Quests 21-30 Quests 41-end
Quest 31: SbνΰASΕII Hyakujuusentai, Zenmetsu!! The Beast Warriors, Annihilate!!
In our last episode, Ura Ultimate Form seems to have slaughtered Blue. Blue lies, his helmet smashed open, and in a flare of pale, blue light, his armor vanishes. He lies motionless, not even breathing. The others race to him, call to him. White shakes him, urging him to open his eyes. Yellow stands, voice tearing from his throat to protest this. "WAKE UP!" he cries, bending down to shake Blue. Black pulls Blue into his arms, begging him to be alive. And the three orbs fall from Blue's pocket. They, too, are cracked. Silver sees them and says softly, "The Power Animal orbs also...." Nearby, Ura laughs at their misery. In a fit of mad rage, Yellow and Black turn and hurtle themselves at Ura. With sword and axe they attack, but he only stands waiting for them. They strike and he laughs, then comes apart into little black pieces, leaving the startled men stumbling. The pieces reform in the air above and he swoops down as they whirl to face him. Beams of pure white light from his hands pierce their bodies and hold them pinioned. He lands in front of them and twists the invisible weapons he's got them with, and they scream from the agony. And then they glow, yellow and a pale white-blue and their armor vanishes. The two men topple over backwards, landing heavily. Red calls their names, their orbs fall from their pockets, shattered and useless. They seem as dead as Blue. White doubles over weeping, then remembers and hauls out one of her orbs. "Gao Deer, it can heal everyone!" and she moves quickly, tries to call the deer in. But Ura pulls her to him with strings of greenish light while the remaining two men cry out. He has her by the throat. "Die!" he says and crackling red lightning storms her body. Her scream is a terrible thing to hear. Silver and Red both call out to her, but the smoke fades and she utters a sob. Then she goes limp. Her armor vanishes in a white-light flare. Ura lets her body fall to the ground and laughs. Her three orbs roll, cracked, to stop together near her head.
Red utters a hissing helpless sound. He screams, and he and Silver are next to take a mad, suicidal run at Ura. Ura notes aloud that the two are idiots. He only flies between them and they tumble to the ground. Back on their feet they turn to face him, but he hits them with lightning strikes, playing with them. He bring out his curve-ended staff and comes to them, catches Red's head and is about to kill him when bright lightning flashes down and forces him away. Startled, all of them look up in the sky and an image appears over the trees. It is Gao God. His eyes glow green and the gem in his head flares bright light. Blue's body vanishes in that light, then Black's and Yellow's, then White's. Then Silver and red are taken too. For a moment the enraged Ura can stare up at the image in the sky, but then it fades away and the day returns to normal. "Damn you!" Ura cries.
In Gao's Rock, Tetomu is weeping so hard she can barely take a breath. Brilliant flaring light gets her attention. The six appear in front of her, Red and Silver standing and out of their armor, looking rather stunned. The four dead lie head to head on the floor beyond. Tetomu ignores the living and hurries unsteadily to the others. To White's body she goes first, shaking it slightly and calling the other woman. Next she pushes at Black's unresponsive shoulders, then helplessly at Blue's, finally at Yellow where she shakes with both hands, weeps his name and then begs them all to open their eyes, "Oh, please!" Red turns to look at them all. The four dead.... And then the room fills with an orange light and the bodies move, they are being lifted. Tetomu lifts her gaze and the ceiling has vanished into blackness. Bright orange light flares making it hard to see the floating bodies, but then it becomes the spirit-image of Gao God, and the bodies float up toward it. Tetomu starts to her feet, protesting hysterically, "No, no! Give them back -- " Red leaps and grabs her shoulders, pushing her back and trying to calm her. "Stop it, Tetomu!" And something about not believing. She staggers away from him to fall to her knees. He is lost, too, weeping he says "The magic orbs are destroyed, too. We can't call the Power Animals. We can't form the combinations..." and he is breaking, fists clenching. Silver calls to Gao God, his eyes wild. "How will we fight Ura?!" And Gao God answers something about a thousand years ago, and something new being needed. Only then can they fight. Red responds weakly, "Really. So there's nothing to be done." He takes a step, then slumps to the floor. "The Aurg have beaten us!" he cries, and flops down on his back. Goa God answers him firmly, "Don't give up. Keep fighting." But Red has lost his friends, and turns his head to the side in defeat. Gao God is taking the others, "With the courage of these four you will gain new weapons to fight." He vanishes into the darkness with the four bodies. Silver leaps forward frantically, but there is only one thing the Gao God adds. "Stop being defeated." Silver hangs his head. Red mutters spiritlessly, "And what do we fight with. We have nothing."
But Ura walks in the city to show off his beautiful, new body. Tsue and Tsue discuss this as they walk along behind him, both amused and puzzled. "Humans!" Ura calls passersby. "Take a look at my beautiful body!" and he spins. The humans who see him call him a monster and run, so he starts blasting around and laughing. Then weeping catches his attention. There are a group of kindergarten children trapped against a fence, their teacher trying frantically to shield their bodies with her own and calm them down. Ura has noticed them and approaches.
In Gao's Rock the scrying pool erupts warning. Tetomu may be ignoring it through her weeping. A wind blows in to summon Silver to fight. "Ura's in the city!" Silver cries. Red gazes numbly at nothing from where he lies on his back on the floor. "But... we're..." and he closes his eyes helplessly. And then children's voices echo in his mind. "Help us, Gaoranger! Help us!" Stunned, Red sits up. The voices he hears are the group of children whose teacher is keeping them together urgently. Red stares in shock at the walls. "I hear children calling." Silver whips about to ask, "These children's true feelings, you can really hear them?!" he sounds half-outraged. The crying children call to the Gaoranger for help, he can hear them calling, "Yes, I can, I still can!" He bounds to his feet, spirit wakening. "It is to protect all that lives, that I became a Gaoranger!" Silver sees Red's energy returning, and nods firm agreement. Red continues savagely, "We haven't given up!" Silver steps to his side and affirms, "We haven't been eliminated." "And we can still fight!" They look at each other in determined agreement. They nod and tear out, to arrive at the scene just in time to attack Ura, trying to drive him off from the children. He catches Red by the throat and mocks him, Red calls the teacher and kids to run. They make tracks, and Ura tosses Red off a bridge to the next street below. Silver is there with him to make sure he's all right, and the pair change into their armor to fight. The children haven't gone far and are watching. They cheer on the Gaoranger. Yaba-iba is about to go into the fray, but Ura holds both him and Tsue Tsue back. He tells them to sit back and enjoy the show. He intends to finish them off himself. Sivler and Red attack and he tosses them hither and yon, Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue praising the fight. Ura hits them with red lightning, and though the two are failing, the children continue to call encouragement.
And in the darkness, their voices are heard. The other four Gaoranger stand together, asleep standing, and when those calls reach them, they open their eyes. They stare about dazedly. Yellow moves to their center and starts uncertainly, "Could this be..." "The land of the dead?" Black finishes nervously. Blue makes an alarmed noise. Behind the group, a child stands motionless, and yet his body moves into position. Startled, they notice him. White asks softly, "That voice we heard, was it you?" and he points up and behind them. They turn to look and see a scrying image showing Silver and Red fighting and getting pretty well beaten by Ura. "Red!" cries Yellow. "Silver!" cries White. But the roar of the kindergarten children's voies overrides the sound of the battle. "Go on, Gaoranger! You can do it!" These kids will not lose faith, even as their heroes fall and struggle to fight. Silver says determinedly that they will not give up, WILL keep fighting. Ura is amused by their continuing defiance as they stand weakly on either side of him and Red lists the things for which they fight. The four watching are proud of them, and Yellow grumbles that there's nothing they can do to help. But the child tells them that is not true. The boy points to his left and tells them that way over there is a broken bass relief. If they put it together, most probably a new power will be born. They turn to look that way. And if they win, maybe they can go (or it was something about snow, this gets tricky). Black repeats that last word in confusion, but there is no one there. Blue grabs Yellow and yelps that the child has disappeared. They are startled, but Yellow says breathily, "Let's go and see what it is anyway." They head where the boy had pointed.
Red, hot, bubbling liquid far below. Black stares down at it, sickened. "Wait." He looks round at the others, "Surely..." he cannot say it. Blue makes an agreeing sound. Yellow speaks the word. "Magma." White nods once in agreement. Dark spots appear on the surface and boil away. The cliff they stand on still has green grass. White suddenly points. "There!" In front of them, motionless in the air, are the four bits of stone with images on them that must be assembled. It is Black who says it aloud, that the only way to get to them is to jump, and try to put them together before landing in the magma below. He stares down at it with more interest than fear, actually. Yellow points out that they're already dead. White adds that the boy did say they could go (or they were snow because they'll melt?).
In the living world, Red and Silver still fight, and Ura still amuses himself by beating on them. He pins Red beneath his foot, catches wild Silver's rod and tells him it's about time he died, shoving him away. Silver goes flying.
Being the Gaoranger, for the four there is never really any hesitation. They just need to do this simultaneously. Yellow rallies them for the jump, they step back from the edge, each taking a deep breath as Yellow says hoarsely, "Wait Red, Silver. Remember us." At his cry they burst into motion, racing the few steps to the edge of the cliff and leaping as far as they need to. Each catches one of the pieces in right hands, together they plummet towards the magma. Yellow rallies them again and they shove the pieces together as they fall. A bright flying glow lights their faces and they gasp, and the stones in their hand blur together in light, form a bird shape which leaves them, they fall into the magma but not once do they stop praying for Red, White is their voice for this. And so when they hit briefly fire flares over the magma.
