The Gaoranger face an enemy out of their league, Highness Rakusharsa. Other Sentai come to help.
Red Falcon, Yuusuke Amamiya of Liveman, whom GoBlue says is played by Daisuke Shima. Go Yellow, Daimon Tatsumi of Gogofive, played by Kenji Shibata. Big One, Soukichi Banba of JAKQ, played by legendary Hiroshi Miyauchi. Ginga Blue, Gouki of Gingaman, played by Shouei. Mega Pink, Miku Imamura of Megaranger, played by Mami Higashiyama.
At last I have seen this movie! Therefore the summaries are below. But I'll tell you one thing. NOTHING beats the character of Soukichi Banba. Hiroshi Miyauchi just has SUCH fun with this character. For me, he stole the whole movie.
A blue jewel floating in vast space. A voice which speaks with a special, deep wisdom. "Do you all know? This is the beautiful blue Earth we all live on, and there were millions of dangerous, dark things trying to blow out the light of life." A flare of light to replace the jewel of Earth, and we see inside... An ancient face in a terribly strange, t-shaped head gear. Six golden stars on either side of that face. Six golden shuriken crosses on the vertical arms. He is Kuroshuujisouto, enemy of the Goranger. A woman in her thirties, powerful and laughing with that strength, headgear of black and white, spikes sticking out like upside down crab's legs. The white like bone. Queen Hedorian, enemy of the Denjiman. A woman in red, shining vinyl, short skirt, with silver horns on her head joined to a metal band and a vicious temper. Queen Kimera, enemy of the Dynaman. Brief image of a crowd of enemies, the Shinteikoku Gia, enemies of the Bioman. A being whose head is swelled and veined, can't identify him. A man with silver hair curling over his face almost down to his nose. Toranza of Jetman. A striking man with a faintly Elvis-like haircut, a great golden claw-like horn on his left shoulder. Liveman's Daikyouju Pierce. A laughing woman in white armor, hair an astounding shade of pink. Lira of Timeranger. A woman's face in space, overriding an image of Earth. Beautiful, marked with black. Solar winds like white hair flowing away. Gingakoutei Medow of Fiveman. Three mechanical beings, one a fat male, one a small male who looks a bit like a dog, one a matriarchal female. Ohranger's Baranoia Crown family. Three who stand in shadow, one a woman in blue with a helmet, one a robot-like being, one an older man whose hair sweeps back like wings. Megaranger's Shiborena, Yugande and Dr. Hineda. Here is a beautiful woman, a peacock crown of purple, gold and blue, whose clothing looks like it might fall off at any moment, and a being with tiny, red eyes and a mouth full of teeth. Zonette and Gainamo of Carranger. A coppery spiked creature, a huge, bat-eared being with a sailing ship's wheel on his chest. A red and black creature with zippers. Battobasu, Captain Zaihabu and Sanbasshu of Gingaman. A golden being alone in a dark cave, Gogofive's Jirufeeza. "But don't worry! There were also many brave heroes that saved us from them. Their strong spirits have been saving the light of this planet. And right in front of you are five brave spirits fighting right now to save you." And we get a short quick viewing of the assorted groups who have protected this world. And now the narrator finishes his lecture and we get down to business. A group in a long, flat surface surrounded by trees. Five brightly-clad people, the Gaoranger, race towards them. Of course they face Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue, a company of Aurgettes with them. "Nice of you to come, Gaoranger!" cries Tsue Tsue. "We knew you would," mocks Yaba-iba. And our heroes call the change into their armor. Roll beginning credits!
And the battle is joined. Our heroes claw their way through their enemies in the usual manner, White dropping onto a pair of startled Aurgettes. Yellow and Yaba-iba go at it with their usual enthusiasm until Yellow smashes him into a cliff. Tsue Tsue is quick to make sure he's all right, and the area has cleared of Aurgettes as the heroes assemble to go at the two Dukes. Red shouts from above, "What's the matter, finished already?" Yaba-iba clambers to his feet indignantly, favoring his injured shoulder. But he complains only to Tsue Tsue, "Are you SURE this is the place?" And far below them, under the ground, is the answer. A great, purple horn is all we see. The steam rises, and a voice says "Rarararararara," and then utters a roar which resounds through the air above and shakes the valley. Strange smoke rises around the dukes, who were actually expecting it but are still shaken. Our heroes struggle to balance, while their two enemies laugh in the smoke. As suddenly as it began, it is over. Before anyone can get excited, Tsue Tsue's horn flashes, then so does Yaba-iba's. With crows of delight, they glance at each other and he says, "I can feel the power!" staring at his hands. The two dukes horns glow, and then their horns turn golden, to our heroes' surprise. An instant later the Aurgettes are also affected, their horns getting longer and curling down slightly. White gasps, "Look at the Aurgettes, too!" and Black utters a frustrated, "What the heck is going on?!" Feeling their power, the two dukes step forward and challenge the Gaoranger. And when the heroes go up against them this time...
