Quests 11-20 Quests 31-40
Quest 21: 狼鬼、惑う Rouki, Madou. Wolf Demon, Perplexed.
Gao Owl hoots outside Gao's Rock (before anyone gets excited, no it's not a Power Animal, it's just the owl that lives near where Gao's Rock usually is). Inside, Yellow is still off balance. He paces anxiously, stopping occasionally to crack his knuckles. White stands witnessing his restlessness, listening to his quiet fretting, watching as he slams his fist into the wall. He then stops and looks back at her, embarrassed. She tries to smile brightly for him, tell him he's healthy and strong. She reminds him that the bears chose him. He gives a frustrated growl and flops down on his back on the floor. The others watch from the entrance hall. Red, Blue and Black are in their pajamas while Tetomu is in her usual clothes. They all sigh unhappily. Blue stands up, muttering grumbles about Loki and the things they just don't know about what happened a thousand years ago. Black adds a quiet word and Tetomu answers that she needs to remember more of what Grandmother Murasaki had said. Red brightens and heads into the main room. He knows there is a way to defeat Loki. There must be, as the others did it so long ago. He comes up beside White. Yellow shifts into a sitting position. They close on him worriedly, for his eyes are glassy. White says strongly, "Keep trying!" He blinks and stares at her, then gets to his feet and says hoarsely, "Keep trying. Fighting spirit, okay!" He thumbs up them an Red returns the gesture hopefully. Still, Yellow's confidence has been shattered and it still shows in the slightly crooked way he stands. The others refuse to see it, though, and smile back at him.
Loki, meanwhile, lies stretched out beside a fire. He is sleeping next to his crypt, dreaming of the horrible time when he was taken by the ancient Gaoranger. He wakes with a grunt of terror. Yet there is a soft yelp and he looks around. It is a puppy, vaguely husky-like but with thin fur and shortish legs, coming to investigate his camp and hoping for food. "A puppy?" he says with a hint of amusement. He goes and picks it up, holding it to his face. "A puppy... where did you come from?" It wriggles in his hands and memory takes him. Slender hands, human arms pulling a puppy wriggling playfully in the flowing, cold water. Setting it down so it can swim. Loki breathes in, the peculiar memory gone.
Ura frets in the Matrix, wondering where Loki is. There are so many things to do. And oddly, outside in the city night, Tsue Tsue sits and swings slowly on a swingset. She, too, is fretting about Loki and probably how they've been displaced by him. Yaba-iba comes to settle on the next swing over, unhappy as she with the situation. They think they will be fired. But then Tsue Tsue bounds off the swing and holds up a book to him. He has no idea what she wants with it. He reads the title and the binding paper on the bottom and it just makes no sense to him. He sighs and hangs his head. But Tsue Tsue looks through the book until she finds part 8, about searching for work. But then, as she is grinning and planning, the tip of her horn begins to glow red. She urges Yaba-iba to come with her. He hurries to catch up.
A school. It is dark and spooky in the night. A child walks into the science room and looks cautiously around. He is searching for his book? He walks slowly between the tables. And then there is a strange flash. He falls with a cry of surprise and finds his book right next to him, under the table. Happily, he picks it up and starts towards the door to go home (this boy has a one-track mind). There is a rattling behind him. The room's skeleton is twitching. The boy stops and slowly turns around. Nothing. But he goes to look closer. Indignant at being frightened, he kicks the skeleton's foot and scolds it, then hurries off. The skeleton glows red, steam puffing from its head, and reforms into an annoyed Aurg, jumping up and down and favoring its hurt foot. It grumbles about the boy, and its voice is like a child's itself. And Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba witness him pouting. Tsue Tsue reads in the book something she thinks is fitting. "Do what you're good at and you can run your own business." The pair nod agreement with each other and start to make their move.
"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" Tetomu's voice echoes in the morning through the Rock. Everyone hurtles into the main room, still in their pajamas, for the rock is shaking and they wonder if it's an earthquake. But Tetomu tells them it's an Aurg. And then the stone in the center of the room flares orange light. The whole rock shudders violently, sending our heroes tumbling to the floor.
Out in the morning light, they head into the foothills and eventually they find an old, abandoned building just beginning to get overgrown. Somewhat to their surprise, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are there. They are dressed as clowns and beckon the Gaoranger excitedly. They have written all over the walls, in shaky kanji I cannot read anyway. They invite the group to go in and see the haunted house and meet ghosts! Despite the odd situation, the Gaoranger find themselves grinning and intrigued. Laughing, they go into a huddle. After a quick, silent conference, they stand back up. Yellow announces, "This looks like fun!" and Black agrees "Let's go in and see!" and the happy group starts towards the house. Staring up with bright interest and making excited noises, the group gathers close to the two clowns. Red asks hopefully, "Are five adults all right?" Yaba-iba capers and says of course they are. He bows and says one person is 500 yen. When they make appalled noises at the price, Tsue Tsue uses her hips to whap Yaba-iba out of the way and says that they get FREE tickets! She hands the tickets to Red, and the Gaoranger gather happily together to go inside. White says playfully, "Oh, but I'm scared!" as they all head through the entrance. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are ecstatic.
Tsue Tsue opens her book and reads the next part of advice. It says to not give up and keep trying. They laugh happily. They're serious about this.
An Aurgette sees the customers coming and hides so they won't see him, holding up the glowing green ball to scare them. Red heads the group, coming through a door. Black stays close on his heels. They stay close together. Yellow sees the glowing green ball floating around a lantern, and goes to investigate. Inside the box behind he comes face to face with the holder, which lifts its head innocently to him and says in a small voice, "Aurgette." Yellow blinks down at it, turns away and mutters, "This is scarey," before heading on into the house. Entering one room White says, "Oh, so scarey!" and then a cabinet opens beside her, to reveal an Aurgette playing a hungry ghost. White screams and bashes the poor thing with a board. It spins and finally falls, seeming to die. Another Aurgette is playing the stretch-neck female ghost, elongating towards Blue, who screams, grabs the floating head and bashes it into the ceiling. Black and Yellow wander into one dark room, shiver together and say, "SCAREY!" then part to look around. Black finds a bunch of flower. "Pretty flowers, scarey!" and covers his eyes. Just then, an Aurgette playing a Frankenstein monster stands up and tosses a pillar at him. Black catches it, and then tosses it back to squash the poor thing. Yellow finds a coffin and knocks on the lid. The Aurgette inside is playing Dracula and opens the lid. It sits up with an aweful groan, turns its head to look at the customer who screams and starts bashing it with the arm of a skeleton. The Aurgette falls back and the coffin closes. Red trots down a staircase and looks around. "What's in here?" he wonders and starts forward I think into the toilet. There stands a large skeleton (the Aurg). He eyes it for a long moment, but when it does nothing, turns away. At that moment the Aurg grabs for him, but Red already is dropping down and lashes out to kick the feet out from under it. Red grabs the skeleton face and starts tormenting the creature, all the while shouting that he's terrified, someone come help him. He is, however, not remotely frightened.
Of course, the two Duke Aurgs waiting outside don't know this, and are feeling quite pleased with their success as they hear the cries inside. But then other voices come through the shouting. The cries of their minions in distress "Aurgette!" Startled, they come close to the door to listen. At that moment their Aurg is thrown through the exit door to land at their startled feet. Frankenstein Aurgette is thrown through the wall. Dracula Aurgette is thrown from the roof. The Aurg gets to his feet, but at that moment the five Gaoranger race out of the building, and all three Aurgs back up in frightened surprise.
A startled Tsue Tsue asks the grinning group what they're doing. It is Black who replies teasingly that they knew nothing in there was real ghosts. "Tsue Tsue! Yaba-iba!" he identifies them. Stunned, Yaba-iba asks "How'd you know it was us?!" Yellow snorts in exasperation. "What, you think we're going to just let you steal our orbs?" White, Blue and then Red have their say about this perceived attempt. Yaba-iba is totally humiliated, but Tsue Tsue dumps her clownish costume, and he follows suit. The battle is joined. Gaoranger change into their armor to fight.
The angry Aurg tosses exploding science lab equipment at them, and gets them down pretty well. But when he leads an attack against the fallen group explosions stop him. Startled, they look up to find Loki on the roof above. He has come to point out that he is the one who fights the Gaoranger. And he launches himself into battle enthusiastically. Yaba-iba is about to start after him when Tsue Tsue brings up the book. "Read here!" she tells him. "I can't read the stupid book right now," he tries to argue. She whaps him over the head with it and makes him read it. They read the part which says to make use of good people. They think it over and decide to go help with the battle. So the Gaoranger find themselves fighting the slew of Aurg. But Loki has driven Red into a building and they fight fiercely. Red manages to avoid serious hits for a while. They temporarily lock together, and Loki snarls "I'll get my revenge for a thousand years!" Red says fiercely, "I feel sorry for people who can only feel hate!" Furious, Loki finds the strength to bash him against the wall, then takes him down. Just as he is about to slice Red to pieces, his Moon Blade hits Yellow's Eagle Sword. Yellow drives him back, at the same time demanding Polar and Bear's orbs. He is doing a good one, and he and Red together injure Loki badly, blasting him to fall in the grass. Red hauls out the Main Buster to fire. Loki flinches back, expecting the shot. But then something whines and yowls. Loki turns his head to discover the gray dog (or wolf?) racing towards him. The animal places itself between them and whines at Loki in concern. Red lowers the Main Buster, trying to puzzle out what's happening. Blue is sent flying and lands on his back between Loki and the skeleton Aurg. It blasts him, and as he rolls out of the main impact, the stray shots hit the puppy and it cries in pain. Loki scrambles to his feet as the dog is thrown aside, blood on its leg. Furious, Loki attacks the VERY confused Aurg. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba, seeing this, are also furious. But with the puppy out of the way, Red feels he can use the Main Buster now. He hits Loki with the Normal Mode. While Loki staggers, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba get out of there with their Aurg. And Loki races to his injured puppy in a long jump, picks it up and races away with it. The Gaoranger, especially Red, stare after him in confusion.
Loki sacrifices another strip of his cloak to bind the poor animal's wound. He lets it down, saying "It's best if you go back to your people." But the puppy only runs to the reeds spread out on the other side of the fire, and appears to be getting ready to settle down. Loki stands up and says thoughtfully, "I guess you don't have anyone." He chuckles and bends down to get his fire going again. "You're just like me." As the fire begins to blaze, the doors of memory open again.
There were six of them. Five in blue uniforms... one man in black armor and white clothing. They fought together against the small demons now called Aurgettes. There were so many of them.... The man in black and white slashed with his mighty blade.... Loki is daydreaming, if you can call it that. "Friends...." Aurgettes all around them. The stairs of the temple, the man in black and white fighting, the other five fighting. Aurgettes flying to land and a giant being silhouetted against the brillaint sun. A giant combination reminiscent of Gao King and yet very different. Not quite clear... not clear enough to be certain. Loki finds he is on his feet, shaken and shaking.
Morning again, and the group walks along a path. Red hangs behind. He is deep in thought. Yellow and Blue are talking about the strangeness of that puppy arriving. The impossibility of understanding what kind of person Loki is. White notices that Red stops, and she turns and asks him what's the matter. He moves away from them, staring out at the rice fields in deep thought. He sits down as he says, "You know that puppy looked a lot like a wolf." "A wolf?" White asks, seeking clarification as she joins him. When she teasingly asks him if he could tell all that in one glance, he says indignantly that is wasn't just one glance. He's seen that puppy once before.
He'd been out for a walk in the evening under the new moon. He'd seen something in the water of the river. There was a man, naked, muscles fine and he was playing with a puppy that swam happily in the water near him. The man was washing his hair, relatively long hair that came down past his shoulders, stretching and eyes closed under the stars. Red had been bemused by the strangeness of the scene, watching as the puppy swam to shore.
The scene Red describes sounds eerie and alarming to White, who acts as if she thinks he's seen a spirit. "What?! A naked man was bathing at midnight?!" Yellow is far more enthusiastic about it. "Oh! Dangerous and strange!" he says with enthusiasm in English, pointing at Black. But Black is not feeling playful, much to Yellow's disappointment, and asks for more information. "You think that naked man was him?" "I have no evidence," Red says softly, very puzzled. Yellow settles down beside him to ask "You think this naked guy has some connection to Loki?" Blue frets, "I think so." He gets up to look questioningly at Black, who tilts his head and says, "I'm hungry!" "Me too!" agrees Blue. They start off. "Let's go home," White tells Red. They all leave.
