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Hyuuga had the entertaining circumstance of dying at the very beginning of the series. Or so we thought. He was a constant in the background, Ryouma always thinking of him and remembering his words of wisdom, not to mention sometimes thinking he actually heard his brother's voice!
Then along came Kurokishi, a being whose world had been wiped out by the Balban, and whose little brother had died at their hands. Maddened with hate, he came at odds with the Gingaman as he endangered civilians in his quest to stop the Balban. But he was ill, dying.
Kurokishi, remembering the death of his little brother at the sword of Zaihabu, swore revenge. He was leaving. summoning the GaoTaurus, wanting to return to the past. Krantz had sworn he would protect worlds with his brother. Kurokishi tells GaoTaurus that even if they go back in time, nothing would change. Let's go. Then he crumpled to one knee. "It's you who's doing this!" he complained. And a voice replied, "Stop! Think about what you're doing!" But Kurokishi used the small dagger he'd once given Krantz, to silence Hyuuga's voice. A dreaming Ryouma heard the voice. And Hayate woke him. They were cleaning up around the place, and he hears a horse call. Strangeness, he wonders at his dreams.
And among the villains, Ierisu is having Wangawanga run the drums, and then the Wangawanga turns a Yatatto from stone back into reality. And perhaps he can do this with the Daitanikusu! First, though, he has to gather the power of hate. Two young men are fighting, when they hear something strange. They see Wangawanga, who launches himself at one. He guts holes in human souls and they fall... dead? No, only comatose. Moku sends the Gingaman out.
They fight, and Wangawanga goes after Hikaru, but is chased off. Ierisu inquires about her pay when Daitanikusu wakes. "Don't worry," Zaihabu says, and opens a room. If she wins, there is the whole room full of gold for her. Our heroes cannot wake the people. They are not dead, but... and then a quake announces the danger, and Moku calls our heroes to go to the Chikyu Mountain.
BullTaurus is pouring deadly power into a volcano. And Moku warns there will be an explosion that will destroy the world. They try to stop him, but he fights them. When Ryouma asks what he's planning, he says it's worth it to destroy the Balban. Attracted by the struggle, Wangawanga approaches. Just as Kurokishi is about to blast them, his power drains and Gaotaurus expels him and protests this action. Thrown out onto the ground he gets to his feet. The Gingaman are relieved to have the beast's support, GauTaurus won't do this for hate. When Kurokishi asks it why, it turns it's back on him. He shouts, "Have you forgotten your promise?" And before he quite knows it, Wangawanga is there and tries to take the power of his hate. Ryouma comes quickly and knocks the monster away. While the others fight, at Hayate's command Ryouma takes Kurokishi away. But the Yatatto are pursuing. Ryouma protects Kurokishi. "You want something from me? You won't let them kill me so you can kill me? Is that what this is about??" And our boy, fighting, says "It's not time to talk!" But Kurokishi says "How long will you try to kill yourself?" Our boys snaps back as he fights, "It doesn't matter about me, all I have to do is help save the world!" And Kurokishi says angrily, "Is this because you think I'm your brother?" Ryouma defeats the last of the Yatatto and won't turn to the other one, "What did you just say?" And now the story comes. "Your brother is Hyuuga," and Ryouma gasps and turns to him. Three thousand years ago, Kurokishii had fallen into a hole under Sanbasshu's attack. He had lain there, helpless, for thousands of years until Hyuuga fell into the same hole. Kuroshiki had used his sword to catch the falling man before he could land in the lava. His power exhausted, he transferred into Hyuuga's body, using the Earth power to escape. "It can't be!" "But it is. You know it is. How else would I know about him?" "He's alive?" "Alive, but I'm not like you. I won't get in the way of someone else's battle, because Hyuuga wouldn't do that." Kurokishi would have to die for Hyuuga to live. He wants Ryouma to kill him. He's tired of living with his hate. Our boy won't. All Kurokishi can remember as Ryouma runs off to help the others fight, is his own failure to protect his little brother, all those years ago.