Blue leaps to claw an Aurgette's face, but it is fast enough to block his strike. It punches back, hard and fast. Blue falls gasping his amazement. Black catches one by the neck and starts to spin it, but it is strong enough to pull his hands away and then butts him with its head. He staggers back, holding his poor, battered head. The Aurgettes are stronger than the Gaoranger. And so exponentially are the two Dukes. Yellow fights Yaba-iba again. They were about equal before, but now... he cannot block Yaba-iba's strikes and soon falls. Tsue Tsue is too fast for White to even touch, and then pins her against a boulder to mock her. And below, the mighty horn now glows and sends up a field of power. The Aurgettes smash down Blue and Black, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba blast cut and burn down Yellow and White. Red sees his four companions fall hard in explosions, to lie still on the ground. "GUYS!" They do not move, each holding his weapon but so still. "This isn't happening!" But it is. Yaba-iba informs him amusedly, "Well, it looks like you're all that's left." "Die!" shouts Tsue Tsue. She sends a powerful blast from her staff at Red, who cries out in agony. He lands on his back and struggles to right himself through the pain. "I don't believe it," he gasps out as he tries to get back up. "We're the Gaoranger! We will not be beaten!" His cry echoes across the plain. And suddenly everything goes black.
A moment later and the air is clear again. Red gasps and moves, finding himself on his feet. The silence seems deafening. "Now what's happening?" he wonders in confusion. Behind him stand the others. They are still as if they've turned into dolls. When he turns and sees them he calls, "What's the matter?" And then at last there is a sound. He whirls to see a white and blue line of fuzz flying at him and dives out of its path. More of them hurtle towards the others, and Red leaps to keep White free. "Look out!!" When they hit the ground rolling, White comes to life, gasping with Red as they see the other three still standing motionless, caught in the coiling blue and white fuzzy ropes. "Come on, let's see if we can help them!" Red says, and they scramble to their feet, racing to their companions. The ropes, fragile as they look, do not yield to the two's efforts. A roar turns them around. There is mist beyond them. In that mist stands a new Aurg holding a three-pronged staff. The fuzzy ropes extend towards them from his hips, his hair is a white mass. Four red eyes glow in his chest as he approaches them. Red calls challenge, intending to show this one what they can do. However, no one seems impressed and it is Yaba-iba who responds and not directly. "What do you think Tsue Tsue? We're so powerful now. What can he do?" Tsue Tsue decides to provide introductions. "This is the power of Hagura Highness Rakushaasa."
In Gao Rock, Tetomu screams and backs away from the pool. "Hagura Higness! They'll die!" Her heel catches in her dress and she falls over backwards.
Tsue Tsue relates a bit of history, how Rakushaasa was defeated but not destroyed. How he'd simply fallen dormant. Her face as she finishes that tale is a kind of grim sadness. But now she is pleased, for he is awake and alive, a new warrior. And he will take the courage of warriors. White and Red gasp in confusion. Then the white bands of the strands binding the other three Gaoranger begin to glow. Light flashes from them into Rakushaasa, who laughs and finally releases them. Before Red and White quite know what happens, their companions are screaming. The two whirl to see Yellow fall to his knees. "No! I don't want to die!" he cries, clutching his head. Black gasps hoarsely, "No, not me!" Blue falls to hands and knees. "I'm too young!" Soon they writhe on the ground. They have been stripped of courage, of capacity to believe in themselves. And only White and Red are still able to fight. And now Rakushaasa intends to get the other two. Red quickly calls in the Gao Main Buster to hold off the Aurg, telling White to get the other three out of there. "But I want to help you!" "Well the others can't fight! Hurry! GO!" Rakushaasa starts towards them, then says calmly, "You two, it'd be good if you go get those four." They head off, and he catches Red in his blue and white coil, starting the process that will steal his fighting spirit. He has much to show him of terror.