Loki and the puppy stand side by side howling at the moon. Then suddenly Loki whips around, his blade at the startled puppy. "You should run away. If you don't, I'll kill you." The puppy appears to understand. It races off into the night. "Live, please, even alone... little wolf. I have to fight the Gaoranger."
Yaba-iba is taking out his frustrations on the skeleton Aurg. Tsue Tsue has her nose buried in that book. It begs them for another chance. Yaba-iba keeps throwing heavy garbage all over it. But Tsue Tsue holds the book out again. "Hey, take a look here a moment." Yaba-iba obeys and they read together. Point 93 they should keep trying and forgive mistakes. Tsue Tsue suggests they try it, and Yaba-iba sighs his exasperation and agrees it can't be helped. He goes to the Aurg and kicks at some of the garbage on it, only to injure his toe. Skeleton Aurg sings their praises. And now he uses his lab equipment to explode buildings and to this mess the Gaoranger arrive to fight. They take out the Aurg pretty quickly. Dying, he whines that he hasn't even had a chance to find out why Cup Ramen tastes so good the way it's cooked. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba consult the book again, and based on what it says she uses the Aurg seeds. And he is remade giant to continue the fight. Our heroes call in their companions to form Gao King and ride in on the Soul Bird. They punch out the Aurg very nicely, he is not very strong for an Aurg, and soon they use Animal Heart to destroy him. Annoyed, Tsue Tsue lets the book fall to the ground. She and Yaba-iba agree that it was totally useless. And this was all the book's fault.
The Gaoranger are relaxing in the aftermath of the fight, when they see a blade falling towards them. They are knocked hard by the impact. Yes, Loki has arrived in Gao Hunter, raring to fight. And now he summons his new assistants. Yellow calls in dismay when he sees them coming. "Gao Bear! Gao Polar!" They roar and leap into the air, becoming new arms for Gao Hunter, making it Gao Hunter Double Knuckle. A furious Yellow curses him, but that does not help against the Bear Strike. They fall and he stalks towards them to kill them, when lightning flashing in the sky stops him. He stares up in confused dismay. And soon strange lights in the sky flash, and form a startling apparition. A great formation the likes of which only they have ridden in... it shines in beauty. Loki is driven back to the vague memory of the six fighters, and the mysterious being in front of the sun. And the formation says to him in a deep, deep voice, "Loki, remember. You must remember." Loki is stunned but growls back, "What is it you're saying to remember?" But the formation is gone in shimmering light. The world returns to normal. Loki screams, "WAIT, PLEASE!" but it is already too late.
Tetomu witnesses all this in the scrying pool. She, too, is stunned by this appearance. For there was a time before her, and she too must remember.
The Gaoranger take advantage of their chance. They use Super Animal Heart on Gao Hunter and the blast is powerful. Loki is ejected from the cockpit and finds to his dismay his three primary Power Animals vanish from his view with cries of pain. Startled, he gets to his feet and then runs off. The heroes are just as startled, and Red asks what that was...? But Ura may know, and know what it has to do with Loki.
Next Quest 22: 巨牛、壊れる!! Kyogyuu, Kowareru!! Break the Giant Bull?
Loki meets Ura. The team has to protect Gao Black from Loki's attack. Loki and Red end up clinched again and it is Red this time who calls urgently, "Loki, you have to remember!" Loki is in pain somwhere else, and Gao Bison is badly damaged... perhaps worse. Perhaps taken. Black addresses it on crutches, and it seems to glower menacingly down at him.
Quest 22: 巨牛、壊れる!! Kyogyuu, Kowareru!! Break the Giant Bull!!
Oh, there ARE a few answers this episode! Enjoy!
Loki plays his flute, sitting on the rocks beside the river. He thinks back to the appearance of that great being. It telling him to remember. He puzzles over it, murmuring aloud only to be answered. Ura has arrived. Loki stands to confront him, and finds he is being offered something. He asks with an attempt at seeming boredom, "What do you understand?" and Ura laughs at the question. Then he hints that there are secrets about Loki. The word secrets gets that one's attention and interest really quick. His feigned boredom is lost. Ura informs him that if he wants to learn anything, he's going to have to give his cooperation to Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba. They rush up in front of Ura, eager to reign in Loki. "You have to work with us," Yaba-iba says, and Tsue Tsue points out that this is Ura's wish. Loki turns and moves a few steps away from them to stare out at the water. "Secrets...."
In Gao's Rock, Black is busy doing some moves to stretch. Blue and White are next to each other. Everyone's mind is focused on the one question of Loki. White is blowing through a blow snake. Red wanders past fretting, and Yellow is working on some sort of finger-puzzle. He finally gets out of it and suddenly demands, "Where is Tetomu?!" They take a moment, then all of them call her name. Responding to their summons, she appears from the scrying pool and her team closes on her. "What were you doing?" they ask her. "I was sleeping," she answers, puzzled by their intent expressions. She tells them she had a dream and they lean in on her, startling her into leaning back from them. "Dream?" they all ask. "Yeah," she answers, almost falling over. Of the Gaoranger of a thousand years ago fighting. Of her grandmother beating Aurgettes away. Of the fact that there was a sixth warrior with the group. They all nod and hum in amazement, pulling back. This allows Tetomu to straighten up. Yellow turns away first. "So there was one more in their group?" and wanders away. Red turns in the same manner. "The thousand year ago Gaoranger were six." Black starts off dreamily, "What kind of warrior was he?" Blue turns, "He must have had Power Animals." White, blowing on the three-pronged snake pipe, moves away next.
A wide soccer field. Two teams of boys, probably junior high, playing happily. They kick the ball towards the goal and it flies too high. The kicker falls to his knees and snarls at himself in embarrassment. However, the ball suddenly changes direction. It bounces hither, yon, hither again in front of the goal and startled goal-keeper, then makes it past him into the net. The teams are startled by this activity, and all the boys stand to stare at the ball as the goalie goes to pick it up. Wide eyes suddenly appear to look into his, offering to play. Startled, he tosses the ball as far as he can. It goes bounding wildly among the kids and then bounces off. Still startled, but not frightened, they chase after it.
In the empty stands, there are actually two individuals. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba watch the children pursuing the ball and wonder why they are here. If that guy really will come. Tsue Tsue paces away and sits down, saying thoughtfully that they are after Gao Black and Gao White's orbs. Yaba-iba is not impressed, but they both wonder where the Aurg that has appeared here might be. Tsue Tsue watches the running group through binoculars, unaware that they are chasing a rogue soccer ball, and sees a grounds-keeper working. She sees something else and makes a puzzled noise.
He is patting the grass down for one grounds-keeping reason or another. A cheerful voice behind him approves of his work and he turns happily to talk to another person interested in lawn care. Only what stands behind him is not human. It seems like some sort of combination praying mantis and lawn mower. Stunned, the old man cries out in terror. His cry catches the children's ears and they turn. Yaba-iba points quickly. "Now there he is, eh?!" Tsue Tsue stands up to get a better look. The groundskeep proves quick on his feet. He runs for it. 芝刈機 Lawnmower Aurg is really only appreciating his work, but the surprise was too much. It is not interested in the humans otherwise and starts off, mowing the lawn as it goes. The soccer balls settles down to watch, but doesn't get any time to for Gao Red kicks it at the Aurg. Startled, it cries out as it bounces off the thing's head. Meanwhile, the Gaoranger confront the Aurg. "What are you up to?" they yell. Surprised, it says, "I'm moving the lawn." The Gaoranger, knowing only the danger Aurg represent, change into their fighting armor. The soccer ball is tremendously impressed.
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba come into the fray. She speaks her challenge to Red and White. Yaba-iba lays claim to Yellow and Blue. This leaves a rather confused Black to ask, "So who do I fight?" and I'm afraid it is Lawnmower Aurg who answers him. He is quite willing, and starts grinding his feet in the turf in preperation for attack. Lawnmower Aurg howls a protest at him for the damage he is doing the neatly-tended lawn. Embarrassed, Black turns and starts putting the grass back, when he realizes what he is doing and turns back to the fight. But the Aurg stares at him coming and gets an idea. "I'll cut his boots off!" Black is not quick enough to realize the danger, and the Aurg catches him in a clinch and tears through his left boot in an instant. The wound is bad and Black falls, to find the blade is on a level with his head now. And he must roll and try to get out of the way. Blue sees his danger and the fact that he can't get to his feet. He leaps to help, White soon with him. They grab Black's shoulders and drag him quickly out of danger. Lawnmower Aurg turns to another fight. Yellow and Red attack and get him pretty well, but the two Dukes come to his side. When Red tries to attack with the Gao Main Buster, a new attack knocks them flying. Loki has arrived.
"Well it's about time he got here," grumbles Tsue Tsue. He is so cool, striding towards the battle. Yaba-iba is angry and smug about him having to help them, now. And Loki confronts the Gaoranger. He stands between them and the other Aurg. Red stares at him and breathes his name, hard to see him as completely an enemy when they know something of the truth. And Loki remembers the conversation with Ura. The secrets about himself, a memory of a fighter, of being imprisoned by the five Gaoranger of a thousand years ago. And the memory of the glowing being's insistent voice. "You must remember." And he is no longer staring at them but only at his growing confusion. "What am I?" he asks himself aloud, lowering his weapon. "The secret..?" The Gaoranger straighten up, hope dawning. The Aurg are only confused. Lawnmower Aurg comes forward. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to fight?" Loki turns to confront it. A brief instant and then he snarls, "You're one of the Aurg!" and slashes the startled creature before it can get more than a word out to ask what's happening. Gaoranger and Aurg are equally startled, and all start forward as Lawnmower falls on its side. The moment stretches.
Tsue Tsue breaks it. "What are you doing?" and Yaba-iba puts a word in. Red tries, too, the whole team yearning for answers. "What are you thinking, Loki?" He shifts and raises his blade in a threatening manner, but when they shy back, he only turns and starts to walk away. He only gets a few steps before the confusion overwhelms him and he moves uncertainly. "Why did I come here?" He raises his hand to stare at it uncertainly. "What is inside me? When I played the flute...."
Lawnmower Aurg is back on its feet, and outraged. He goes at Loki, who leaps aside, and then straight into the firepower of the Gaoranger's 100 animal weapon. He is destroyed. But our heroes have more important things than dead Aurg to look at. Red calls to the departing Loki, asking him why he's come, what's happening to him. Loki stops, and turns slightly to snarl that he doesn't know them or give a damn, or something like that. Yaba-iba is quite confused and starting to complain, but Tsue Tsue has an idea. After all, what happens to Gao Black happens to Gao Bison, doesn't it? They can do the same thing! And so, with Yaba-iba's cheering, Tsue Tsue summons the magic to recreate the Lawnmower Aurg giant. And our heroes call for help. They call for Gao King. And the two Dukes cheer on their Aurg, wearing soccer jerseys that say "Org" while the soccer ball watches the battle with great curiosity. Lawnmower Aurg gets Gao King in a clinch. The blade starts whirling. Too late, Gao Black realizes what is happening. As the blades cut into Gao King's right foot, Gao Bison lows in pain. They fall, and Blue asks Bison's status. Black it is who gets Gao King back to standing, only to have them get caught again and perhaps the left foot is torn this time. "We can't stand!" calls Black in dismay. Below, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba hug each other in delight and continue madly cheering. And as the Aurg all laugh, Black mourns that they can't use Animal Heart. But it isn't that easy, for Yellow perhaps has an idea and Re implements it. They stand on their hands and use Beast Heart. Lawnmower Aurg is destroyed. But Gao Bison is still terribly injured.
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba drop their cheering gear and sit miserably side-by-side. However, Ura arrives. When they turn in horror and begs for his forgiveness, he tells them cheerfully they've done well. For now the Gaoranger won't be able to combine. And they cheer in delight. But there is something else that still remains to be done.
Loki is in the woods, trouble and wondering why things are the way they are. Then Ura calls his name. He whirls to find Ura's blade flying at him. He runs into the attack, slamming the blade down and putting his fine dagger under Ura's giant nose. "Ura! You tell me the secret!!! Tell me what you know or - " "Oh, yes, I understand," Ura tries to soothe him, acting frightened. "I'll tell you, I'll tell you. Don't be in such a hurry." Irritated, Loki shoves him back. "The secret is in here." Ura holds up a strange container, and Loki lowers his weapon to stare with interest. But he is a fool to let his guard down. At that moment, Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue burst from behind the trees and manages to pin both his arms. He cannot throw them off. Ura laughs and opens the strange container. And out from it flies a small, green creature. It is like a fly, and it goes into Loki's mouth. He screams as its buzzing fills his head, sending his entire being into vertiginous whirling. He can almost hear Ura's laughter, but the wings still flap and the buzzing takes him.