Ura has Red down and is finally going for the killing blow. As he brings the terrible staff down and Red cringes, holding up his arms in front of his face futilely, light flares into Red's hands and when Ura's staff hits, he is knocked back by crackling lightning. He lands painfully on his back. Red is on his feet, staring at this new weapon in confused shock. And then he hears them. "Red!" He jumps in surprise. He can see Yellow's face dimly against the backdrop of the weapon in his hands. "Hey, Red. You don't ever resign yourself." That vanishes and Black's appears next. "Yeah, Red. Never give up!" And Blue is next, earnest. "We wish this for you, to you." White is next, of course, "Beat him, Red, okay?" And he will, for them. He knows it to be the Falcon Summoner, and uses it in Arrow Mode. His first shot seems to destroy Ura, but in actuality he only goes big. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are amazed. He blasts Silver and Red, and they lose their armor. He is ready to kill, but Red is not ready to die. For their voices, for this they gave their lives to him, and so he will fight, and he begs them to help him. In the darkness their faces are clear. "Red!" In his palm appears a new orb. It restores his armor, to Silver's delight and Ura's shock, and he places it in his dagger, combines his dagger with the weapon for Summoner Mode, and fires. And in the mountain on the island, a quake begins, the top of the mountain shatters apart, and Gao Falcon is born. The HUGE creature flies down, its call is a strange sound something like a chirrup, to attack and injure Ura, picking him up in its claws and dropping him down. Silver is too dazed to do more than nod his amazement. Red calls encouragement. Then Falcon calls for Deer, Giraffe, Armadillo and Rhino. And as they come, four colored lights shimmer in the air around Red. Then suddenly hands become half visible as they grasp the lights, and then they are there, our four former dead, alive and well. Each holds his or her orb which was the glow, and raises eyes and proud smiles to the stunned Red. He is in shock. "I... I thought you were dead...." He sounds about ready to burst into tears. Black hastens to answer, "It seems... we must have been dead..." and Blue interjects with shining courage, "Surging Shark took me back!" and grinning White says "So you kept on going, and your reason was the kids like ours." Yellow smiles proudly at him and adds with laughing eyes, "Guess you're still stuck with us, eh?" and pushes him lightly with right fist. He is so in shock that his knees buckle and he goes down. "You guys!" But they are with him. They gather around and Blue says his name, Yellow teasingly scolds him and White nods agreement. He rallies at last and they together join him in their armor, calling for a combination. And the five Power Animals form Gao Icarus. Right arm Giraffe, left Deer. The mighty wings fold over to hide the body then flap out wide to show off the gorgeous formation. The Soul Bird is there in the cockpit with them, and it looks the same as the Gao King cockpit.
When they lunge down toward Ura he fires on them, but they fold their wings over and his shots do no harm. Furious, he says, "You're not the only one who can fly in the sky!" and he channels his mighty power. Like a rocket he launches into the sky. He looks quite nifty in his flying form. But though he does give them a decent fight and they clinch again and again, they outclass him severely. A strike by the Giraffe Spear hurts him, a hit by the Deer's horns too. He falls back in the sky assuming his ground-form. He starts to fall, but Red calls for "Icarus Bind" (maybe) and the eyes in the wings glow, their pupils become slitted like cats' eyes and then power shoots out from them and Ura is pinned, arms to his side, golden-yellow lightning crackling. Yellow calls the next shot, the Rhinos Shoot, and Majiro hits hard. Next, Icarus Dynamite and the blast leaves only smoke in its wake.The magic of a thousand years finally vanishes into the sky.
But Ura is not dead, only human-sized. He staggers through puddles, and finds Gao Silver there to face him. Silver has a speech to make about how he's been reborn as Gao Silver despite or perhaps because of Ura's efforts. He changes into armor and slices Ura's magic stone. The others arrive and hit Ura with their combined weapon "Jaku Taisan!" and he is utterly destroyed at last. He is not happy with this state of affairs.
Our heroes meet Tetomu on a bridge, a mighty happy reunion. Black tells them all it was like a dream. Blue remembers hearing children calling them, but the memory seems to be fading. Red is so relieved to have them back, and Silver actually teases him about being the leader. White laughs. And above the city stands Gao Icarus, proud of them as anyone should be.
Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue make it back to the Matrix before their extra power leaves them. They know this is because Ura is dead. Tsue Tsue will miss him, touching the flowers he's loved reverantly. "What will we do from now on?" she wonders, sniffling. Then Yaba-iba calls her frantically. A large stone being is shaking... "This is terrible," the Narrator tells us.
Next Quest 32: OCͺς€ Sanbiki ga Kuu Three creatures Eat?
Yes sir, folks. The arrival of three new Highness Dukes. The leader of which has more than one very pink-lipped mouth, and huge fangs. The other two seem to be a tank and a helicopter. Highness Duke Rajet. And there is a child, wearing a dull gray shirt that says "United Colors Beneton" (in all caps, actually. And Red uses the Falcon Summoner again.
Quest 32: OCͺς€ Sanbiki ga Kuu Three creatures Eat
To Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba's delight, there is a new Highness Duke Aurg, Rasetsu. But then two other beings step out from behind him. But these prove not to be Highnesses, but dukes like our two familiar faces. Rasetsu will ignore the two older dukes and make use of those he brought with him. They are Propeller and Kyarara (sound of treads chewing up ground) Aurg. In the meantime, a construction worker calls his friends to join him for lunch, but when he turns around sees a small boy rummaging through their food. The child takes off as fast as his legs will take him with three workers in pursuit, and runs straight into Red. He begs for help. The angry construction workers catch up and explain that this kid has been stealing their food for about a week now, and demand to know if Red's responsible for him. Of course Red is not, and he asks the little boy for a name. The boy desperately looks around and his eyes fall on a balloon. Making up a name on the spot he says, "Fuutarou." (ΎY). But distracting them, he makes a break for it and gets away. That's pretty much the only IMPORTANT thing that happened this episode.
Oh. Um... Schtein's thing was raw battle. Ura's thing was beautiful objects (with an emphasis on the Gaoranger's orbs and himself). Rasetsu's thing is food. He'll eat anything. Grilled cement blocks, etc. Gaoranger if he can catch them.
Next Quest 33: NͺFι Shounen ga Inoru A Child Prays
Quest 33: NͺFι Shounen ga Inoru A Child Prays
In our last episode, the heroes fight Propeller and Kyarara Aurg while a little boy watches indignantly from behind shelter, grumbling that this is his home. He ducks down when the fighting gets too close. He watches as Red blasts Rasetsu back, and finally the Highness Duke takes his two dukes and leaves in a huff. And in Gao's Rock, our heroes discuss the new development. Black starts in, Blue enhances his remarks about the disturbing presence of Rasetsu and the two dukes. White adds a note and Yellow comments on their formation. They all grunt firm agreement in the darkened room and stick their hands out in alliance, when Red pops up with an important point. For you see, though the construction area is currently without people, there is one little problem. The child, Fuutaro, resides somewhere in there. They can't freely fight because they could get him hurt. The rest of the team groans in exasperation as they remember him. But Tetomu says gently that they should go on in and fight. "Leave Futaro-kun to me," she tells them gently. "All of you deal with the dukes."
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba present delicious food they prepared themselves and displayed on a silver dish. They are in chef uniforms, their horns sticking out comically. Growls and snarls answer them and they look nervous. Rasetsu turns and moves away from where it has just chained the other two dukes, arms and legs, to the wall. They strain ineffectively against the chains. Our two shiver worriedly. Then Rasetsu says to them, "Tsue Tsue, Yaba-iba. Stand over here." They obey. With the female voice Rasetsu says something like, "From Duke Aurg to Duke Aurg, the power goes!" and a flare of green light from its chest beams out at Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba. Yellow lightning flashes from them into the other two dukes. It goes on for a while and when it finally stops, the pair slump bonelessly to the floor. But Propeller and Kyarara shatter their chains. Super-charged with power, they laugh maniacally as they are free. And Rasetsu will take them out to hunt delicious dinner.
Red and Tetomu arrive in the construction zone. "I first met Futaro around here somewhere," Red says softly. "I'll go look," and he trots off. Tetomu stands a moment, then starts walking slowly. Under the gray sky the deserted area is utterly silent, and she finds it spooky as she thinks about that silence. Not a sound of birds at all. She jumps when a red clad arm reaches out and its hand touches her shoulder, but it is only Red. He asks her if she's all right and she sheepishly smiles back at him. "I'll be just fine. You go join the others. I'll find Futaro." He nods and asks her to do that, then takes off.
He arrives in front of a fountain circled by walkways... oh, I can't really describe it, but it's been used in Kamen Rider Agito and probably Time Ranger, too. There he meets Silver, who complains that he is late. Before they can get into it, the G-Phone rings. White and Yellow are calling from a higher vantage point. "Here," White says. And Yellow adds into his phone, "Leave Propeller Aurg to us." Red nods and then hears Blue's voice on the line. "We're okay here. Kyarara is ours." He is across the way with Black, standing in one arcway. And Red relievedly lowers his phone and looks to Silver. "That leaves Rasetsu to us." "I know," agrees Silver firmly. They clasp left hands in firm alliance and take off in opposite directions to wait in hiding. And so they wait, the fountain providing excellent vantage points. They start when they hear chains clattering and snarls. Yes, the enemies are coming.
