![]() Quests 31-40 Quest 46 Aired January 6, 2002 正月が襲う Shougatsu ga Osou Attack of the New Year's
The Matrix is lighter these days, though vapors still shroud the floor. Yaba-iba paces and shouts unhappily, "What's taking so long? Late Late LATE! How much longer. Hey, new Higness Duke, where are you? Come on, come out, please!" he shouts at various stone shapes around the cave. He even tries pleading with the Aurg Master, but the stone shape remains silent and still. "I'm so lonely," he mutters softly. "Guys, I need you!" Red bounces into the main room. The others dig in under the kotatsu and try not to see him. Exasperated he demands, "Have you forgotten our sacred duty?!" "To fight the Aurg," replies Yellow, wearily rubbing his feet. "To protect the WORLD?!" Red reminds them furiously. "Hey, you should talk. You've been lazing about, too!" Yellow stretches his feet under the kotatsu and the others also scrunch in. But Tetomu interjects invisibly that Red's been waiting. He's been waiting for her to get her power back." She pops out of the scrying pool and everyone straightens up to look at her. "We've found out where the Aurg are." This gets instant reaction, for all of them spin about and look up at the two. Blue asks earnestly, "You mean you know where they are?" "Well, we haven't found it, but Tetomu remembers all kinds of things from when she was kidnapped." So, Tetomu reassures that she's up to the task. And Blue delights in pointing out that Yaba-iba's on his own. They will contact Silver, and get into things! They gather everything and race from the rock. And so no one is around when the pool erupts. And Yaba-iba gets the signal too. He is delighted and heads out, hoping against hope that it would prove to be a new Highness Duke. Silver meets them in the hills. Tetomu hands him a yellow paper with drawings on it and to his bewildered question, she explains it. Each of the Gaoranger has one of these papers, and what the papers have is all the points that she could focus on from her kidnapping. They are at the last point where she knew she was. 岩舟山 Iwabune Mountain. These are all the hints, things like smells of flowers, sounds of waterfalls. All sorts of things. So Red suggests they split up to look for the wooden bridge. Yaba-iba arrives near a temple and is greeting by the clacking of a paper and wood lion. He is greeted by a very cheerful bounding Aurg. Shougatsu Aurg, who pops over to him. "Akemashte Omedeto Gozaimasu!" (Happy New Year!) and hands an envelope to Yaba-iba. It is the traditional New Year's money. Yaba-iba's delighted to receive it, and as the Aurg dances for him, he watches and knows it isn't a Duke. And then an anxious Aurgette comes to him to whisper in his ear. "WHAT?! The Gaoranger are coming towards our hideout?" Red and Blue walk together. They happily bound along. Tetomu climbs up a steep slope with Yellow and Silver behind her. Yellow protests indignantly and she counters that folk from the Heian period had to have very strong legs. But Silver is having the hardest time keeping up behind them, panting and says, "You think so? I think it's a pain!" White is hurrying up a hill with Black trying to keep up but far behind her. She calls him to hurry. He is really tired and complains, "Why does she have to be even stricter than Blue?!" White waits impatiently for him to catch up with her at the top of the hill. She complains that he's slow, but he looks up and sees the bridge they were looking for. White is ecstatic with surprise and Black asks, "You didn't notice?" Indignant, she whaps his arm. "Of course I noticed. Now call the others!" Laughing, he calls the others. White gets to the bridge and sees a strange figure in the middle. "Aurg!" she identifies it. Black hurtles to her side but the Aurg greets them with a very polite bow. "Happy New Year to you." They both bow and return the greetings, and he attacks saying, "To a new day, Sunlight Flasher!" When the explosions hit, our heroes are already in their armor. And the battle is joined. He is nocked away by their attack, and then runs off. "Weak," comments White. And from under the bridge, amused, Yaba-iba agrees with that assessment. If he can't think of anything else, their hiding place will be endangered. At that moment the other Gaoranger arrive. Yaba-iba makes tracks. Black points out the bridge. Tetomu remembers how Rasetsu and his man had pulled her across here. Black and White get the points and tease the others. So, the next point to search for is a very, very bizarre smell. Red and Blue lead the troup across the bridge, Yaba-iba watching. White and Black are down a river valley, thinking about possibilities. White thinks they might be looking for a hot spring. What they don't know is that WAY, way above them in the sky, there is Yaba-iba tied to a bloody big kite. He has a canmera, and New Year's Aurg holds the string. While Black tells White he thinks he smells a scent like a hot spring, Yaba-iba takes a photograph of the map in her hands. Then a strong wind takes him, and New Year's Aurg struggles to control the spinning kite. Far below, White hears the echo of his cry for help and turns, but there is nothing to see, and Black calls her to go on with him. Poor Yaba-iba lands in the trees, the kite lands the rest of the way on the ground. When New Year's Aurg catches up, Yaba-iba tells him sternly, "We're going to do THE PLAN. And if we have to change it we will. And I won't forget what you just did!!!" Terrified, the young Aurg runs off to obey. Black and White are again the first there, to the strange smells rising from the geothermal-heated stones. Tetomu confirms they have found it, and the rest of the team, including a very weary Silver, gather around. Silver hangs off Yellow's shoulder. But then they are greeted by New Year's Aurg, who challenges them to battle him before they can pass. They are quite willing, but when they change into their armor to attack, he has another suggestion for them. They will engage in traditional New Year's games. They are astounded by the suggestion. But before they can decide, he tosses out a paddle to them. It lands sharply in the ground. It's sort of like badminton, what he wants to play. They mutter to each other, then White volunteers to play, for she's done this since she was a child. They bow formally to each other, and then begin. He has first serve. She serves back. The other six all watch until their heads spin, but finally White misses hers and penalty is getting exploded. The others gather around her. But before outrage can really take hold, New Year's Aurg apologizes that he'd forgotten to say the ball would explode. And the next game is... he materializes a red carpet, on which are four seats and a large number of cards with various letters in Japanes on them. He will go up against a team of three. Blue volunteers himself and Black for this. Black decides "Never Give Up Combination!" and Silver decides to join them as their third. Tetomu will read out. Yaba-iba has the photo he'd taken. It's remarkably clear. He turns to his troupe of Aurgettes and tells them they haven't got a lot of time, and must try to find every area on the map. They are at the base of a waterfall, right now. The Aurgettes will do it. The game is called Karuta Kessen. And the very first challenge, New Year's Aurg snatches the card right out from under Silver's fingers. White, Red and Yellow all groan. Tetomus clears her throat and continues. And when the game is over. "Silver has nine. Blue has seven. Black has seven. New Year's Aurg has twenty-five." The trio back away, and the area explodes. So the next game, well Yellow bounces forward. And Yaba-iba and the Aurgettes are working hard. Yellow and the Aurg are against each other with spinning tops. And New Year's top knocks Yellow's off the playing map. BOOM! The Aurg starts to suggest the next game, but Red is intent to fight next. It looks like New Year's is out of games. He holds a pot of food and a kite shaped like an angry samurai lord. He has so many more games, he can't decides what to offer as their next challenge. And the Gaoranger are closing on him. Red accuses him of just trying to take up their time. "Oh, you noticed that did you? I guess I don't have to play anymore." So instead he suggests Red fight him with the Lion Puppet! The others blink and stutter at that. Ah, he is talking about the Lion Fang, he thinks it's like his puppet hand. Red shouts it is not a puppet, but they fight and punch, kick and hit at each other. Finally they take to the air and Red punches down New Year's. They haul out the Hyakujuuken, flinging back the Aurg's cannon attack at it. It screams and the cry is heard by a worried Yaba-iba. And the attack by Hyakujuuken and Silver finally destroys the Aurg who screams in English, "Happy New Year!" as it dies. But Yaba-iba has Tsue Tsue's