Animalium. Black is there, using crutches to make his way through the long, thick grass. His left ankle has been neatly bandaged. He is coming to see Gao Bison. The great one is still in obvious pain, not quite standing as it shifts restlessly and breaths deeply. He calls it and apologizes, but it rumbles back at him. Hearing it inside his heart, he repeats what it's said. "Friends?"
Blue walksinto the main room of Gao's Rock. Yellow is behind him, still muttering about Loki. White and Red are the last. Tetomu welcomes them back with relief and they acknowledge here. "Where is Black?" she asks. They explain, but Yellow is still deeply absorbed in his thoughts. Suddenly he calls Red and reminds him about that wolf and the man seen in the night. Red confirms, wondering what he's getting at. Yellow then turns to Tetomu, reminding her about the blood she'd seem dripping from Loki's wrist. She hadn't really connected it before, but now she does. "An Aurg with RED blood?" White is similarly alarmed. "But that could mean..!" and Yellow nods thoughtful agreement. Red finally starts to say it. "This guy I saw that night could be Loki?" and Blue asks, "Loki is a human?!" But it is Yellow who takes the step yet farther, pointing out that Loki has Power Animal orbs. It is he who reminds them again of the fact that Tetomu had seen the Gaoranger of a thousand years ago in her dream. And she agrees that there were six of them. She turns to Yellow in horror, now. "It can't be!" But he nods at her firmly. Blue and White lower their gazes, but it is Red who says it. "Loki is a Gao warrior." The blood, red blood.... The six who fought, so long ago. The strange man bathing in the river at night, a face of fine, dreadful perfection. Black returns at that moment to tell them that Gao Bison is not all right yet. They all frown. He starts off, then pauses and says however, that Gao Bison had told him there were other friends in the world. And before they can discuss it, the scrying pool erupts. Tetomu looks in and tells them it is Loki. And so they head out unhappily, even injured Black.
Loki strides to the edge of a tall office building. He looks down at the sprawling city, and then he leaps. He lands easily in a road. A driver swerves frantically trying not to hit him, but Loki has no such compunctions. He slices the car as it passes. It shrieks to a halt, and I couldn't say if the driver got out before it exploded. Loki blasts an office building next, all inside surely dead and debris raining down on pedestrians. He hits an outdoor cafe, terrified patrons fleeing him. As he walks, the Gaoranger arrive and Red calls him to stop. They all call him to stop and tell him urgently that he is a human. That a thousand years ago he was a warrior. Loki stares at them, then turns his head as he remembers in a too-bright way the battle, the six warriors. But just as he touches it, the terrible buzzing fills his head with agony. He clutches his head in pain and falls to his knees, curling up. He is soon getting up again, but he is Aurg at this moment, sneering at them. When they cry to him, he attacks viciously. He does some good damage to Red, and the two hit each other badly. The team assembles, but Loki laughs at them and summons his trio of Power Animals. He sets them on the Gaoranger. Blue wants to call in Gao King, but they can't because of Gao Bison. So they call the other four Power Animals. While heroes fight Loki, the great beasts fight each other. Red gets Loki in a clinch. "Open your eyes! You're human!" Loki snarls, "I am NOT a HUMAN!" and forces Red back. The team wards him, but all are hit by his Moonlight Sonic blast. Black is fallen, and his boot is still torn from their last battle. His leg was hit hard and the pain incapacitates him.
Above, Gao Wolf fights Gao Lion. Gorilla holds back Alligator. Below, Loki is about to slice and dice Black, but Blue leaps to protect him. He gets mocked by Loki for this weakness, but still struggles to protect his friend. Loki swats him aside like a fly and moves to kill Black. But now, again someone intervenes. The skies fill with strange lights and lightning. The great being appears in the sky again. Shying back, our wolf Aurg stares up. "Loki. Remember. Don't you need to remember?" "WHAT ARE YOU?!" Loki cries back. And this being answers. "Gao God. God of the Power Animals." Our heroes are gathered together, White bracing Black on his feet, and they repeat the statement in shock. And Loki's three companions vanish in lightning flashes. Furious and frightened, Loki starts to listen. But the fly is there, in his head, sending him into agony. He is his demon-self again. "I am LOKI! A Duke Aurg!" and he gathers his dignity to him and walks away. Tetomu has heard all. "That is Gao God." And the god vanishes. Our heroes start back home, unaware of the soccer ball that bounces to get a good veiw of them. a shimmer of violet light and the ball alters form. "There is there is! Wait!" it says. For it is a seeming small Power Animal, and very verbose and active. We all know that it's Gao Majiro, but they're not admitting that during airing yet.
Next Quest 23: 狼鬼、死す!? Loki, Shisu?! Loki, dying?!
Loki fights the Gaoranger in the night, under the moon. They lose their armor in a cave, and Loki has Red beneath him, and is bringing his blade down to bisect him. But he stops.... Priestess Murasaki thrown to the floor, crying a protest to who? Perhaps the young man with the golden kerchief and a mask in a box. And Loki is fighting the buzzing in his head. The voices calling him human. "I am Duke Aurg Loki!" And Red is helpless with anguish.
Quest 23: 狼鬼、死す!? Loki, Shisu?! Loki, dying?!
Ura has taken control of Loki. But Gao God interferes. Everyone knows Loki was once a Gao Warrior. And this concerns Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue. They are walking backwards ahead of Ura, trying to ask him in Loki can really be trusted. He is utterly confident as they all tromp through the woods. However, Loki has arrived. The two Dukes make a quick dive behind their lord and peer out at him nervously. However, Loki has come to his lord, and kneels respectfully. "I have brought you the Gaoranger precious items," he tells Ura with delight. The great, green being steps forward and reaches his hand with anticipation for the black pouch Loki holds out to him. He takes it up and looks inside at the four Gao orbs. Giraffe, Bears, Elephant. "Oh, how beautiful!" he rhapsodizes. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba come around cautiously to see. They gasp in appreciation, but they lower their heads as he continues praising Loki. He has one more thing he wants. Loki, who got to his feet as his lord passed, reminds them that it will be a full moon, when his power is at its greatest. He heads off to give his lord the most wonderful prize of all. And Ura delights in the results of his control.
Tetomu tells the others she has heard of Gao God. The greatest power of the Power Animals to fight the demons. But they have more questions about a thousand years ago. Tetomu goes to the edge of the scrying pool. She tells them that when Gao God appeared, she received this image in her gemstone. She touches the pendent on her chest, and it glows brightly sending a beam of light into the water. They watch as images appear and she confirms this is what happened a thousand years ago.
Loki flees ahead of warriors in ancient dress to the bottom of a temple set high on stones. But this group is not exactly after him. They listen when he turns. The voice is not the grim, deep voice of Loki, but a young voice, taught with anguish and trying to explain something. They listen to him beg them to know he is inside here still their friend. I think he is begging them to stop him. Finally he leaps to the man in the lead and grabs his arms, "Please listen to me!" That one bites his lips in grim, shared anguish and looks away. So Loki starts to turn to those behind, when agony stabs through his head and he staggers backwards. (It may be noted that these are the current Gaoranger actors, but we are carefully not shown enough of their faces to be certain of that) Even as he writhes in pain, he begs them again. But then he snarls and his voice is Loki's, and he leaps to attack them with the moon blade. The group, one voice sounding much like Blue's, is frantic to do as Shirogane asked. So they fight back, staggering him, surrounding him, and binding him with powerful magic. He is swallowed in fire which becomes the crypt which is chained shut....
The Gaoranger have heard, and this fretting about a former friend reminds Black that Gao Bison had said he was calling friends. Could the friend in question be Loki? he wonders. Suddenly Gao White asks, "Tetomu, isn't there anything we can do to turn Loki back into a human?!" Tetomu looks grim. She starts to explain a little bit, when the pool begins to bubble and emits flickers of blue light. It is Loki again. And the team, with similar expressions of determined sadness, know it is true.
A purple and white blur bounces towards Gao's Rock only to have the great turtle take off, dropping debris as it heads into the sky. "Wait, wait!" it calls, but the rock has already left this air space. The little being changes course immediately. On a stone outcropping under the great full moon, Loki howls. The Gaoranger arrive, not in their armor, and Red calls to him. "Loki! You're a human being!" and Blue shouts, "You were our friend in that age!" Loki turns with a jerk and his glowing eyes stare down at them. He slips his Moon Blade arrogantly onto his shoulder and snarls, "I am Loki, the mightiest Aurg warrior!" And he strikes with the Moonlight Sonic. Barely in the roar of his blast can be heard the voices of the Gaoranger. "Gao Access!" and when Loki comes down, he faces them in their armor. But they are still staggered by his blast. Clambering back to their feet, it is White who cries, "Oh Loki, open your eyes! There is a human heart inside of you!" As she steps towards him, Yellow moves to pull her back. Something about not understanding. Loki is starting to get quite annoyed with them insinuating he is a human, and this he intends to be their last battle. Yet still they are hesitant. It is White who cries, "We mustn't fight him!" but he has no such compunctions, as we know. In a fury he blasts them.
Ura watches in the magic mirror and laughs happily, enjoying the humans' sufferings. Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue are on either side of him. Yaba-iba waves her to come speak with him. Ura doesn't notice them. He whispers to her, "Tsue Tsue, this is bad! If this happens..!" and she finishes for him. "If Loki defeats the Gaoranger, he won't need US anymore." They peer over at Ura, who is still laughing happily. And in his mirror is a view of each of the fallen Gaoranger, struggling to get to their feet amid blazing, orange fires.
Tetomu watches the same scene in her scrying pool, her throat choked with pity for her team that cannot bear to make Loki suffer any more. And then the pool glows orange, and an image appears in it. She knows who it is, and identifies Gao God.
Loki has driven the rangers into a cave. They fall back before him as he walks in, the full moon behind him. "What's the matter?" he mocks. But nervous of being trapped, Yellow leads the others in an attack against him. He knocks each of them aside and gets White a good one before fighting Red and tumbling him. He is after Gao Red, and intends to kill him. Once again he uses Moonlight Sonic and this time when the five fall, their armor is gone. Loki strides to them, Gao Red is closest and the one he wants, anyway. "Revenge for a thousand years!" he says victoriously. Red snarls his name and starts to try to get up, but Loki puts his great blade at the human's vulnerable throat. He points out that it is Red's orb that he wants. While the others struggle for the strength to rise, to fight, they can only watch in horror as Loki raises his blade to deal the killing blow. "It's OVER!" Everyone screams as the blade comes slicing down and...
...stops just a centimeter or two from Red's terrified face. "No," says Loki softly. The blade drops from his hand to clatter on the cave floor, and he clutches his head in agony. "NO!!" and his voice has changed, if only slightly. He staggers back, stumbling into the walls and screaming in agony. Ura watches in amazement. "What is going on?" he wonders, the two Dukes at his side equally curious. "Hurry up, kill him and get his orbs!"
And the full moon is visible in Tetomu's pool. at that moment, a blackness touches the edge. It is a lunar eclipse, but not a natural one. Gao God's doing to block out the powerful moonlight. Loki still cries in pain, staggering towards the cave entrance. Before he can get there he falls to his knees, and then on his face. The stunned Gaoranger, especially Red, stare intently at the writhing form. And then the moon is completely eclipsed. Loki's body glows a brilliant white and then... the light dies down and there is a man struggling there, dressed in white with a golden silk scarf wrapped around his neck. His hands are tightly clamped to his face, and his pain-filled gasps fill the cave. The Gaoranger scramble to their feet and approach anxiously. Gao White moves to the forefront, Red just behind her. But finally he has let go of his face, and starts to sit up, still breathing hard. He turns to look at them, face red and moist with sweat or tears, eyes exhausted. "Gaoranger," he breathes out, knowing them. And Red similarly knows him, at least by sight. "Of course! That time...." That time, the man bathing in the night river... was him. Tears in her eyes, White braces herself and goes to him, kneeling so she can look into his eyes on a level. Arm resting on one bent knee, he stares dazedly back at her. "You... you're the Gao warrior, Shirogane, aren't you?" His answer is a breath. "Yes. I'm Shirogane." He goes on then, looking at the cave floor, about fighting the Aurg. The others gather close, Blue coming down to his knees to plead that this man tell them how he became Loki. Black gets next to him and adds urgently, "Maybe we can find a way to turn you back into a human!" Shirogane meets Blacks eyes, a breath of wild hope crossing his expression. He looks around, up at Yellow who nods, to Red who returns him a firm, determined look. Seeing that they mean it, he lowers his gaze again and tells them what happened one thousand years ago.