Rasetsu has his two dukes by chains, and is letting them pull him along like eager Doberman Pinchers. Our heroes call "Gao Access" and surround the three. Rasetsu is not impressed. But the group attacks their target Aurg. Rasetsu is annoyed now, and he manages to halt Silver and Red, tossing them over his shoulder. Black head-butts Kyarara and only succeeds in hurting himself. When Yellow and White toss Propeller from a high point he only gets up and blasts them. And Rasetsu plays toss the rangers. Our heroes collect together, as do the villains. "They're strong!" protests Red. Rasetsu has Propeller Aurg launch an attack, small propellers fly at our heroes who split up and run. White and Red make off in one direction. The deadly propeller homes in on them and gets them badly. Silver and Yellow are next to be hit, then Blue and Black. Next Kyarara blasts and his missile homes in on them, the same pattern of hits. Red notes that they've powered up in distress.
Tetomu walks along, still looking for Futaro. She's passing great cylinders lying on their side, future sewer tunnels but now stacked like logs. She keeps calling his name softly in this ghostly place. As she walks, she does not see the child standing, watching her, from the other side of one of the huge pipes. She does see something out of the corner of her eye and turns, but he has already dived out of sight. She moves on and turns the next corner only to find herself staring straight at him. He flees and she hurries after him. He is out of sight again.
Propeller and Kyarara are doing quite well. Rasetsu is laughing happily when the male lower mouth makes a startled sound. The female mouth notes that there is a delicious smell. They are very interested.
Tetomu is unwrapping the package she brought with her. She has a thermos in her basket, and a lacqured red box in her lap she's had wrapped in a red and white kerchief. She comments as she opens it that she'd brought this food to give to Futaro. So she decides to take a bite, and MMMMmmm it's delicious (she made it herself). On the pipe behind and above her, Futaro steps and glares down. "You go away! What are you doing?!" But she cannot answer him. His voice had startled her and she mis-swallowed. He watches blankly as she struggles and makes little noises, then hops down, realizes what's wrong and pours her a quick drink into the thermos cup. When she can finally speak she thanks him sincerely. He stares at her as she stands, bends down and asks gently, "You are Futaro-kun, yes?" He unhappily agrees. "This place is dangerous. There's going to be a war here, soon, come to a safe place with me," she tells him. He lowers his gaze and won't meet her eyes for a moment, he stares into the box of delicious food and then jerks away from her. "No! I'm not leaving. This is my home and nothing's going to chase me away!" Tetomu straightens up, studying him, then comes around front. "You mean your house used to be here, before...?" He unhappily tells her no, but.... And then another voice interrupts, a deep man's voice. "Why, that's sure a delicious looking lunch you have there." Tetomu says thankyou, straightening up. Only to her horror the source of the voice is Rasetsu. She moves protectively in front of Futaro.
At that moment our heroes, getting beat, notice that Rasetsu is gone. They will take this chance to defeat the two dukes. Silver tries to call in his Power Animals only to find there is no answer. The group gathers and puzzles over this, but then they all hear Tetomu's alarmed voice in their heads telling them about Rasetsu. Silver gets very jumpy, but Red tells him to go off and help Tetomu while the five of them will fight the two dukes. Silver gladly obeys. Female voice speaking, Rasetsu is closing on the two it has cornered, intent on getting that delicious lunch. They are annoyed that Tetomus won't just give it to them, and try to blast her. However, another shot blocks it. Silver has arrived to help, and Rasetsu has intents towards eating him as well. He keeps the other two behind him, and then he and Rasetsu fight.
And so everyone is battling and getting shot down pretty well, but they aren't finished and keep getting back up, under Red and Yellow's angry encouragement. Yellow and White slash Kyarara's treads off and Red uses it to bind Propeller Aurg. What Kyarara plans to blast him, Black pins him and Blue leaps in to cut off his cannon. Well done, guys! But Silver still fights Rasetsu alone, and that one not only knocks him aside, but sends off a blast which hits where Tetomu is sheltered with Futaro. She falls and her arm is bleeding. Futaro worries anxiously over her, Silver calls her name. Rasetsu intends to finish them off. Red uses the Falcon Summoner on Propeller, succeeding in destroying him, and Rasetsu is attracted by the explosion and heads off to investigate. Silver manages to get back up to go to Tetomu. Meanwhile, with the combined weapons, our heroes are finally able to destroy Kyarara, who falls calling Rasetsu's name. The Highness Duke has arrived, and is utterly furious to find his duke's downed. When Red mocks him, he calls for Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba, who arrive bandaged and battered from having their power torn from them. Tsue Tsue, though shaky on her feet, is anxious to prove their worth and sends out the Aurg seeds. Our heroes call for the Power Animals, and there is no answer, at all.
Silver is just finished bandaging Tetomu's arm and she thanks him sincerely. He shyly avoids her gaze, though he is in armor. But then he hears the others in his head. Black in frustration says he cannot reach the Rhino or Armadillo either. Blue frets that this must be some aspect of Rasetsu's power. Hearing them, Silver notes aloud that they can't get through either. Tetomu understands and frets, "What can be wrong with the Power Animals? Answer please!" she cries to the sky. The others fall under blasts from the two giant Aurg. Futaro sees the fires in his head, jerks, then leaps towards the battle. Silver is quick to grab him and hold him back, warning that it's dangerous. The boy snarls something about this place and using things, struggling in Silver's hold. Silver turns to Tetomu and asks if she has any idea what the problem could be. She says that it is not the Aurg power preventing their contact. It is something about this place. But what, what could be stopping them? The struggling Futaro hears her and suddenly stops fighting, an expression of realization on his face. And our heroes are still getting tromped. White calls frantically to the Power Animals, and Red asks why they're angry (who's angry?). Silver hears all the shouting in his head, and he moves the boy towards the priestess. "Tetomu, take care of Futaro!" But as he whirls to take off to fight, the boy grabs his left wrist and hangs on calling, "Wait! It's the animal stones!" "Animal stones?" Silver repeats. And the boy calls them to come with him and races off the other direction.
They hurry after him, and finally he stops. And he points to a hill that construction has been levelling. "There." Indeed. Half exposed to the element, buried in that hill for centuries. At first glance they only look like boulders. But then... they seem to pulse. There is a lion's face, a tiger's, a sharks. "Animal stones," Silver utters throatily. And Tetomu's pendant flares bright blue light. Tetomu says worriedly, "This is where it's coming from, the power preventing the Power Animals from hearing us." And Futaro says miserably, "They're angry. At humans." And now we can see in a magical field how the stones are glowing blue, and the glow feeds lines of force into the sky, creating a whirling darkness in the skies above. Five large stones. One smaller. Tetomu comes to the child. "Futaro, what is it you know about these?" The boy answer half-dreamily, half miserably, "I don't really know. When I first saw the stones, they spoke to me. Offered me things. When I saw the stones, I decided this was my home." Silver has moved forward and he starts wiping loose dirt off one of the flatter surfaces. There are words carved into the stone, and he calls Tetomu to see. There is his name. Together they clear more of the stone and find something that says Shinko no hi. Α°(sankon)Μ... can't really find that last kanji. It is a reqium. For it was here, on this spot, that the last battle was fought a thousand years ago. Here where Gao God fell to the last Aurg. And Tetomu relates the story as her grandmother had told her. And so together the three pray, to the angry stones, whispering their need. Only Futaro says nothing. And at last there is a flash of golden light. The six stones shudder and pull loose from the hillside to assemble together into a larger stone. This that was broken, buried and forgotten. The wolf's face at the bottom. And now the eyes glow and light flares up to disperse the angry blackness in the skies. On the island, Gao Lion hears the cries. At last they can hear each other again and the orbs glow in relief. Our heroes call in their companions and form Gao King. Silver arrives with Gao Hunter and the battle is joined. Four giants amongst the new construction. Propeller Aurg hits them with a flying attack. Kyarara blasts them and Gao King parts into its components. The two aurg are smug in their victory, but an angry Red uses the Falcon Summoner. And from the island come the others, Gao Falcon, Giraffe, Deer, Armadillo and Rhinos. They form Gao Icarus. The Giraffe Spear attack makes short work of Propeller Aurg, and at this point unfortunately I can't tell you more, but the heroes win and destroy the two aurg.
Next Quest 34: SlSiIOjAIITetsujin Aurg, Naku! The Mighty Aurg Weeps
Quest 34: SlSiIOjAII Tetsujin Aurg, Naku! The Mighty Aurg Weeps
Rasetsu sits in The Matrix, a table with a red centerpiece in front of it. It seems very depressed, sagging. Suddenly the lighting changes. Yaba-iba has arrived dressed as a head-waiter with a slew of Aurgettes in tow, and they all carry nicely laid-out platters of food. Right on their tail arrives Tsue Tsue and a pack of female Aurgettes, they are all dressed as waitresses and also carrying platters of food. They troop together to stand in front then Tsue Tsue shoves ahead of Yaba-iba with her platter to introduce herself and her capabilities. Yaba-iba eventually manages to shift her out of the way to make his pitch. They jockey for position for a moment, but then calm down when Rasetsu only sighs and doesn't seem to be paying them any attention. They begin laying out the dishes on the table, but each item seems only to depress their Highness Duke further. The most interesting item, in my opinion, is the fried lizard or salamander. The female voice expresses its disappointment, and both the Dukes and the Aurgettes droop to the floor in miserable frustration. But suddenly Rasetsu has an idea, and intends to send the two out for find a new Aurg its detected.
