion, can you?" He confirms and Tatsuya leads the change with fury and determination. They change, but when Sion is changing, his power wears down and he falls to the ground. Time Red gathers him up as he weakly apologizes. But this time the director does not stop the filming. The monsters are racing towards them. The teams tries to protect Sion, who ends up struggling to fight. And the director voices over, "The Time Rangers can't hurt the bad guys, and keep losing and losing. Poor Time Ranger!" for what he says is what happens. Our heroes are getting beaten down even in their armor. Sion is almost sliced and diced, but the others move in to protect him. They manage to drive the enemies back. Time Yellow shouts, "We want you to stop trying to hurt Sion!" and he and the others leap forward into the battle. Sion stares after them, awed and anguished. "For me..." he murmurs, fist clenching as he watches them fight bravely. They are getting cut down. "Don't worry about me! Run away!!" he screams at them, unable to get on his feet. Time Red shouts back at him, "There's no way we would do that!" "Tatsuya," he whispers. And Time Blue calls, "Wait for us! We'll let you sleep deeply soon!" Distressed, Sion calls his name too. Time Pink calls, "We're not letting you sleep 'til we get home safe!" and Time Yellow adds his, "Just what she said!" "Yuuri... Domon!" dismayed, Sion is about in tears. And the director bounds over to encourage our very frustrated young man. "Oh, this is great, great! This is great friendship! This is great footage, thank you!" Sion bites his lip in helpless fury and tries to get the strength to attack. Time Yellow shouts, "Shut up, asshole!" The director turns, annoyed. "You calling me an asshole? Now I'm pissed. I'm not doing this anymore. Cut, cut cut!" and the scene changes again.
Daylight. Our heroes in their armor, save Sion who is practically unconscious. They try to gather him up, but the director is ready to film the climax. He wipes his seal and goes large, then scoops them up in his hand, and they find they are in the cockpit of the Shadow Beta. Tatsuya stutters, "Now we're in the Shadow Beta?" Domon grabs his head and protests, "I'm just about going crazy!" And the director is setting up the scene. "Are you ready, Time Ranger?" Startled, they shift position. "Directing films is my hobby, you know. Zenitto, move the camera around!" The Zenitto obey. And he attacks the Shadow Beta. And then he says that someone else comes to help the Time Ranger. Confused, they look around.
Down below, a man in fancy black comes from the shadows. Of course it is Naoto, cool and steady as he moves, a small smirk on his face. The Zenitto face him and he blos them away without hesitation. Then he says, "Sorry I kept you waiting." "Naoto!" exclaims Tatsuya. And then he calls his change. And in a glow of fire he is ready to fight, calling in the V-Rex. It races to their side. Yuuri, out of breath and quite confused, asks "Why are Time Fire and V-Rex also obeying him?" But it's worse. There is one more to come. He has the Zenitto write in a new part to the scene. "And in front of the Time Ranger, there is another very strong helper!" Domon, startled, asks, "Another one? Does he mean Takku?" Tatsuya says, "No way. We don't have another robot."
But in the 30th Century, Providus winds up, does the pitch, and sends itself back through time to appear at their side. They are all thorougly shocked. Yuuri goes "This is impossible." But the director continues his command and states that their robots will be destroyed one by one, then they would fall! And Shadow Beta starts to explode. But then they push the flaming curtains apart and appear unharmed, which annoys him. They go after him with the Chrono Divider, but it is not good, it doesn't touch him, which he happily announces. And he attacks Providus and V-Rex, who fall. "You can't change the story! This is the end!" and he starts towards them. Sion, weak and exhausted says, "This is all my fault." And Domon shouts back, "Stop it, this isn't your fault at all!" And Tatsuya adds "We're just too close to the end-mark!" HE sets up to fight, and fires on the director. This time, he falls. Startled he gets up and yells down at the Zenitto what's happening. The last page is gone! They are all confused and Sion realizes suddenly that this is where he got the piece of paper he had his hero autograph! He'd seen the book lying there and torn off the back page, never reading a word. Domon and Tatsuya laugh and clap his shoulder, Domon saying, "Good job!" Sion grins, holding the paper so they can see it. "I wasn't paying attention to what was going on! This was great! I'm not useless after all." And Yuuri says to him, "There's no way that you could've been anything less than useful." And Ayase adds an agreeing noise.
The director, however, is miserable because his movie has been ruined. And Tatsuya tells him it's time for the real climax. Naoto orders the X-laser while Shadow Beta bashes the enemy, and soon they shrink it. "Time up!" calls Sion. And they stand in the setting sun, they are the heroes of this move. "The end" it says.
And Sion's movie has ended. Sion is so deeply asleep he doesn't respond at all when Tatsuya shakes the pillow. "You should be in bed," Tatsuya says. He is really out. Domon is agreeable on this, and Ayase closes in while all look down at him. Sion mutters, "Time up," holding his hand up to signal the end of the battle. They chuckle affectionately. Yuuri says kindly, "He's probably dreaming about the whole year since he last slept." Ayase says, "We'd better take him into the bedroom." Agreeably, Tatsuya stands to grab his head. "Nothing else to do. Domon, you take his feet." Domon protests but gets up to help. Sion mutters, "It's really great, being part of the Time Rangers." Ayase holds the door for them as they carefully carry him in. And on the television, and greasy man tells us, "How did you like the Tokyo Ninja Story? We've already decided when Part 2 will be on. It'll start next month. And the star is still Shingo Ogata."