Again the world changes. Red walks among crowds who do not seem to notice him. However, suddenly he is under attack. The knife blades that strike him from the passersby seem almost just incidental, and the crowds continue to pass him without noticing his presence as he is wounded and cries out in agony.
White has collected the three despairing men on a temple's steps and lectures them in dismay. "What's the matter with you?! Has he taken all the courage that made you warriors?!" They cannot meet her eyes and stare miserably down. She gazes unhappily at them. And then someone speaks from behind her. "Young miss," and she turns. It is an elderly monk, dressed in black and sandals, wearing a straw hat, wooden prayer beads and holding a staff. "What is wrong?" he asks. The only thing odd about him is the red flower stuck in his black clothing. Now he slips it out to sniff the perfume. He eyes her with a strange twinkle, then heads towards her, chuckling. "When you're troubled, if you see a flower then your heart will be strengthened." He holds his flower to her and she takes it, feeling rather confused. In the closeup of his lips, it is blindingly obvious the moustache is fake. He continues, "To get a truly red rose, you have to have four special colors. Do you know? One of them is Blue, like the sky." Blue reacts, staring at him in wondering confusion. "The light coming from the dark, yellow like the sun." Yellow stares at him uncertainly, lips parted. He moves along the line to finally stop in front of Black. "Only having the light of the sun, a rose won't be red. It needs also the blackness that watches through the night." Black gazes numbly at him. Now he turns to White. "And last of all, to be a gentle flower, it needs white." She gazes back at him, but not numbly. Holding the flower she says with frustration, "I don't have time to listen to this!" He utters a soft, amused laugh and paces a bit away. "That's what it looks like." Yellow asks for the others, "What is it?" And he answers. "It's about the warriors that have fought before you. There have always been five warriors who saved the world. They fought so that everyone could have a happy future. Do you know a story like that?" The boys look nervously at each other while White stares at the monk in exasperation. Yellow says in awe, "Five warriors, just like us." White whirls quickly to see Blue pull at Black's shoulders. "So that means we don't have to..!" Black agrees, "Fight!" White is totally furious. "It doesn't mean that!" She whirls to the monk, "What are you -- " but he is gone, as if he was never there.
They all gasp in astonishment and the boys hop up from the stairs. Then their four G-Phones suddenly come to life, leaping from their pockets in animal mode. Two fly off, two run off along the ground. Stunned, Blue gasps "The G-phones are running away from us!" White gasps, "Why ME?!" And all four of them race after their phones. The narrator wonders, what are the G-phones doing?
Red flees a pursuing crowd. The funny thing is they don't actually LOOK like they're after him. They just seem to be running the same direction. And yet we know he is right, as they drive him in front of police, who fire on him and he falls, losing his armor. And when he looks up, he finds the police and the crowds are Aurg they've already defeated. The police become Traffic Light and Turbine. The laughing crowd behind him becomes Bulldozer, Tire and Plugma. Traffic Light smashes Red down, and Rakushaasa appears in the sky to laugh at him. "How long can you keep standing?"
White pursues her G-phone into the city. "WAIT! I'm still willing to fight!!" It leads her into a game arcade, where it comes to rest at the feet of a pretty young woman, who picks it up in interest. Nevermind the curious bracelet on her wrist. "What's this? A cellphone?" she opens it and studies the keyboard.
Blue jogs to a halt by a police office, looking around for his G-phone. He would have sworn it came this way. There is a sudden clonking sound from behind him and a cry of pain. He turns quickly. The police officer in the station is clutching his head and protesting "Ouch!" (in English). Blue is puzzled, then sees his G-phone lying on the floor next to the man's feet. But the officer reaches down to pick up the golden instrument. He also has a strange bracelet on his wrist. He heads out onto the street with it grumbling, "What'd this thing do, fly?!" Blue quickly races towards him. "Hey, that's mine!" At his sudden approach, the confused officer whirls. Before Blue can snatch his G-phone, the other man has him by the wrist and, in an easy move, sends him flying overhead to land on his back. Staring astonished up at the sky Blue says, "What WAS that attack?! Wow!" The police officer is about having an apoplexy and shouts, "WHY'D YOU JUMP ON ME SO QUICK?!" and continues with a threat to arrest him. But Blue doesn't even seem to notice that. He rolls over and bows low, "Let me be your student, I'm begging!" The young man stares back at him in total distress and confusion.