The Aurg in question is terrorizing some men, when the Gaoranger arrive. He seems to be made up of coals. He prepares to attack, the points over their shoulders. "What's that?" Startled, they all turn around. He takes off, laughing at them (I would). They pursue him, and Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba come upon him, calling him to join Rasetsu. But he doesn't seem to notice them and runs straight past them. They pursue, but soon they and the Gaoranger run smack dab into each other. A battle looks to start, when Tsue Tsue points out they have no time to bother with the heroes, and take off. Our heroes are about to pursue, when Black smells something he thinks is the Aurg. And they follow his nose and eventually discover a small dinner stand. The others start to scold Black for leading them here, but the smells are so delicious. The proprieter will not serve them if they have no money, and in their fighting uniforms they have no pockets. So they come back in their civvies and enjoy stuffing themselves thoroughly. The proprieter is very pleased, until he notices that Yellow has not eaten half of his food. When he demands to know why, the group explains that Yellow is friends with birds and will not eat them. So Yellow hands off his food to Black, who thanks the birds for their sacrifice.
Our heroes finally return home, stuffed to the gills and very happy. Black gives Tetomu the leftovers, but she suddenly asks the important question. "What about the Aurg?" Well, they'd totally forgotten about him. Unfortunately, the Dukes haven't. They are chasing him around and he is towing a dinner cart. Our heroes are asleep on deck chairs near the pool, each with a blanket in their colors, when the signal comes. They are not at all happy about Tetomu waking them from contended dreams.
The Aurg has managed to give the two Dukes the slip, and is fanning himself and so accidently burns himself. But then the Gaoranger arrive and battle ensues. But the Aurg escapes after being hit. Our heroes are about to pursue, when Black bends and picks up a piece of the vanished Aurg. He has a suspicion, and follows it. The Aurg himself arrives at a temple and assumes a human appearance. He is the proprieter of the food stand. And when he looks up it is to meet the gaze of an unhappy Black. Yellow is there with him. The Aurg tries to talk to them, but Yellow starts to attack. Black holds him back. "We ate his food. We should hear him out."
Beside the river, the two sit with Yellow hovering nearby. "How did you figure it out?" the Aurg asks, and Black explains he had followed the scent from that little piece of the Aurg's coals. The Aurg laughs bleakly, and tells the story of how, fifty years ago, he had attacked at night. Eventually all the humans had been driven off, and he was resting and very pleased with himself, when he heard two children sifting through the wreckage above. They are poor kids, searching for food. They find some sweet potatoes that have been cooked to perfection by the Aurg's fires, and he hears them praising the food and marvelling at their luck. And a heart is awakened in him. And so Black convinces Yellow to let the Aurg go, and they leave him to his own devices.
Wandering home, crossing a bridge, he sees a small boy and stops to ask him what's the matter. It is Fuutaro, and he is very, very hungry. So our Aurg sets up and feeds him a delicious lunch for free, because he loves children. But to his dismay, Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue arrive. They threaten and call on him, and soon our heroes get a call from Tetomu to face an Aurg. Yellow and Black are astounded to find this Aurg attacking, but Futaro runs to the group and tells them that the two guys over there (yes, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba) have taken control of the old man and are making him do this. Our Dukes respond to indignant protest with "Aurg are Aurg!" and so our heroes are hobbled by a wish to help the old man. Yellow and Black tackle him, call to him, and he finally recovers, head clearing, and quite confused and upset. For when the Dukes poured power into him, he had become the monster that he once was. But when he realizes they can't make him be that way, he can choose to be kind, and he stops fighting. So they attack him, and he dies in Yellow and Black's hold, becoming a pile of green foam. At Rasetsu's command, Tsue Tsue sends out the Aurg Seeds and sends his remains giant to fight them. So Red uses the Falcon Summoner, and our heroes call for the Gao Icarus formation. They face exploding coals from the giant, and fight to stop him. Black and Yellow whisper a mournful goodbye, and they destroy him. The furious Aurg disappear. Our heroes come to the place they'd eaten at his cart, but of course nothing is there. The others try to cheer them up. They never got to know the Aurg, after all. But they point out that the gods will probably let that Aurg be reborn as a human for reward, and hope reinstates itself.
The gods certainly were agreeable. For above is the cart, and Fuutaro is there enjoying a meal with the man who once was an Aurg.
Next Quest 35: SbAD Hyakujuuken, Goudatsu The Hyakujuuken (blades) STOLEN!!
Blue and Black are searching together in Tsubakuro City, Black stopping in exasperation until Blue drags him on by his ear. Yellow speaks to the others on his G-Phone while walking over a bridge, White and Red jog along a small business street, also talking on their phones. And then a boy carrying handfuls of bread runs into them. It is Fuutaro, and horrified to see them he takes off. The store owner chasing him gathers up the bread and takes it back, and when the storekeeper asks them if they saw where the boy went, they beg off. But they sure enough know, for he is right next to them hiding. Red pulls him out of hiding and the child protests loudly this treatment by Gao Red. Red covers the child's mouth quickly. "Stop talking so loud!" Yes, the child knows exactly who they are, and exactly who Gao White is. When she asks him why he knows he counters that he saw them when he was with that lady at the Animal Stones. "You're Gao White, aren't you?" And SHE is his absolute favorite, the coolest of the team, the best of the best. White thanks him happily. Red's feelings are hurt. "But I'm the leader," he protests quietly. This does not impress Fuutaro, who goes on about White being so cool. She, ever so smug, makes pleased agreeing noise. But then shouting erupts. People are racing up the road in a panic. They pass the Gaoranger, who head off to see what they are running from.
It is an Aurg, whose attention is bent on assorted metal objects and he doesn't even notice the humans around. He pounds a sign to pulp and complains, passing two little ladies who run in panic while he doesn't even notice them. Kajiya Aurg is his name. He finds a water pump, considers it, gives it a few taps. Dismayed at the sweet ring it gives off and knowing it to be inferior metal, he smashes it and a fountain of water spurts up from the broken pipe. Surprised goldfish bob in the air with it (these are not real goldfish, simply silly computer animated things who have no purpose in existence). Kajiya Aur abandons the area to search out more interesting things. Most things he doesn't even tap, just takes one critical glance and moves on with frustrated sighs. Red and White catch up and Red quickly calls the others. But before he can go on, Futaro bounds into range in front of them. "Is that an Aurg?" he asks happily. Red grabs him and pulls him back. "Hey, it's dangerous!" Futaro protests that surely White can defeat this Aurg with her hands tied behind her back (okay, all he says is easily, but what the hey). White is momentarily taken aback, but then sets out to prove him right. "Watch," she says, and heads off to tackle the Aurg. Red hangs onto her cheering section while her really annoying theme plays. She changes into armor to fight, announces herself, Futaro crows about how cool she is and she plays up to his admiration. She hauls out her dagger to face the Aurg, who then goes into ecstatic admiration and praise. White preens, thaking him and pleased the Aurg also thinks she's cool. However, he wasn't talking about her. It's her dagger he fancies. She's flummoxed, and angrily attacks him. However, he simply bops her twice on the head with his hammer and she falls flat on her back, stunned. While she's holding her head in pain, he plucks her dagger from her hands announcing his win, and when she tries to get it back simply shoves her down continuing to study the dagger. And then he just starts to walk away with it. But Red races in, Futaro on his heels, to challenge the Aurg. He is not impressed, and tosses something at Red who catches it in his hand. Ah, it's White's orb. Kajiya doesn't need it. But while Red was distracted, the Aurg had made off with White's dagger. Red comes back to make sure she's all right, but White gets to her feet to worry in frustration about losing her dagger, and Red is bewildered over the Aurg's behaviour. However, someone else isn't interested in that. Futaro is deeply disappointed and says so in no uncertain terms. "White, you aren't cool at all," he says fretfully. And White lowers her head in shame.
The Aurg has settled next to a river and is giving his new dagger a closer inspection. He'd like more metal of this quaility, then someone says his name. Yes, Rasetsu has arrived, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba on its heels, and the female voice asks if Kajiya has what she asked for. He proudly shows her the dagger and the two Dukes are astounded and impressed. They bound down to get a closer look and Kajiya laughs with them.
Back at Gao's Rock, White stands hangdog before Tetomu to report the loss of her Juooken and that gets an eruption of small but important magnitude. These little points of problems, if they can't get the dagger back White won't be able to call her Power Animal. White apologizes mournfully, but this leads to teasing, first by Blue, then by Yellow who pats her on the head. Her lower lip is getting farther and farther out. Black gets into it and pokes her on the cheek, which could lead to him getting bitten. I would have bit him. Red is trying to cut off the teasing, feeling bad, when the scrying pool erupts. Tetomu tells them to go face the Aurg, and Blue teasingly tells White they will recover her dagger for the Little Miss. Yellow drags him off with them. Red pauses and calls her to come with them, but she is in an utter fit of rage and shouts her protests to echo through Gao's Rock. Red freezes in the corridor. White is utterly furious and shouts that she's going to quite Gaoranger and tosses her G-Phone hard to the floor, where it leaves quite an imprint in the dust. Tetomu cries out in dismay, while Red hurries to try to stop the ranting. But White is in a full-blown temper tantrum, hopping up and down, whining, pumping her arms. She shoves him away and sits on the floor, kicking with her heels and screaming she's going to quit.
