Gingaman VS Mega Ranger
October 11, 1999
Once upon a time they wondered if it would ever be over. Now it is. So they think!
A glowing, white blue stone falls, its light fills the sky and people gape up in surprise. Air raid sirens start after the impact, buildings in flame and then the flames solidify into a giant, red beast. Our heroes arrive and recognize "Daitanix!" "How can this be?" asks Gouki. And our heroes change into their battle armour to fight. They blast the beast.
It shakes its head and then a glow seperates from it and lands in front of them. The giant, dreadlocked pirate identifies himself as Gregory, and then proceeds to trash our heroes. Help arrives in the form of a rather strange looking soul in red armour. Our heroes blast Gregory, who calls Daitanix to help, but then the beast is hit by power. It is Ginga Midas, and out comes the Ginga Phoenix machines and the Ginga Rhino. They form and attack. They hit Daitanix again and again, then form a fiery whirlwind and strike it in force. They turn afterwards to confront each other, and then in a series of explosions, Phoenix and Rhino blow apart. Daitanix does not even appear to be injured. With a sneering laugh, Gregory seperates his castle from the back of his Daitanix. The beast itself disappears, perhaps in the ground. The heroes watch in helpless anger. Ryouma turns in astonishment to the fretting man in red beside him. "Who are you?" "Eh?"
Gregory settles his castle atop an island, and is planning his next phase, when in walks a tiny woman in purple, with a voice like a child's. "Oh, Hizumina," (android?) Gregory says. She heads straight for him, without any trace of fear. They are allies, it seems. They have sent out a beam of power that has created a barrier around the Earth. But she says it is not enough. They need some of the power from the Gingaman. "I can get their energy." They will work together. She leaves the room and stands outside, thinking of Dr. Himeda and how deeply she misses him. And the waves crash against the rocks of the island.
Ryouma reads the hand-made business card their guest has given him. "Denji Sentai Megaranger, ban no senshi Mega Red, Date Kenta?" Hyuuga peers at the card with him, the last words which are probably something like "captain" or something. They look up at the half shy youngster grinning in front of them and Ryouma ask him if that's what he is. Kenta is still looking about in bemused astonishment. "Oh, just call me Kenta. Wow, this is a great place." When Moku greets him, his mouth drops wide. "A talking tree?" Saya tells him Moku is their advisor, and Bokku adds that Moku is at the center of a whole network of trees and can tell them just about anything. Kenta says something to the affect of "This old man?" Hayate wants to address a real problem. Where did the enemy come from. Moku tells them briefly he is the Balban's predecessor. They are puzzling over what to do, when Kenta suggests they come with him.
Back at the island, down below it in a magical cavern, there is a coffin. Gregory pulls out his sword, stabs it deep into a magical symbol, and calls with magic. The coffin rises and slowly the doors open. It is Shierinda who comes out first.
"Come on," Kenta calls. They are walking onto the grounds of a high school. Kenta stops when his classmates start snickering, and soon realizes they are all laughing at the weird clothes of the people behind him. So he takes them upstairs and gives them normal clothes, and somehow talks Ryouma into letting Kenta wear his. Our Gingamen look so strange in these clothes. Perhaps it is mostly because of their own discomfort. Kenta is not bothered that people will think he looks weird. Hayate is the most uncomfortable. Kenta bounds into the computer room where sits the lovely Chisato Jyougasaki (Mega Yellow) who turns and looks at him in shock. She then greets his extremely nervous companions. She tells them all there's some sort of bizarre, almost magical barrier around the planet. It is preventing things from coming in, but she thinks if they use a Gingabracelet they can get around the barrier. With considerable trepidation, Ryouma offers his. Off school grounds, our heroes are back in their regular clothes, giggling about the experience. Saya says it was fun. Gouki can't believe she said that, but for him it was the computers and Chisato's obvious skill with them that delighted him. Kenta says he's sure Chisato can find the way. Ryouma and Kenta are finding common ground.
Chisato is scanning when a woman in red steps in the room, knocks her down and takes the Ginga bracelet. Chisato signals Kenta and the six go after the woman. They knock her down, then demand who she is. She spins around into the purple clothes and Kenta recognizes her. "Shiborena! I thought you were dead!" But no, she says she is the last. The final battle between Dr. Himeda's robot and the Mega Ranger, just before the big blowup, Bibidebi had teleported her away. And somehow she had ended up with Gregory. Who chooses that moment to step out from behind the trees. They are all set to fight. Gregory will call back his soldiers, Shiborena will get back Dr. Himeda. And then the arrival of the soldiers of the Balban. "Long time no see," announces Shierinda. They demand the Ginga bracelets. Our heroes try to fight, but Gregory gets Ryouma and injures him badly. They demand the bracelets again. Our heroes are in a quandry, but then Hyuuga arrives and gets his brother out of there, but Ryouma's bracelet is still in the villains' hands. They are about to join battle again when Gao-Taurus arrives. The villains retreat, and Ryouma loses consciousness in Hyuuga's arms.
In a quiet room, Ryouma lies in bed, his face drawn and pained even unconscious. A drip feeds him liquids. The others hover anxiously over him. When he opens his eyes, Kenta is there first to apologize for losing the bracelet. Chisato does, too. "It wasn't your fault," Ryouma manages. He tries to sit up, but they hold him down. He grasps at Kenta's jacket to protest, when the building is shaken by some sort of blast. Moku tells them it is not an earthquake. The world's energy is being used by someone. Ryouma tries to get up, but this time it is Hyuuga who forces him back down. "You're in no shape to fight." Gouki adds that they have Gao-Taurus, he mustn't worry. A signal and Chisato answers it. The Star Beasts have been detected, trying to get through the barrier but they can't, getting knocked back into space. They are without outside help.