staff and sends the remains giant, and tells him to keep them busy. SO he challenges them. They send Tetomu to safety, and call down Gao Muscle and Gao Hunter. The battle of the three giants begins. Yaba-iba has a new idea. He turns on three Aurgettes and stuffs seeds in their mouths. They grow giant. While the battle is engaged between Gaoranger and New Year's Aurg, it takes a bit for them to notice the three giant Aurgettes pouning away at something. Silver goes to investigate, but is hit in the back by shots from New Year's. While Gao Hunter is stunned, he fights Gao Muscle, and forces them to focus on him. It doesn't take them too long to hit, with Beast Hurricane and Bear Strike, they finally finish him. But the three giant Aurgettes are gone. They puzzle over it, but there is nothing to do. And Yaba-iba laughs in satisfaction and praises the three Aurgettes. When our heroes find the sound of falls, (led by Black who has very good hearing), they are delighted and read the next clues. "Next, a wide field, a place with sweet flower smells..." They think they'll find it, so they race to the falls. And when they get their and look down, it is to a shocking sight. The whole area has been flattened and denuded of plant life. That, Red realizes, was what those three giant Aurgettes were doing while they fought the New Year's Aurg. There is no way to find their enemy's place from here. And Yaba-iba returns home to sing his own praises. But there is no one to laugh with him and he loses his joy in the loneliness. He unfolds a black cloth to reveal Tsue Tsue's red horn that is all he has left of her. "What can I do?" and strangely, he hears her voice. She is saying his name. The scrying mirror Ura used is glowing pale and blue, pinks and oranges. And he calls her name back to her.... Next episode: Yaba-iba goes fishing in Hell.
Aired January 13, 2002. Quest 47 蒸気機関、爆走!Joukikikan, Bakusou Steam Engine Explosion? Gao's Rock lands, and the five Gaoranger are gathered around the scrying pool, fretting about what's happening next. Yellow cheers them by pointing out that they can fight. But in Gao's Rock, Tsue Tsue is still calling Yaba-iba, and finally they are able to communicate, she telling him what he must do. And somewhere, in a large cavern, an Aurg is forming near an old train. White reminds the others of the dead land left where they were searching. Black protests indignantly, but White, Red and Tetomu are together, worrying. And then a very cold wind blows in. Futaro appears. They gather quickly to greet him, but he seems a bit annoyed. When they ask him if he's Gao God, he looks amused and tells them to call him Futaro. Red asks if he wants to play. But he's come to tell them the last Aurg has been born. "Is it the fourth Highness Duke?" But he says there isn't a fourth, which releaves them. But then the scrying pool erupts to warn them of the last Aurg. Futaro puts in a last word, vanishes, reappears, then recedes into the distance expressing his worries about them and this mighty Aurg. They take him quite seriously and race off together. And Yaba-iba is in the fishing section of a hardware store, looking for the best stuff. He has brought a little purse and hands out cash to the startled saleswoman, then walks out and consideres his next course of action. He is going to use Tsue Tsue's horn as bait. And then they will be able to really fight the Gaoranger. Speaking of whom, they've arrived at the train tracks and find themselves facing Steam Engine Aurg. Into armor they go! And the battle is joined. Yaba-iba sees the battle going, and watches. But Steam Engine Aurg is powerful, and he tosses some of them flying, bashes down Yellow, bounces and flames Silver. And when Yaba-iba hears them snarl that this is the last Aurg, he reacts nervously. For he had not known this. Steam Engine Aurg rolls a car at them, like bowling. He is extremely powerful, which after all those winps is a nice change. Red tries the Falcon Summoner in Arrow Mode, only to have his shot flung back at them. Yaba-iba is watching, but distracted by remembering what's happening to Tsue Tsue. It occurs to him that the Hyakujuuken's powers killed her. He watches in dismay as the powerful Aurg looks like it will kill them. He has a terrible choice to make. And he makes it, the only way he can. He leaps between the Aurg and the fallen Gaoranger. They are now very afraid, but the Steam Engine Aurg is happy to see him. Until he turns around and slices it to pieces. He calls them to use the Hyakujuuken. The confused Aurg isn't sure what's going on, and Yaba-iba tells them to hurry. They take his advice, though very confused. And when the shot hits, Yaba-iba puts Tsue Tsue's horn there to take the power. It glows in his hands, while the Aurg explodes. But Yaba-iba moves to send it giant, and it is angry at him and stomps on him. But he tells it it is cool, and takes off with a call to fight the Gaoranger. The Power Animals arrive, the ones that form Gao King and Gao Hunter. They hit Steam Engine Aurg violently, biting and scratching, and then our heroes call for their formations. But Gao Elephant is also in the mix, so it is Gao King Sword and Shield. The two giants try to slice him, and he catches both their blades. Then he sends a terible charge through them, THEN hits them with fire. Gao King falls, and only Gao Lion is unhurt. Riding the Soul Bird, White calls in Gao Deer. But Steam Engine Aurg is able to defeat the deer before it can help the others. Red calls for Gao Muscle Striker while Gao Hunter keeps the Aurg at bay. Steam Engine Aurg is able to hold off Gao Muscle and knock it back. And Yaba-iba is fishing. At the end of his line is the glowing horn, and he dips it down into the mirror. Silver tries Revolver Phantom, but the Aurg manages to take the blade from him and uses it against Gao Hunter. They hit him with Giraffe Spear, and he stands the hit and then does both formations considerable damage, then hit them with fire. Our heroes fall. Gao Muscle is now busted. And Steam Engine Aurg stomps on Gaoligator. They now can't even form Gao Icarus. But they won't give up. If they can defeat this Aurg, all that's left is Yaba-iba. BUT Gao Bison calls, and so Black reminds them and Red calls in the Falcon. Falcon, Wolf, Shark and Bison... they will assemble a formation. Gao Icarus Another Foot and Arm. Defense mode holds them against Steam Engine's attack, and Black calls for Bison Kick. They have a lot of power, and they use it quickly. But energy is skittering through the cockpit, and the blast they use to take out the Aurg is incredible, and they didn't expect it. But the six of them together pilot their formation to the final strike. It's over at last. Yaba-iba is blissfully unaware of all this. All he cares about is getting Tsue Tsue out of Hell. When he feels her take the bait, he crows with delight. The Gaoranger are gathered on the island, watching their healthy Power Animals play. It'll be over soon, they know it now. But how will it end? Yaba-iba finally gets Tsue Tsue out. Her horn is back in place, and they join hands and dance in delight. Finally they hug and he spins her happily, then asks what is all this stuff she's brought out with her? When he starts teasing her, she bops him one. But then three glowing lights spin around them and form. Three all too identifiable Aurg. Schtein. Rasetsu. Ura. Tsue Tsue is delighted to be able to send all three Highnesses against the Gaoranger. Tetomu cries out watching her people fall, Silver holding White's body in his arms. Aired January 20, 2002. Quest 48 奴らが蘇る Yatsura ga Yomigaeru THEY Return to Life In our last episode, our heroes with Icarus Another Foot and Amr, destroyed the final Aurg monster. And so now they are celebrating, gathered around a table, with tinsel and party hats, playing bopping the paper balloon (Blue wins!) It may be noted that this episode is largely filmed in dreamy softness. "Futaro - no, Gao God said that was the last Aurg," over-speaks Red. The others are gathered around watching anxiously. Silver has funny glasses, a clown nose with a mustache on, and his hand clasped tight over Red and Black's tightly joined hands. "Go!" he shouts and releases them. They thumb-wrestle to the avid cheers of their friends. Black wins, to everyone's delighted and cheering. They settle down after a while, all seven of them, beneath many colored balloons. They fill the air with bubbles blown from plastic sticks. Next is Karaoke. Silver calls encouragement as Yellow gets down, singing into the small, child's karaoke kit. Then he makes a grab for the mike while Black pins Yellow to make him let it go. Yellow then shuts everyone up so they can hear Silver sing, and he is SO off-key they all dive for cover. Happy happy, joy joy! Blue sets up a camera on timer to take a photo of them all clutched together in front