The Power Animals had formed Gao God. They were fighting this tremendously powerful Highness Duke Aurg who is dark, many eyes, with sharp spikes all over its body. They fought, blasting it. But the Duke Aurg was too powerful. It blasted Gao God down. It looked like the end. But Shirogane knew that his Power Animal could combine with Gao Hunter to fight. But the only way to get Gao Hunter was to put on the black and silver mask... he had taken it from its box, knowing full well what it was, and started out of Gao's Rock with it. But she was there, grabbing his arms and telling him frantically he must not do it! And he replied, "Let me GO, Murasaki!" For he HAD to do it. She warned him what would happen, but he already knew. And the scrying pool was bubbling madly with the warning of the deadly Aurg they had to defeat. He finally shoved past her, knocking her to the cave floor and racing out the door. "You know if you put that on you'll become a demon!" she cried. And he paused in his steps to tell her that was acceptable. He fled, and she screamed his name.
The sky was red as blood. The green trees waved as if trying to flee the roars of the great Aurg. And Shirogane desperately put the mask on his face and lifted in his hand the three Gao Orbs that came with it, summoning the power. He was hit by lightning as the gods answered his call, and he faced the Aurg in the Gao Hunter, used his power to blast it and destroy it. And when it was over, the power suddenly hit him again. He fought and writhed in agony as the mask transformed him.
Water dripped from the roof of the cave into a puddle on the floor, like tears. Shirogane still was on bended knee, Blue and Black kneeling across from him, the other three Gaoranger standing. He adds that he'd asked his friends to imprison him. Black gets back to his feet. Shirogane explains a little more about the relationship between Ura and Loki. Suddenly, Red leaps down at him and grabs his shoulders urgently. "Does that mean you know where the Aurg are?!" (I think I have this entirely wrong) Shirongane stares blankly at him for a moment, then realizes and starts to answer. Ura has been watching all and leaps to his feet frantically. A burst of power he sends out in a wave from his hand. And inside Shirogane's head the green fly creature starts buzzing. The effect is instantaneous. He screams and clutches his head in agony. Staggering, he shoves between the gathered Gaoranger and stumbles again towards the cave's entrance, then starts running. Tetomu calls warning into the pool. Gao God's power is waning. The eclipse is starting to end. The Gaoranger race after their new friend. He staggers to a halt and Red catches him, trying to help. For an instant he fights the pain to meet Red's eyes. "You have to beat me." "Shirogane..!" Red breathes in instinctive empathy. For a thousand years of hate must not be let run free. The Gaoranger all stare miserably at him, and he tells them urgently that Loki will return with the moon. They can see the light coming towards them. Face twisted in agony, Red gasps out, "I can't." "Then you'll DIE!" Shirogane cries. He gets to his feet and flees, trying to put as much distance between them as he can. And they race after him while Tetomu worries.
Dawn has come, and they are still searching for him. In a valley it is he who finds them. Or rather, it is Loki. He attacks viciously, and has none of the weakness he once displayed. But Red knows him now, and calls him by his true name. But to him, it is not a true name, or anything to do with him. Red cannot bear to hurt him, to lock him up again. And Tetomu concentrates on everything they've learned about how Shirogane became Loki. But now Loki summons his three. Tetomu face brightens, for she has a very good idea, and tells them it urgently. They have to take apart the combined form and IT will take apart Loki's power. So they call all but Gao Bison to face the three. Loki assumbles Gao Hunter. Red calls urgently to the animals what to do, and they try. But Lion is knocked back, and the other three's strikes are not enough against Gao Hunter. He hits them cruelly. If they can't combine, they can't defeat Gao Hunter, they know. But then Black receives a call. Gao Bison tells him the others have come to help.
It is only then that they notice a silver and purple wheel rolling at them. It rolls into Black's feet and he picks it up in surprise. "Is this the friend? Isn't it a bit too small?!" But then eyes glow red in its face and two orbs appear in Black's hands. He knows what they are, of course. And then the little fllow glows brilliantly and heads up in the air to get larger, larger and larger until he's his true size. And when he comes down, it is to land on the back of a huge, blue rhinoceros! Red crows in delight, "The Power Animals came!" Black grunts astounded agreement. The racing rhinoceros snorts great clouds of steam.
Loki is rather put out. "What?! Still MORE Power Animals?" They are Black's, everyone agrees, and Black names them. Gao Rhinos and Gao Majiro. He is still rather astounded, as Gao Majiro leaps off the other's back to scurry along beside it, until rolling ahead and the Rhinos whaps it at Gao Hunter, which staggers back. Quickly, our heroes call for the combination. Gao Rhinos unfolds to become hips and running legs, and the torso settles quickly on top of it. Our heroes call in the Soul Bird to take them aboard "Gao King Striker". And the great combination behaves like a soccerplayer, and Gao Majiro like his soccer ball, surrounded by a stadium full of screaming fans. Gao Majiro settles into place in Gao King Striker's right foot. Loki, still rather startled, is not quick enough to deal with their sudden attack, the Rhinos Kick. He is staggered far back, and is furious. But his blade is met by theirs, and they are as deadly as he is, now. Will against will. He who stands alone against the strong team. And Tetomu calls advice to them about Gaoligator. They follow it quickly. When Loki tries Beast Hurricane, they simply step out of the way, and this time they use Rhinos Shoot, rolling the excited Gao Majiro ahead of them and they kick it a few times to build up its power. When at last they send it at Gao Hunter, the blast it gives him is tremendous. One again the stadium of screaming people cries for joy as Gao Majiro returns to the strong one who sent it. Gao Hunter falls in red fire and black smoke. Loki screams in agony, his cockpit filled with lightning. And finally three Gao orbs sail upwards into the sky. The green fly buzzes, and buzzes, and is incinerated. And the mask breaks into pieces. Tetomu prays, and realizes the demon is gone.
The Gaoranger race down to where the fallen Gao Hunter was, searching frantically. Red is first to see the white-clad form that lies motionless amid the grasses. "Guys!" He who lies there is unaware of them, or of the broken mask in the grass just a little away from his body. They come to gather him up.
Next Quest 24: 銀狼、閃く!! Ginrou, Hirameku!! Silver Wolf, Flash!
Shirogane is caught by Ura, and fights while the Gaoranger battle in their armor. Wounded and battered, he has a G-Phone now too, and now a modern armor of his own.
Quest 24: 銀狼、閃く!! Ginrou, Hirameku!! Silver Wolf, Flash!
The arrival of the Armadillo and Rhinos permitted the defeat of the Gao Hunter. Loki was broken, leaving only Shirogane lying unconscious in the grass, to be found by the Gaoranger. And now he wakes slowly, and gets unsteadily to his feet as they gather in front of him. "Gaoranger," he identifies them with weary relief. Red smiles and steps forward, reaching out a hand to him. He doesn't seem to notice it, meeting the bright, hopeful eyes and asking what Red wants. "Senior (sempai), will you teach us?" our boy asks hopefully. "There's a lot we can learn from you." Shirogane is still unsteady, still badly shaken. "But I fought you. You forgive that?" Yellow gathers in close to answer with half indignition, "So maybe we can teach you," but Pink stamps on his foot (he's wearing yellow sneakers, her pink). He shouts his pained protest as she glowers at him. "It was just a JOKE!" but she gives him the cold shoulder. Red, hand still out, watches with irritated patience. Yellow recovers from his poor foot and says seriously that they want him to be one of them, and he joins his hand to Red's, turning their palms down in a gesture of unity. Blue happily introduces himself with a "Welcome to the 20th Century! I'm Surging Shark. Nice to meet you!" He slaps his hand atop the other two's. Black grumbles, "What kind of an introduction is that?" And with gentle humility he says softly, "I'm Iron Bison. I'm honored to meet you." He sets his hand firmly atop the others. Pink adds with a smile, "You can tell us all about the Heian Period." She sets her hands atop the others, and they wait. He looks down at the gesture of unity and then shyly back up at their faces. "You all...." White smiles at him. Yellow has pursed his lips to make a hilarious expression, showing his innate good humor. Red regards him with shining respect. Blue grins widely at him, and Black wears a proud, warm smile. Like a crescent moon they stand close to him and wait. They nod as his gaze travels from one to the next, but on his face is weary uncertainty. He raises his right hand to gaze at it, and it trembles. He reaches out slowly to join his hand to theirs, but before he touches, the shaking increases and he draws it back. "I can't!" he says miserably, turning his back to them. "But why?" Red asks, stepping forward. With a shudder, he answers "I fought you. I can't join my hand to yours." And he runs from them. They do not know what to say. They recognize humiliation and self-recrimination. Is this something you can work through only alone?
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba bounce along the rocky shore of the river. They are in a fine mood! Loki is gone, they are gloating, and when a strange voice interjects to ask if they will fight, they don't notice it. Yaba-iba happily tells Tsue Tsue they certainly will. Just as she is agreeing with him, it clicks that there was another person speaking and she asks worriedly, "Who was that?!" They look around frantically and there, above them across the river, is Shirogane. Startled, Tsue Tsue says, "Hey, you're Loki! Er, WERE Loki!" But instead of answering he leaps high into the air, leaping to join them on their side of the river. They quick move into defensive positions. With cool arrogance he tells them that he's one of them. Hesitantly they lower their weapons and turn away from him to have a whispered discussion. Yaba-iba says, "So, he says he's one of us." As they talk, exchanging viewpoints, they sometimes glance back at him over their shoulders. Becoming exasperated, he finally approaches the pair. They are too busy arguing to notice until he's right beside them and nearly jump out of their skins when he addresses them. He cracks his knuckles and finally, with nervous laughter, they say they will bring him to Lord Ura. He nods with a humorless smile and follows them.
Back at Gao's Rock, the Gaoranger are gathered around Tetomu and she frets softly over what they've told her. Yellow, though, is frustrated and angry that he is not with them. Red is calmer, thinking over things as best he can. White worries about leaving him alone, and Blue agrees, wondering where he's gone. Black adds that they need all the help they can.
And on the beach of the river, Ura walks with Tsue Tsue. "So, he wants to come back to us, does he?" And they soon meet up at the mouth of a cave with Yaba-iba and Shirogane. That one kneels to Ura, telling him he wants to come back and be an Aurg again, lowering his head. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba give this discussion space and watch warily. Ura lowers his fan, intrigued. Following that movement, Shirogane makes his own. A snatch back ad he has one of Yaba-iba's daggers from that one's belt. A leap and he is out to slice and dice Ura. But Ura is too quick. With his fan he blocks the strike heading for his face even as the two dukes shout warning. Before Shirogane can evade it, Ura has him with left hand by the neck, right hand pinning the wrist of the hand that holds the deadly blade, and informs him musedly that he was never fooled. Shirogane struggles to speak through the pressure on his neck. "Give back the orbs!" Ura only laughs and returns, "But that was your fault. You're the one who gave them to me, aren't you?" "WHO?" Shirogane snarls back. And continues a frustrated protest. Ura counters with a short speech on the power of hate, and the power of the Aurg. To prove his point he kicks Shirogane in the stomach, releasing him so that he falls to the gravel and stones. But our new young hero gets back on his feet quickly, blaming only Ura for what's happened, and attacks again with Yaba-iba's knife. But Ura has such power in one hand to blast the white-clad youngster. The blade goes flying, and Ura pins the human's head beneath one foot to mock him softly. The dukes watch dumbfounded. "He's weak!" exclaims Tsue Tsue. And a delighted Yaba-iba cackles while retreiving his stolen blade. Frantic, Shirogane walls for help. His voice reaches and echoes. "Gao Wolf!" whose orb lies in the dust and rubble of a mountainside. "Gao Hammerhead!" whose orb is in the sea amongst coral and shells. "Gaoligator!" whose orb rests in the rich, brown mud of a river. But there is no response. "No good. They can't hear me!" Shirogane mourns. But there is no time for distress, for Ura reaches down and gathers him up by the neck. He holds the struggling human and mocks him for his inability to call for help, then smacks him down against the stones again. Shirogane is about to turn and fight when he finds Yaba-iba's blade at his throat. He freezes. "Poor thing," mocks Yaba-iba. And Tsue Tsue adds that a thousand years went by rather fast. She shoves the end of her staff in front of Shirogane's face and he stares at it with wide, crossed eyes, not daring to move. But Ura has another plan. He draws out what looks like a doll and says, "I'll show you what I'm going to do with my pretty presents." The dukes turn to watch, Shirogane stares, mesmerized. "What is it?" Tsue Tsue asks. He tells them it was made for this purpose. And now he draws out the bag with the orbs. He commands them to join their power to this little doll. They glow brilliantly in response, and the power pours out in rainbow light to the doll. And soon it flares and flies from Ura's palm to become a normal-sized being, a newborn Aurg of unusual power.