Purpose renewed, Ryouma joins the others fighting Wangawanga. They damage it and it brings out the Balban Elixer. In moments, it is a huge beast, and our heroes join their beasts, forming Gingaio to fight, then powering up.
Our heroes defeat the monster, but its stave falls into the flaming hole and the Earth shudders. An outpouring of power shakes and stuns them. Moku warns them, this is bad. The energy could destroy the world. It will take the power of all five of them to seal the rift. Kurokishi watched them struggle through the energy waves, watched Ryouma. "The Balban will destroy this world, and it's my fault." He sees them fall and lose their armor, but struggle on, Ryouma leading. Ryouma had said they would give their lives to protect the world, and Krantz (held under the enemy's sword) had said to protect the stars, it was worth it. "This world," he starts in surprise, hearing Krantz's voice. The boy approaches and says, "Aren't you going to fight with them?" pointing. But Kurokishi answers, "No. I'm supposed to protect the stars. I'm not one of them." His brother faces him. "GaoTaurus rejected me." He staggers and falls. But Krantz looks up at the sky and says, "There are many stars. Many people." He holds out a flower. "GaoTarus really likes you, and me. Protect the stars, just like long ago." Kurokishi takes the flower, and his brother vanishes. He finds himself there, the flower in his other hand. He staggers back behind the rocks, and reaches to his chest. There is the little dagger he had once given his brother, and he pulls it out. It takes Hyuuga with it, and Kurokishi's condition restores to what it was before he had appropriated Hyuuga's life force. Kurokishi staggers away from the unconscious man, he goes to Ryouma and stops the boy then walks into the fire. He throws his sword back, and the heroes are trapped in a field of power so they can't stop him. He tells them Hyuuga is alright, then continues to the fire. GaoTaurus comes to be by his side, but he tells the robot not to. He heads on into the energy wave, and it hits him. But he gets back up, tattered, dying, with the flowers his brother gave him. And then Krantz is with him, helping him. For a time he looks healthy and whole, but it is only a dream of reality. Then he reaches the top and throws himself over the edge, into the lake of fire. And his power repairs the breach. And glowing magic comes around. Flying, soul-power disintegrates the walls, freeing our heroes. Ryouma is able to retrieve Kurokishi's sword. GaoTaurus utters a grieved cry. And then, Hyuuga comes half-staggering, out from behind the rocks, towards his brother and former teammaters. Battered, bruised, and alive. Saya says, "Is it really you?" He confirms, and they all run to him. Saya into his arms, the others around. And they are together for the first time in all too long. And they weep in glad relief. But Ryouma stayed where he was, with Kurokishi's sword, too much in shock to move until Hyuuga calls him. And the brothers are reunited at last. They stand and hold each other tight.
And in "Brothers of Fire" Bokku was ecstatic when they returned. Moku introduced himself with a mixture of amazement and respect. Hyuuga said he had heard about Moku. He explained what had happened when Kurokishi released him, and then turns to find Ryouma still has the sword. When he takes it, the gem repairs itself, and GaoTaurus acknowledged his master's voice, for Kurokishi's soul is still here. And then Saya created a new outfit for Hyuuga, with Bokku's help. Everyone was falling over themselves to feed him, to be with him, everything. Ryouma is struggling to get a moment alone with him. And when the Aoyama's came home they had all this extra stuff they'd bought. They are delighted, and the father races off to get his supplies. They are all astounded when Hyuuga begins laughing at the idea of Tonkatsu.
Meanwhile, on the ship, Ierisu is trying to quiet down her laughing uncle, Pukuratesu. But the Captain and Shierinda have heard. Our lady calls out Gerutogeruto, as her next demon. She is fallingout of favor.
Hikaru is searching for Hyuuga, when he sees the brothers going off together with Kurokishi's sword. Puzzled, he tells the others. It occurs to them that there could be some problems, becuase Hyuuga had been supposed to be companion to the lion-starbeast, but had given over the sword to Ryouma. It worries them all.