of the scrying pool. He gets the photo to show it off, while White feeds Silver what looks like a carrot, but who knows. Blue bounds up to stand over the others, calling for their attention with the photo in his hands. He bellows happily, "Team Gaoranger's FINISHED!" he delights. But the delight falls hard, for that moment they all realise and fall silent. It is over. "Yes," Red agrees sadly. "The fight is over. So that means we all go our seperate ways..." they shuffle forlornly close to the rocks they've been using as a table. Tetomu walks in with some treats, sees their sadness and brings the food up. "Hey you guys, you have one more thing to do. Eat this and keep trying!" She nudges them, urging them on. And in the Matrix, Yaba-iba finally pulls Tsue Tsue out. And a great many things come out with her. They greet each other joyfully, bounding into each others arms. "I wanted to see you again so bad!" But then he takes a look at the pile of junk behind her. "By the way, what's all this stuff?" But then there is a flash, and three balls, green blue and red, come out. They stare in shock as these take form. Schtein. Rasetsu. Ura. Their eyes glow brightly, and they breath in. And now so too does the might Aurg Master, sucking in the mist and opening its great mouth wide. Red is digging under bushes and he hauls out a protesting cat. "Hey, you! Long time no see! You healthy?" He gets to his feet. Yellow is with him, watching thoughtfully as Red says to the cat, "Gosh, you're a bit chubby now." Yellow comments wryly, "You're very good with animals, at least." Red cuddles the cat and looks soulfully at him. "I AM a veterinarian." Yellow chuckles and moves past him. "This is where we first met you." Red releases the cat, while Yellow fondly goes on, "You're sure much more of a leader now than you seemed then." Red takes a moment to catch up, "Really? You really think so?" Absolutely delighted he claps Yellow and bounds past, "Now I can do anything!" Yellow lets him pass, then follows after, laughing. A magazine fills the screen, titled Do you dream in the future? And it is Blue holding it. He lowers it and says to himself, "Oh wow, there isn't anything like I want. Something with five days off a week, paying like 45,000,000 yen a year! That's what I want!" A deep voice utters firmly, "Leave it to me!" Black pops his face close to Blue's, eyes dancing, lips laughing. "Huh?" Blue answers logically. The pair are atop jungle gym in a large children's park, and Black continues, "After this job is finished, I'll open a restaurant! You'll be the supervisor!" "Supervisor? Yeah!" Blue delights and they exchange, "Boss!" "Supervisor!" and hug delightedly. "Hey, boss, I'll massage your shoulders!" Black happily obeys. "Oh, really? Boss! I like the sound of that." Black is keeping his voice really low and commanding. "Hey, Supervisor! We'll rule the world!" "The world?" Blue echoes, and they reach up, grasping at the sky as a helicoptor passes by, laughing. Silver sits on hillside next to a river, thinking to himself. White joins him, laughing and taking his arm firmly she says, "What'll you do after we're finished fighting?" He looks thoughtful at her question, she grins at him. He says absently, "For now I'll go someplace, by myself, and take it easy. Visit all the hot-springs in Japan. Eat delicious foods, that'd be good." She pouts at him. "Travelling by yourself is boring! I know, I'll go with you!" Silver takes an instant to understand her and his mouth about hits the ground, gawking at her. "WHAT?" She goes into laughter, "Hey, you're blushing!" "I am NOT! Um, um, the wind... the wind is calling me!" he makes a break for it while she laughs. The Matrix is filled with energy, electricity or plain power pouring into the three Highness Dukes. Tsue Tsue is delighting in it, and Yaba-iba seems a little shocky. But then it seems over, and Tsue Tsue marvels that they've gotten so much more powerful since they died. She is practically swooning. "If we use this terrible power on the humans, our greatest wish will come true! The Gaoranger will be detroyed!" Yaba-iba asks her anxiously, "Tsue Tsue, Rasetsu sent you to hell! You still want to serve them?" She stares at him, "It is my destiny to serve the Highness Dukes. A Highness' wish is an Aurg's wish!" She seems a bit out of it, ecstatic. "For the Highness and the Aurgs, we give our bodies and lives!" He worriedly says her name, and then there is a tremendous surge of power into her chest. She glows red and then she has a new object on her chest, and her wand is powerfully enhanced. Schtein turns to her finally and says, "You did well, bringing us back to life. This is your reward." Ura turns now to then, clenching his fists with delight, "I feel so full of power! I must say thank you, Tsue Tsue." And now Rasetsu turns, "You are the Aurg priestess." She thanks them, honored, her voice a hiss at one point and a whisper of ecstacy at another, a growl again. She's lost it, I think. She will help revenge for their ends. In Gao's Rock, Tetomu is eating white cake with a large strawberry. She talks sadly to herself, "The people of this time all have a place to return to, but... what about me?" For a while she thinks, then says, "I suppose I'll sleep again, until the Aurg come back." But it is so sad, to leave this time. Red and Yellow walk along a path. Red asks softly, "Yellow, are you going to be a pilot again?" "Nah," Yellow replies quietly. "I'm missing in action, you know. Besides, I've lost my membership." Red can't really answer that either, so he says, "After we part, I can't be a leader anymore." Yellow steps faster, passing him. "Well, we all have our own lives." Red stops, watching him walk away. Blue and Black are on swingsets. Blue says softly, "So, opening a shop'll be hard, won't it?" "I think so, yeah." Silver and White are still together by the river, and she says sadly, "After I graduate from my school, I guess I'll go back to my father's in Kagoshima." "I guess you can. My parents are not in this world anymore. I'm all alone in this world. I have no place to go back to." They watch the sun set together. But in Gao's Rock, a power surge hits the scrying pool and Tetomu identifies it as Yabaiba. Red says urgently to Yellow's departing back, "Even though the fight's over," Red starts, and Yellow turns quizzically to him. Caught, Red can only mutter shyly, "Well, what you said." But then their phones ring, and Tetomu tells them urgently the Aurg are out. Yes. They all look grave, and move out to battle. Red, "Okay, let's go." Yellow answers, "Yes, this is the last battle after all." Blue races ahead of Black. "Yaba-iba can't wait, can he?" "And after this, I'll be a boss!" White and Silver race along a path. "Our role isn't finished yet!" and Silver grunts agreement as they race. Where the battle is, the sun hasn't set yet. It shines brightly still. They meet Yaba-iba, he and a group of Aurgettes. And Red tells him, "Now you've come, the last Aurg!" Yaba-iba sneers at them. "You can't tell who'll win 'til the last inning! I'll show you the Aurg's will!!" Yellow sneers back at him. "Hah, don't make me laugh! Red, let's make this the final win!" And Red is perfectly agreeable, calling them to fight. They race into battle together, strength and fire. They take on and down Aurgettes with their usual aplomb. Yaba-iba soon finds himself alone, as they change into their armor without using their G-Phones, announcing themselves. Then he turns and runs, and the group gives chase, unaware of Tsue Tsue watching them from above. Tetomu is cheering them on in Gao's Rock, happy for them. But then the image in the pool vanishes, replaced by three lights. Red. Blue. Green. And those fade away too. "What are those?" she wonders in confusion. But the pool erupts frantically at her, and she can't believe what she's being told. "That means a powerful Aurg is in the world. I can't believe it, the Aurg are all gone!" Indeed. And it may be pointed out that the fuzziness of dreaming is gone, and the world is harsh and bright. Yellow calls "Where have you gone, Yaba-iba!" But Tetomu calls them frantically, to warn them that a tremendous power of Aurg has come into the world, in the very valley in which they are. Akame Keikoku. 