In the meantime, Kajiya Aurg is terrorizing the populace, singing how he wants the Gaoranger to come out with their Juooken for him. And three arrive. Yellow is first to kick Kajiya down. Then the three assemble and demand White's dagger back. "Oh, you mean this?" Kajiya asks conversationally, holding it out. Overconfident, Yellow replies he'll have to give it to them. Black is the first to notice that White and Red are not with them. The startled trio looks about. Blue however says they'll take the Aurg on themselves, and the other two are only too happy to agree.
White has not yet run out of air. She is still kicking and screaming. She is the center of Red's attention. "You like cake, right?" he asks hopefully, eyes wild with desperation. He has a piece of srawberry cake for her. She stops screaming to glance at it, then to glower at him resentfully. In the freezing silence he sets the cake down and offers something else. No good. He starts piling of plates of sweets around her. Nothing changes her glower. Realizing food is probably the wrong approach, he looks pleadingly at Tetomu for ideas but she shakes her head with a wince.
The Gaoranger, once again demonstrating their incredible brightness, stare at Kajiya Aurg. He has White's dagger hanging by a hook from the end of a fishing rod and seems to be coaxing them. He has another fishing rod in his other hand. Lured, they start towards him and then he lashes out with the other rod. In one snatch he gets Blue's, Black's and Yellow's daggers. Stunned, the three men reach after the flying weapons. Laughing, the Aurg bounces gleefully.
Red arrives with a teddy bear. He's already put away all the food. "Look, isn't he cute?" he tries to interest White, but she is glaring holes in the air and won't even look at him. A stuffed dog next, then a giraffe, a monkey, finally a large rabbit which he trips over bringing it to her. NOTHING is working and he tries again a desperate appeal to Tetomu, but she doesn't see how to get through this either. So she goes into the scrying pool, while White sits with the color high in her cheeks.
The three orbs fall to the ground, for Kajiya Aurg could care less about those. He laughs, mocks them, and when they race after him, runs off happily. Yellow tackles him and he lets the daggers fly. Blue is about to race after them, but they've fallen straight into Tsue Tsue's hands. She kisses her winnings smugly.
Red resorts to a baby mobile above White's head (can I just kill them?) and rattles. Finally, White stands straight up, sending Red tumbling back on his butt. He gazes up at her and finally she's looking at him though with no less fury. He whines pleading, "Please get back into a good mood, please?" She turns her back on him with an angry protest. He scrambles to his feet and tells her she shouldn't take out her anger on her G-Phone and be so mad just because the others called her a girl. She is easing up slightly, looking less angry and more miserable. He comes around in front of her and explains that they are the Gaoranger, holding up a G-Phone for her to see and saying that she has a warrior's heart. She takes her proferred G-Phone but again explodes in his face her protests, sending him leaning dangerously far back and agreeing with her protests.
Black, Blue and Yellow are pursuing Tsue Tsue, who is happily mocking them and waving their daggers over her head. When they leap to tackle her, she teleports to the opposite side and this goes on for a while. Then she tosses the daggers flying and Yaba-iba catches them. He runs over the three Gaorangers' shoulders to join his fellows, while Black throws a fit at this teasing. The Aurg happily provoke the three, and then finally take off with the daggers. This leaves the trio of Gaoranger nothing to do but collect their orbs. That moment, however, is when Red and White arrive, him apologizing for being late. However, they all stand miserably and Red asks what's happened. Blue says unhappily that they not only didn't get White's dagger back... and Black finishes with the point that they've had their own taken, as well. And White happily rubs it in. Blue is defensively grouching that they'd lost theirs trying to get hers back and Red is trying to head off another fit, but White stamps into Blue's face to snarl outrage at him for how he treated her after hers was taken. He backs up, trips and falls onto Black. White puts a final word in that she will get the daggers back herself and heads off. Yellow wonders what she's so mad about, and Red reminds them of what Blue had said earlier. Blue, (in the way that some people don't) just doesn't get it and whines he was only joking. Red responds that if White were a man they probably would have encouraged her not to give up, and that this is just like little kids in school or something. Yellow undrestands, and Black and Blue bother feel sorry. Red encourages them to get back on the ball.
White has settled under a temple pagoda, thinking unhappily that she has no idea where to look. But her thoughts are interrupted by someone saying, "Yo, miss older girl." It is Futaro, and he is above her in the entranceway. "What's the matter?" he asks her wonderingly. She is on her feet, saying his name. He figures she's angry because of his disappointment over her not being as good as he thought she was. For him she doesn't act the pouting baby, but the worried too-intelligent teenager. But he has heard some strange voices and he thinks they may be over there. "Really?" she asks. He allows he thinks so, and she thanks him and takes off to investigate. He stares after her wistfully.
The Aurg is indeed off that way, in a blacksmith shop or something like that. He is hammering the metal of the daggers into new shapes. He is singing a working song as he does so, and crows his pleasure. White arrives to demand the daggers back. "Oh, young lady you've come alone again? Ah, but you're too late." And he whips the white cloth off a table to reveal four er... well... a knife, spoon, fork... with all too familiar hilts. He identifies each for her and puts the fourth in with a happy, "And now a butter knife!" White stares in dismay. He is very, very pleased with his work, making a proper French place setting. Furious, White bounds forward and slams her hands on the display table. "Hurry up and put them back the way they were!" But he refuses categorically and slaps her away. She hauls out her G-Phone and changes into armor to fight. He blasts flame into her face and manages to get in a number of good hits, scolds her for interfering and tells her not to give up even when fighting alone, but then moves to kill her. Fortunately Red arrives and he uses the Falcon Summoner in Gun mode to do him some damage. Red is about to do more when the Aurg comments on this being an animal thing. So instead Red flips in to hit him with the weapon. He goes to help White and scolds her worriedly for heading off alone like that. She is forgiving and they get blasted by the Aurg, then lead it a merry chase through the area. It fires up and blasts them but then Yellow arrives to smash it against a wall, then Blue and Black help. Getting a breather, Blue particularly apologizes to White. She accepts his apology and extends her own for being so angry, and Yellow makes an important friends remark. But then they hear the Dukes. For they are presenting Kujiya Aurg's work to Rasetsu, and it is quite pleased with the dinnerware. White shouts a protest and gets blasted for her trouble. Just when things are looking bad, Silver arrives and uses Sniper mode to blast the dinnerware into its proper owners' hands. Rasetsu angrily sends Kajiya Aurg to get them, and they manage to destroy it quickly with the combined weapon. Rasetsu rants that the Gaoranger are getting in its way, not to mention stealing its dinnerware. It calls on Tsue Tsue. And she makes the dead Aurg into a giant. Our heroes try to call their companions, but the daggers can't be used in this condition. They cannot call their Power Animals. Silver is quick to call in Gao Hunter while the others are stuck.
Kajiya Aurg is quite the match for our Gao Hunter, even standing up to the Beast Hurricane and in fact sending GH falling. And while the others whimper that they can't help, Kajiya Aurg spends some time smashing him. The Aurg gloat. Red cries at Kajiya to stop, and hauls out the Falcon Summoner to use in Arrow Mode for all the good that'll do. But before he can fire, he hears the Falcon's voice from inside the volcano on Animalium. The message is clear, and Red plugs his dagger with the Falcon's orb into the back of the Summoner. The others gather around, White asking what he's up to. Red asks for their orbs to put in the Falcon Summoner. Understanding immediately, they all agree. The orbs in place, Red sends the summons. And on the island, the volcano erupts again. They come. Falcon. Giraffe. Deer. Rhinocerous. Armadillo. And their companions delight in their arrival. For it is Gao Icarus they form now. Startled, the Aurg call in dismay. And Gao Icarus takes down Kajiya Aurg. But he gets back up and tries to flame them. Red calls for Defense Mode, and the wings close over and soon they kick Armadillo at the Aurg, and it is destroyed. And when that happens, the daggers restore to their proper shape. The crew laughs in delight, and the angry Aurg head off.
The Gaoranger as a group head back to the temple, White calling Futaro's name. All six of them have come, and they gather under the gate fretting about the boy. Oh, they'll surely find him one day. Silver seems to be saying he thinks the boy look like him. This sets off a spate of teasing and the group continues on. White is last, calling Red back to her to thank him, when he asks why, she points out that he stayed to help her out of her angry mood. And then the other four call the two to come with, and they take off happily.
Quest 36: νmxι Senshi Odoru Soldiers Dance
Okarina Aurg, whose playing sends any who hear into dancing, EVEN the Gaoranger. And it looks like Gao God will put in an appearance.
Quest 36: νmxι Senshi Odoru Soldiers Dance
A clear day. Seated atop a building is Rasetsu, with Yaba-iba, Tsue Tsue and a couple of Aurgettes hovering around it. They've set up a table and are making an elaborate presentation of a meal to it. They have done their best, made it of metal hearts and open paint cans and other things (looks like Rasetsu prefers solid foods, hahah). He is delighted. He is impresse with their research into this, and gets ready to dig in. However, reaching their ears comes the sweet sound of a playing flute. And soon can be made out a woman's voice singing. Rasetsu is on his feet, breakfast ruined by this. He hates that sound. Tsue Tsue seems to point out that they can't hear it in the Matrix. And Yaba-iba points out that the sound is coming from the sky. Rasetsu looks up into the morning sunlight.
Far above, hidden among clouds, is Animalium. The music that has disrupted Rasetsu's breakfast is of course Silver playing his flute for Tetomu to sing to. They are playing for Gao Deer, who listens with utter pleasure from an outcrop and sways his head, entranced. Silver watches Tetomu as he plays and she sings, and his memories of Murasaki fill his thoughts. When the two of them would stand together, him in his proper noble's robes and headgear, her in her preistess' robes. And they would play for Gao God. They are starting to wind up the song, he is watching her, entranced.