Graves, or just memorial markers. On a lonely cliff over-looking the sea. They've been well-tended, no sign of wear and tear. Flowers are set on them. 1967-1986 Mari Aikawa, reads the first. 1966 to 1986 Takuji Yano, reads the second. 1966-1989 Rui Senda, the third. 1965-1989 Kenji Tsukigata, the fourth. There is sadness and there is madness in this world. And here is a man who has seen more than his share of both. He wears a sea-blue jacket, white slacks and shoes. He it was who brought the flowers, and now bends down to look at the four stones marking the passing of two friends, and two who should have been friends. He bows his head to pray. Just then, a strange golden thing lands at his feet. Surprised, he reaches down to pick it up. At that moment another person comes up to the rise. It is the pale-haired Yellow. He stops hesitantly and begins to say in shy softness, "That's -- " when mocking laughter cuts him off. Yaba-iba has caught up with him. "Found you!" and the Aurgettes gather close. The man in front of the graves stares uncomprehendingly. But Yaba-iba goes too far, mocking he stamps his foot on the dates displayed on the fourth grave. The reaction he gets is unexpected and he is unprepared. The stranger's eyes go hard and furious. He straightens up and snarls "Get your foot off that!" and at Yaba-iba's inquiry, turns into Red Falcon. He is powerful, angry and dangerous, and he drives off the very startled Yaba-iba. "Guess you live a little longer, Gao Yellow!" that one cries. Red Falcon watches them flee, then turns his head towards the stranger staring at him. "Gao Yellow?" he asks wonderingly. Yellow steps closer, eyes searching for his own answers. Four graves have led him to one painful conclusion. "You were one of five warriors, weren't you?" The two simply continue to stare at each other. Then Red Falcon releases his armor and studies the younger man.
Black meets up with a bunch of Aurgettes in the woods. Terrified, he finds that one has his G-Phone and is holding it out mockingly to him. Suddenly, water springs up from the ground and a furious voice calls vengeance upon the Aurgettes. The G-Phone falls, and Black looks for the source of the voice. It comes. A blue warrior. The man masses plenty. He is taller than the Aurgettes and very powerfully built. And he wades through them like they are leaves. Smashing a few into trees, breaking one's chest. When the Aurgettes are all defeated, he turns to walk away. "Wait, please!" cries Black. And the man he calls stops and turns, armor vanishing to reveal a face not too much older than Black. A blue headband, wide cheekbones, bright troubled eyes and a firm kind of nobility.
Red falls tumbling onto cement. He is bleeding from the lip, and he favors his right shoulder. But he is not beaten yet. Traffic Light catches him from behind and pins him as the laughing Tire and Bulldozer approach. Red stamps on his captor's foot, breaks his hold whirls about and grabs that ones legs, throwing him over his head to land on the two other attackers. He won't be beaten and dives down behind a rock wall to lie panting wearily on the ground. The respite is short, though. Ship, Keitai Denwa and Wedding Dress have found him and announce it happily.
White is having a difficult time of it. The woman carrying her G-Phone is moving along at a quick walk, amused and delighted by the instrument and by the younger girl following in her wake. "Gaoranger, eh?" and she holds the G-Phone to her ear. "Yes, and that's why you must PLEASE give it back!" protests White. But the other woman dances on, ignoring her pleas. "I have to have it to help Red!" They reach the bottom of a staircase up to the street, only to find Tsue Tsue and Aurgettes at the top. There is mockery, and White starts to demand her G-phone but the other girl grabs her hand and drags her away. Tsue Tsue pursues.
"This way, this way!" The girl has them both in high school uniforms now, and keeps dragging White along. She is trying to get White to laugh and enjoy this, but White is too frustrated and worried. "Oh, but you're so cute!" the woman says, adjusting her lapels. But before they can go farther, other girls scream. Yes, Tsue Tsue and the Aurgettes have caught up. The girl drags White away with her. Tsue Tsue hurries to pursue when a staff slids in front of her and trips her up. The other girl takes White to a large indoor water park, and they are both in swimsuits. White jerks loose to protest and asks what this business of changing into school clothes and now swimsuits is all about. The girl asks, "Haven't you ever done this?" "Huh?" "This changing. The women soldiers do it." She gestures at her sweet suit. White, in a bright pink suit and hair tied up, gazes back at her in total incomprehension. Flashes of scenes from old shows, starting with Peggy Matsuyama of Goranger in a wetsuit. Many different outfits she's worn as disguise, but she's still Momoranger. And there are so many others who've uses disguise to confuse and bewilder, or trap their enemies. No, I won't list all the examples, only the ones I know easily. Gogglepink, Dynapink, the Changeman women, the Turboranger girl. Zyuranger's Mei, when fighting Rami. Kakuranger's Tsuruhime. Ohranger's girls. Gogofive's Matsuri. Yuuri of Time Ranger, her only massive change when confronting the men with astounding beauty.