And that power triggers the scrying pool. Tetomu and the group gather to see. Off they go to fight. This creature has an elephants snout for one arm, a giraffe's head between its four eyes under its great horn, a polar bear's head off the right shoulder and a black bear's head off the left. Chimera Aurg. Made with the power of the orbs. Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue are suitably impressed, singing Ura's praises. He basks in their admiration. He intends to add the other orbs and make this a mighty Power Animal aurg. Shirogane, almost but not quite forgetting the blade held at his throat, shouts protests and Ura only laughs in return. He sets his new Aurg at the human. Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue duck aside as Shirogane is enveloped in white lightning and screams in agony under the touch of the terribly elephant's trunk.
And the Gaoranger run as fast as they can. Thye must find the source of the signal. They do. They see the animal Aurg throw a battered Shirogane to the ground. "Let's help Shirogane!" Red calls. And they are all quite willing. They draw out their G-Phones and change into armor quickly. They announce themselves to their enemy as always. Ura calls to Chimera to gather all the orbs. Our heroes attack and the backlash of power hurts them and knocks them back. So they quickly assemble the Hyakujuuken. But their attack bounces off the Aurg's back, and their weapons go flying when they are hit. Shirogane, recovering, watches in horror. Above him the Aurg laugh and Ura comments that the Power Animals are stronger than the heroes. They encourage their Aurg, which then attacks with Gao Polar's freezing breath, and then Gao Bear's fire breath. They all scream and whirl, trying to get out of the pain, as Shirogane continues to struggle to get to his feet. And now it catches them in long, twining elephant trunks, one for each of them.
"This is all my fault," Shirogane groans, despairing. He is still too badly stunned to get his feet under him, but he is trying, struggling. "I have to, somehow..." he looks in desperation towards the group struggling in the painfully tight grip of the elephant trunks. He remembers each face as he stares at them. White's earnest welcome. Yellow's funny expression. Red's shining belief. Blue's friendly grin. Black's small, proud smile. That he cannot help them brings him near the breaking point and he manages at least to get on his feet. Eyes mad with guilt and pain, he runs and snatches up Yellow's blade as he passes it, bearing down with a scream on Chimera Aurg. Yellow sees him coming and shouts angrily, "Idiot! What does he think he's doing?" But Black is all for this, "Maybe..!" and Red cries, "Stop! Don't get yourself killed!" Ura, though, is having the time of his life watching all this. Shirogane slashes madly, but Chimera Aurg is unhurt and soon catches the blade and kicks the young man away. He falls heavily on his back but gets back up again. He attacks with mad courage only to get knocked down and struck again and again. He lands between the Aurg and the Gaoranger, and leaps again to attack as Red screams at him to stop. He'll stop soon, he's taking some heavy hits and has no armor to protect him. At last it gets him on the ground and begins stomping on his chest. He catches the heavy foot and manages to stop the painful strikes for just a moment. Kicking up into its eyes, he knocks it back. Furious, it catches him in its elephant trunk and tosses him high. Back and forth, dropping him hnard on his back but he rolls over and gets back to his feet. His left arm hangs limp, and his left leg can barely hold him up. The others cry out to him to stop, get away, but he staggers towards Chimera Aurg, not noticing at first the blasts that send showers of stones and sparks all around him until he is hit directly. "WHY?!" screams Red. And Shirogane answers as he gets back to his feet. If this keeps up, he won't be getting back up much longer. He is desperate to help them, wants to be one of them. And he screams out a roar and races at Chimera, which answers with powerful blasts and soon Shirogane goes flying to land heavily in the shallow water at the edge of the river. And this time someone hears his agony, feels his courage, and answers him. Gao Lion roars.
Again and again he roars. The water carries his voice, carries Shirogane's voice, and he is answered. The three orbs flare brilliantly. The wolf blue, alligator green, shark purple. And Shirogane hears them answer before he looks up and sees them coming to him. He gets to his feet and they land in his left palm, and he says their names, realizing they've come back to him. And then they flare again and blend together, to reform on his wrist. The G-Bracephone. He stares at it in astonishment. Ura also is astonished and urges Chimera Aurg to attack quickly, but it is already too late. Shirogane senses the attack coming and responds. He hauls the phone frome his wrist, opens it and cries, "Gao Access!" He has seen them do it. Now he can follow suit. The newborn 6th soldier, "Gao Silver!" Sparking Wolf." And everyone is similarly astounded. Tsue Tsue keeps identifying him as Loki. And he attacks with his battle weapon, a slender rod that has three modes of attack. The Gaoranger are all admiring him, still unable to free themselves from the elephant trunks that hold them. And now he cries, "Laser Pool!" and sweeps his Gao Rod. A conish green field forms, catching Chimera Aurg within it. Silver settles his three orbs on the solid green light field and uses his rod like a pool stick to strike the orbs. They hurtle at the trapped Aurg, and strike. The field vanishes, and the Aurg blows up. The Gaoranger are freed from the trunks and Red cries, "He defeated the Aurg all by himself!!" But of course, it isn't over yet. For the Aurg still remains for Ura to demand furiously that Tsue Tsue make it into a giant. And the Aurg Seeds do their work. The three orbs flare in Silver's hands and he knows what to do. He opens the field again and this time sends the three orbs towards no target. To summon and command the gleaming Power Animals. The orbs emit a thin melody which is a pale shadow of Loki's summons. They come. And Silver calls them to form together. Only this time when they form, the mighty Aurg horn melts and leaves only the gleaming wolf's head, whose mouth opens wide to reveal the humanoid face contained inside. The Gaoranger gasp in delight and Red says, "That face..!" And appearing in the cockpit, Shirogane names the form. "Gao Hunter Justice!" And with happy enthusiasm, the other Gao Ranger call their companions to help. Gao King Striker is formed and they ride in on the Soul Bird. And the two mighty formations face Chimera Aurg and Red shouts challenge, calling Silver to join them. The strkes Chimera throws at them they only walk through. The two attack in tandem, using punches and kicks together, then blades. And then they join hands and send a blast of such incredible power it paralyses Chimera Aurg. Gao King then strikes with Gao Majiro. And to finish it, Silver calls for the Revolver Phantom. The Ligator Blade spins, the wolf howls, and Chimera Aurg is completely destroyed at last. Ura is NOT a happy camper. He and the dukes turn to make tracks, but Silver sees them going and leaps from his cockpit.
He is catching them. Ura sees him coming and gasps, "Gao Silver!" in horror. It is betweeen the two of them, and Ura is no match for the furious Silver, who stabs his blade deep into the Aurg's stomach. And then Silver gets his enemy against a great boulder, and a few more strikes destroy Ura, who falls with a mighty explosion. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba scream his name in dismay. Something golden goes flying from the explosion to land at her feet, and she quickly gathers it up. It is all that remains of Ura, the two mourn him and see Silver turning his attention to them. Furious, they flee with the golden item.
But Gao Silver does not pursue. He has something else he must do. Among the burning remains of Ura lie the four stolen orbs. He stares down at them.
Waves beat against ancient stones. Shirogane places an orange orb in Blue's hands, returning the Giraffe to him. The youngster closes his trembling fingers around his orb. And now the blue orb of the elephant placed firmly in White's palm. She does not tremble as she closes her fingers on it. And now the white and black orbs of the bears into Yellow's palm. Like Blue, he trembles with relief and closes his hand about it. And now at last Shirogane can meet their gazes without shame. He has done what he set out to do. He will leave now. "Where are you going?" asks Red miserably. Shirogane tilts his head and draws a cleansing breath. "To listen to the wind." White speaks to him urgent and soft, "We WILL see you again?" And he swallows. It is a moment before he almost turns back to them, then starts to move on. And then to his surprise something hits his back. It is a pale gray jacket, tossed to him by Yellow. Sparking Wolf, it says on the back. He finally does stare at them in quiet incomprehension. Yellow tells him firmly that this is his because he is one of them. And Red adds that they are companions, and will fight together. Blue smiles and nods firmly. Black does the same. White too. And the waves hit the rock. With a sad smile he accepts the jacket, and continues to walk away from them across the stones. They watch him go sadly, but with confidence. For where will this lone wolf go...?
Next Quest 25: 三代目鬼姫参上 Sandaime Onihime Sanryou The Third Ogre Princess Arrives
Another Highness Duke, and this one is VERY different. For one thing, she is a female. Yaba-iba is not particularly happy with it not being him. The Gaoranger do Karaoke, Silver plays pool. Yaba-iba and the newcomer feud. Ad for Gaoranger Movie. It'll be GOOD!
Quest 25: 三代目鬼姫参上 Sandaime Onihime Sanryou The Third Ogre Princess Arrives
The arrival of Gao Silver, his destruction of Ura. The Gaoranger watch all this in their scrying pool and Tetomu tells them, grinning, "We won't have to fight Ura again." Red throws his arms up into the air with a shout of victory but the gloating is short-lived as Yellow says sternly, "It's too early to celebrate." For Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue are still out there. And Black points out that there'll probably be another Highness Duke. They all sit there mournfully, but Red cuts in with a grin, "So, let's have a party for being part-done!" They all whirl to look at him, delighted and excited. White leaps to her feet to suggest the type of party, but then they settle down again, for they cannot think of what type that Gao Silver might enjoy. But as they, even Red, are starting to look miserable, Yellow crows out bizarrely and they all turn to him. He gets to his feet, shuffling shyly, and then starts telling quietly, "The country's changed a lot, but there are things people can do together. They can SING!" The others all tilt their heads in bewilderment and ask together, "What?" Yellow, grinning like a loon, spins around to them and magically produces a microphone from his pocket. "It's... karaoke!" he breaths the word into the mike and it echoes in the rock. And the others all react with applause and delight. A Karaoke Party it is, then!
In The Matrix, Yaba-iba crawls cautiously between the flower-covered rocks. He is cautiously approaching the Aurg Master, either fretting or gloating that Tsue Tsue is not around. Then he bounds hurriedly to it and asks it to tell him where the next Highness Duke is. Fog rolls from its mouth and a dull growl answers him. Nervously, he shies back but repeats his question. This time a deeper growl answers him, and he is delighted.
In Gao's Rock, our heroes are still plotting their party. Blue bounds over to White to ask, "Do you know Silver's number?" for she holds her G-phone. No, she doesn't BUT she will try. Before she can, the scrying pool erupts. Tetomu anxiously tells them to investigate, and Red agrees this may be the new Highness Duke. As they dash out, Yellow mutters excitedly about Karaoke.
There are high school girls racing down the road, Aurgettes in pursuit. On a walkway above the road, Yaba-iba encourages it all laughing and gloating. One Aurgette corners a mother who curls protectively over her little girl, but Gao Red arrives in time to save them. Our heroes fight, wondering where is the new Highness Duke. In mere instants, they've cleared out the Aurgettes and it is Yellow who calls inquiringly up to Yaba-iba to ask what is happening. He is about as puzzled as they are, and the exchange gets on with Blue mentioning that they want this out of the way so they can have their Karaoke Party. Yaba-iba repeats, "Karaoke?" completely confused. The team starts to launch their attack against Yaba-iba when green lightning flashes around and into them. Even Yaba-iba cringes, "What is it NOW?!" he wonders. But the answer comes quickly. As the Gaoranger roll over and start getting back to their feet, she appears.
Her laughter is deep, her cloak and great shoulders a brilliant, apple green. Her face is white, the great eyes red. From two green things sticking out of the side of her head dangle eaerings below a long, elegant white and green horn. Five red gemstones arc above her eyes. She closes on the Gaoranger and laughs when Red calls challenge. She identifies herself as Onihime (Demon Princess) and perhaps as the new Highness Duke. White moves forward to refuse this identification. Yaba-iba is flummoxed and falls down on the railing, bewildered by all this. But Onihime again attacks, powerful green lightning tearing through our heroes. "So you are the warriors who defeated a Highness Duke?" she mocks them, bearing down on them. But before she can wipe them out, another blast comes from farther away. Gao Silver has arrived with his Gao Hustler Rod. The others have a breather to get back to their feet and call his name in relief, wondering how he knew. He answers that he knew because the wind called him. Onihime is NOT impressed. The two square off, but though Silver's shot is powerful, her green lightning nocks him back into the group of Gaoranger. But she doesn't try to finish them off. Instead, she vanished with mocking laughter. Yaba-iba is down on the street level now, and he heads off to find her. Our heroes do not pursue.