赤目渓谷 Red Eyes Valley (I'm reliably informed that there is probably no such place. I'll check the internet). They listen to her, hands to their helmets as though holding phones. She tells them to get the heck out of there and Black protests indignantly, "But I thought the Aurg power was all gone!" She answer she doesn't know why. But it is TRUE, and they must run. Blue protests, "But there is only one left, Yaba-iba!" And he answers them from atop the hill. "Oh, you're wrong! I'm not alone! There's someone waiting for you! Tsue Tsue, come out!" They repeat her name in shock, just before she hits them. The gem on her chest pulses, and White asks in shock, "But you were destroyed that time!" Tsue Tsue mocks her back, "I cannot be destroyed until I defeat you, little girl!" "Then I'll send you to Hell again!" White cries, and leaps to attack. But Tsue Tsue is more powerful than she was, and beats White back before leaping to the high cliff. "Gao White, you're skilled, but you cannot defeat my lords!" The Gaoranger give an astounded reaction, and Yellow asks uncertainly, "There are MORE Aurg than you?" Yaba-iba laughs back down. "You got it! This will be your grave!" he waves around the valley. Tsue Tsue agrees, and calls in the Highnesses. And the six are shocked and stiffen. They are attacked by white lightning and fall. Before they can recover, Schtein, Rasetsu and Ura appear. They laugh low and deeply as they approach our fallen heroes, who scramble back to their feet. Rasetsu tells them happily, "We three Aurg bring destruction and chaos to this world, and make it the Aurg's world!" Tsue Tsue is practicaly singing as she says, "Hignesses, you can destroy or handle or eat, do anything to these six." Red calls out the Gao Main Buster, but Rasetsu catches his shot and sends it back at them. They fall in the terrible blast. Ura laughs and said amusedly, "Oh, I love the sweet sounds of sceaming and pain." Schtein has his point. Red manages to get to his feet. "I get it now! The Aurg Master gave you all new lives!" But Rasetsu sneers at him, "The Aurg Master?" and Ura clarifies, "There is no Aurg Master." They all look shocked. And so is Yaba-iba. "But the Aurg Master is supposed to be our Master!" Tsue Tsue is thoughtful, "Then the Aurg Master we heard about...." Schein is cutting through the heroes, and shouts "The Aurg Master is just a metaphor for tremendous power." Ura cuts White and Silver with his fan. "We are the ones who have it all." Schtein, up against Yellow and Black, says, "There is no power greater than ours in the whole world!" And Yaba-iba stutters, "So the Highness' were lying all this time to rule over us?" Tsue Tsue says in shocked dreaminess, "Yes, yes, that must be it. The Highnesses are our supreme masters!" and she stares fiercely down at the battle. "Combine your powers into one and please defeat the Gaoranger, my Lords!" And they agree. Tossing their opponents into a group, they back up and stand together. Rasetsu says that they will do as their Priestess asks. They will combine their power. Into the mighty blade, the Shurahyakiken (修羅百鬼険). That's "Carnage All-Demon Blade". And as the Gaoranger have done so many times, now it is the three Highnesses turn to fling a devastating attack of power. Sweep, and fling. A vast explosion. Tetomu cries out to them. They are still in their armor, but in utter agony they writhe on the ground. Tsue Tsue calls commandingly, "Obliterate them, now!" But before they can, the roar of a lion cuts the air. The five Power Animals who form Gao King come running from the sky. As they land and race, Yaba-iba asks Tsue Tsue anxiously, "But Tsue Tsue, isn't this too much for the Highnesses?" "Don't worry. They are the Supreme Masters." Is she worried. Perhaps just insane. The five mighty Power Animals gather, and together fire a blast at the Highnesses who quickly erect a barrier. The blast reflects off it and comes back at the giants, hitting Gao Lion hardest and sending him flying. He hits hard. Red makes it to his feet to cry to his friend. The lion gets up to and roars, jerking its head urgently. "Run?!" Red asks in disbelief. "But!" protests Silver. But the three Highnesses are after them again, and raise their blade to detroy. "There's nothing you can do. This is the end." And while they swing their blade to pick up power, Gao Lion leaps towards them. The explosion is terrible. Tsue Tsue says, "We did it! Even the Power-Animal can't survive this!" But when the smoke clears, there is nothing where they'd fired. Nothing at all. The Aurg are all fairly shocked, the three Highnesses quite offended. Rasetsu is about to lead the charge, "You can run, but you can't hide. We'll chase you all the way to hell!" They start forward but a commanding voice holds them up. "Wait, please!" Tsue Tsue seems to be losing her humility, doesn't she. They listen as she speaks, "Your power is great like a spring! Neither the Power Animals nor the Gaoranger are fit to be your enemy! Let us wait to deliver the final blow. Let us take a meal together." The three Highnesses are agreeable, Ura starting it with, "Ah, what a disappointment. But if that's what Tsue Tsue wants..." and Schtein adds, "Gaoranger, wait until we see you again. Despair." And they whirl out to vanish from the field of battle. Tetomu watches their brilliant lights in the scryig pool. "There's those terrible lights again." Red, clothing in tatters, cradle his wounded hand. He manages a few steps before he falls. Gao Lion has sank down onto the ground, weak and exhausted. Red looks up at him and whispers apologies for injuring his companion. Black and Yellow stagger close to him, and Black falls rolling. Yellow ends up on his back. Blue makes it, falling near Red. Silver staggers over, White in his arms. He cannot keep to his feet anymore and struggles not to hurt her as he falls. He curls over her body, losing consciousness. "The Gaoranger believed their fight was almost over, but in front of them the terribly powerful Highnesses appeared." They are alive, but badly torn and bruised. "Do they have the power to fight, in this their darkest hour?" Red looks around at his twitching friends. "How can we fight?" he wonders aloud. And then he screams it to the unforgiving skies. Next week: Tetomu tends them in Gao's Rock. Red leaves the others to recover and faces the three Highnesses, because he is the leader. We see him fall in an explosion from a cliff, hear the others screaming his name. He is unconscious, cradled in possibly Blue's arms. Futaro and Tetomu take the battle into the Matrix. The statue's great mouth closes... Quest 49: 鬼洞窟、閉じる (Onidoukutsu) Matorikkusu, Tojiru Matrix, Closes! Gaoranger Final episodes Quest 49: 鬼洞窟閉じる(Kidoukutsu) Matrix, Tojiru (Demon Tunnel, closed) Gao's Rock sits in predawn darkness. Inside, Red tugs tight the bandage on his wrist, in a strange sort of silence. He is covered in scrapes and bruises, and looks quite shocky. He pulls on his jacket, sound of breathing, his heart. Tetomu is binding an agonized Black's wounds, looking distressed at all the others. Silver lies across a stone, twisting in pain. The air is filled with their groans. Tetomu binds Blue's wounds, Yellow is against a pillar. Sound breaks through and Red moves out, Tetomu turning a worried eye to watch him go. He wanders to White's room, where she is sleeping in restless pain and whimpers for her father. She is heavily bandaged, her right eye hidden under white gauze. Beside her bed on her dresser is a photo of her and her father. He listens a while to her whimpers of pain, then goes out the entrance, where he stands and gazes at the photo of all of them from their party. Here Tetomu catches up with him. "There's nothing you could have done. Aragami-san predicted this." (Aragami is Gao God, Futaro) He answers her wearily, heart-broken. He was the leader. He should have been faster, should have somehow stopped it. Tetomu tries to calm and reassure him, about the three Highnesses. If they could only figure out where the Aurg are hiding... and Red says he will go and search. Tetomu gets panicky. He can't go alone but he points out that the others are in no condition to go with him. She does not want him to go, but he tells her it's all right. This is what the leader does. Power pours from the open mouth of the formerly called Aurg Master into the three Highness Dukes. Yaba-iba stands beside Tsue Tsue and delights in their defeat of the Gaoranger. The stone in Tsue Tsue's medallion flares warning. Looking in it, she sees Red scaling the hills. With a nasty chuckle, well... Red makes his way to the top of a rise and sees golden white power leaping into the skies. Tetomu sees the three colored lights and calls Red to warn him the Highnesses are nearby. Unfortunately, they get him before he can quite respond. Ura blasts him, but he transfers into armor. Tetomu panicked calls his name. Silver asks what's the matter from his position draped across a boulder, and she tells them Red is fighting the Highnesses. Despite their agony, the men begin to struggle to their feet, growling about being left behind. And Red is being backed towards a cliff edge and a very, very long fall. A blast from them, and down he goes. The other gasp in horror where they watch in the scrying pool. Just then, White falls into the main room (they are all in AWEFUL shape). Yaba-iba bounds back into the Matrix to tell Tsue Tsue what has befallen Red, with great smug happy delight. He