A little blown away, White gazes numbly at the young woman guiding her through this. But the examples are not over yet. Now we see them in their battle armor, again starting with Momoranger of Goranger. For a woman is as deadly as a man. Miss America. Goggle Pink. The Bioman girls. Flashman girls. Turboranger. Jetman. Zyuranger. Dairanger. Kakuranger. Ohranger. Carranger. Megaranger. Gingaman. etc etc. They are by the wave pool, and when the two girls are shown together it becomes all the more obvious how young White is. She's quite undeveloped next to Miku Imamura. But just as they are about to play, laughter echoes. For Tsue Tsue has also arrived in a bathing suit and beautiful. And she sends a crowd of Aurgettes at them. They fight in the water (I won't mention the hip-attack). Then the girls take off together. Tsue Tsue pursues the fleeing girls, only to get knocked into the water by a flying hat.
Red still fights and gets knocked down, but now changes into battle armor. He won't give up.
Black begs for Ginga Blue's help. Ginga Blue sits on a log and tells him uncertainly that he cannot teach Black how to be strong. But our boy won't listen. He goes all the way down on his knees, head buried between outstretched arms to plead. Gouki looks quite embarrassed and anguished. "I understand. I understand but..." and he steps from the log to gently take Black's shoulders and attempt to pull him up. "Raise your head, please..!" Black does, only to plead with every aspect of his being. He must be so hard to refuse. Gouki says hesitantly, "Before, there's something I want you to listen to." For he has a tale of when his war was fought. He stands tall above the uncertain Black to tell him. There was the battle of Goranger's Kiranger (which I don't know) who was a weighty man. And yet he used his power. There was JAKQ's green. Battle Cossack. So many others (mostly yellow, but greens and other blacks. Yellow Owl of Jetman. Mammoth Ranger. Dragon Ranger. All a matter of the constructive use of their power. Including Mega Black, Go Blue, Time Yellow. But Gouki had not been able to focus his power like that, until a talk with Ryouma at the edge of the lake that hid the stone Ginga Forest. Until the others had come to him to tell him their will for his. "You have to have friends." And Black unhappily replies that his friends need him, he has to protect them. He remains kneeling, pleading. "Is that so?" Gouki asks. He seems disappointed. And now he walks away, past Black. Leaving him. Black is about to give up when he sees a cluster of small, white flowers directly in Gouki's path and knows the huge man will step on them. Impulse drives him to leap frantically, a palm outstrectched to catch Gouki's descending foot right in time and flip the other man onto his back on the far side of the flowers. Black is laughing with relief until Gouki says with affectionate amusement, "That's what I was waiting for." Black stares dumbfounded at the grinning man.
Red still fights, Wedding Dress has him trapped and attacks, flames from the magic wand. Red is hit many times and falls on his back. But he remembers when Black leaped into the pond and splashed the enemy, putting out the fire. And so Red leaps for the water to do the same. It works, to the startled Aurg's dismay.
Blue goes rolling on the mats of the practice room, and his erstwhile tutor shouts scolding at him. Hard to say which of them is less mature. Furious Daimon heads for their packs and hauls out a carton of milk. "THIS is what you need!" Blue stares bewildered. Daimon proceeds to lecture on the benefits to your fighting body of drinking milk. We are drawn back to the memory of when Daimon fought the demon who had taken on studying with his old teacher. It ground him into the dirt, his teacher looked dismayed. His family had to hold themselves back. But Daimon had gotten up again, bleeding and battered, to keep fighting. He had drunk down a whole carton of milk and felt it reenergize him. Mad and determined, he psyched out the enemy and wiped the floor with him. Literally. "Didn't you say that your attacks didn't even phaze your enemy?" Daimon asks. And Blue agrees. "My attacks were only good in speed!" Daimon is calm and tells him, "It's not just because your enemy got stronger. It's because you got weaker." He turns on Blue to explain, again a history lesson of old fighters. The Goranger and Green's slingshot. Blue's arrows. Red's punches. Battle Fever J's men. Denjiman. Sunvulcan. I should just face it, they're often showing them in order. But battles where the heroes responded to uncertainty by betting stronger, not weaker. There are some GREAT scenes! No, I'm not getting snaps of them. Blue is stunned and impressed. And now Daimon has something more to tell him with quiet wisdom and strong seriousness. "All of the warriors had a great deal of strength. They had it because they trained their will, forged themselves." Blue asks, "Forged their hearts?" Daimon answers him firmly, "They never gave in and believed they would be defeated. That's what you need." And Blue sinks to his knees. He speaks of how he feels he is defeated, how he wants to believe in himself again and looks with determination at Daimon, who grins at him and holds out the carton of milk in invitation. Blue looks determined to do it and gets up to take the carton. At least when he drinks the milk doesn't pour down his chest!