And Lira, hearing this, rasies her gun and fires at her television with indignation. "Hey, why'd you do that?" exclaims Dorunero. "So which one was your new boyfriend?" Lira glares at the TV and growls, "He was killed in the beginning of the story. I can't even buy one car with him!" Pouting, she gets up stalks out. "It's over!" Dorunero hovers by his model. "Sorry you are short of money. The two of you. My room is all money," he adds amused.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Ayase runs afoul of the Londarz. "I believed what you said, about changing tomorrow." But he carries a case and struggles. Tatsuya stares at his licenese. And the others are running in the driving rain, searching for him. Calling his name. They find him, limp beside the case. Tatsuya stays clear, the rain hiding his tears but his anguish apparent. Case File 39: Ame ni fureta osu 雨に濡れた嘘 A Lie soaked in Rain
Morning, the day clear and bright. A fist punches into air, a blue-clad leg and foot shoot out to hit the wall. "Punch, kick, action!" cries a dreaming voice. Sion, dreaming, tumbles out of bed. He opens his eyes and realizes where he is, alone in the boys' room, his hair a tangled mess. Blearily, he makes his way out into the main room, clutching Tatsuya's favorite pillow. "Good morning," he greets the others. "Has it been a week..." he blinks and stares around in bewildered surprise. There are all manner of electronic equipment in the room. TVs on the couch, washing machines, stereos. His four comrades are all seated on a tarp on the floor around a tiny coffee table eating breakfast. Dumbfounded, Sion joins them. Yuuri says sleepily, "Good morning, Sion." Domon looks helplessly up at him. "So, you're awake." Confused, Sion settles down behind Tatsuya and Domon. "What's the matter? Didn't you guys miss me?" Of course they had, but Tatsuya tells him that all this equipment lying around here is meant for him. And there is an awful lot of it, a week's worth of service orders piled up. Boy, Sion must be raking in the dough for them. Except since he's been asleep, they haven't had much money coming in and right now they are eating pickled vegetables, Domon mourns that this is all they've eaten since yesterday and it stings. Ayase shrugs it off saying it can't be helped, and Domon gives him a wry look. "You saying you like this? You haven't been doing much work because of your license." Concerned, Sion leans forward. "Ayase, you lost your license?" Looking slightly embarrassed, Ayase concentrates on his food. Yuuri explains something. It seems he won't say why. Domon looks crafty, "Hey, let me check in your pocket," and leans mischievously forward to do so. Looking VERY tense and uncomfortable, Ayase jerks away and gets to his feet and glares down. He tells them he's fine and excuses himself from the table, but he looks very pale as he heads to the boys' room. Tatsuya settles his bowl down, troubled. Domon goes after Ayase's abandoned food. What he says is amusing, but though Tatsuya smiles briefly, he looks to where Ayase's gone. The closed door is a language of its own.
In the room, Ayase cautiously takes his license from his pocket. What does it say, I wonder? Something in green, about birthdates and 15 years. What is the important thing? He stares at it for a moment, then hides it back in his inside pocket.
Gien is looking around at torn and shattered Zenitto all over the floor. Has he been practicing on them, trying to satisfy his need to kill? I guess so. One tortured Zenitto starts to sit up, and he shoots it down. Laughing, he says of course it's dead. He holds a Hell's Gate cell. It is empty and open. And he is cackling madly.
A woman walking down the street is sweating, she feels dizzy and starts to stagger. Soon she falls. She is having trouble breathing. A man on a bicycle farther down the path is starting to weave erratically. A bizarre red and yellow rash appears on the woman's neck. And the man on the bicycle falls, now, the same kind of patch on his neck as he struggles with pain. A child playing baseball falls. A woman returning to her apartment with the laundry. An office lady.
Ambulances tear through the streets bringing new patients to the already overcrowded hospitals. The corridors are getting packed. A little girl on one gurney is rushed in. A nurse kneels to help one delirious young man, and falls herself. And the news is being reported. Sion is repairing something when he stops, and they all listen intently to the report. Ayase looks terribly uneasy, and beside him Takku blinks into action, as an image is shown on the television of the rash. He identifies the Re-da Virus as having had an outbreak in 2961, a virus that had killed so many people. Tatsuya is on his feet quickly. "What's that? What are you saying?" Takku explains. People who contract this virus will die within a couple of weeks. And there's only one creature in the Londarz prison who would do this.
Someone in a black, vinyl coat climbs high atop a building. Up there he throws off his cloak. He is a sickening, blue white, with a small, round mouth full of fangs. Enbosu. And he has a red mark on his neck, for he has the virus. He laughs smugly. Pulling out a blade, he cuts the back of his hand and blue blood runs out. "Everyone's going to die!" he says smugly as his blood pools on the cement. A young boy drinks water, trying to cool his fever. But it is IN the water, and a woman cooking ramen for dinner will only give it to her family.
Takku opens up the records on Enbosu. "What can we do?" frets Domon. "This is bad," says Robota. Ayase stares at the screen uneasily as Takku continues, "He's a Hell's Gate being. He likes to discriminate against people. He was in a killing club and then he was released from the Escalate and may be doing the same thing again." They listen uneasily and Sion asks, "Can we find the Re-da Virus?" Takku is troubled. The virus hung about for three months after Enbosu was arrested. Tatsuya flashes around the group to close on Takku anxiously, "If we find a counteragent, everyone will be saved?" But Takku is not reassuring. It will take a lot of time to make the vaccine, and they just can't do that in this time. Suddenly, Takku gives a surprised start. "What is it?" asks Yuuri. He has received a message through space-time technology. He tunes it in and a voice slowly comes clear. It is Don Dorunero.
He is outraged, too. After a moment's hesitation, Takku scrambles the return signal so that Dorunero cannot locate them, and Yuuri answers him. And he is in his office with Lira, whose hair is short and dress is orange. She is touching up her make-up as he talks about the Re-da virus. Domon shouts into the microphone to argue, but there is no true argument for him. He explains that Gien has done this, released the releaser of the virus. And he explains that he carries the antidote to the virus. They can use him to make the vaccine. But he wants a promise from them. They have to pay him. A scuffle ensues in the Time Ranger office, as Domon wants to shout a thousand unpleasant things at the Don. He tells them that he will contact them again, in one hour. And he shuts off his screen. Lira is very, very pleased and she comes to his side. They laugh together, for a moment. But Dorunero is NOT pleased with Gien, and he slams his fist onto the table.