realizes suddenly that she's a bit busy, stirring something in a cauldron over a fire. "What are you doing?" he asks her. She has found something great, for the power of the Aurg. She's being all dazy again. And the Gaoranger are out searching for Red. Barely on their feet, some with crutches, almost falling every few seconds. Silver practically carries White. Each of them thinks in horror that he cannot be dead. It is Blue who spies Red's photograph of them all, and just beyond it, Red lying unmoving among the rocks, no longr in armor. They all gather around him, and shake him slightly. It is all too long and they are almost in tears before he finally opens his eyes. "You're alive!" gasps Blue. "Thank goodness!" adds White choking. "We were worried!" Silver adds hoarsely. Yellow yells at him for going out alone, and he wearily apologize, whispering that he wanted to help somehow. Black puts his word in, but Red seems to have slipped back into unconsciousness, until Yellow scoldingly reminds him he is their leader. It gives him his courage back. Tetomu weeps in relief, but then a shift in the power, a yellow glow behind her. The child Gao God has come. "I'm sorry," he tells her. More about the things he hadn't said, hadn't told them. He knows where the entrance to the Aurg's hiding place is. It will be hard to defeat the Highnesses. Tetomu relays the message via G-Phone to Red. He and the others draw their strength together and transfer into armor. They split up, White and Silver, Blue and Black, Yellow and Red. And the Highnesses walk the land, their power a wave around them. In three different places they send that power up into the skies. White and Silver see Ura's green flame. They head off together. The flame dies down to form into a menacing statue. When they get there, Ura is there to defend it and not impressed with them. Blue and Black home in on Rasetsu's beam. The statue is forming at the bottom of a lonely lake. They are stopped from heading in by Rasetsu. Yellow and Red naturally end up fighting Schtein at the red fire. And nothing short of death will stop them. Wearing their armor has given them new strength, and our heroes announce themselves more for OUR benefit than anyone else's. But each pair fights an enemy too strong for them. Each enemy plays bounce and bash the Gaoranger, something they are darned good at. Red manages to catch Schtein's foot and calls Yellow to go after the statue, but Schtein catches Yellow with a lengthening arm and pins him down... and in the Matrix, Tsue Tsue stirs her cauldron, still seeming dazed and dreamy. She laughs, unaware of the two people outside hunting. Tetomu is out of breath, but Futaro is not (he IS a god). He tells her the entrance is here and she looks about, panting. But there, the air ripples and flares with red power. Tetomu runs towards the entrance as Futaro calls warning. When she gets too close, she is hit by an energy backlash and tumbles back, staring desperately up. Futaro comes to her, a reassuring hand on her waist to steady her (he's so small!) and explains that nothing can get through there right now. No way in unless our heroes destroy the statues. And that is not looking good at this moment. Ura has got White and Silver on the ropes, but they talk to each other and race back into battle with new courage. Rasetsu gets Blue and Black badly, and Black has had enough. "Give up," he gasps, lying on the ground. But Blue comes to him, "President! Wake up Mr President!" and his wild courage gets Black going again. They tear back into battle with happy cries. Schtein is playing bash Yellow against boulders and toss him flying. Red rushes to his side and Yellow tells him he's all right and to keep fighting darnit, leader! They are turning the tables. Silver gets Ura down and calls White to go. Black gets Rasetsu at bay and sends Blue into the water after the statue. Yellow pins Schtein and calls Red to go after the statue. Yellow gets hit very badly, but yells at a hesitant Red to keep going. The yellow eyes of the statue glow. White races in and uses her baton to smash it. Blue gets his with the shark cutters, and destroys it. Red makes it to his, its eyes glowing red, and destroys it. The power that was focusing there hurtles back into the skies, and the barrier to the Matrix loses power. Tetomu and Futaro head in. But Tsue Tsue's cauldron has finished its work. The material inside solidifies and she reaches in through the crystalized white material to pull out something slightly spikey. She starts pulling the white stuff off of it, going on dreamily. And then to her shock finds Tetomu there to fight her. But she is not impressed. The two priestesses will fight each other. Both gleam with power. Futaro steps in and tells them to stop. Shocked, Tsue Tsue moves into battle position. "Gao God!" He steps calmly inside. "Yes." And as he speaks and steps forward, his voice doubles and trebles as he tells her why they are there. He starts to glow golden. Tsue Tsue flees the light. Tetomu almost pursues, but Futaro tells her to stay with him. They have to close the Matrix, the source of the Aurg power. When they do that, no more Aurg will be born. And so they stand together while he pits his directed power against the Matrix. Into the gaping maw of the beast. The wind blows. Tetomus stands with him, and finally te whirlpool inside dies down, and the great maw closes heavily. And when it closes, the horrible fountains of power go out. Yaba-iba is furious, but there is still power in the Highnesses. They will attack with their weapon, and our heroes will attack with the Hyakujuukenj. Yaba-iba watches, chewing his fingers nervously, as the two mighty powers face off. They attack simultaneously. The detonation is terrible, and even Yaba-iba is hit by the backlash. Futaro and Tetomu arrive on the scene, afraid to breath, but the smoke finally clears to reveal their armor-clad friends. And where the Highnesses were, only puddles of colored slime. Green, blue and red. Gao Red is the first to make it back to his feet. They've done it, and Tetomu calls to them. They gather together, the fact that they've won a bit slow to sink into the still staggering Gaoranger. Tetomu punches at Red's shoulder. Silver agrees they've won, and in a momentary lapse of dignity, gathers an equally delighted Futaro into his arms for a hug. An instant later they remember themselves and he sets Futaro down with embarrassed apologies, the boy just as shy. Up on the hilltop, Yaba-iba is not at all happy. Still steaming, he falls to a knee in grief. But the air is still charged, and Tsue Tsue's voice slowly seeps into his ears. "Ultimate Highness," she says, interspersed with odder sounds like spells being sung. Yaba-iba springs to his feet and looks about anxiously. Her voice strengthens, and the heroes finally hear her. She is there, approaching, and fall into half-silence, bringing out the strange thing she had made. She will show them. As she calls each of the three Highnesses, and prepares to pull their power and remains together. She charges the thing hanging in the air, and the three slime puddles come together beneath where it pulses. It grows a body, until a new being stands there, tall and unaturally beautiful. Our heroes cringe in nervous shock.
The small child, so incongruous when one doesn't know his true nature, races to challenge Senki. He takes to the air, face set in firm determination. Brightly glowing, he becomes five, and the five become one. Senki faces Gao God, and is unimpressed by the mighty formation. Senki asks what Gao God can do, and the two face off. With an enraged rumble, Gao God races into battle. Silver and Tetomu witness this and Silver says it is just like a thousand years ago, when Gao God faced Hyakkimaru, another combined Aurg. She says her grandmother had said that, but history doesn't have to repeat itself. And Silver agrees. A thousand years ago they didn't have the power to pool the Power Animals. He lays his hand on her shoulder to hoarsely assure her, and he races into battle, tossing his three orbs into the sky and calling for Gao Hunter. Senki knocks Gao God down and is about to strike the final blow, but Gao Hunter saves him, and is greeted with rather respectful relief. "Gao God, 1000 years ago I was too late to help you against Hyakimaru. I want to put an end to my guilt this thousand years. Let me fight with you!" Gao God nods and grunts his agreement, "My friend," he says deeply. They pit their power together to attack and their swing is caught in Senki's own weapons. He pushes them back, blasts them before they can recover. A terrible blast that goes through the giants. While Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue cheer, Silver lands rolling in the dead winter grass. He sees Gao God and Hunter both shatter with cries of agony. His orbs hurtle