Down in the city, underneath buildings, near metal artwork and below green trees, stands Futaro. He, too, hears the sweet music only far clearer than the Aurg hear it. He stands frozen, his cheeks wet with tears, and wonders why he is crying.
The music continues sweeping unheard by most through the city. And riding it comes a white shimmer of light, which eventually enters a musical instrument store and takes form. A white Aurg, whit long prongs out of its ceramic head. He is delighted with his form and while the store clerk runs as fast as possible, he heads out the door to note the music in the air. He states that he can play much better than that, and lifts his long, odd pipe to his lips and begins playing. He actually does play well, however, and on the same frequency as Silver. So suddenly the music the Aurg is playing flutes loudly in their ears on Animalium, carried through Silver's pipe. Startled, he lowers the pipe and silence falls. For an instant. Indignant, Tetomu says "Hey!" and startled, he looks at her. "Huh?" "What was THAT?! It was strange!" Huffing, he answers back, "It wasn't ME!" Since the sound had come straight from his flute, she accuses him of lying. She goes on to pout that maybe he doesn't like playing with her every morning. He makes a study of the ground and remarks something about Murasaki, which gets her irate ear immediately. "Huh? What'd you say?" Silver has not got the art of evading and responds, hunching his head down in his collar, "It's just you look so much like Murasaki." And he flinches as she gets indignant. "I'm NOT Grandmother Murasaki!" and she turns her back on him in a huff. Trying to get out of the argument, he determines to finish playing for Gao Deer, and moves to do so, but Tetomu will not sing, and tells him so when he tries to ask her and she heads off. Silver turns around to find Gao Deer glowering down at him. The great one turns and kicks dust up as it takes off. Gao Silver is on everyone's list now, it seems. Feeling confused, he just doesn't know what to do or say.
Rasetsu is utterly delighted with the music that interrupted the terrible song (hahah). He sends our two dukes off to find the source of the music.
The next morning, Gao Deer waits on his ridg, and whistles in upset when he finds no one there to play for him. In Gao's Rock, Red comes into the common room in his dark pajamas. Crossing the room, stretching and yawning, he realizes he's just walked past Tetomu. This is not usual these days, and he stops in bewildered surprise. He comes back to her and asks worriedly, "What's the matter, Tetomu? Isn't this when you usually sing for Gao Deer?" She turns her back on him looking miserable, and leans on the edge of the scrying pool. "I've stopped. It takes two of us, you know." She splashes the water restlessly. Uncertain, Red asks about Silver. Furious, Tetomu splashes the water hard and gets up to glare. "I can't stand singing with him!" Pacing the room in a fury, she goes on about how he wants her to be Murasaki and is disappointed as she's not and it's driving her up the wall. She walks out of the room, and Red pursues asking where she's going. Thus no one is around to see the scrying pool erupt in warning.
For the Aurg is playing again. His merry tune sweeps a playground, where startled children find themselve dancing whether they want to or not. They protest in confusion as they dance. In school, a teacher has written a problem on the board and asks who can answer it. The children are ready. For some reason he decides to open the window and the moment he does the music sweeps in. His startled students find themselves dancing, frightened. They cry for help while their confused teacher cannot figure out why they are doing this and frantically moves among them.
And Silver is playing pool. He strikes the white ball and sends it at a red ball. His game is off, he's so disturbed, and his target sits on the lip of the hole and doesn't fall in. Silver straightens up and regards it unhappily. Then a voice interrupts. "Well, that's no fun." Silver glances around and sees Red leaning in the doorway, and finds he is being greeted with determined cheer. Red collects Silver outside and they stare down at a crowded street below. Red takes seriously his duty of keeping folks okay, and asks how he is. Silver is quiet about it, and then Red asks about the fight Silver and Tetomu had yesterday. Silver looks a bit put out. Red sees his expression and straightens up, gently teasing. "What with you two being from the Heian Period, you should have a lot in common." Silver moves away unhappily, and talks about Murasaki and remembering her. Red points out sensibly that Tetomu is not Murasaki, she's herself and a pretty good person at that. Silver cannot argue with that logic, though it clearly does not sit well with him. But before he can answer, Red's G-phone rings. He answers it. Yellow is calling with warning about the Aurg. Red heads off, and teases Silver briefly. Silver, of course, sighs and runs off after him.
The Aurg continues to play his sweet song, while very frightened children are compelled to dance to it and call for help even as they move. The six Gao Ranger arrive, Red in the lead hits the Aurg and sends it tumbling, releasing the children from the spell. The other Gaoranger hurry the kids off before turning to the Aurg. He is not a happy camper. Being a musician, he had no awareness whatsoever of anything outside his music, and protests that they stopped him playing when everyone was enjoying themselves. White points out that these people were not having fun, which doesn't matter to the Aurg. He is angry, of course. Humans love his music, and darnit, they will too. And he starts to play. The sound is sweet and Silver recognizes it as the sound which had interrupted his playing on the island the day before. But to the Gaoranger, the sound is not sweet but more of an irritation. They try to get it out of their helmets, and Red leads the attack. They hit the startled Aurg and it falls. Just as they are about to really go into it, they are hit by explosions from behind. They turn to fight. In the meanwhile, the Aurg hears its name called in urgent whispers and looks around. It is J Mateki (Demon Flute) Aurg, by the way. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are there, waving at him urgently and calling him to run off with them. "One horns!" he cries and scrambles to his feet to run off. By the time the Gaorangers get back up, he is long gone. Yellow grumbles about it.
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba bring him to the Matrix, and toss him at Rasetsu's feet with remarks about his inability to face the Gaoranger. He whines plaintatively that he just doesn't have that sort of power. Rasetsu agrees and our two dukes know what's coming next, so they make a break for it. They aren't fast enough. Rasetsu sucks their power out into Mateki Aurg. They fall with gasps of pain as he exclaims with his newly supercharged power.
In Gao's Rock, the news about the Aurg who plays music is given to Tetomu, who understands that had interrupted her session with Silver the morning before. Red asks her to please go play for Gao Deer the next morning. However, she isn't that willing. The music wasn't the problem, after all. Just Silver. But before she can talk about that, the scrying pool erupts and our heroes have to go face the Aurg.
Supercharged, his song has lost its sweetness and is a strong dissonance. Also it is much more powerful than it was. Everyone is dancing, compelled by the music, even the buildings sway under its influence. No one can stop themselves from dancing. "Dance, dance!" cries the happy Aurg. "Now that I've powered-up, even adults have to dance for me!" But the Gaoranger arrive to shout their anger, five of them, Silver hasn't gotten there yet. Red says this will be the last dance, but Mateki Aurg knows his power and starts playing. The Gaoranger find themselves as helpless against the music as everyone else, and they discuss it as they are forced to dance, and find themselves crying for help.
Tetomu sees this in the scrying pool and gasps in startlement, "They're all dancing?!" "Tetomu." Silver has arrived and stands in the rock, his flute clasped tightly in his fingers and looking startlingly contrite. Tetomu glares at him. "Why are you here?" Rather shy, he shuffles uneasily and turns his head, hard to look straight at her. But he must to speak and explain that he's not really sure what to do about this anger. When he ducks his gaze again, she glares all the more and snaps fiercely, "Well, I look like Grandma Murasaki. I'm sorry if that offends you!" and turns her back on him. Struck by what she's said, he lifts his gaze but only can see her back. He takes a small step towards her. "I'm sorry about yesterday." He is earnest, and young. "That you're Tetomu is very good." She turns at his words and crosses the room in strides. "Is that really what you think?" she asks suspiciously, and stops beside him facing the opposite way. He fiddles with his pipe nervously, trying to say the right thing. "Um, yeah. That's what everyone thinks." He moves to look into the scrying pool, and points out that this Aurg is what had interrupted them yesterday. She counters logically that this was not the issue. He tries to say enough but she grabs him in an armlock around the neck and drags him towards the door. It is high time he helped the others, and she will make sure he gets there. "I know, I know!" he tries to protest as he scrambles to stay on his feet while she drags him out.