And the Time Rangers are equally not happy. Yuuri sets down the microphone with a heavy heart. Sion watches then asks miserably, "What will we do?" Domon is folding his arms stubbornly, frightened and angry. "We'll make no deals! That's Dorunero!" He turns away from the others and they watch him unhappily. But Takku confirms that Dorunero's statement about the vaccine is true. In 2980 the Vaccine was made. How many people must have died.
And on the news the reporter lady is still in front of the hospital. People are rushing more patients in, and doctors are rushing out to get them. Seeing these people, in pain and terror, the Time Rangers are all deeply troubled. Ayase is troubled most of all. There is a little girl being brought in. At last he starts forward. "We have to do it." He meets Domon's eyes as he explains how many many people will die if they don't. Domon is not happy. And Takku is willing to help, but the amount of vaccine that must be produced becomes a problem. Yuuri says the City Guardians could do it, and turns to Tatsuya to make contact. She is not happy with making him do this, but he is willing for the sake of the people. He heads out, but Ayase tells him he will go instead. Yuuri agrees, and that's what happens.
Driving down the road are a pair of City Guardians, one being Naoto. They are just going along, when he realizes that he is passing Ayase, who is standing outside the gates to the Third R&D facility. Naoto tells the driver to stop and peers out the window. "Well, this is an unusual occurance. You've come to observe us?" he asks sweetly. Ayase ignores the jibe and concentrates on the problem. "Takizawa, we need to talk."
And inside the facility, City Guardians march the halls. Sitting on opposite sides of a table, Ayase has explained the problem. Naoto does not look happy as he says, "Of course, the virus is from the 30th." He takes a drink, but Ayase bows his head to him and pleads for help in making the vaccine. He's as bad as Tatsuya in that way. He's learning. Naoto agrees readily that he will go talk to the President. Ayase asks him if he's told about the 30th Century, but Naoto says he hasn't yet, because he's trying to figure out how to use it to his best advantage. "Hold on a minute," he says to Ayase's distressed gaze, and heads off. Ayase watches him go up the stairs until he asks something... "Hey, why don't you tell Tatsuya you really need the Asami power?" And Ayase says with quiet firmness that they cannot live with only power. Naoto eyes him, cap held loose between fingers, and smirks. Ayase watches him go, then sits back wearily.
In Tomorrow Research, Ayase's signal is answered by Tatsuya. He's gotten to the City Guardians, and they are willing. So now the time has come to deal with Dorunero. He decides it is time to signal them. Lira giggles, while Dorunero assumes his human guise. The heavy-set, cigar smoking gangster.
And the hospitals are full of sick people. Nurses and doctors pad their rash, with no clue of anything else to do but treat the symptoms. And Enbosu is very pleased with himself up top of a building. The other Time Ranger rendezvous with Ayase and Naoto, who brings a special white case with a red cross on it. He has doubts that the Londarz will really come, but Yuuri says she thinks they will. And they wait. Sure enough, here comes a big dark car, a bloody limozine. and out of it steps an overweight gangster who speaks in Dorunero's voice. Yuuri steps forward to confirm his identity.
Lira gets out the other side. Naoto starts forward, and his eyes gleam viciously as he readies to give them the case. But it won't go so smoothly. Dorunero makes him stop and set the case down. With a small smirk, he backs up and Ayase helps him remove two cases from his truck, while Lira snorts at his arrogance. The two men set the cases down side-by-side and back away together. The whole group moves to the other side of the car, and Dorunero sends Lira forward. She and two Zenitto disguised as humans pick the three boxes up.
And from his position atop a building, Enbosu laughs. "Die! Die!" But then someone says, "Oh, no. The only person who's dying is you!" "WHAT?" It is Gien, laughing against the fence behind him. "Oh, yes, it's only you who will die!" Alarmed, Enbosu hurries about in front of him. "What are you talking about?!" Gien just laughs and laughs, repeating that only he will die. "Why, why only me?" the panic-stricken one begs.
Why? Because Dorunero and Gien have opened the two cases full of money and are very, very pleased. Lira nods. And so with a tube, Dorunero bleeds himself. The green liquid pours into hospital sterile bags. And the Time Rangers and Naoto wait beyond his truck. Lira puts the bag into the case and a human-Zenitto steps forward to collect it. Our heroes watch nervously. They bring it close to the truck and set it down, then return. The Time Rangers head forward anxiously. "I've done my part," Dorunero informs them, stepping out of the car. And Naoto says arrogantly, "Yes, and you're finished." Jeez, can't he wait until safety is established? "What?" For there is a bomb in the cases inside their car and they'd better get out. The Time Ranger all stare at him, dumbfounded. Dorunero snarls, and Naoto smirks back at him. Then he begins laughing. But you see, they had expected something like this, and there is also a bomb in the other case. Ayase looks down at it while the others gasp in horror. Lira is smirking, now. She starts laughing, and holds up the remote for the bomb in the other case. Naoto looks dismayed to have been outmaneuvered. "Too bad," Lira laughs at him.
Tatsuya steps forward to murmur pleadingly in Naoto's ear to let it go this time. With great reluctance and near-murder in his eyes, he drops his remote and smashes it under his boot. Lira, still laughing, does the same with hers. And Dorunero tells them to hurry and make the vaccine. He and his head out, while Lira snorts at her enemies. They throw the money into the car and as they back away, light blue bolts surround it, and it is gone. Naoto watches this with a sort of huff, then heads towards the box with the vaccine. He glances towards where they vanished, and radiates smugness. But before anything can happen, Tatsuya grabs him by the arms, spinning him and snarling, "Just what did you think you were doing?" But fury comes from another, entirely unexpected quarter. Ayase suddenly wades in and decks Naoto with a furious right cross. Stunned, they all stare at this. Ayase, who never, never ever has lost his temper. His eyes are wild under his bangs as his voice raises, shouting at Naoto about how many people would have suffered without this vaccine. Ayase is trembling with fury. and Naoto spits out the blood in his mouth and gets back to his feet. "I had to use this chance." Dark blood has trickled down his chin, but Ayase is still shaking. Naoto is about to walk away, so Ayase grabs his lapels snarling "You filthy -- " but then explosions go off all around them.