Red still fights, but he has learned something of what to do. With his claw he tries to fight ship, and remembers how Blue had cut one of that one's horns down. "Blue showed me how to defeat you!" and he succeeds. Rakushaasa takes a look in and finds to his astonishment the battle is still going.
And on a rocky beach by the sea, Yellow is training in sword combat with Liveman's Yuusuke Amamiya. How many times has he struck only to find the older man's blade at his throat? I couldn't guess. But his weakness is infuriating his teacher, and Amamiya punches him to the ground and then places the blade against his chest. "Are you that afraid to die?" Yellow stares helplessly up at him and asks weakly, "So, what can I do?" With a weary sigh, Amamiya draws the blade back. He has memories of his own battles against vicious monsters. Against friends who became monster. Coron getting terribly damaged to save his life when he wasn't fighting, and thus he got his spirit back and defeated the enemy. "If you don't defeat your fears, you won't be able to defeat your enemy." Yellow stands as he speaks, listening. Defeat your fears. Our hero asks uncertainly, "Were you seperated too?" "Though I have fought, it's not just me. There are millions of warriors better than me." Yellow pants uncertainly at hearing that. Changeman, for one. The memories are terrible, of battles where they've had to drive themselves to the utmost. To destroy the enemy and not merely defeat it. The cost for both sides is tremendous. Yellow uncertainly grips his pommel.
Red battles still. Keitai Denwa Aurg, and the memory of how Yellow had defeated that one helps him, as he catches him and smashes him against walls and ground. "Yellow taught me that!" and now he uses the Gao Main Buster against Wedding Dress.
Black and Gouki still sit on opposite sides of the small white flowers, and the grinning Ginga Blue says teasingly, "You wanted to save that flower from me, so much." Black gapes at him. "You did that on purpose?" Gouki nods at him, chuckling. Black half-heartedly tosses some dead leaves at the amused man. That Black would call upon his power for someone else's sake proves he still has it. And at least the will to protect others makes you a warrior. And Black realizes at last that he has the power, to at least protect everyone else and the world from the Aurg. And Gouki stands, laughing, to send this young warrior off.
Red continues to fight, now he is blasting away at Ship.
It is Daimon, this time, who lands heavily on his face on the mats. For Blue has found his strength again. "I did it!" he crows in relief. And his very indignant teacher calls him to help him up. Blue leaps to do so. Just in time, for the Aurgettes have found them. When Daimon would have changed into armor, Blue stops him. "Leave it to me, these are MINE to defeat!" and Daimon nods proud agreement. Blue will NOT be defeated again by mere Aurgettes. He pulls out his G-phone. "Gao Access!"
Red is blasting away at Keitai Denwa.
Yellow is drawing on all his strenth and determination. He and Red Falcon stare at each other, and with a roar, Yellow is in his Gao Armor. And Red Falcon calls, "Come!" and he too is in his armor. The two launch themselves at each other. Red Falcon suddenly finds Yellow gone, and then our Gao flies down on top of him. And blade meets blade. Then stillness, waves washing things up on the beach. Yellow's dagger is at Red Falcon's throat. Their blades are locked together. This one, Yellow has won. And Red Falcon tells Yellow he has his spirit back. Yellow lowers the blade and nods, then walks away without looking back. "Wait, Red."
Red waits, by continuing to fight. He has finally destroyed them all, and the dream he was in breaks. He stands in the valley, Rakushaasa's coil about his body, and though free of the illusion his is still trapped. Rakushaasa raises him into the air and uses electric shocks to blast him, forcing his armor off and his G-phone falls to the ground below. "Gao Red, why weren't you defeated?" And Red answers him, "My friends are within me!" Rakushaasa tries to counter that he's taken those three's courage, but that hardly matters to Red. He has so much more of them that a moment's thought. In vengeance, Rakushaasa starts to crush him in that coil.