The dancers are beginning to drop from exhaustion. Their arms still move feebly to the music, and even the Gaoranger are having a tough time of it. And then a sweet flute cuts the air, and a woman's voice sings. Horrified by the tones, Muteki Aurg stops playing, trying to block his ears. The dancers fall the ther cement. Red looks up and sees Tetomu and Silver far above, playing for them. While the civilians run away, Red calls his thanks. And in another part of the city, Futaro has been sleeping on a bench and sits up at the sound of the song. He turns, looking for it, and then races to home in on the music. The song continues on and on, but Rasetsu comes to rescue his crying Aurg. He blasts the pair and they both cry out. Silver's flute hits the cement hard. Rasetsu has brought the bandaged dukes in tow, and they turn their attention to the Gaoranger. They will help Muteki Aurg turn his power on the Gaoranger. He plays again, and again they are helpless to prevent themselves dancing to his tune. But a piercing whistle cuts the air. Gao Deer has come down from the island, burning with indignation. He uses his horns and power falls on the Aurg. Muteki Aurg's piping clears into a sweet beauty, but the compulsion forcing the Gaoranger to dance is gone. Blue stops and then looks around at the others in perplexion. "We can stop," he points out, and they finally realize it and pull themselves out of it. The four are rather embarrassed. Black thanks Gao Deer, and it finally occurs to Muteki Aurg that his playing is not doing what he thought. Tetomu gets to her feet and wonders what brought Gao Deer down, and Silver cheerfully points out it was her singing, he pats her on the shoulder. She is delighted and shy about that, and whacks him on the back. Misjudging her strength, for that pat sends Silver off the edge of the building. He transfers into armor in midair, and lands on his feet in front of the others. He calls the startled group to join him, and they happily follow suit (haha). Six Gaoranger stand ready to face their enemies. (after the usual self-introdutions) The Aurg are about to sneer, when Rasetsu sees a startling sight. A little boy running to the edge of the walk and looking down on the fight. "Why is that kid here?" Tsue Tsue interjects quickly, "Don't worry about the boy right now!" For there are Gaoranger to fight. Muteki Aurg blasts them with his hand/cannon and leaps down to attack. With his own set of moves, he challenges them and makes quite a good accounting of himself actually, though Blue kicks him in the face later, and Yellow and Silver smash him into a wall. Then White and Black slam him um... crotch-first... into something. Red hits him hard with his Lion Claw and far above, Futaro watches the battle anxiously, looking upset and frightened. The Gaoranger finish Muteki with their combined blades and he explodes. Tetomu shouts her excitement, but it is not over yet, because of course Tsue Tsue sends Muteki Aurg into giant form. Our heroes call the Power Animals, but Muteki Aurg plays his pipe and the sound overrides the daggers, preventing the animals from hearing the call. Around him, the city sways to the music. Futaro flees breathlessly away from the scene, while the Aurg are delighted and love the distorted music. Very smug, but then something new happens.
Power shrills into the air, glowing light and balls of fire that catch the Aurgs' attention. They protest the horrible light. Silver runs, covering his ears against the horrible noise of Muteki. He joins the others, but the glow in the air forms into five mighty Power Animals. Startled, the Aurg realize that these aren't the usual Power Animals. And Silver recognizes the mighty beasts racing into battle. The dark lion, the great condor, The golden jaguar... "God Power Animals!" Gao Saw Shark. Buffalo. Jaguar. To the Aurg's horror, the five come together and there stands mighty Gao God, whom Rasetsu protests they thought him dead a thousand years ago. And Gao God fires on Muteki Aurg, destroying his flute. "My precious flute!" he cries in protest. His music silenced, they can call now and Red uses the Falcon Summoner. They will face him with Gao Icarus, and the mighty formation comes in happy response. Silver and Tetomu stand to watch and admire. Gao Icarus lifts Muteki over its head, and while he whines and protests, they start him spinning and destroy him. The furious Dukes and Highness leave. Tetomu thanks Gao God, and Silver beside her calls to it, "My friend from a thousand years ago! So you didn't die in that battle! (he may have said the name of that last Aurg). But though they ask it, Gao God does not respond. He seems to disintegrate into light which falls down beyond the tall buildings. "Wait, please!" cries Tetomu. When they ask Silver about it, he says he doesn't know either. He transfers out of his armor and starts off, but Tetomu asks him if they will play for Gao Deer tomorrow. He smiles at her and makes an enthusiastic noise. She trots off to walk beside him as the others watch in relief.
Next Quest 37: oCoR¦ι Yabaiba Moeru Yaba-iba BURNS
Yaba-iba and his companion greet us happily. This is their story, while bewildred Gaoranger can't figure out what to do.
Quest 38: Έμ€Έγν Shouryou Ou Choujou Kessen Spirit of the deceased Lord Peak Battle (probably not close)
It's a beautiful, shining day. Blue, walking home with the groceries, is about to take a bite out of his apple when he sees a sight so unexpected, he drops it. Gao's Rock is ahead of him, top laced with green moss and grass. And there is something moving up its side. It is the child, Futaro, reaching up for another handhold. Blue rushes closer. "Futaro! What are you doing?" The boy startles at the call, and loses his footing and handholds. He falls. Blue yelps his name.
Red is quietly discussing Gao God with the others inside the Rock. Tetomu agrees they'd all thought it dead in the last battle. That was what Silver had said, Yellow points out. White is already accepting that this was not true. Black marvels over these five, mighty new Power Animals, remembering them bearing down on the Aurg for battle. Red frets, "What brought him to us? Where is Gao God?" and they all think about it, standing next to the scrying pool. Tetomu postulates if the Gao God animals are on the island or not, when Futaro pops in and says cheerfully, "Oh, so this is where you all live!" They are flabbergasted to see him, closing around him and Red asking what he's doing here, but Blue is right there and informs them he'd found the boy climbing the rock. "Is that all right?" wonders Yellow. And White asks the boy just what he was up to. With wide, intent eyes, the boy informs them that he had not known they were there. Tetomu comes over and bends down to get a better look at him. "Ordinary people don't notice Gao's Rock." They all look the boy over curiously. "What made you think to come here?" Their questions upset the boy and he replies indignantly, "The turtle called me here!!" Tetomu and Red exchange bewildered looks. Yellow is confused, and Blue comes anxiously to exchange fretful glances with Black. Futaro looks soulfully up at them.
Rasetsu has a piece of machinery on his table, and is preparing to eat it, praising it to the cook, Tsue Tsue, when Yaba-iba races in with a platter of rusted metal to offer. The smell only annoys Rasetsu, who waves him off. Yaba-iba then notices the smell himself and winces at it. He plugs his nose and apologizes, then heads off. In the tunnel out of the Matrix, he grumbles about how Tsue Tsue is such a good suck-up. He keeps going back and forth, upset and annoyed. He pounds a bit on the wall, settles on some stones, and then has an idea. He will go look up his little brother, and together they can be Team Yaba-iba! And sure enough, he finds him out in the bright daylight, juggling innocent passersby and having just a general good time. Juggling Aurg hears Yaba-iba calling and drops his human toys to go greet his brother. "Man, it's been such a long time, bro!" As the boys catch up on old times, Yaba-iba explains what he's up to. The two of them, showing what Aurg are really made of. Juggling Aurg gets caught up in the excitement and suggests they be Team Circus. Yaba-iba takes an instant to get that idea through his head, and asks somewhat uncertainly, "You mean me be a clown?"
A baseball cuts the blue sky to land in a boy's glove. Futaro and Blue are playing catch in the sunny afternoon. Futaro pitches one and it goes flying past his friend, "Blue, sorry!" he calls as the young man races after it. And Yellow reenters the rock, commenting that the two are playing together. When White comments that they get along really well, Yellow says somewhat sourly that they're both kids. Red gets down to the point, "But if he can't remember anything from long ago, we've got a problem." Black raises the other issue, "You think it's true he can't remember?" But before the conversation can continue, Futaro and Blue arrive hurrying in to close on Tetomu. They stand innocently as Blue proposes that the child stay with them, even if it's a problem. He can fix up a bed in his room. Tetomu seems quite willing to approve it if the two stay together. They both are delighted. Red cuts in to point out that Futaro's real household will be mighty worried about him. Blue gleefully says that they'll find out, starting today they'll look for it, and he says since he's Surging Shark, to go ahead and call him Mr. Shark. He pats the boy reassuringly for agreement. Yelllow stiffens up, "Mr. Shark? Sheesh! He can't go alone." or something like that.
Thus Yellow ends up tagging along with Blue and Futaro, as they try to figure out where the boy actually lives. Futaro says he doesn't know anything around here until he sees something in the distance and dashes a few feet only to whirl and say, "There!" He's pointing at the sky rides for an amusement park (Korakuen, they're in Tokyo). Yellow plasters a smile on his face while Blue enthusiastically dashes off with Futaro. They all catch up near the entrance, both men panting a bit. Blue sets a hand on Futaro's shoulder. "You recognize something around here?" Eagerly the boy replies that he'd surely remember more after they go inside. Yellow, looking slightly chilled, grumps, "Nothing else to do. Go inside." Blue replies eagerly, "Right! Get the tickets, will you?" and bounds away. Yellow grabs his arm to stop him, "You mean I pay myself?" and Blue scolds him and heads for the entrance. Grouching, Yellow goes bad-temperedly to wait in line, unaware that Yaba-iba is watching all this and snickering. He and his brother will face his great rival, Yellow.
Poor Yellow is stuck racing behind the two. There are all these great rides to go on, and Futaro points at a particular ride, where those riding sit in these seats that then are drawn very high, only to drop steep and fast back down. "I want to ride that!" Blue is all for it, but Yellow asks angrily if the boy is lying about remembering anything around here. Blue defends Futaro, pushing Yellow back and bounding off with him. So they get seated and Yellow ends up next to the boy. Before the ride starts, he leans back to ask Blue fretfully what happens on this one. When Blue explains, Yellow makes a break for it but the two manage to stop him and strap him in. He gets no second chance as the ride starts, and Yellow screams his way through the entire thing. By the time they get off, everyone is very happy except Yellow. He has not weathered this well. Going down the offramp, he has lost his land-legs and sort of slides down. Blue and Futaro stare at him in confusion and Blue asks, "Were you REALLY a jet pilot?" Looking discouraged, Furtaro comments that they'd probably get more fun talking about stuff if the old man wasn't with them. Poor Yellow is in no condition to defend himself. He's rather green aroud the gills. In fact, he starts battling the need to vomit. Blue stares doubtfully at him, but Futaro says happily, "Hey, look over there!" The two bound off. Over there is a person in a white rabbit suit, handing out balloons. Futaro gets one and they continue bounding away, Yellow in pursuit though having difficulty straightening up. The rabbit turns and holds up a fine, wavy dagger (yes, it's Yaba-iba in there) and tosses it at Yellow. Fortunately, that moment Yellow loses his lunch and the dagger flies over his head to pop Futaro's balloon. Blue and Futaro note this with disappointment, then head on cheerfully for whatever they'll do next, Yellow lurching after them. "Why are you guys so darned energetic?" he complains. There is more complaining going on behind them. The white rabbit has been joined by a panda. Yaba-iba pulls off his rabbit head to glower and plan.