They dive and duck. It is Enbosu, and he fights his way through the group snarling, "Die, die die!" until he tangles with Tatsuya, who clinches with him until he throws him over his head. Domon realizes what he's facing and tells him they have the vaccines, but Enbosu knows he is going to die, and wants to take them with him. They change into their battle armor, and Time Fire leads the strike against him. But he has no fear, knowing he is dying. Then he sees the case holding the vaccine and determines to destroy it. Ayase leaps frantically and takes the shot meant for the case in his back. Rolling over in agony, his suit vanishes, leaving him helpless. Sion is the first to call his name, but Ayase is getting to his feet and tells Enbosu that he won't let anything happen to the case. Time Fire notices this in shock. Before Enbosu can fire again, Time Red and Pink have him by the arms. Time Yellow screams at Ayase to get the vaccine to safety, and he runs. Enbosu fights the others. But as they fight, Time Red notices something on the ground. Ayase's wallet. Ayase throws the case into Naoto's car and leaps in to drive off.
And Tatsuya gets the wallet. There is nothing on it, nothing showing why Ayase would have said he did not have his license. And Ayase is speeding away. And suddenly Tatsuya realizes that what Ayase wasn't telling them was that he was afraid to drive. He remembers the breakfast in the morning, and how Ayase had shoved away when Domon threatened to search his pockets. And Yuuri is fighting Enbosu alone while Tatsuya digests the information he has realized. Ayase has been claiming to have lost his wallet because he is afraid to drive. His condition is getting worse. Then Enbosu tries to chase after and shoot the fleeing vehicle. But Tatsuya is up, and stops him with one implacable hand on the wrist. He remembers what Ayase had to say about the virus and the people who would die because of it. He remembers seeing Ayase doubled over in pain from an attack. And for love of his friend, with one hand he has the strength to stop Enbosu. "You... what are you? What are you that you can do this?!" he shouts, and punches Enbosu. He screams into his communicator to tell Takku to keep a bead on Ayase. The team is confused, but Tatsuya's determination is impossible to refuse.
Ayase is driving as fast as he can, sweating. Enbosu wipes his seal, and Tatsuya calls Takku for the ships. And they are sent immediately. Shadow Alpha is sent, too, and Tatsuya calls at suggestion for Shadow Alpha. They take that formation right away. Time Fire calls in the V-Rex Robo and it comes to join them. And the rain starts to pour over the battlefield as night falls.
Ayase is driving, his headlights shining, headed for the hospitals. The emergency light is flashing atop the car. And Tatsuya worries about him even as they stand to battle. It is frightening to look at the empty place beside him, and fear that it might forever be empty. The fight is joined. Zenitto appear to cut Ayase off, but he drives through them. And then... and then he has an attack. His vehicle starts careening as he fights the pain, fights to keep control. But he cannot. He crashes through some garbage cans and the car comes to a halt. He staggers out with the case, clutching his heart in agony and struggling on. And his team uses the Blizzard Slash, and Naoto the Max Blizzard. Enbosu is defeated and shrunk. And Ayase staggers helplessly through the driving rain. The two robots stand together when a frantic call comes from Takku. "Everyone! Ayase is -- "
They run as fast as they can in the pouring rain. Tatsuya is fastest, leading his group. And then he skids to a halt and shakes his head in horror. He is frozen. Ahead of him lies Ayase face down, unmoving. One arm is wrapped protectively over the case. He looks dead.
The others come up beside Tatsuya and freeze for a moment. Then they cry Ayase's name and race forward. They turn him over, Domon cradling him in his arms, but there is no response at all. Yuuri feels for a pulse and knows he is alive. She calls into her communicator for Takku to send help. "Understood!" the little robot replies in anguish. And beyond them, Tatsuya stands trembling in the rain. He closes his hands into fists. Behind him slowly approaches Naoto, holding up a hand to keep the water from his eyes so he can see. He stops and stares. The scene is frighteningly poignant. Tatsuya standing away from the small group clustered around the limp form of their friend.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Scenes in no particular order. Ayase's trembling hand closes over his Chrono Changer. Domon, in only his white undershirt and soaking wet for they are still out in the rain, grabs Tatsuya in helpless anguish to shout at him. The flashing light of a bomb. The others holding him back as he wants to attack and Tatsuya anguished. Ayase unmoving in a hospital bed. Even Sion screaming at Tatsuya. "But I don't understand! I don't!" Back to the rain and the moment they all realized that Tatsuya knew. The group huddled in the morning light with two City Guardian vehicles. Tatsuya apart from them, Naoto probably caught in the middle. Case File 40: Ayase dattai!? アヤセ脱退 Ayase Withdraws?!