Ryouma and Hyuuga pause together with the sword, Hyuuga picking some berries to delight in. And Hyuuga raises the subject of the power he has. But before they can talk, Moku announces an attack, and our brothers face Gerutogeruto, who is locking humans in little mirrors. The other Gingaman catch up and the battle is joined. Hyuuga gives an excellent accounting of himself. Then the demon sneak attacks, Hyuuga pulls Ryouma out of the way, but the others are caught in little mirrors. The demon succeeds in injuring Ryouma, and Hyuuga drags his brothers out of there. They have taken thirty-nine souls.
Hyuuga gets Ryouma back to base, and ignores his brother's fury over running from the field of battle. He has the berries in his hand and tells them he's put the juice on the Yatatto who attacked them. The smell is horrid, and will be easy for Moku to track. Yuuta is praising the idea, and Ryouma bites his lips.
Gerutogeruto is trying to track the horrid smell, while they are also working on creating their weapon. He brings out three tiny death dolls. And Moku finds them, and sends our heroes. But it has begun, the draining of their soul power to Daitanikusu. Our heroes arrive. A tiny doll see the oncoming, and become human size to fight them. Double-teaming, they are able to kill the first one. But a second catches them, and this one nearly gets Hyuuga. Ryouma uses his sword to send its blast back at it. Hyuuga tries to return the sword, and Ryouma tries to make him keep it. "It should have been you." And it pours out, all his uncertainties about his quailification as only the second choice. But Hyuuga knows his little brother. Before he can answer, he has to fight the demon again and is able to destroy it in an unbelievable move. But Hyuuga tells Ryouma that this is HIS power, that HE is GinaRed, and Hyuuga is not. And accepting at last, together they go to fight Gerutogeruto, destroying the last of the dolls to the demon's amazement. It cannot stand well against their firepower, and it's power is disrupted, releasing the 39 prisoners. Dismay on the Balban ship when the power flow stops.
The other Gingaman are sincerely relieved to see that Ryouma still holds the Lion Sword. Together they go to fight Gerutogeruto. Our heroes transfer into their armor and fight! Hyuuga fights out of armor, as he doesn't actually have any, yet. They power up to face the monster and damage it, so it drinks the elixer. And our heroes call in the starbeasts. As Ginagio power-up, they fight. The demon traps them within a mirror. It can hit them, but they can't move. And then Kurokishi's sword levitates in the hidden chamber, to Moku and everyone's amazement. Hyuuga stands in helpless anguish, afraid he will see his companions destroyed, when the sword comes to him. He takes the hilt and hears Kurokishi's voice. "My power is for you, now, to protect the stars. Use it." GaoTaurus comes, and Hyuuga accepts this gift, channeling the power he finds he wears Kurokishi's armor. He powers up and becomes one with the Taurus, so they are Bull Taurus, to fight Gerutogeruto! They destroy it, and free the others, who are astounded. Ryouma asks, "Are you Kurokishi, now?" And the answer is not exactly yes.
And Mr Aoyama is making a speech before dinner, until Yuuta cuts him off. Mr. Aoyama then demonstrates his ability to make terrible puns based on Kurokishi's name, and sends Hyuuga into spasms of laughter just at the moment he is taking a drink of orange juice. And it is good.
Hyuuga lives in Kurokishi's place, in his armour and with his companion starbeast, the GaoTaurus. But Gao Taurus was captured by Pukuratesu, who was on the run from his former comrades. Pukuratesu sued Hyuuga with the threat to Gao Taurus.
Our hero gave in, accepting the berries that, when he ate them, severed his link with the Earth Power. Pukuratesu trained Hyuuga to fight and kill Captain Zaihabu, and forged a powerful weapon, the Knight Axe, just for that purpose. Before he could see the completion of his plans, Shierinda found him and killed him. But Hyuuga took the axe, joined his comrades and they defeated the Balban together!