Don Dorunero strode into the story in chains, captured for his many crimes and he'd commited some doozies. Money-laundering, racketeering, assassination. Mind you, a lot of that he hadn't done himself. He'd just hired the criminals who did it. He is a crafty, wicked old soul, embittered by his long life. However, he also tends to be nostalgic. He is from a far-away star, probably a heavy worlder, very strong. He indicates that he used money to buy his mother's love, and said one time that Lira looked like her. Unless there's something we don't know about Lira (and that's quite possible), he may not be meaning a direct physical resemblance. "I've done so much, I've lost the feeling for it."
This is the human Dorunero most resembles: Marlon Brando as the Godfather.
I bet you don't see the resemblance *chuckle*. At first when we knew him, we knew only one thing he loved: Money. He was totally obsessed with it. He is a superb businessman and eventually lost interest in blatant taking over the world, as his people kept getting re-captured by the Time Ranger. Instead he took Lira with him and cut his way into the business world. As far as I can tell, one of his men opened up a very successful savings and loan business. Dorunero himself went into partnership with a slightly shady man who was not over hapy when he found out who he was working with, but in the interests of getting money for himself (and living unmolested), kept quiet. Dorunero and Lira fazed completely into the human world, except for the little bits about having his people rob, steal and beat money out of anyone foolish enough to get involved. Oh wait, that's normal criminal activity. The only difference being that all of Don Dorunero's people are aliens.
However, there are two things in his life that Dorunero loves, that have little or nothing to do with money. Lira and Gien. Lira relieves the tedium and boredom of his life. Gien was once a kind, human being who saved Dorunero's life. And for that memory a great deal was forgiven. But Dorunero, confronted with the fact that he'd turned Gien into a deadly monster, could not bear to kill the remains of the boy who'd cared for him. Thus it was Dorunero who was lost. Dying, he engaged the Time Ranger's promise, through Tatsuya who he did not know was not Captain Ryuuya, to take the remaining Londarz prisoners back to the future, where they would be safe from the end of the world, and live out their terms. He never knew who Yuuri was, and had long forgotten (or perhaps simply been unaware of the details) the murder of her family.