Ayase staggered away from the crashed car. He made it a few steps before the pain in his heart overwhelmed him. But this time he fell to the cement, darkness closing around his mind. Tatsuya was the first to find him lying there. He was only able to stop and stare, shaking his head in denial. Please not dead, please! Ayase looks dead, his fine hair slicked to his skin. Sion gets to him first, calling his name. Yuuri grabs at his coat and then Domon is there, too, and pulls the limp form over and into his arms. "Ayase!" but there is no response at all. There is a bus shelter nearby. It is Domon who gathers Ayase's limp body up and carries him there, Sion hovering anxiously while Yuuri lugs the case with the vaccine. They lay him on the bench, Yuuri padding the water from his pale face. Domon tears off his orange jacket, shakes it and drapes it carefully over Ayase's chest. Sion helps straighten it out. And then Domon turns his head and sees Tatsuya still standing far from them, looking away. And he realizes this is wrong. He gets to his feet and approaches his friend, mouth open but finding words difficult until he gets close. A preternatural calm settles in him and he says quietly, "What is it you know?" There is no response and Domon glances back at the bus stop then pleadingly to Tatsuya. "What's the matter with Ayase?" When Tatsuya still doesn't move, still won't look at him, he loses his hold on his temper and shouts, "EXPLAIN IT, TATSUYA!!" Tatsuya flinches, wavering on his feet. He turns his head at last to look towards Ayase's limp form, opens his mouth but cannot speak. Sion whispers his name, confused and frightened where he and Yuuri wait at Ayase's side. Yuuri herself looks lost and helpless wth confusion. They all gaze at him, begging for an answer. Tatsuya looks down at the wet pavement and steps forward reluctantly. "You've probably heard of it." He cannot breathe, but he finally says, "Osirus Syndrone." Domon goes still in shock, eyes wide and horrified. Yuuri, too, for the kerchief she was holding slips from suddenly nerveless fingers to land on the wet cement next to Ayase's pale hand. Sion perhaps refuses to comprehend. He looks down at Ayase's face. Tatsuya continues to elaborate, his voice a ghost of guilty pain. "There's no treatment for it, even in the 30th Century." Yuuri finally gets to her feet, her legs rubbery as she approaches him, her voice shaking. "Surely you can't mean... Ayase...." When he won't speak she cries his name desperately. Domon stands frozen beside him. He flinches and answers her. "After a year or two -- no," he closes his eyes and in the rain no one can see his tears. He opens them again. "He told me half a year ago." Yuuri staggers with the news. And Naoto, listening from farther up the road, takes a deep breath of sudden sorrow and keeps a close eye on them. Sion stares down at Ayase's face, feeling death in the air around them. He gets to his feet and starts towards Tatsuya, out of the shelter and into the pouring rain. "It's a lie," he says quietly, his voice nearly a whimper as he closes with them. "That... that I don't believe. Yes..." he trails off, then raises his confused gaze and screams at Tatsuya, "IT'S A LIE!!" But the truth is written on Tatsuya's face, in the way he cannot meet their eyes. He tries to, but then can only shake his head. A quiet sob breaks from Yuuri, then she turns heavily to go back to stare at Ayase. Domon suddenly breaks into action, grabbing Tatsuya by his lapels and forcing their eyes to meet, but his voice is hoarse with pain and so it is quiet as he demands, "Why didn't you tell us? Why didn't you tell us earlier!?" When Tatsuya cannot answer him, and only his agonized expression can show the weeping in the rain, Domon shakes him and shouts his name. Naoto stands silent witness to their pain.
Flashing red lights, sirens. An ambulance racing through the night. The rain finally stops. In a hospital room full of victims of Gien's virus, a bed has been set aside for the unconscious Ayase. They've dressed him in a blue hospital gown, and two nurses lay him gently on the bed. The doctor studies a chart, while Yuuri and Tatsuya hover anxiously at the foot of the bed. The nurses pat a blanket down, leaving only the pale face visible, and everyone leaves the room. Domon and Sion wait in the hall, Domon with his hat clenched between his fingers. They have all had time to dry off a bit, but are still damp. The four gather around the doctor, who speaks with the quiet calm of a man who knows his business, or at least how to fake it for a patient's distressed companions.
"He's very weak. He's just exhausted. When he wakes up, he should return home." Knowing the doctor's analysis to be wrong, Domon holds himself together by a narrow thread as Tatsuya asks the doctor to let Ayase sleep at the hospital. Give him plenty of time. The doctor frowns and nods, but says they cannot stay. There are a lot of people sick in the hospital, and they don't want these young, healthy people to catch the new virus. Tatsuya cannot explain about Ayase's real condition, and can only agree with what is said.
Sirens again, this time on one car. A crowd of reporters is hanging about outside the Research building, and they surround the car to waylay Naoto, who is handing off the vaccine to a doctor. One reporter manages to get in a question, "Has there really been a vaccine developed to stop this disease?!" Naoto confirms with calm assurance, we can see he still has the bruise from the split-lip Ayase gave him earlier. "We want everyone who is ill to get the vaccine, so we're mass-producing it in the science lab." They will be able to begin distribution within a week.
Dorunero enters the Londarz Tower to find himself wading through the wreckage of fried Zenitto. He kicks aside an arm and it goes flying to hit the wall above Gien's head. Gien himself is looking quite content, polishing his gun arm. Lira hurries past Dorunero to confront him. "Gien! Do you really understand what you just did?!" she snaps indignantly. Gien laughingly says, "Isn't it funny? I released a virus from the 30th Century!" Dorunero cuts him off angrily. "Gien, don't you wonder why I'm getting so angry with you every time we're away?!" Gien gets up, his swinging arm narrowly missing the angry Lira and in fact he shoves into her space and passes her, swinging around happily, for there is all this wonderful madness locked up in here for him to release. "Blood, death and violence, the Earth is going to be a junkyard in a second, it's so wonderful! So wonderful!" He starts laughing crazily. Dorunero and Lira both gaze at him in amazement. "Gien," Dorunero mutters in surprise. Lira crosses over to him, her hand on his shoulder and she stares anxiously at the cackling robot. "I think he's lost his mind." Dorunero gives a frustrated groan, then he pulls something out. It is a strange device, and at the end it seems to have a baby pacifier. Dorunero pushes a switch, and it changes into a thin rod. "Gien, I like the old you better." He crosses the room quietly and plugs the rod into a receiver in Gien's back. There is a crackle of blue-white energy, and Gien shrieks. The sound and sudden brightness push Lira to shield her face. Gien's vision fills with bubbles, Dorunero inside those. Gien twists, his eyes wide and bright red. Dorunero says with great sadness, "It's only death. Endure, it'll be over in a second." He turns from the writhing robot, while Lira plugs her ears, wincing in sympathy. And Dorunero chooses a cell from the shelves. "We've got to get back to work."
Night. The hospital is dark and the ill sleep. Ayase, his face damp with sweat, holds still for a moment, then slowly sits up taking shuddering breaths. His heart hurts and he closes a hand over that quiet, familiar pain. He knows what happened.