Down at the bay, Miku Imamura walks with White behind her. "Everyone says no, and so you think it's no. I think that's rather strange." White looks frustrated and weary. "But..!" "A long time ago, I thought like you." And we are drawn to her past, to when the other Megaranger were fighting without her. They needed her, and so they called her and spoke desperately of how they needed her. How much she was part of them, and the cost of not having her together with their friends. She had been forced to come. And so at last Miku gives White her G-phone back. "It wasn't just me," murmurs White. But Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba have arrived. Just as they are about to attack, and the two young women are about to transfer into their battle armor, another male voice speaks. "You have to wait."
He walks towards them, the monk in his clothing, the red flower on his lapel. They all stare at him with puzzled interest. He looks around, then raises a hand and gestures the Aurg to come at him. They are thrown into confusion and Yaba-iba turns his head to consult Tsue Tsue, as always. She sends the Aurgettes to attack, but he is making short work of them with only his staff. They are confused and annoyed. "What are you?" snarls Tsue Tsue. He chuckles low in response and pulls his hat up. With his whole outfit he tosses it flying. His true clothing is a blindingly white suit, a multi-colored ribbon fastening a red cloth around his neck, a red flower in his lapel. He is older, much older than them, and he must have been devastating when he was young. As it is his charisma is pretty devastating now. "I am the captain of Electric Corp JAQK, Soukichi Banba!" he introduces himself with dignified flourish. He gives a slight shrug of his shoulder and... I just can't quite describe his delivery, all twinkling mischief and mocking coolness as he simply says, "Nice to meet you." The two dukes just don't know what to make of him. Tsue Tsue repeats, "JAQK?!" and Yaba-iba asks, "Electric Corp?!" White and Miku gaze at all this, also rather confused.
Tsue Tsue blasts at the man, and he sort of dives for it to get out of the way. He tosses his flowers and they impact between the two dukes' eyes. Then they explode! Poor Yaba-iba, his face is blackened and lookes really horrid. Tsue Tsue is coughing up smoke, her lips red in the soot covering her skin. And he stands and laughs at them, then provokes an attack by Yaba-iba. But Banba drives that one back into a concerned Tsue Tsue. Furious, Yaba-iba tries a double-pronged knife attack. Sanbasou sends the blast back. They two dukes fall into the water.
The battle over, Sanbasou walks with the two youngsters. He tells White it is time to return to her battle. She understands now why her G-phone had flown from her. Because she let herself be defined by others. And he replies, "And what of your friends?" Well, she will go back for them. Thanking these two people for their help. And she is not the only one returning. Blue races through the streets. Black comes from the woods and Yellow from the beach. Following old tradition, the Aurg have strung Red up on a cross, and they wait to see if his friends will come. They laugh mockingly. But then to their surprise, Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue comes staggering up the road and stop to gape. For they are already there. Rakushaasa is stuck between the four who are accusing each other of being Gaoranger. But he knows, and when he whirls the two who were with him knock him back into the real two's arms. Gao White helps a very confused Red down from the cross. For those in front of them are not Gaoranger. They are Miku Imamura and Soukichi Banba. And with laughter, they both reveal their true selves. Red, who has been blissfully ignorant of all the going ons, is stunned. Miku sticks her tongue out at them, and Banba winks laughingly. "Nice to meet you again," he tells the dukes. They are NOT happy. When Tsue Tsue squeaks his name with fury, he gives her an innocent shrug in return and moves into defense position of the other three people. But Rakushaasa opens his hand to reveal the G-phone. "Aren't you forgetting something?" They are dismayed, but it only lasts an instant. There is a blast, and the G-phone flies into Red's hands. Between the two groups one of Yellow's daggers is embedded in the ground. The boys are here, and the five of them together are the Gaoranger. The world is right again. And Red shouts, "Now we'll show you how we can fight!" When Rakushaasa tries to mock them for their earlier cowardice, it is nothing. For they show in battling and taking down the Aurgettes that they are what they were. Rakushaasa is quite dismayed. "Why can you fight?" and the answer comes from the cliff above. Daimon, Gouki and Yuusuke Amamiya have come, and Daimon shouts, "Because they have warriors' courage!! They have the strength to fight!" And Blue adds, "They'll fight to protect the helpless of the world." And Amamiya adds his voice, "Because they cannot be broken. They'll keep fighting." And down below them, their three erstwhile students do agree. And these three men leap down to join the battle, smashing and bashing their way through the Aurgettes, wearing out long frustrations. And now the ten stand together. Banba leads the change, each one of them using their own command code to take on their armor. Big One is the last before the Gaoranger change. It is very bewildering for the Aurg to face this chaotically combined team. Each one introduces themselves, which uses up quite a bit of time.
