3,000 years ago, the Baruban(Balban) space pirates invaded Earth.
They lived in a castle resting on the back of a stellar beast, Daitanikusu, who had a great empty stomach.
It got around sucking the energy out of stars.
The Seijuu (Star Beasts) and the first Gingaman, warriors from the Ginga forest, fought the Balban with the mystical power Earth, and finally sealed them on Daitanikusu at the bottom of the ocean. The Ginga people cloaked their forest in marked boundaries and kept watch through 3,000 years, each generation providing a team of warriors to fight if the Balban should break free. This was the 133rd generation, and Hyuuga, Gouki, Hayate, Hikaru and Saya were chosen as the warriors of SeiJuuKen (Star Beast Swords).
When Elder Oogi held the ceremony of the succession of Star BeastSwords, an earthquake broke the seal of Balban (coincidence, I'm sure).
Elder Oogi sent the warriors to get the Ginga Bracelets, hidden in Roaring Mountain (outside of the forest's boundaries).
However, the Balban attacked them to prevent the birth of the new Gingaman.
Ryouma, Hyuuga's younger brother, foolishly challenged Captain Zaihabu of the Balban.
He would have been killed, but Hyuuga took the blast instead.
Then Zaihabu opened a crack in the Earth, and Hyuuga was caught within.
Unable to reach his brother's hand, he instead gave Ryouma the sword, before he fell into the Earth.
Enraged, and anguished from his brother's death, Ryouma accepted his heritage as a Gingaman, and let off a blast which brought the five their Gingabracelets.
The Balban spent the series trying to find a new power source to revitalize Daitanikusa.
Naturally, our heroes spent the series trying to prevent them from doing just that.
The Gingaman had power coins with the symbols of their guardian creatures.
All the companion star beast can be seen at the Mecha-Animals Page.
Warning, lots of pics, may take a bit to load.
Sanbasshu of the Sanbasshu Army, had a weird outfit, like a bunch of open zippers.
He carried a pistol and fancied himself something of a lone biker.
His first monster was Korushizaa, a scorpion-like creature, piratical and a greaser!
He went out in a blaze of glory, when he finally realized he had failed to defeat the new Gingaman.
Battobasu of the Battobasu army.
BIG fellow.
He kept reminding me of vikings.
Carried a big tomahawk-like axe.
His first monster was Dangusu, and it looked like a walking tank.
Massively armor-plated!
The amazing thing about Battobasu is he made it through to the end!
Until he got eaten alive by the Earth Magic.
Just goes to show even when you think you control a beast, it can still get away from you.
Budou, head of the Budou army.
WEIRD looking fellow.
Carried a samurai sword.
The Japanese theme continued with his first monster, Komuhachi.
He was actually an admirable character, too honorable for his own good.
It never occured to him that he would be betrayed by his own side.
There was Pukuratesu.
A little, fat critter who could disguise himself as a barrel.
He was their tinkerer.
He had a wrinkeled, caucasian face (plastic, kids) gold, green and white hair.
Looked English.
Green glasses.
In a way he was a tragic figure, for he loved Iriesu.
He helped her arrange Budou's death, for which I find it difficult to forgive him.
When she died, becuase of their fellow Balbans' plotting to steal her power, fighting the Gingaman, he began to go mad.
He barely escaped with his own life, and hatched a plot to destroy Captain Zaihabu, eventually forcing Hyuuga to work for him.
You may wonder how that was possible with Hyuuga dead, but you see he didn't stay dead.
Click for the before & after pictures of Pukuratesu
The lady of the group, Shierinda, had white hair.
Her armor was largely silver.
What little it covered of her.
Her belly-button was an innie.
She developed a thing against Ginga Green, Hayate, when he succeeded in scratching her on one battle.
She was not a kind person.
There was a hint at one point that she could have become involved with Budou, but he died early, fighting the Gingaman.
The FACELESS minions were called Yaatotto.
They carried big golden pirate swords.
They were orangish, with green and red striped breeches.