Yuuri sits on the couch. Tatsuya in the chair across from her. Domon on the footstool beside the table and Sion at the computer in front of Takku. They are all in seperate silences. Tatsuya closes his eyes on his pain. Takku and Robotta wait, the little one turning sometimes to look around at the humans in its care. At last, Domon comes out of his thoughts. He looks around at the others and then stands decisively, heading towards the computer, trying for some semblance of cheer as he slaps his palms together. "Okay, okay, okay." He turns to face them. "We can't remain like this. We have to find some way to send Ayase back to the 30th Century." Takku starts to say, "But there's no cure there, either." Domon snaps back at him, "Except it's better than this time!" But Tatsuya says firmly, with a note of command, "That's what I thought." They all look at him, startled. "But Ayase's feelings -- " but Domon cuts him off in fury. "It's for HIS SAKE!" and Tatsuya can think of no response to that. Domon glares down at him and he will not look back. "You kept it a secret from us! What if Ayase died that way, what would you have done then?!" But just then the door opens. Yuuri stares and opens her mouth, but can find nothing to say. Ayase has returned. He is frozen in the doorway for only a moment, and then comes forward saying calmly, "He said nothing because I asked him not to." Sion springs from the chair to run to Ayase and say frantically, "You broke out of the hospital? That's bad!" Ayase rolls his eyes upwards in quiet exasperation, trying to ease their fears. "I can't stay someplace like that," he says lightly, moving past Sion their shoulders brushing together. Sion stands bereft. Ayase approaches the other four, relaxing and shoving his hands into his pockets, trying to be his usual cool self. "So, you know my secret at last." They are watching him in various degrees of shock. Tatsuya says weakly, "I'm sorry." Ayase answers him softly, seriously, "No, I'm the one who's sorry." Tatsuya looks unhappily away from him. Domon steps calmly forward, trying to make his voice light, too. "Ayase, you're going to have to stop being a Time Ranger and go back to the 30th." Ayase bites the inside of his cheek, suddenly unable to argue. Domon adds, "I'll make the Captain say it's all right." Ayase shifts and raises his gaze. "I hate this happening this way." Sion finally breaks out of his paralysis and spins to face the two, desperate. "Hate it? I'm not allowed to worry about you?!" That one turns away from the frantic gaze. "We care about you 'cuz you're in danger!" Yuuri leaps to her feet and confronts the sick man. "Ayase, I agree with Domon. The Time Police will allow you to go back." Ayase's fists clench but he replies calmly, "Even if I return to the 30th, there's no cure for it. I still might die." It hurts to hear, and Tatsuya blinks back tears. Sion's lips part slightly, but he is silent. Yuuri, too, fights this pain to hold her voice steady. "We don't know if that's true." Her voice rises as the pain breaks through. "This world is a thousand years behind. It could be your only chance! And it's not just YOU!" He cannot meet her gaze, she looks as pale as he at this moment. Fighting tears, she steadies herself and gazes steadily at him. "Please... return." He lifts his gaze at last, meeting Domon's determined pain and then Yuuri's. Voice strained, he say "I have no intention of returning." Domon lets out a puff of angry breath and folds his arms across his chest, turning his shoulder and back to the other man. "Then you have to quit being a Time Ranger." Ayase only closes his eyes. Yuuri looks over at Domon, but will not argue. Domon looks at Ayase and says softly, "That's it." There is no room for argument, and Ayase is not one to plead. Trapped, he only moves away from them into the boys' bedroom. He closes the door quietly behind him. Domon and Yuuri will not look that way, and Sion and Tatsuya can only stare miserably. But Sion manages to speak at last, heading shakily for his chair in front of the computer. "I am ashamed. I didn't know how Ayase felt, I was only enjoying being a Timeranger." Tatsuya gets to his feet and comes over, crossing his arms and speaking over his shoulders. "He hasn't given up. That's why he's still a Timeranger." Sion shifts to listen, but Tatsuya's throat locks up.
He remembers that long ago day when he had come to them in that abandoned building, hefted and stone in his hands and sent it flying. The way Ayase had spoken later when they were trapped in the icebox. "When you said we could change tomorrow, I really believed it. If I'm a Time Ranger, it's true I can." Ayase's face at that time, white and thoughtful, his lips moving to repeat Tatsuya's words as if to embed them forever in his being. Yuuri, Domon and Sion all have their own memories that must be put in new perspectives. "I can live now, I can believe in now. Maybe I can change tomorrow." All the times Tatsuya and Ayase had fought in their armor side-by-side, the shared moments of victory.
While they think about him, Ayase sets miserably on his bed. His head hangs down. Way back when, Tatsuya had urgently said to all of them, "Maybe you can't change the future for everyone, but at least you CAN change your own future." He had lived for those words. It hurts. He unclenches his hands from their twined grip to put one trembling over his Chrono Changer.
Yuuri steps unhappily close to Sion and Tatsuya. Her eyes look wrecked as she says softly, "He has to return." Domon suddenly snaps in anguish, "But I'm TORN!" and Tatsuya turns to look at him. Yes, this was no easy decision. There was no way it could be.
He looks like a giant, humanoid chameleon, watching over the vaccine. His name is Doopa, and he is a tough, muscular creature. He crawls down the wall and stares in the window through the half-open slatted shades. The green liquid is being cultured and put in many different vials for analysis. Doopa chuckles and says madly, "I'm waiting, here."
In the morning, at the 3rd Total R&D Laboratory, the computers read out the information. One scientist gratefull hold up a tiny, silver vial. This is the purified vaccine extracted from Don Dorunero's blood. The exhausted scientist sighs, "It's perfected." And that vial is placed in a huge hospital case, which is then placed in Naoto's car so that the City Guardians can take it to the hospitals to be cultured and administered. The vehicles drive off. And Doopa is watching, very pleased as he gets ready to waylay them. And Dorunero and Lira are laughing. For the intention is, of course, to capture the new vaccine and make people pay to get it back. On the floor against the wall sits Gien, shining golden. His eyes glow a pale yellow and he moves slightly as the other two gloat.