down to him. Just as he reaches to touch them, they shatter. He gapes in shocked horror at the fragments beside him, then snatches at the bits. "Gao Wolf! Gaolligator! Gao Hammerhead!" But they are inert in his shaking fingers. He starts to weep, then his G-Brace Phone disintegrates from his wrist. Unable to believe what is happening, he rubs the bare skin, searching for it. Helpless with understanding, he frantically runs his fingers through his hair, trembling. When he lifts his head he sees something still more unexpected. Futaro... Gao God. The child lies unmoving near him, and he leaps to his feet to gather him up, calling his human name and begging him to wake. But Senki is above them and raises one foot to smear these maggots into the ground. Horrified, Silver frantically covers Futaro's body with his own. But Gao's Rock coasts in and knocks Senki back. Tetomu uses her powers quickly to teleport Silver and Futaro in, and they turn tail and run - er - fly away as fast as they can. Senki looks down at Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba. "Where are they going?" he wonders. Tsue Tsue answers him with excitement, that they must have gone to the island in the sky. Yaba-iba adds that it is where the Power Animals live. Pleased with that information, Senki turns into a magical whirlwind and sets off in pursuit. This utterly delights the two dukes. Gao's Rock is docking on the island. They've got breathing space, as Tetomu points out. They'll take care of Futaro, and Tetomu tells them to rest. As Silver straightens up, the fragile child held tight in his arms, Futaro speaks. "Everyone..." He looks so exhausted. "I'm sorry. My power failed you." Red leaps to reassure him that this is not so. The boy is white. Silver adds miserably, "It was OUR power - " but Futaro shakes his head. This is what happened a thousand years ago with Hyakimaru. But he believe in them, the Gaoranger of today. "If you pool all of your power together, you can defeat him." And then he falls limp in Silver's arms. Silver shakes him and calls his name frantically. The others start to move closer in anguish, when the boy's body flares golden light. And when that light fades, his body has turned to sand in Silver's arms, and it rains down upon the floor white and pure. Silver tries to somehow hold it together as it runs through his fingers, and he is wild with pain and grief. They all stare, horrified. Blue turns in his distress and shakes Black by the lapels until that worthy stumbles back and falls on his butt, but is too stunned himself. "The god died," he says miserably. White falls to her knees weeping. Silver is almost incoherent, tearing words of misery through his raw throat. "He died helping us. What can I do?" He and White are both huddled over, lacking the coherence to get back up. Yellow and Blue have both turned away from this helplessness, but more to harness their own. Yellow says hoarsely, "It isn't your fault! Futaro isn't really dead." Tetomu agrees. If they can win... but then the scrying pool erupts. She whirls. "Senki's come to Tenkujima!!" The white whirlwind settles at the base of the mountain. Senki stands and looks consideringly, critically around. The Lion sees him coming, gets up quickly to its outcrop and roars to the skies. Senki studies this activity with curiosity. And the mountain erupts. Gao Falcon comes at the anxious sumons. The Gaoranger come out of Gao's Rock and watch the attack. Gao Falcon uses the Falcon Eye to freeze Senki, and they start to feel hope. But Senki breaks loose too quickly, and he strikes hard. The Falcon shatters. Tetomu is helping hold Silver up, and as Red pulls out the Falcon's orb, it flares and bursts into fragments. Yellow picks those up and Red shouts for the falcon, starting down the stairs. White reins him in. But the other animals have their say, calling to their companions through the orbs. The bears, rhino, armadillo and elephant are calling to say they will fight to protect the island. Our heros transfer into armor, except Silver who's lost his. They summon their friends. Red: "Gao Gorilla!" Blue, "Gao Polar!" White "Gao Bear!" Black "Gao Rhinos and Armadillo!" They call for Gao Muscle Striker formation and ride in on the Soul Bird. Silver and Tetomu send their prayers. They punch back Senji, who returns their punches with powerful slashes that take the Muscle Striker down. But just as Senki thinks he's going to put them out of their mystery, another voice cries. Gao Deer has come into battle, Elephant and Giraffe with him. White and Blue call out to them, and Red announces his relief. The three beat Senki back, and Deer uses its binding power. Senki is caught, bound. His blade falls heavily to the earth. Silver is very pleased to see this development. Tetomu prays they'll put all their power together. And Gao Muscle is on its feet, and the heroes call for Rhinos Shoot. When Majiro hits, Senki bursts to pieces. His blood is white slime bathing the rocks around him. Our heroes cheer in delight, but Silver's smile fades in new fear. "What is THAT weird thing?" and they look. Hanging in the air ahead of them like some totally bizarre, beating heart, is a giant version of the thing Tsue Tsue had made. And it pulls shimmering light around it. In a moment, Senki is back and just as bad as before. He tells them he is immortal, a concept that really shakes Yellow. Red quickly calls to Gao Deer to bind Senki again, but Senki is a bit quicker on his feet than the Gaoranger. Before the deer can strike, Senki does. Gao Deer is destroyed. And Senki takes out the elephant next, then the giraffe. Our heroes hold their shattered orbs, weeping inside their masks. "It can't be!" cries White. Red doesn't have a chance to get them going again, for Senki moves quickly. A powerful burst impales Gao Muscle Striker, and raises it into the air. Senki tosses them flying, and the Gaoranger are teleported out. The formation breaks up, the Soul Bird hangs in the air, screeching short-lived defiance. Then it shatters. Our heros land painfully, out of uniform, and the orbs that land with them shatter. Gao Gorilla is gone. So are the others who formed Gao Muscle Striker. But Gao Lion remains on his outcrop and roars that he will fight. Tiger agrees, as well as Shark, Bison and Eagle. Their companion humans pray and hope, as the giants form Gao King and race to face Senki. Black points out that they are pooling their power to protect the island, no the world, somehow. And they do seem to be doing it, staggering Senki back. Red cheers them on when the try Animal Heart, but.... Senki catches the blast on his blade and shatters it into the ground. Gao King is startled back in surprise. Our heroes gasp, and then Senki goes into whirlwind mode attack, gets Gao King into the air, drops him down smoking. Gao King gets shakily back up, but is no longer able to defend itself as Senki strikes. And the formation is broken. Senki strikes the defenseless lion where it fell, and Red screams. Each strike takes out another, and each orb shatters in the wake of its destruction. The lion holds out longest, but soon he burst apart. Red frantically covers his orb with his hands, but that cannot prevent it from bursting. All of the orbs are gone. All of the Power Animals. And now, their G-Phones disintegrate. Senki points out that there are no more Power Animals, and our heroes are no more than a minor petty nuisance. And he stabs his blade deep into the island. It seesaws wildly, and Senki departs the sinking magical place. Far below is the city, and a startled man looks up and cries, "What the heck is that?!" No, it is not Animalium. It is a white whirlwind descending on the city. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba come out to welcome back their lord. The humans watching are terrified as Senki announces conquer/rule Earch speech number 12. He is shuge, wandering the city and telling the human race the future in store for it. This star is now the Aurg's. And now he pulls in power, and the skies turn black. A horrible, punishing rain falls and the leaves on the trees disintegrate. Frantic people run for shelter from the deadly rain. And Senki laughs. And in the sky, with all the Power Animals dead and what Senki did...