Back into their civilian clothes. Gao Silver starts to leave them again, but they have explained what they wish to do. He turns slowly back to them, puzzled. "Karaoke?" When he's starting to beg off, Red is quick to reassure him that they want him to come. They all hover near him. Though he keeps his back turned, he listens as they speak. He is still held by shame, I think. White finalizes the arguments by pointing out that the six of them should be together. He quietly answers that he'd enjoyed the samisen, but he still prefers to be by himself. And now he starts off again, refusing to look at them. They let him go but watch him. White quietly wonders about a thousand years in isolation. Blue is agreeing with her on the subject. Red adds that they must think about what he might enjoy.
Silver's wanderings take him into a quiet bar. Billiyard JACK, it says on the door. He looks around and walks further inside. He must be the earliest customer, for only the owner is there. Silver stops at the box holding all the pool cues. He chooses one and moves towards the pool table. The bartender watches him with raised brows. He sets his three orbs in a triangle on the table, then hits them. They start to careen wildly within the surface of the pool table and if the bartender's brows were raised before, they hit the ceiling now. Silver watches his balls shoot around, satisfied, but then his G-brace-phone starts making a noise to get his attention. He lifts it from its seat and opens it to his ear. "This is Silver." A delighted voice rings in his ears. It is Tetomu calling. "I got through, I got through!" she exclaims. Startled, his eyes go wide and he almost steps backwards. "I'm Tetomu! Why are you taking so long to join us?" Rather confused by this method of communication, he doesn't know quite how to interrupt or even speak. He barely gets a syllable out as she teases him about the great distance he is keeping between them. "Come sing with us!" He manages at last to pull himself together and protest that he doesn't really want to move so fast. She overrides him enthusiastically but he cuts off her argument by the simple expedient of hanging up. The sound of that pierces her ears and causes a slight pain, for she doesn't use a phone to communicate, and what she says next may be quite rude.
Silver himself gets back to playing with his orbs. But he cannot quite concentrate. When he tries to hit them again his aim is off and he only sends one rolling away. Embarrassed with himself, he gives up and stands to remember. Gao's Rock and the pristine, green whiteness of its inner walls. Murasaki playing the samisen and her extraordinary beauty. His imagination takes him to a Karaoke room, and him standing next to Tetomu singing with happy enthusiasm. Without noticing he has pull his cue to his lips as if it were a microphone and he mutters aloud, "Tetomu and I doing Karaoke..?" then he sees what he is doing and nervously lowers the cue. He shifts from one foot to another as he thinks aloud, "If they invite me again, should I say okay? Yes, I will. I've never done this before." He pulls up the cue again to practice his scales. Then he remember the other person there and looks back with shy embarrassment, but the bartender has given up on raising eyebrows and only returns his nervous gaze with a resigned one. So Silver continues to practice, reassured that he isn't going to be chased out.
At a Karaoke palace, the young woman attendant finds a most astonishing thing. Two strange beings step through the door, along with other strange beings. And inside one of the room, mist coalesces around the Karaoke equipment. And soon the new Aurg forms with Onihime's encouragement. Left hand a microphone, shoulders speakers. I'm not sure WHAT his head is, but the two great red horns stick out like spikes from it. On the shoulders the word "Olgu" is written. His voice is sing-songy, for he is Karaoke Aurg. Yaba-iba watches this in astonishment and realizes "She can MAKE an Aurg!" but he only thinks this, and that her power is just like Ura's.
And in Gao's Rock, the scrying pool bubbles warning. Tetomu sends our heroes out telling them the signal is coming from Sounandai. Yellow, who had answered the call, confirms it with delight. "Sounandai?!" The others gather around to ask what's the matter and he replies dreamily, "That's the BEST Karaoke joint in the city!" and he bounds off. The others take an instant before they follow him excitedly. They get near the place and pause, searching for the Aurg, but then they hear strange voices that are high and whining. "What's going on?" puzzles Red. There are anxious people coming out of the subway entrance near them, clutching at their throats and trying to talk to each other. And the only thing they can say is "Meow!" (or rather, "Nyow" as Japanese do) Red rushes over to them. "What's the matter?" he asks and the first couple he gets to anxiously grab his arms and meow at him. White frets that they can't understand, and Black starts to grumble nervously, but Red says confidently "Their voices changed when they were doing karaoke!" The others gape at him. "How'd you understand that?" Smug and proud Red replies, "I'm a veterinarian." Then he tells the frightened people that he will get them back to normal, and the Gaoranger race into the Karaoke barn.
Silver is still practicing, uncertain of the quaility of his voice. Satisfied at last he lifts his wrist to stare at the G-brace phone. Pouting slightly he asks, "What's the matter? Aren't they going to invite me again?" He looks faintly hurt as he lowers his arm.
But the others are in the karaoke building, racing up the stairs. Red leads them into a room and says fretfully, "They said they were all singing in this room." It is empty and innocent looking. Yellow stares dreamily around and tells them this is the greatest place for karaoke. Red bounds past to check the rooms guest list and finds that this timeslot is open. The whole group (who are entirely too easily distracted) goes into total excitement. White and Yellow start fighting over the remote and Yellow wins, starting to program in a song. Red gets it next, holding the catalogue in his hand but before he can settle a song in, Black snatches the remote. White is quite furious and finally manages to get the remote from Blue.
Yaba-iba is just about laughing his head off. I certainly would be! He peears around the corner as carefully as possible to see the playful group cheering each other on as they sing. Laughing, he goes back to the room they were hiding in and just misses Onihime singing into a microphone, for she hides it the moment she hears him enter. He tells her the Gaoranger have fallen into their trap, and then frets unhappily about the absence of Tsue Tsue being a problem because they cannot use her power. Onihime shoves the microphone in his face, then has to do a double-take for that was not what she'd intended. A moment later and she has what she wanted, this that will make the Aurg large for them.
And Yellow leads the song in the Karaoke room. Black then battles for the microphone for the next selection, but Yellow wins though Blue and White are scolding him for hogging and Red is cheering him on. But when he starts to sing, his voice has changed. "Nyownyownyow." They all gasp his name in astonishment. Then the effect hits Red, and next Black, Blue and White. Yellow finally notices and stares at his microphone in surprise, then joins the gathered group. And while they fret distressedly at each other, a glowing hand and microphone come out of the karaoke machine and form into the Aurg. He sings his thanks and mocks them for having given him so much power. Our heroes are ready to fight, but he blasts them.
Silver has been resting his head on the pool table, staring wistfully at his G-brace phone. He raises it now, miserable. "Of course they didn't try to call me again." And then the wind blows. This is a voice he knows and hears in some part of his being. It moves his hair, tickles his being, and summons him to aid.
The Aurg drive the Gaoranger out onto the docks. And Red calls his companions to change into their armor, presumably. So they hault out their G-phones and scream Gao Acesss. Except of course what they say is NyowNyownyow! and so nothing happens. After a number of bewilered nyows, laughing Onihime points out that they can't change with their voices like cats. So Karaoke Aurg attacks and does them quite a bit of painful damage. He is getting ready to kill them, laughing maniacally as he approaches, when Silver arrives. He knocks the Aurg away with a furious cry and turns to the others. Red heads the frantic meowing, but Silver is still hurt and pouting. "You shouldn't have gone to Karaoke. You didn't invite me." They all stare at him blankly. "Nyow?" they ask. Suddenly realizing how he sounds he says quickly, "Nothing." He moves to change into his fighting armor. "Gao Access! Summon spirit of the Earth! Sparking Wolf, Gao Silver!" When Karakoe Aurg attacks with sharp, deadly cds, Silver cuts them out of the air. He drives the startled Aurg back and uses Break Mode to catch it in his Break Field. Badly damaged after that attack, the Aurg bursts into pieces. Silver threads hurtle through the air and five dive down the Gaoranger's throats. They are back to normal, and Red happily leads them into their armor. Onihime and Yaba-iba are dismayed, but she uses her power against them. They fall, but Silver gets to his feet and races through her blasts despite the others' frantic warnings. As he runs, he hears a howl and the silvery being that appears beside him is his friend. "Gao Wolf!" Running together, the Power Animal suddenly changes form. It becomes a shining motorcycle for him to ride. The others gape in admiration and surprise. Gao Silver hears its call, offer of extra power, and leaps aboard. They ride through the crowd of Aurgettes and right into Onihime. Whirl to a stop, spin around, and catch her on the front of the bike, rolling madly along and suddenly stopping, so she goes flying. At Silver's encouragement, they call in the mighty weapon and striker her with it. A terrible explosion and some round ball goes flying, but it is Tsue Tsue who stands up in the flames. She is stunned at the loss of the power of Ura. Yaba-iba is stunned to see her. "You're copying a Highness Duke??" But she turns frantically to him to say she wasn't. She reminds him of the explosion when Highness Duke Ura died, of what they collected that remained of him. She had brought it back to the Matrix to pray over it. And then... then a flare of light from it, and she was engulfed in green fire and became Onihime. But it had not been her. So Yaba-iba is dismayed with her but she says, "I'm not finished yet!" They will use what they always use. And out go the seeds. When Karaoke Aurg goes large, it is Silver who is quickest to call in his trio of companions. And the others call in their companion beasts, but they have to leave the Bison out of it. And so they form Gao King Striker. The two face their singing enemy, who uses sonic attack against them and the terrible noise of his singing is devastating. Gao Hunter uses his moon boomerang to wipe out the microphone, and now our heroes attack with Gao Majiro. It is Silver who hits the returning Majior to make it hit the Aurg again, and he falls.
And down below, the orb of Ura's power shows Ura's face and vanishes into the ground. And now the battle is over and our heroes gather behind Silver, asking him hopefully to go do Karaoke with them. Blue reassuring him that they know he'll be great. But he's still pouting. He says he won't be with them, but they can work together. And they confirm, soft and reassuring, they want to work with him. They want to fight be his side again. He pauses, and then tells them that when the Aurg need to be fought the wind will call him. And he starts away. Yellow cries after him, "You're just too cool!"
In the grass of a valley, light gathers in flashes, settling onto a broken mask. The pieces form together and the mask is solid. Within it, yellow eyes glow brightly.
Next Quest 26: 狼鬼、ふたたび Loki Futatabi Loki's back!
Our heroes have to change into their armor. Silver runs, and later he is rather battered as he goes to mount his Wolf Roader and leave their anxious stares. White confronts him against a boulder, tears rolling down her face, needing him to join them. And Loki comes, walking through a tunnel and playing the sweet sound of his flute.
Quest 26: 狼鬼、ふたたび Loki Futatabi Loki's back!
It's as though he has made the bar his home. Arriving early, so there is no one but him, he places his three orbs on the table and strikes them with the cue. They go as always ricocheting about the surface. The bartender watches this under his eyelashes. As his young customer straightens up, the bartender catches his eyes in a piercing look and asks if it isn't boring, doing the same thing, every day. Silver looks down and away, refusing to answer. Instead he cleans the cue. Slightly exasperated, the bartender comes over to him around the island. He brings his own cue and sets a yellow striped ball on the pool table, facing Silver. Chalks the end of his cue, gives Silver a look and blows the excess off. Then he positions the cue at a slight angle and prepares to strike, down on the ball. And at his strike, the ball sails across the tabletop to spin at the opposite barrier in front of Silver, who watches it with surprise which doubles when the ball suddenly flies up towards his face. He catches it in his palm and gazes in wide-eyed astonishment, first at the ball, then at the bartender. The bartender doesn't look smug, just amused and proud, his smile faint. His eyes twinkle as he offers, "I can teach you more enjoyable things." For he is not only the bartender, he is also a Billiard Master. (In fact as yet that's all they call him.)
And so the teaching starts. Silver tries to use the cue as he's been shown, hitting the white ball against the yellow striped ball, and it falls into the hole. Silver raises his gaze to meet the bartender's eyes, "I got this ball into the hole so I win, right?" However, the bartender is having none of this. "You have to start with the lowest numbered balls!" Silver, confused, asks "But which is the lowest numbered ball, tell me please!" The bartender meeets his eyes and asks curiously, "How old are you?" Silver replies with utter innocence, "One thousand sixty-two." For obvious reasons this makes the bartender laugh. "What kind of a gag is that? You're boring me." But before Silver can answer the man's light laughter, the wind blows a summons to him. He shoves past the startled bartender and races outside.