Morning light through Tomorrow Research's windows. None of them have slept. Once again they are in their lonely circle, Yuuri and Tatsuya on opposite sides of the coffee table, Domon now on the floor, his back turned to the boys' room, Sion staring at nothing from a seat next to the computer. Takku blinks alert and tells them the City Guardians with the vaccine have come under attack. Out there they face a large number of Zenitto and fire on them bravely. Yuuri is on her feet, glad of action. "We go." But as they stand to start, the door to the boys' room opens and Tatsuya says Ayase's name hoarsely. He is intent to go with them, but Domon stands firmly in his way. "You're coming?" he challenges. "This is a big thing," Ayase replies calmly. "That doesn't matter!" snarls Domon in misery. Ayase stares back at him whitely as he adds, "You wait here!" and then turns and runs so that no one can see the tears that have started to fall. Yuuri will not speak or look at Ayase, though she has trouble leaving him, and neither will Sion as they race off. But Tatsuya cannot leave him like this, and puts a hand on his shoulder speaking words of comfort. "Just do as they say. I'll talk to Domon, later." He pats Ayase's shoulder firmly, but must go to join the others. He pauses for an instant in the doorway, hard to do this abandonment, but he must and Ayase is left behind. Rejected for his own good, but he stands frozen. He will not weep but he finds it hard to breathe and swallows against the lump in his throat.
The number of Zenitto are overwhelming and they've made it through the City Guardians' covering fire to beat at ones they can catch, while the Chameleon gets at the car with the vaccine. He disintegrates the door when he cannot open it, and snags the box with his tongue, but Time Fire is there to shoot him back. They confront each other, and Naoto asks coolly, "We were given the materials and made that vaccine. Now what are you up to?" Startled to be asked, Doopa answers, "We'll be the ones who distribute it, only to certain people of course!" Naoto says with mild contempt, "In the end that's what it's about." He fires quickly to drive Doopa away and runs over the car to get inside and drive off with the vaccine. Furious, Doopa races in pursuit.
The Time Rangers arrive to find everyone gone and only two abandoned City Guardian vehicles sitting by the wharf. Voices heard over the radios tell them where to go. "This way!" calls Yuuri. They must go after the battle. They leap into a run. But Domon turns to look back, miserable, and sees to his frustrated horror Ayase following behind them. His frustrated curse catches the others and they all stop and turn. Ayase stops where he stands and stares at them stubbornly. When Tatsuya says his name, he finally comes closer. Domon heads to confront him, enraged. "I told you not to come!" Aayse makes to walk past him. "And I remember it. But I'm still connnected to this." he says icily. Yuuri calls, "But..!" and her alarm stops him, just a few feet past the angry Domon. He turns his head and says, "I can't wait there. It's safe." He starts on, but Domon snatches his right hand and yanks him back, throwing him the other way. Ayase stumbles slightly but keeps his cool. Domon's voice is hoarse with hurt. "Go back -- " Ayase cuts him off calmly. "Don't order me around." Domon moves closer, "It's because I think you don't have the strength." Ayase's eyes flare and he says angrily back, "I'll show you." Domon breaks and grabs at him, pinning him with an arm twined in his fine jacket and drawing back a fist to strike. Ayase faces it without trying to defend himself, only meeting Domon's eyes with wide intent and slightly parted lips. Domon stops, and Sion frantically calls his name. They are frozen there, staring into each other's eyes. At last Domon unclenches his fist and releases Ayase's jacket, but it is the other who breaks the staring deadlock, looking down and saying scratchily, "What's the matter? Can't you hit a sick man?" Domon is having a hard time answering him, gaze turning down. Yuuri, Sion and Tatsuya watch anxiously from a few meters away. The stillness is unbroken as Ayase watches Domon intently, but then it is he who breaks and strikes, decking Domon. "I'M SICK OF THIS!!" Domon falls, hands protectively over his poor nose. The others race to them as Ayase speaks to the fallen man, "I can't stop living in the world and quit!" he loses it again and lunges down to grab Domon, arm drawn back to strike again. "You're impossible!" but Tatsuya makes it there to wrench him away, holding the fighting man tight. Sion reaches Domon, who is just beginning to shake off the effects of Ayase's first blow. He starts to get to his feet, growling, "That's the way it is." Once up he starts to lunge at Ayase screaming, "You understand NOTHING!" But Sion and Yuuri grab his arms and try to drag him back, she yelling at him to stop but he is still screaming, "Is this all right, is Ayase all right?!" he shouts to them and Sion shouts back, "I don't know, I don't know but -- " Yuuri shouts into his other ear, "I don't know what is right, but our fighting each other is USELESS!!" Ayase finds he cannot meet her eyes and hangs his head. Domon finally throws Sion and Yuuri off and leaps at Ayase again, grabbing him and shoving Tatsuya down, he whirls him around and throws him against one of the black cars. But not to fight, for Domon is weeping so badly he can barely speak. "What can I do? Ayase, what can I do?" At last he only leans his forehead helplessly against Ayase's shoulder. Ayase, too, is shaking. He keeps trying to speak but cannot. Tatsuya gets back to his feet to fight back tears of his own. Sion curls over his knees where he had fallen, hiding his face in the crook of his arm. Yuuri too is back on her feet, swallowing against her pain. And silence falls on the group.
At last Ayase takes Domon's wrists in his hands, forcing him to straighten up. He is very near tears himself, his eyes are damp. "I... I want to do this." When Domon lifts his gaze, Ayase bows his head briefly and whispers "I'm begging you." They stare at each other, both shaking. Ayase gives a small nod in asking again, then lowers his gaze. And then their Chrono Changers start signalling.
Ayase lift his wrist to listen. It is Takku calling them. "The vaccine is in danger! Hurry, please!" He raises his eyes in determination. They all lift their gazes to stare at him. And then he turns and breaks into a run. Domon wavers, and Sion cries his name as he speeds away. Domon loses the strength in his legs and sinks to his knees. Tatsuya swallows his pain. He went through this a long time ago, after he realized the truth of Ayase's situation and he knows how they all feel. So he puts his hand firmly on Domon's shoulder to reassure him, then races after Ayase to help. Sion and Yuuri turn slowly in his wake, still in shock, and Yuuri mumurs his name. Domon slowly manages to lift his gaze, still trying to breath through his pain, tears a shine on his face.