The rain pours down. Aurgettes smash down helpless civilians. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba congratulate each other. The Sky Island careens wildly through the clouds. Inside a shaking Gao's Rock, Tetomu brings a legacy of her grandmother to the Gaoranger. A reddish scabbard containing a lovely blade, long and beautiful. Red takes it silently. Yellow wonders how they can fight with just this, though he is not daunted. White figures they just have to. But Red moves and speaks, this is their duty, and now they must go fight Senki. Gao's Rock leaves the island, smoothly through the drenching rain. It lands in front of Senki, who doesn't seem surprised to see them, and indeed looks ready to slice the rock to pieces. But our heroes hurry out into the rain and Red calls challenge to the mighty giant. He is quite willing to have the little flies fight. Tetomu calls encouragement to them as they race off. And now all fight their way through Aurgettes. Nothing will stop them, they encourage each othyer. White sees a staircase up to a rooftop and alerts them, Red agreeably calls everyone to head up there. It's a bit of shelter from the ran as they race up, cutting down any Aurgettes in the way. They reach the roof and race to look up at the unimpressed Senki, who asks what they can do, for they no longer have the power of Gaoranger. He blows toxic gas at them and they fly into walls, buckets and any other convenient things. Red clambers back to his feet, calls that they will fight him, and all agree to combine their strengths. His four companions join hands firmly, and Silver calls him to go. Red springs off of Silver's hands onto the group of other hands which send him flying up, and up until he buries the blade in the giant Senki's chest. Senki looks down at the tiny fly under his chin, and simply bats Red flying down to the rooftop below. The blade was snapped in two. He tells them, the Gaoranger are mere humans and can do nothing. Red screams back at him this is not true. That he is Kakeru Shishi, and a Veterinarian, and he will fight to protect the life of the world. "Guys!" he calls the others urgently. Silver is flat on his back, White crumpled next to him. Blue and Black both on their backs but pulling into a sitting position. Yellow is kneeling, pushing himself up. They all stare at him. White is the first to respond. "Doctor Kakeru, I undersand. I'm not just a Gaoranger. I'm a Gao warrior, Sae Taiga!" She reaches her feet with this proud announcement. Blue is also on his feet, grinning in the water streaming down his face. "I'm Kai Samezu, nineteen years old!" and turns to call Black, holding out a hand to help his best friend up. Black, too, is grinning with joy. "I - I am Soutarou Ushigome!" he shouts to them. Silver has rolled over and is slowly getting up. "Mine's Tsukumaro." He nearly topples over as he gets up, then bites it all out hoarsely. "It's Tsukamaro Oogami." Kakeru turns his gaze compelling to "Yellow." Yellow slowly gets to his feet, cradling a limp right arm, and comes to him. "There's all kinds of things to call me. But I'm Gaku Washio. I'm honored to meet you." Kakeru grins back at him, and calls them all to continue to fight. Senki wonders aloud how they expect to pool their powers, now. They aren't too well, but when they shout their intentions.... "We won't let you beat us! We'll never give up!" And with this claiming of their selves, as human souls, the skies fill with brilliant light. They gaze up in startled awe as pools of light open in the clouds, like the sun is breaking through. When that shining soothes down, it proves there are orbs in the air, spinning and whirling about, there seem to be hundreds of them. In fact there are. Perhaps even A hundred. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba shove their way through startled Aurgettes trying to get a better view. For the Power Animals have all come back. Tetomu remembers what Grandmother Murasaki told her so long ago about the one hundred Power Animals. They couldn't all come live on Tenkujima.... Our heroes race to a clear rooftop under the sky filled with so much light it seems to be day again. The lights whirl madly, and then some bright ones tear down to attack the Dukes and the Aurgettes. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are knocked down, but the Aurgettes disintegrat when hit. Yaba-iba determines now is the time to make tracks, and he grabs Tsue Tsue's hand and pulls the stunned woman along with him. She takes a moment to get underway, wanting Senki to win, but they race away at last. The orbs attack Senki, driving him a few steps back. He is getting increasingly annoyed. Finally, some come down to greet our heroes. Gao Mouse greets White, Stingray greets Blue, Horse to Black, and Peacock to Yellow. But they are orb forms, and only one formation comes to stay over the Gaoranger. Their friends, Lion, Tiger, Shark, Bison, Eagle, Wolf. The Gaoranger happily welcome their friends back. The giant glows send out beams of light into the Gaoranger's hands, and they hold anew their orbs. Sighing with relief, they clasp those protectively, and then the glows transfer them into their fighting armor. Senki stands amazed. They announce themselves with delight. They are shining, clean and made anew as their orbs. Senki is astounded by the surrounding orbs, and some of those change into the great forms they hold. The ones we know. The God animals, and the others such as Bear, Polar, Falcon, Hammerhead Shark. Each ranger has a word to say to Senki, ending with Silver's remark that this is for the truth of a thousand years. When they pull out their daggers and Silver's long blade, they blast all at once, a rainbow stream of colored light at him. He is badly staggered, but then the Gao King animals get into it, blasting him wiht their power through their great mouths. And all the other Power Animals strike, even the orbs send out beams of light. Senki is caught in the middle of it all, and he doesn't stand a chance. He bursts into liquid pieces, leaving only the powerful heart that will recreate him. But the heroes have learned at last. They assemble the Hyakujuuken, pour their strength together through Red, break the evil magic and destroy it. Tetomu calls joy. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba make it back to the Matrix. Yaba-iba snarls furiously that they've been defeated, but then there is a roaring in the cavern and Tsue Tsue frantically covers her ears. Then the cavern begins to quake, and they lose their footing. The giant stone face they once called the Aurg Master falls down on itself. The stalactites in the ceiling begin dropping. Yaba-iba is hit by a falling boulder and falls across Tsue Tsue's back, she gasps as the wind is knocked out of her. But she starts to laugh in frightened horry and reaches a hand straight up. Yaba-iba twines her fingers in his, huddled over her. "Tsue Tsue!" "Goodbye!" she cries back at him. And they are buried in the falling boulders. And the humans who've survived the hell come out into the light, stretching in delight. The world is finally at peace again. This time it really is over. And our young heroes call joy to their companions. They were able to defeat the Aurg together. The lion seems to smile down at his companion, but it is a sad smile. For this is the end. And our heroes hear this from their companions. The Power Animals say goodbye. Their companion humans return the soft farewells. Everyone waves but Sivler, who just watches. The hundred orbs vanish into the skies. In the night, under the brilliant full moon, they walk together back to Gao's Rock. Kai bounds to clap his arms over Tsukamaro and Gaku's shoulders, Sae teases and Gaku comments that Kakeru did really well. "Thank you, but now I'm finished being the leader today!" Sae tells him that is not exactly true, and he defends his right to stop acting like a leader. Soutarou happily announces his intention to become a company president and Kai bounds over to him into his arms and they spin about laughing. (don't get your hopes up, it's all purly innocent) They all have their promises to fullfill. Sai comes up to ask what Tsukamaro will do, but he wonders what about Tetomu? "That's right!" Blue cries. "What will Tetomu do?" She was walking ahead of them, and now turns to answer. She is still the Gao priestess. But now she must go to sleep for a long, long time. She has to say goodbye. They stare at her in miserable dismay and she almost laughs. "Please, you mustn't look so lonely! It won't be forever. It might be another thousand years." Kakeru comes to her at that, eyes anxious. "Hey, I'm a vet, but I REALLY don't think I'm going to live for a thousand years!" She has to concede that is a valid point, folding her arms and looking thoughtful. Kai bounds over, pulls her around by the shoulders and asks, "Why don't you live in this time period, with us?" but she says she can't. She gently untwines her hands from his. She must stay in Gao's Rock. She will sleep under this moon. She stares up at it, then looks back to them. She asks them to remember her. Tsukamaro wants... I'm not sure if he's asking to go back to the Heian Period, or offering to go with her. But whichever, she says it can't be done. They quickly close on her, though. When she tells him he must protect the world here he protests, "But..!" "Live, please. Live in this world. You have to live." She asks for their uniforms and