Sunlit day, green summer. Silver runs and he is a good runner. He just about reaches the entrance to a tunnel through a hill, when he hears something which stops him. It is the thin, high, sweet piping of a flute. He stops, fear coursing through him and he doesn't know what yet. "That piping is... it can't be...." There is someone at the far end of the tunnel. A tall, black silhouette moving towards him. The wind blows urgent warning and Silver looks that way, to see the distant eyes glowing bright yellow. The outline of the clothes. For there is no doubt who approaches. Silver shivers where he stands and plants his feet against the impulse to flee. Loki walks slowly, in no hurry at all, still playing his flute even after stepping out into the sunlight. "This just can't be," Silver manages to gasp out. And Loki stops playing to just stare at him, then says, "So you came." Silver stumbles back a step before managing to stop himself.
Tetomu comes to the scrying pool. What brought her there is unknown, but just as she bends over it the water erupts in her face, startling her back into falling. Red has just stepped into the chamber and asks her, but she stares at him helplessly and says worriedly, "So weird! There's no way this could happen, right?" Red meets her question with confusion.
Loki blasts at Silver with his mighty moon blade. Silver responds with a quick change into his armor. He rolls out of the blast and leaps over Loki, jumping off his shoulder. The battle is joined, as Loki tosses his blade high into the air, fights through Silver to catch it being too fast and strong, and then Silver draws the Gao Hustler Rod. And yet Loki continues to drive him back, blocking every blow. Catching him in a clinch, the wolf-demon slams him against the cement of the bridge, then tosses him over the edge to fall down into a gravel valley. Silver rolls heavily down the incline and is not doing too well, as Loki leaps down to catch him at the bottom and strike blows that could cut an unarmored man to pieces. Getting him down, Loki grabs his feet and starts spinning around, finally letting go so Silver goes sliding along the ground into the rocks and bushes. Loki comments amusedly, "You're weak." Silver is struggling to get his feet under him, muttering to himself, "He's too strong," then shouts, "Who are you?" Without waiting for an answer he races back into battle, Hustler Rod against the fierce moon-blade.
It is to the sight of these two battling that the other Gaoranger arrive. Yellow identifies their enemy in shock. "Loki?!" Red nods, "This is what Tetomu said." Blue wonders, "But how is it Silver and Loki are fighting?" White, though, tells them they have to help, and the group agrees. Just as they move to change into their armor, Silver shouts at them to stay out of it. This is his fight, and he does not want their power to interfere. They obey his request and watch miserably. Loki slices him into a spin to fall onto his back, pins his right arm (the one holding the Hustler Rod) under a boot and brings the mighty blade down to rest next to his head. "This is how I'm going to end our thousand year battle." Silver, unable to move, still can ask. "What do you mean?!" And Loki chuckles low in his throat. When Silver starts to struggle, the mighty Duke Aurg resettles his boot and kneels down on him, tightening the blade at Silver's throat so he cannot move. "Shut up and listen to me." He reminds Silver of how their bonding ended, with the mask shattered, and how Silver himself had fallen in the cockpit, power taken from him. "When you escaped the Dark Wolf Mask, I was also freed from my thousand year imprisonment." Silver responds somewhat frantically, "What I entered when I put on that mask... was your soul?!" Loki is amused by his frightened confusion. "That's right. And finally, after a thousand years..." he stands slowly, "I have the chance to have revenge on the person who took me. You." For as much as Silver was bound, so was Loki. "That can NOT be true!" Silver protests weakly. And now Loki chuckles and raises his blade to strike a killing blow. "And here's where we part." White knows what will happen and changes into her armor. She hurtles into the fray, a white blur snatching up the pinned Silver and pulling him away from Loki before the mighty blade can end his life. Loki finds this irritating. White heads over a cliff, hanging onto a very startled Silver and leaping for the water below. She lands more easily than he does, but they are both gone. Loki has every intention of going after them. However, the other four Gaoranger attack quickly and do their best to stop him. He manages to slash them all down and runs at them, calling them children.
The river tumbles wildly, but two have emerged from the water. Their armor is gone. Silver is feeling his injuries now, and however much he does not want it, has to lean on White as she helps him to the shore. "I'll say thank you, but never help me like that again!" He is trying to get her to leave him alone. When she determinidly says "I don't need any thanks! What we have to do now is take care of your wounds." She wants to take him to Gao's Rock, he shoves her away and falls back against a large boulder. "I don't have the right." She glowers at him stubbornly. But when he meets her eyes he sees tears building there, to his dismay. Staring in shock he asks somewhat hysterically, "Are those tears for my sake? WHY?!" She falls to her knees in front of him so that she can stare up into his eyes, projecting all her caring and determination, "You're the one who we got out finally from a thousand years! You were our friend a thousand years ago, even though we didn't exist, you were still our friend! And..." while he pulls away against the rock she reaches into her pocket and draws out something she had kept... A fold of rich black cloth. He gasps when he sees it. "I haven't had a chance to thank you for when you healed me!" and she holds it out to him. And now the tears fall at last. He stares at her, then at the cloth. The memory is there, drenched in shadow like all his memories of that time. Carrying the light form of the injured girl. Tearing his cloak to make bandages for her, using medicinal paste on her torn knee. "Tetomu said that you are the only person who has that healing powder in this era!" He cannot meet her eyes. "Didn't you say you didn't need any thanks? Well I don't either." He gets back to his feet, raises his pale orb and tosses it over to a bare area, where the orb transforms into the Wolf Roader with a lonely howl. Though White calls his name, he ignores it and leaps onto his cycle to tear off as she asks in frustration, "Why?"
Four rangers go flying as flames and smoke rise from the latest blast that hit them. They are injured and having trouble getting up when Loki starts towards them. "Why are you being so troublesome in my hands?" He is ready to take them out, now. And then the shriek of tires and the low roar of an engine. Loki turns quickly. The engine sounds like a snarling wolf as they come into site and the Gaoranger gasp. "Well he's come back," comments Loki smugly. And he tosses crescent light attacks at the approaching enemy. The others gasp, but there is no reason to fear. For Silver is getting there, driven in part by the memory of White's tears. He roars himself and takes the Wolf Roader straight into Loki. The resulting explosion makes it impossible to see what is happening. The others call for him in horror. The flames die down and Loki walks towards them. They flinch back in horror, but then it is Loki who flinches and then gasps in agony. He falls to his knees and clutches his head, then spreads his hands wide as he screams with the pain. His body begins to gray out, and then the mask becomes visible and he falls into a pile of black dust. The mask lands among the dust and the four male Gaoranger stare at it. Red gasps, "That mask.. what is it?" But a long-fingered hand reaches down and gathers the mask up. "Tsue Tsue!!" Red cries in recognition. She is there of course with Yaba-iba at her side. She grins and says happily, "This is a very important thing." She hands it to Yaba-iba who tells the Gaoranger cheerfully, "Thanks for giving it to us!" and then Tsue Tsue blasts them. While they struggle to recover, she and Yaba-iba start off. But another voice cuts through their victorious smirks. "I won't let you!" It is Silver, recovering from the explosion which had destroyed Loki. He clambers to his feet and races at them. "Gao Silver!" exclaims Yaba-iba in moderate surprise. With a gesture, he and Tsue Tsue make tracks. Silver races after them while the others call him. And White finally gets back from the riverside. They exchange unhappy lowerings of the heads. White starts to turn away when she sees something flashing and gleaming. She runs to investigate. Caught in the damp mud, shimmering in distress, is the Gao Wolf orb. Identifying it by name, its care falls to White.
And the sun sets in a red sky. The dimming light catches a young man who has run until his legs and lungs ache. He stops finally and cries, "Where are you? Where did you run?" His wounds from the earlier battle finally hit him hard and he doubles over, fighting the pain. Hoarsely he says, "I had the chance to destroy the Dark Wolf mask! Except they...!!" and he slams his fist helplessly into the water of the stream he is at.
The Matrix is still full of lovely flowers. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba have made it home and they present Loki's mask to someone we don't get to see whom they gaze at with pride. Someone cloaked, whose claws are blood red as they take the mask from her hands.
In Gao's Rock, Red is trying to understand exactly what is going on. "Somebody put a curse on somebody to make them into a mask, and that's where the Dark Wolf mask came from?" Tetomu is mixing something in a bowl, staring down at the scrying pool. "Yes," she says quietly. Blue, upper right arm and neck bandaged, asks anxiously, "So, is that the new Highness?" She answers sadly, "It might be. If the mask has fallen into the Aurg's hands, Loki will come back again." Blue looks anxiously about at the others. "Does that mean we have to fight with that godaweful strong Loki again?" Black, his head bandaged, shakes out his coat and stands to ask, "Why is Loki stronger than before?" Tetomu explains very quietly, "Maybe the mask was not only making Loki strong, but also making the three Power Animals strong." Yellow gets to his feet and clarifies for her, "So that means the evil power hasn't gone away, and it can get stronger whenever it wants to." He walks around to Red and they exchange worried looks. But White is thinking hard. She does not know what to say, but looks down at the Wolf orb she cradles in her fingers.
Quiet is a rare commodity. He has had to tend his wounds alone, binding injured shoulder and chest in front of a fire he's made. Finished, he gathers up the soft jacket Yellow had given him and stares wistfully down at the bamboo-sheathe packaging that had once held... "The healing powder that Murasaki gave me is gone now." Silver gets to his feet and puts his jacket on. Just as he gets it straight, he hears someone heavy walking towards his camp. He turns quickly and looks towards the sound. Of course, it is Loki, who sets the moon blade coolly on his shoulder and the two stare at each other. Silver's eyes are wide. Loki's are... well, they glow yellow-orange.
And so Gao Silver in his armor fights Loki, who deals blow after painful blow.
White is in her pajamas, but she cannot sleep. She sits on the edge of the scrying pool and continues to hold the orb in her hands and worry. "Silver, what are you doing now?" she wonders aloud. Gao Wolf has things to say about that. The orb flares white and howls, then flies from her hands and bounces out the entrance hall, White in startled pursuit. She follows it outside and when it flies up, has to go further out onto the night city street in her pajamas so she can look up to see Gao Wolf atop Gao's Rock. The great beast howls anxiously. She calls him and he howls more deeply. All this commotion has brought the others, everyone in their pajamas. Red asks her uncertainly, "White, what's up with Gao Wolf?" She thinks hard and the knowing is easy. "Something's happening to Silver! Is that it, Gao Wolf?" she calls up urgently. It tilts its head down at her, utters the softer, miserable howl, and then leaps away into the night.
Dawn has come, and it is as red as the sunset was. The battle has gone on all night, probably more from Loki's wish to sadistically amuse himself. Silver goes flying yet again, flipping to TRY to land on his feet. He mostly lands on his side on the rocks. Loki approaches, waits for him to get up and then asks musingly, "Why don't I just finaly end this battle?" Silver feebly raises the Hustler Rod to defend himself, and Loki whirls his moon blade and builds up power to send crescent golden blasts that cut poor Silver to pieces. He lands heavily, armor gone, crying out in pain. Loki smugly starts towards him. Exhausted, driven to his limits, Silver can no longer move much to escape but can only watch death approaching and inch back from it. And then there is a howl and the rumble of an engine. Silver turns his head, "Gao Wolf!" The motorcycle is quick to roll at full power into Loki, this time sending HIM flying. Loki lands rolling and disoriented, and perhaps even angrier than before. The Wolf Roader rolls to a halt beside Silver and turns its head to look at him. He clambers to his feet and goes to it, petting the seat and welcoming it with joyful relief. And then White calls his name. He jumps and spins to see them coming. As they gather close, he lowers his gaze and turns away from them. He says stubbornly, "Didn't I tell you? I don't need your power!" (The boy's a masochist! Or just suicidal!) White won't let this go unchallenged. "Gao Wolf brought us here!" Startled, he almost looks at them and then forces his gaze back to his companion, who opens its mouth and howls anxiously. Hearing this, Silver sinks down to gaze into its eyes. "Gao Wolf... you -- " White interrupts to tell him anxiously, "For us to fight at your side." Silver is drawn in spite of himself, to look over his shoulder so that he can only see their faces in the corner of his eyes. They each nod at him, making little approving noises. But on the other side of the Wolf Roader is Loki, approaching again and breathing hisses of fury. "You guys!" Silver suddenly says sternly. "You'll risk your lives for me?" White feels him caving and starts to grin. Red answers nobly, "Yes. The Gao Soldiers, just like a thousand years ago, are six!" The others are about to bounce with excitement, and White says his name softly. Loki is getting closer, and Silver straightens up determinidly. "I'll only let you fight because Gao Wolf said. I'm not promising anything!" White doesn't see this as a reason to argue again and says that they will fight at his side. This almost gets him to smile. And now the six change into armor to fight at his call. Standing introductions to use up a minute or so follow.