Naoto takes corners in his truck at high speeds. It's rather amusing seeing Time Fire wearing a seatbelt. But the Zenitto manage to cut him off and they fire on the vehicle. He is forced to stop and uses his V-Defender to take out as many of them as he can. Doopa arrives and heads for the truck while he is fighting, but Ayase arrives to knock him aside. Nothing will stop this man now, eyes black and furious, he tells Doopa "Londarz! Stop trying to get the vaccine!" Doopa replies that this is theirs, and he lashes at Aayse with his tongue, catching him and throwing him around against some walls and into a box of rubbish. But Time Red arrives to cut him loose with a Double Vector. The group assembles protectively around him. Time Yellow speaks to him hoarsely, then goes running at Doopa with the others. Doopa pulls out an energy whip and takes them down. Ayase, horrified, hearing Doopa's arrogant laughter, clenches his fish in determination and races through his fallen friends to fight. Domon cries warning to him, but in a few steps (and I think without using his Chrono Changer) he has transferred into his armor. Time Pink cries his name, and Time Red, struggling to get up, says, "I've decided. I believe in him. We all have to believe in him! He is one of us, we have to all fight together! And we have to help him always! We are his friends!" He has made it back to his feet and hurtles into the fray as Ayase is getting the worst of it against Doopa. Time Pink and Green are also on their way up. When Time Blue is knocked to the pavement and rolls, Yellow can bear it no more. When Doopa's next strike sends Blue tumbling towards them, they assemble around him. Yellow catches his shoulders, "Let's do it," he says in support. And Blue raises his thumb in confirmation.
Doopa, not party to the group dynamics of the Rangers, is unimpressed. He hits them with his energy whip again, and Blue is on his feet, Double Vector out. Yellow moves with him and the two attack with a beautiful simultaneous blast that does a number on Doopa. He lashes out with his tongue, and Blue catches it, twining it around his Double Vector. Then he gives a cry and leaps forward to jump off Doopa's shoulder and high over the walkway above. Coming down on the other side, his leverage brings Doopa off the ground to hang by tongue in surprise. "Everyone, NOW!" Ayase calls. The others gather quickly, and Red hits Doopa with the V3, Pink with the V6 and Green with the V9. While he is recovering from that, Blue untwines his tongue from the Double Vector and lets him fall. Yellow is at Blue's side quickly to cheer his ingenuity.
Doopa, however, is less than pleased. He wipes his seal and goes large, so Blue calls Takku, who enthusiastically calls in the Time Jets. Takku suggests that they will need to form Shadow Beta to cope with Doopa's speed, and Time Red follows that suggestion enthusiastically. Time Fire calls for V-Rex to form the V-Rex Robo. The two powerful machines face off against Doopa, who manages to knock V-Rex back and down with his powerful energy whip, then catches Shadow Beta in his tongue and starts throwing him around. Time Pink frets, "How are we going to get free of his tongue?!" but Time Fire orders V-Rex back to its feet, much to Doopa's surprise. And he has V-Rex attack with the Revolver-Missiles, which do a lovely job and Doopa's tongue is blasted apart. Shadow Beta is on its feet quickly, throwing the rest of the tongue off.
And Time Red says, "Ayase, now!" There is no startlement at the call. Time Blue hauls out their great blue weapon, and Shadow Beta hovers in the sky, to blast the twelve points that will immobilize Doopa. "PRESSURE GUN!" cries Time Blue, and the bright, shining light pierces the air. Doopa is caught. With happy enthusiasm, Time Blue announces, "Time up!" and Doopa is surrounded by light, to become the frozen, tiny shape.
Doors are sliding closed. The last are great doors with burn-marks all over them. Lira and Dorunero are on the outside and the room is now in darkness. Dorunero locks the door firmly and pats it, somewhat sad. "All right then. Gien." He starts away. For Gien inside the dark, locked room. He is blowing bubbles. Childlike he says, "They're so pretty! I really love these! Pretty! Pretty!"
Naoto has at last met up with his men and hands off the vaccine, urging them to hurry and deliver it. The passenger salutes him in promise. The car is off, siren singing. Naoto sighs in relief, and then he turns his head.
The Time Rangers, in their normal clothes, are walking away down the road next to the wharf. The youngest, Sion, is spinning playfully. The dying man is at their center and ahead of them a bit.
As they walk, Domon suddenly bounds forward to knock his shoulder against Ayase's, as he would do with Tatsuya before. Ayase, startled at first, meets the playful grin on Domon's face and recognizes it. His smile transforms his careworn features and he relaxes as they walk side-by-side. But then Tatsuya, too, bounds forward and knocks against Domon, who bumps into Ayase and they have to hold their balance for an instant. The battle is over. They are alive. Yuuri starts to laugh softly behind them. Sion, getting into the teasing as Tatsuya wiggles his fingers and makes faces, also lopes forward to knock into Tatsuya, and Yuuri comes up the other side. Domon settles a hand on Ayase's shoulder and on Yuuri's, and Ayase glances at his smug expression and knockes the hand away but not without affection. Tatsuya's takes its place, another hand over Sion's shoulder to gather them all close to him, keep them all safe with him.
Naoto moves out to get a better view of the playful group. He remembers when Ayase had come to him for help getting the vaccine, and how he had challenged him. "What I don't get is why you are going with Asami. You need power, don't you?" And Ayase's response, the quiet statment, "But that's not all we need." And the earnest calm, the ever so slight, sad smile. Yes, whatever Asami gives them is something they could never get from power. And whether or not Naoto understands, he feels for them. And he heads off in the opposite direction.
They travel the present, past and future To explore the future all by myself. Heroes of justice going over time and space, whose name isTIMERANGER!! |
Next episode: Case File 41: A strange group of religious fanatics. Tatsuya and Yuuri infiltrate to investigate and discover a horror. Time Pink and Time Red fight a rather clerical-appearing Londarz being. 予言者を暴け Yougensha wo abake Revelation of the Prophet