Their faces had upside down question marks pretending to be beards.
It was kind of cool-looking in a bizarre way.
The late-arrival on the scene.
Well, with the passage of time, and a few of their associates, they got a little hired help.
Thus came the arrival of the Prince, Bezunera.
He brought with him three starbeasts he had enslaved and mechanized.
However, the Gingaman were able to wrest the beasts from him and so he stayed around, but in a battle with our heroes fell in a pool of acid, and came to look like this before he died.
The leader.
Just think "Hook", folks.
He was massive.
I have to wonder how the actor could possibly move in that outfit (very slowly)!
Think "devil".
His skin was hellish red, he had fangs, a patch over one eye.... A hook at the end of his left arm, for the first Gingared cut it off, and so he had a strong ... er, dislike... for the present Gingared.
This information provided by the marvellous Sir Stack.
1. Densetsu no Yaiba (The Legendary Swords)
2. Seijuu no Sairai (Second Coming Of The Star-Beasts)
3. Daichi no Chie (Wisdom Of The Earth)
4. Aasu no Kokoro (Grounding Of The Heart)
5. Hissatsu no Kiba (The Deadly Kiba)
6. Seijuu no Kiki (Peril Of The Star-Beasts)
7. Fukkatsu no Toki (Time Of Revival)
8. Aijou no Ryouri (The Cooking of Love)
9. Himitsu no Koneko (The Secret Kitten)
10. Kaze no Fue (Flute Of The Wind)
11. Senshi no Junjou (A Warrior's Pure Heart)
12. Akumu no Saikai (Reunion Of Nightmare)
13. Gyakuten no Juugekibou (The Counterattacking Juugekibou)
14. Futari no Saya (The Two Sayas)
15. Kyoufu no Shakkuri (The Hiccup Of Terror)
16. Kokoro no Furusato (Homeland Of The Heart)
17. Hontou no Yuuki (True Courage)
18. Nazo no Kuro Kishi (The Mysterious Black Knight)
19. Fukushuu no Kishi (The Knight Of Revenge)
20. Hitori no Tatakai (The One-Man Battle)
21. Tomato no Shiren (The Ordeal Of Tomatoes)
22. Hikari no Shutsugen (The Appearance Of Light)
23. Soudatsu no Hate (Struggle's End)
24. Budoo no Shuunen (Budoo's Spite)
25. Kuro Kishi no Ketsui (Decision Of The Black Knight)
26. Honoo no Kyoudai (The Brothers Of Flame)
27. Miira no Yuuwaku (The Mummy's Allure)
28. Papa no Hyouhen (Papa's Sudden Change)
29. Yami no Shounin (The Merchant of Darkness)
30. Hagane no Seijuu (The Steel Star-Beasts)
31. Noroi no Ishi (The Stone Curse)
32. Yuujou no Kidouba (The Manuevering Grounds Of Friendship)
33. Akogare no Saya (Saya Is Adored)
34. Fujimi no Iriesu (The Invulnerable Iliess)
35. Gouki no Sentaku (Gouki's Choice)
36. Muteki no Haruhiko (The Invincible Haruhiko)
37. Pukuratesu no Yabou (Pucrate's Treachery)
38. Hyuuga no Ketsudan (Hyuuga's Decision)
39. Kokoro no Massaji (Massaging Of The Heart)
40. Kanashimi no Majin (The Demon's Grief)
41. Majuu no Fukatsu (Revival Of The Demon-Beast)
42. Senritsu no Majuu (The Horrible Demon-Beast)
43. Densetsu no Sokuseki (The Footprints Of Legends)
44. Chikyuu no Majuu (The Demon-Beast Of The Earth)
45. Yousei no Namida (The Fairy's Tears)
46. Ikari no Kaze (Winds Of Hatred)
47. Akuma no Sakuryaku (The Device Of The Devil)
48. Mooku no Saigo (Mooku's Final Moments)
49. Kiseki no Yama (Miracle Of The Mountain)
50. Ashita no rejiendo (The Legends Of Tomorrow)