Gregory has put Ryouma's bracelet into his sword and is preparing the spell that will bring back Zaihabu. Only enough power for the one. Before he can do it, Shiborena takes the sword. She wants Dr. Himeda back. Sanbasshu tries to fire on her, but she takes him out. Then Shierinda gets behind her and slices her up. She falls, and they take the sword, using it to call back Zaihabu. Shiborena loses consciousness.
Moku hears the use of power, and the seven listening hear him say anxiously that the bracelet is in the ocean! Kenta says, "Let's go!" but Gouki starts to protest, how will they get there if it's in the ocean. Then a new voice cuts in, "It's all right." They turn. The other three Megarangers have arrived. Kouichirou Endou (Mega Black) announces confidently that he had built something that will lead them to the bracelet. Shun Namiki (Mega Blue) is on one side of him, nodding confidently, and Miku Imamura (Mega Pink) is on the other with the detector. She smiles and holds it up for them to see. Their companions greet them eagerly. Shun points out that they, too, are Megarangers. Kouichirou steps forwards to greet the relieved Gingaman. In his room, Ryouma hears them running off and opens his eyes stubbornly.
And Captain Zaihabu steps out of the coffin to be greeted enthusiastically by his people.
Ryouma is making his way down the stairs. He can't even quite stand. Just before he gets to the bottom he finds Kenta waiting for him with a wry expression on his face. His fellow Red understands. The others are boarding the boat. "Why isn't Kenta here yet?" but he is on his way, riding double on a motorcycle. Kouichirou has his computer out and is using it to focus. The others watch over his shoulder in admiration, while Shun drives the boat. Miku scolds Shun when he teases her. In the meantime, Ryouma and Kenta are riding a coastal road when the ground shakes violently and they are sent over a cliff. Ryouma catches Kenta's hand and gets a grip on an edge, and the two cling desperately. Kenta tries to change, but before he can Ryouma loses his hold and they fall into the surf. Meanwhile, the others have just about reached the source of the signal.
The villains are gloating when the world shakes beneath them. There is some danger from what they are doing.
Our heroes arrive at the island and see the castle atop it. They come onland and run into a bunch of Yaatotto. While they fight, Zaihabu and Gregory come out of the cave. They stab the ground, causing a quake and gloating. Our heroes watch uneasily. It is up to them now. Hyuuga leads the change, then the Mega Rangers follow suit, and then the other Gingaman. Together the two groups face Gregory and Zaihabu. But they are knocked for a loop by an attack from the Balban army, when Kenta and Ryouma arrive on a Mega-Ranger Cyber-Slider. Kenta ducks and Ryouma hits them with a fireblast. His Ginga bracelet is jarred free of the sword. They dive down and scoop it up. Victory! Ryouma puts on his bracelet quickly. The young men change into armour and the battle is engaged! Even Gregory is surprised to find they are now facing two full teams of young heroes. The Megaranger and the Gingaman! Furious, our heroes challenge the villains. And Gregory says, "You think you are only facing us?" He gestures and they appear. Every single member of the armies has been called back, except I did not see Degiusu. The battle goes. Our heroes are giving themselves a good accounting, working in pairs members of both teams together. In relative short order, they defeat the armies and face the leaders again. Our villains are less than impressed. The Gingaman face the Balban themselves. Gouki against Budou. Hayate against Shierinda, Saya against Iriesu, Ryouma against Zaihabu and Gregory, Hikaru against Battobasu. The forgotten Megaranger find themselves staring down on the battle. And then Shiborena, still smoking from Shierinda's attack, challenges them.
They all come at her. She knocks them down, when the girls fire on her she gets them back. She thinks only of Dr. Himeda and destroying the Megaranger for him. It is Kenta who finally takes her out. She no longer has any will to survive anyway. She just wants to fight. Kenta stabs her through. She tries to strangle him, but eventually collapses and explodes. The others come anxiously to Kenta, but then the whole ground quakes.
Yes, Daitanix comes up. He has turned blue, no longer red. He is maturing. Panicking, Kenta calls in the Galaxy Mega. They form up to fight the Daitanix. Quickly, Gregory makes himself large. Hyuuga calls in Gao-Taurus and joins with it to form Bull Taurus. He faces Gregory, while the Galaxy Mega fights Daitanix. But they are unable to get through its barriers and are getting frightened. Then a voice signals them. The Skynet. Kenta tells the Gingaman that the barrier that holds them off is in the castle. The Skynet found it and they must destroy it to get their Star Beasts to Earth. But naturally the Balban don't want this to happen. They knock our heroes badly, but Ryouma will not give up, nor with the others. They call on the Ginga Power, enhancing their strength to fight. Their attack devestates the villains, destroying them. Furious, Gregory tries to stab them all, but Bull Taurus prevents that. And then they destroy the castle. The barrier around the planet disintegrates. Before Gregory can more than protest, the Star Beasts land. Yuuta and Bokku cry out for joy when Moku announces their arrival.
Our heroes board their beasts and form Ginga Eo. They power up and now Gregory and Daitanix face three enemies with the power to destroy them. Ginga Eo takes on Daitanix, while Bull Black handles Gregory, and then they destory both of them.
Picknicking together, and Saya makes a Gingaman webpage under Kouichirou's direction. Kenta and Ryouma hang out together under the clean sunlight, lying down in the grass and talking contentedly. They shake hands and agree that they make a great team. The others gather around them. Gouki has a javelin with a white flag attached, and tells them he wants to see them race. He throws the javelin very far and soon Ryouma and Kenta race to see who can get to it and back first while the two teams cheer them on. Their pals hold up a white ribbon, and the boys hit it together, Kenta jumping over it and Ryouma running through it.
Email me with questions, comments, arguments, WHATever.