Rakushaasa uses his power to call out the old Aurg enemies. Plugma, Turbine, Tire, Traffic Light, Bulldozer. But instead of having the Gaoranger fight those, the five others volunteer to hold the Arug off. Red Falcon starts it and Big One firmly agrees with him, giving the command to Red. The Gaoranger face the masters. And they are a wonder and a pleasure to watch. And the Liveman theme song is used for the whole battle. They make short work of the Aurg. Gouki takes out Tire. Big One takes out Turbine. Mega Pink slaughters Plugma. Go Yellow gets Traffic Light. And of course Red Falcon takes out Bulldozer Aurg. They are not to be defeated. But neither will the Gaoranger be. Yellow is tearing through Yaba-iba's guard and winning. White claws Tsue Tsue's face rather thoroughly. And Rakushaasa ends up with the whole group driving him back, Black heading the attack. Blue gives him a whirl, using the power of milk. Yellow comes in last with the Eagle Sword, and a flying jump to cut through Rakushaasa's cords. And now, the the Final Mode and then the Hyakujuuken, Gao Red strikes what he intends to be the final blow.
But it isn't. For Rakushaasa goes giant on them and walks away. So our heroes call for Gao Muscle. The battle is joined in the city. "What do you think you can do?" "We'll show you!" But he gets them in his cords and squashes them, so the formation is broken and our heroes fall to the cement. They avoid getting stomped on, but Gao Lion has arrived to fight, using a tumbling attack. He calls Red and we see he is not alone. For all the other Red's have come in their weapons. All of them. We even see the Ohranger's man announcing his man to go. It may be noted that all flight scenes are taken from the old shows, no new footage is being used except for some minimal effort in the impacts on Rakushaasa. Ginga Lion and the Dairanger Dragon use fire to stagger him, but for the most part he is being hit by assorted robots. The V-Rex is there, and takes a bad hit from Rakushaasa. But it's not over, for Gao Lion suggests and the others confirm. The Gaoranger must form Gao King.
They ride in on the Soul Bird, and find they are enhanced by the power of every great formation there has been, they see them all, Every one of them, as their power joins to Gao King's. And this gives their Super Animal Heart attack power such as has never been seen before. Rakushaasa is completely destroyed. Or is he?
For the fleeing Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are caught by two cords that reach out from the pile of green foam he has become. He sucks away the power he had given them, leaving them normal again, and regenerates. Finally he lets them go and they fall. The ten heroes are there to face him, but his blast is powerful and they are all knocked flying. He will eat this world, and no one can stop him. The ten get back to their feet, more than slightly disheartened, but Go Yellow and Big One are not finished yet. For these heroes need the courage of the Super Sentai. Uncertain, Gao Red repeats the phrase. And Red Falcon leaps up to the cliff heights above, and then they are all with him. Every Red from every Sentai show, lined up in a row. And again using footage from the original shows, each man introduces himself. to us. They shine, a ribbon of red on the cliff. Each single thread of their show's theme song. It's a bit annoying, but what the heck. And Gao Red intends that they should not let their folks down. They channel tremendous power, encouraged by their predecessors, and from their souls a ball of rolling energy forms above them. The team launches Red into the air and he uses the Gao Ranger Storm (a varient of Go Ranger's famous attack) to send that energy at the startled Rakushaasa. He is blown quite literally to bits, and nothing remains. Our heroes congratulate themselves, then turn to thank the others. But they are all gone, as though they never were there.
And so the Gaoranger return home to Tetomu, but they find her unconscious on the floor. She had slept through the whole thing. When she wakes it is with a cry of horror to says something about the Hagure Highness, and then finds her group there and perfectly fine, so she is quite confused. Red tells her they have already defeated him, and she is delighted, saying she hadn't believed they could.
"Was that battle just a dream? No, it wasn't." the narrator tells us, laughing. "The Gaoranger and the Power Animals really did fight, and win this great battle, for the sake of us all."
On Animalium the team gathers around Red, and White places a red flower in his jacket. "What's this?" he asks. She only grins and chuckles, the others do too. When they pat him and look smugly at the flower, he tries to ask again but they will not tell. And Gao Lion raors, then leaps down to hear the five's promise that they will always be the Gaoranger, and never forget the courage of the Super Sentai.