G-Phones back. They look unhappily at her, Tsukamaro staring at his G-brace-phone as though he doesn't know who he'll be without it. But Kakeru is first to remove his. Gaku stoically takes his off, then so does Kai. Soutarou draws in a deep breath and takes off his. Sae takes off hers. Tsukamaro removes his miserably, looking heartbroken. And holding all the tattered remains of their stranger lives in her arms, Tetomu says thankyou and goodbye, and vanishes into Gao's Rock. Kakeru calls farewell. They wave goodbye to her (except Tsukamaro, who seems to have a thing about goodbyes), and the rock heads out into the sky. And time passes, as it always does. Back to the strange, real life they once led. Men parachute from planes. Gaku is under watchful eyes of his commanders when he lands on the field. They are impressed with him. "He's still young," comments one. They call him over. Sae Taiga is defeating people in competition at school, only to find her father there to proudly watch her. She bounces over to greet him. When he greets her as the White Tiger's girl, she tells him she is Sae Taiga, daughter of his house. An old lady waiting to cross the street gets bumped and drops her bags, when a tall, handsome young stranger helps her pick them up and offers to carry them across, she tells him the city is scary. Another person passing pauses to watch, but goes on when it looks like everything's fine. Tsukamaro it was who'd offered help. He finds this century a bit weird. Soutaro has gone to work on a dairy farm. His boss comes to remind him about water for the cows and ask why he is working part time here. He tells his boss he has a dream of opening his own shop with a friend. The man is amused. But then he glances around. "Oh, looks like you forgot something." "Soutarou-kun!" It is Shi-chan, as Soutarou says happily. She has brought a box with her. "Sorry I'm late," and he tells her she's not for he is delighted to see her. "Are you hungry?" she asks. "Oh yeah, terribly!" he tells her happily. A man rides in on the wild waves under a gray sky. "Imai-san! How are the waves today?!" It is Kai asking a friend. Imai says they're great and invites Kai out, but our boy says he has to finish work first. He is waxing boards, and looks quite happy out at the waves. A man leaves the vets, telling his little white dog, "Now you're all beetter, innit great?" And Dr Kakeru Shishi is back home, helping all the animals of his sub-town of Tokyo. And people are just lined up in droves waiting their turn. He is finishing the bandage on a little dog, then fastens a special cone collar to keep the animal from chewing at the bandage. He sends the owners off with kind regards for Shinkon, the dog. He asks who's next, and it proves its someone he sees a lot of. A lovely yellow parakeet brought in by the girl working with him (who does not seem to be the same woman as before). "You again!" Kakeru greets the bird. "Now did your master forget about you again?" he makes little birdie noises and calls the bird by name, reaching into the cage. "Kokoro no awashi-chan" (you just KNOW whose bird that is). Sure enough, Gaku is there, come to gather Kakeru and tease him at the same time. "He's NOT okay!" Kakeru grumbles back, and brings the bird out only to lose hold of it and have to try to catch it. They all meet on the green fields, bounding happily together. Kakeru arrives with Gaku, is joined by Kai then Soutarou, then Sae. They tend to bounce into each others' arms. Tsukamaro is last to come meet them, shoving in against Soutaro's shoulder and they pull him close, then vave. Tetomu and Futaro are there with a picnic waiting for them, and wave wildly back. Tetomu spreads out the picnic blanket. Kakeru tries to help her but then Futaro jumps him and covers his eyes. Kakeru chases the teasing child. Kai has brought a bicycle and almost run over Sae, who falls into a bunch of flowers. She lays there happily under the sun. Gaku plays his banjo and sings in the grass. Soutaro catches a fish in the river. Tsukamaro plays his flute, then has to fend off Soutaro who has come to eagerly show him the little fish he caught. The others finish setting up the picnic and Kakeru calls them all in for lunch, Futaro waving. They all settle down to enjoy their lunch together. Kakeru finishes a bite and calls Gao Lion to come join them. The lion roars back his interest, and all stand eagerly as Kakeru tosses part of lunch up to Gao Lion. It flies off the island to splat against the camera, and the word-symbols for End appear. おわり ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
ガオパンダあらわる!!Gaopanda Arawaru!! Coming of Gao Panda!!Here come the Gaoranger, growling and ready to go into... the first snowfall of winter! The happy group is out in the lovely day, playing in the snow. Red says to his listeners, "Hey you guys reading Terebikun, how are you?" and continues on about the cold weather and all that. "Want to see how strong we've become?" and he cries out as he is hit... by a snowball! Since Tetomu is teasing him about it his faceful of snow, we can assume she's the perpetrator. Yellow cuts in to tease him about being slow, and Blue gets into the action. He points out to Black that Red is slow, and Black teasingly agrees, "Yeah, what Blue said!" Red snarls indignantly and is after them, except that he suddenly looks about. "Hey, where's White?" Tetomu answers him that she is over there, building snowmen. With his usual delight, he decides he's going to go over and see. "Hey White... what's this?" he asks her. "What's it look like? That's a snow-Gao Polar!" He is puzzled and the others point out (going from Yellow to Blue to Black), "But Gao Polar is white. This one's got too much black." Tetomu helpfully says, "Yeah, it looks like a panda!" This sets the others to laughing with delight, which logically offends White. "Hey! You all stop laughing!" And the wind blows cold. The Gaoranger shiver but to their surprise the cold wind heralds the arrival of Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue. AND someone who says "Daru daru daru," yes, it is Snowman Aurg! Red announces himself and leads the change into armor. They call us to say it with them on the count of three. "One, two, three, Gao Access! Hah!" After the standard introductions, we get down to the battle. Tetomu cheers them on, and Snowman Aurg uses the blowing snow winds against them. They are having trouble, when Silver arrives using his Gao Hustler Rod to nock the enemy back. Red pulls out the Gao Main Buster in Final Mode and destroys the Aurg, but of course Yaba-iba calls Tsue Tsue to make it a giant, and she does. The heroes stare up in dismay, and Tsue Tsue calls it to show its true power. It starts a fierce, blowing snowstorm. Our heroes move to call the Power Animals, but the wind blows the sound away and their giant companions cannot hear the call. While the others sneeze, they beg Silver to help. Silver sends out his call, but when the mighty Power Animals answer, it is in negative. No help is coming BUT... a thunder and rumbling roars, and out of the snow bursts a shape like a bear. Our heroes gape up. Yes, it is a bear. It is not black. It is not white. And Yellow announces, "Black and white! That's..." together, "GAO PANDA!" Yes, well, Tsue Tsue directs Snowman Aurg against the panda, but our heroes cheer their friend on and Tetomu wonders why the Panda can fight when Silver's Power Animals can't. The answer is: It's the bloody middle of winter, the Alligator is hibernating! They watch Gao Panda fight with many attacks, and defeat the explosive snowballs. And when Gao Panda uses Bamboo Hurricane against it, the storm it created falls silent. Our heroes quickly summon their Power Animals, specifically the group that makes up Gao King. They attack with Super Animal Heart! And the Snowman Aurg ends its life. Furious, Yaba-iba shouts they'll get revenge, and then notes that he's bloody freezing and catching a cold. He heads off with Tsue Tsue, both of them starting to sneeze and heading back home where, Tsue Tsue says, there will be nice warm eggs to eat. She sneezes and Yaba-iba worries about her. Our heroes, battle completed, turn to thank Gao Panda (White especially). But the new great one is nowhere to be seen. They are astounded. "Where'd he go?" White asks. Red starts, "Why, he went over... EH? He's GONE!" Yellow ponders whether this wasn't just a dream. Blue says he's sure it really happened, Gao Panda coming to help them. Black agrees it mustn't have been a dream. Tetomu points out that White had made the snow-Gao Panda and maybe that was where it came from. They all gawk at that idea. But White points out that her snow-bear was buried in Snowman Aurg's storm. They all think about it. And our Narrator says it was a true story, and that if we ever have terrible trouble, perhaps WE should call Gao Panda. |