The boys have settled at a bonk-the-alligator game. Blue is hitting and missing about equally, while Futaro comments helpfully, "Over here!" and Yellow watches from a table, sipping a cold drink and grumbling to himself. Finally, exasperated with Blue's missing so much, he heads over to show them how it's done. He takes the mallet, bops Blue on the head, and starts going viciously after the alligators. Futaro rolls his eyes and tugs Blue away. Blue is only too glad to leave their wet blanket behind. Yellow doesn't even notice them go. The rabbit and panda arrive and Yaba-iba starts tossing knives at Yellow's back, his brother cheering him silently on. However, every dagger misses as Yellow is moving constantly after the alligators. Juggling Aurg finally suggests they go find out what the others are up to, though Yaba-iba is practically weeping with frustration. Yellow finally finishes the game with 100% win and straightens up. "Now THAT'S how it's done," he says smugly. But when he turns it is to the shock of no one being there. "Blue? Futaro?" he asks uncertainly. He heads off to find them, oblivious to the pillar beside him with Yaba-iba's blades turning it into a pincushion.
The sky-high ride. Blue hesitates over taking it, but Futaro is happy to go. "Hey, wait," Blue calls. But chasing after the boy, he is cut off by a guy in a white rabbit suit. "Who the heck are you?" Futaro, meanwhile, sits happily in the best seat. And then the brace folds over him like magic. "Huh?" he startles. And the other people on the ride turn into Aurgettes. Futaro is pinned and can't get away. He cries out for Blue, who hears him and gets frantic. But he can't get past the rabbit, which tosses him back and as he gets up he finds he is facing both the rabbit and a panda. "Got ya, Gaoranger!" the rabbit says. "Who ARE you?" Blue asks in confusion. Startled and embarrassed, the two start struggling out of their costumes. Yaba-iba gets his head off (and boy does he look funny with that bunny tail sticking out) but his companion is still stuck in the panda suit and he starts helping get the thing off. Eventually they succeed and both fall. Brightly, Blue identifies them as Aurg. That one replies, "Yeah, I'm his little brother, Juggling Aurg!" and Yaba-iba adds, "We're Team Circus!"
Blue is rather shaken, but then Yellow gets to his side. "Where is Futaro?" "Over there!" Blue points, and explains shortly what's happened. Futaro has plastered himself back trying to kick at the Aurgettes surrounding him. "Help, Red, Blue!" Yellow is about to dash forward but Blue holds him back with a quick arm. "No, this is MY fault." The two tense to fight side by side, calling Futaro to wait, and they transfer into their armor. Juggling Aurg knocks them back with two balls and they fall onto the Korakuen stage (it may be noted that the stage and the ride Futaro is sitting on are nowhere near each other and you CANNOT see one from the other, but ignore that for the story's sake). Battle is joined in a suddenly empty amusement park, and Yaba-iba makes Yellow his prime target. The two battle on the stage as Yaba-iba snarls the Yellow is his rival. "Rivals? You and I?!" It seems he never noticed. They continue this argument while fighting, for Yellow doesn't think Yaba-iba is good enough to be considered his rival. He severely beats Yaba-iba back and is about to slice him, when Juggling Aurg tosses Blue onto him and races to make sure his brother is all right. Yaba-iba tries to be cool about it, and then they leap onto the stage on opposite sides of our heroes. Using exploding juggling balls, they toss and toss until the two Gaoranger fall badly. Futaro sees this and cries out to them. Now the've got them down, and Yaba-iba calls his brother to act. Juggling Aurg holds up an old-style fan and starts turning it. There is ball atop it rotating slowly. Our heroes are trying to get their breath back where they lie. The boys are back on their feet and again under attack by the flying explosives. Eventually they are tossed off the stage to land in the seats painfully. Futaro watches as best he can, frantic for them. Blue suggests they show off their own combination work. Yellow is a bit confused, but follows his friend's lead. Blue ends up on Yellow's shoulders and they've traded off weapons. Blue leaps to attack shouting "Eagle Slash!" and dices them well. Yellow follows up with a flip off Blue's shoulders "Noble Cutter!" he shouts. The startled Aurg are blasted and driven back. They land and Futaro cheers. Yaba-iba gets back up and then, when they think he's going to attack, he pushes his brother "Run away!" and they dash off. The startled Gaoranger pursue, to find the Aurg have gone to the ride where Futaro is trapped. The boy is in great danger, for Yaba-iba threatens to blow him up like a balloon. Futaro tells Blue not to worry about him, but Blue is in a panic. And the two Gaoranger miserably drop their weapons, sending the child into astounded panic. For they have no defense now against the Aurg attack, and are driven to the ground. As the two close to deliver their final blows, rescue arrives in the nick of time. Black, Red and White drive the two Aurg back. And then Blue and Yellow together leap in and beat and slash Aurgetts away from Futaro. Blue gets the delighted boy out, to hear his praises and how worried the boy had been. Yellow sends him off, and together they put quite a dent in Yaba-iba and his brother. A final attack with the Hyakujuuken and Juggling Aurg is defeated. He calls out for his brother as he falls. Crying Juggling Aurg's name in dismay, Yaba-iba hauls out Tsue Tsue's staff and sends out the seeds to make his brother a giant.
Blue tells Red to call in Gao King, and they do. The mighty ones comes to fight on the glowing road from the Sky Island. Yellow and Blue command this battle, calling for the formation. Soul Bird takes our heroes in, and the battle is joined against the laughing Juggling Aurg. Yaba-iba cheers his brother on. With the Fin Blade, Blue cuts up Juggling Aurg's ring-attack to his dismay. Then he cuts up Juggling Aurg a bit before hitting with the Shark Shot, which takes the Aurg down. Yaba-iba cries out, but at that moment Tsue Tsue arrives, very startled at the going-ons and wondering just what he's doing with her staff. He gives it back to her angrily, then shows that he holds a handful of beans. She is astounded to see them. He intends to keep fighting, finding some new way. She stares at him as he speaks his plan to use the seeds himself, and she gets frantically worried because they don't know what will happen to him. Furious, he calls the spell and swallows the beans. He expands out like a balloon to become giant, and springs to help his brother. The two giants get on opposite sides of Gao King, and just like with the heroes, their tossing daggers do considerable damage. But when they move to take Gao King out, Gao Hunter arrives to stop them. He uses Revolver Phantom on Juggling Aurg, and while that one is staggered, Gao King hits him with Super Animal Heart. He is destroyed, again crying his brother's name. Yaba-iba calls equally dismayed. In a kind of madness, he answers Yellow's challenge and leaps at the two formations to fight. But just as he raises his sword, he farts. The air fills with the white mist and he cries his dismy as he shrinks down. They look about in confusion, for now they can't see him.
Yaba-iba settles miserably on the steps, staring at his hands and mourning his failure. He'd had the seeds in his very hands and he'd tried so hard! He's just a failure. He puts his head in his hands and does not notice Tsue Tsue join him on the steps. She settles down at his side to speak to him with gentle, affectionate encouragement. She tells him he is not a failure, that he's really special. They sit together like family, or lovers, and her words put him in tears and he thanks her, getting to his feet he crows that he will keep fighting. But then his arm hurts him terribly and she moves to help tend his injury.
The Gaoranger race along beside the river to meet Futaro, who stands waiting for them. Blue asks him if he's all right, and he says yes he is. Yellow gives an exasperated sigh and grumps that they've just young kids and weather anything. Blue glowers at him, "I'm NOT a kid." Red and Silver are behind them, Silver watching and folding his arms to nod agreement with Yellow's next words, "Yeah but the two of you had a lot of fun together." Blue, indicating Futaro, points out, "Having fun together is an excellent way to promote communication." He pats a speechless Yellow on the shoulder. Futaro turns from them and says with deliberate innocence that they are older after all, they got tired out. The two men leap after the boy, while Red and Silver chuckle behind them. They chase him about, Black calling encouragement while Blue complains that he's only nineteen. Futaro dives behind Silver and holds on to the sides of his jacket. "That's enough," Silver says sternly, bringing the other two men to a halt. He turns his head to look down at Futaro for agreement, only to find that the child is staring up at him with a terribly sad expression on his face. "What's the matter? Why are you looking at my face like that?" he asks kindly, putting a hand on the child's shoulder. "Mister, you're Gao Silver?" Futaro sounds as if he might break into tears. Silver agrees he is and lets his hand down, "Yes, this is the first time you've seen my real face." The boy blinks hard and asks unhapilly, "I've really never seen you before...?" The question surprises Silver, as well it might, and he needs more. "It's just, looking at you is like something I miss so much." Blue and Yellow exchange extremely puzzled glances. Silver straightens up, folding his arms and everyone looks at Futaro in puzzlement as the wind blows around them.
Quest 39: _ͺAκι Kami Ga Tsurasaru The God Takes Away
Quest 40: VσAΕΤ Tenkuushima, Horobu Sky Island, Dying
 Quests 41-50