Loki is suitably unimpressed. He uses the Moonlight Sonic, chuckles with pleasure waiting to see the fallen and injured only to find they've vanished. He races to where he thought they should be on the rocks, and "Here!" comes a shout from above. He looks up. Gao Silver drops out of the sky right onto him. A few vicious slashes to his face send him tumbling. He rolls and gets back up, only to be grabbed by Blue and Yellow, who together slam him into some rocks. Landing heavily on his back, he is next assaulted by White and Black, who drag him across the ground to bash him quite thoroughly against a boulder, putting him totally off-balance as he gets to his feet only to find Red there to take him down with the Hyakujuuken. A few massive strikes send Loki flying with a cry of agony. Knowing he's stunned, Red calls for Silver to attack. Our boy pulls out the Gao Hustler Rod and uses Break Mode, Laser Pool attack in an effort to finish Loki off. Loki is caught in the green field, unable to escape. Silver places his three orbs at the base and sends them off with the Huslter Rod. They hit powerfully and Loki goes up in flames. The orbs return happily to Silver's hand. Loki is staggering, but not out yet. He's looking pretty bad, and then silver lightning flares all over his body and he starts to explode. The group gathers smugly around Silver, who is starting to straighten up from the abused hunch he always affects. However, their relief is premature. Loki utters a wicked laugh and snarls, "I'm happy to show you power!" and now with a gesture he becomes a giant! His laughter is wicked and echoing, and the Gaoranger duck back in startled fright.
Silver's three orbs suddenly fly from him, and he gasps in surprise as his Power Animals appear full-sized. Gao Wolf is first to attack, leaping to fasten its teeth into Loki's left hand. A startled Silver calls its name. Furious, Loki throws the wolf off. Hammerhead Shark and Gaoligator rush at him, but he blasts them back. Gao Wolf howls resentfully, and Loki's cold laughter fills the skies. Silver gazes up at the struggle and understands what he is hearing and seeing. "He's the one who changed you into monsters! So you also want to take revenge for a thousand years? Right!" So Silver calls for the Gao Hunter formation. His companions obey enthusiastically, and the two giants square off. Loki is as he was, powerful and deadly. Hunter cannot get through his blade. A roar interrupts the demon's laghter. Gao Lion has arrived, and the Gaoranger call for Gao King Striker to fight. "It doesn't matter how many of your come out," Loki says bemusedly. At Red's urging, Black sends out Gao Majiro and they build up the kick. Loki stands, waits, and punches at just the right moment, sending Majiro back at them. Hunter leaps between, using the Ligator Blade like a pool cue to send Majior at Loki again, who catches it between his hands and manages to hold it until the spin wears down. He chuckles smugly. Silver and the others all gasp in astonishment. "Here's it back!" Loki sneers, as he tosses Majiro at them. It hits Gao King and then Hunter hard and rebounds back, but Loki is ready with his moon blade and hit it towards them again boy he's good, like playing baseball. This time the formations fall to the ground. Majiro ends up against a mountainside. Resting his blade on his shoulder, Loki asks, "What's the matter, finished already?" All pilots are busy struggling in their cockpits. No one has a clue what to do.
Silver startles when Majiro rolls slowly by Hunter's head. And now he remembers what the bartender had shown him, and he gets Hunter back to its feet. Loki mocks him, "What are you going to do this time?" Snarling, Silver uses the strike he'd learned. He moves with the Hustler Rod, and Hunter echoes the movement, bringing the Ligator Blade down at Majiro at a slight angle. Majiro hurtles forward and spins at a very startled Loki's feet for a long instand, then the wolf-demon soon has a faceful spinning Majiro. His horn snaps off and he cries out in agony. He struggles with disollution, fighting it. Thus he is unable to properly defend himself against Gao Hunter's Revolver Phantom attack. With a furious scream the mask shatters and he blasts to dust.
Gao Silver staggers weakly, fighting a losing battle with his injuries. He starts to fain and falls into anxious arms. Red is on his right and White on the left. They hold him close and will not let him go. The others watch sternly. White says urgently, "Didn't I tell you I hadn't said thankyou for when you healed me?" He answers her stubbornly, "The thanks you gave me in today's battle," and gasps out. "Let me go!" yanking against their restraining arms. White replies, "No! This time you have to say thanks to me!" At his startle look, she cannot quite suppress a smile. "You could just let me help you with your wounds! You're all out of the powder." The others agree, gathering to call him in. Yellow steps close and says, "And the evil of a thousand years ago is already dead." Blue adds cheerfully, "Yeah, we beat that godawful strong Loki, didn't we Black?" Black says, "Yes, if we pool all our power - " Red finishes, "A new Highness will be easy to destroy!" Silver is starting to recover, and he raises his head to gaze around at these optimistic modern warriors. The group is in complete agreement. And they join their hands again, waiting for him to join them. Red. Yellow. Blue. Black. White. Silver gazes at the piled hands, and turns his head to look at each other them. They want him so much. The narrator says helpfully, Finally, Gao Silver opens his heart to them. The five warriors have become six again, just like a thousand years ago. Like a siren-song and he wants to join them. He reaches out his hand to set it atop White's, but the wind calls frantically. Silver loses sight of anything else and shoves between the others to see what he is being called about.
He looks frantically around. And then an all-too familiar high laugh rends the air. Ura is atop the cliff with Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba at his side. He laughs mockingly. "Maro is still not dead." Red and the others gather, keeping Silver at their center. Red demands, "Were you the black magician who called Loki back?!" Amused, Ura replies, "Well yes, of course it was me. I'd forgotten. The wolf mask is lost, but the evil of a thousand years ago is not dead yet." Silver snarls hoarsly, "What is this about?" and Ura hisses at him. Then he blasts them with green lightning and as they cry out he snarls, "Gao Silver, this is only me introducing myself. Now that you've hurt me, I'm going to hurt you a trillion times worse than you did me. Your danger has only just begun." And Silver screams back at him, "Damn you!" and races forward. But the Aurg laugh and vanish. Them gone, the wind not able to tell him where to look, Silver falls to his knees in frustration. Closing the gap left where he'd stood, the Gaoranger watch him and White says miserably, "The evil isn't dead yet?" And Silver falls forward onto his hands and knees, sobbing with frustration before he straightens up and cries a snarling howl.
Next Quest 27: 雛がすねる Hina ga Suneru The Bird Takes Over
They face Tsubo Aurg (Vase Aurg). And it has with it a pair that are clearly Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba, only they've gone through some changes. The Narrator tells us, "To save the Gao King from Tsubo Aurg that sealed it inside a pot, a special type of bird is going to be born. BUT..." in Gao's rock a feather falls into the scrying pool. A red-tinged egg cracks open a little so the blue fuzzy critter inside can peer out suspiciously. White is delighted. But when it bites his nose, Red screams, "OW!" And Black leaps to prevent Yellow from smashing the egg with a frying pan, as White dives protectively over it. Red says, "This one is nasty!" We see Gao Muscle Striker, and the blue and white fuzzy bird beside a bowl of yellowish powder.
Quest 27: 雛がすねる Hina ga Suneru The Bird Takes Over
Gao Black is on the island, and comes to see with delight that Gao Bison is fine. It gambols for him a bit, pawing the ground to show off. Meanwhile, the otehrs are fretting over the return of Ura, and the continuing existence of Loki. Tetomu is chewing on her lips as if she has something she's thinking of telling them, when Black returns in a flare of light, to tell the Bison is fine. Tetomu beats the others to an excited, manly "YES!" and they all stare at her in surprise. She meets their startled gazes, then changes her stance to a girlish happiness and says, "That's great!" and flounces off. Yellow stares after her, hands still up for his own victory move. The five clap hands in joy, then head off. But Red looks troubled, and heads a slightly different direction.
In The Matrix, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are peering down into vases, amused by how their voices sound inside these things. Ura, however, is planning. He has a ceramic model he's made, and summons the power (of Loki?) to enter it. The sky is filled with swirling blue-white light that comes down at his call. It enters the model, then flashes out to hit Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba, who stagger with startled cries. When they straighten up, they stare at each other in surprise. They have both changed, their horns are longer and Yaba-iba's curls down. The humanity is lost from their faces behind monstrosity. "What's this?" asks a surprised Tsue Tsue in a whisper. But the vase has been made and introduces himself. "Tsubo Aurg." It is Loki's power Ura is using to enhance his two Dukes. Yaba-iba still has a vase on his right arm.
An innocent man driving his truck along is first to run afoul of the new Aurg. A flash of light from the mouth on its hand and a glow flies out to impact the man's windshield, where it becomes a paper. And now Tsubo Aurg uncaps his large, white and gold vase. The truck silvers out and is sucked within, leaving behind the very startled driver clutching the steering wheel. He skids to a halt on the pavement looking around in total confusion, until he realizes his buttocks are burning from the friction of his stop. The Aurg laugh, and Tsue Tsue points out that they can get the Power Animals with this.
The Gao Ranger call down their first five Power Animals, and have them form Gao King, The great ones are happy to comply, happy to be together with Bison again. And our heroes board with the Soul Drive. Gao Hunter arrives, Silver coming to help. The Bison and Wolf together agreed to go into this exercise and the group welcomes him shyly. The two giant robots go at each other with happy playfullness, unaware of the danger below. They never notice the papers that touch them until they are sucked into Tsubo Aurg's vase and land heavily in the dust inside. Our heroes were ejected. And in the cockpit of Gao King, the Soul Bird vanishes to reappear as Pyon, who cries in dismay. "Where'd they go?" wonder the heores. But then they find themselves facing the three Aurg, it takes them a moment to register why these two extra look so familiar, Yellow puzzling it out but Tsue Tsue lets them know, laughing with delight. The extra power of a thousand years ago enhances them. They blast down our startled heroes. Red races into battle, only to get pinned by Tsubo Aurg, who calls the two dukes to come and get him. They come with great joy, but Silver leaps in and gets Red out of the line of fire. Tsubo Aurg takes the hits that would have been for Red, and falls. When he lands, the lid of his jar is jarred loose (hahah) and inside the jar, everything slides. Pyon slips into a hole in the wall, frantic. Now he spreads elegant white wings with red trimming, only halfway visible, and flaps them strongly. Feathers fluff loose and one floats out of the vase and up into the air, a soft blue-white. Tsubo Aurg gets back to his feet, gathers up his vase and whines becausae his back has been cracked.
Tetomu tells the group to show her which orbs they still have. Black of course has Rhino and Armadillo. Yellow shows Bear and Polar. Blue pulls out Giraffe. White has Elephant and Red of course has Gorilla. Tetomu reads out how many they have and points out that the Power Animals can combine with Rhino and Armadillo. It is all of them who gets out the word first, "Gao Muscle Striker!!" They are all about to bound and slap hands in delight when Tetomu drops hers, nearly sending Yellow tumbling because he'd been closest to touching. When he complains she points out that they don't have the Soul Bird. White mourns it, shifting away from the others. "Without the Soul Bird, the formation has no meaning." The others are whining, when she notices something and stares up. The pale blue feather has arrived and floats down past her face. "What's this?" she wonders. They all stare at it as it lands on the scrying pool and then vanishes, sending the water bubbling up. They gather close. And then a red tinted ball bubbles up in the water, and Tetomu gathers it up calmly. "This is a Gao Egg." When Red questions her about it, she says she doesn't know but that this egg is full of power. Yellow snatches it from her curiously, but when he starts tossing it in his hands, Red grabs to get it to safety. As the group begins to struggle over the egg, White manages to get it out of there and turns away protectively. While they are still clambering over each other, she gives an excited cry. "What is it?" Red asks anxiously. Her eyes shining, she turns the them and holds up the creature. Like Pyon, it is half covered in the egg shell. Unlike Pyon, it's eyes are narrowed in a very irritated expression, but they don't notice that at first. "Pyon-chan!" Red exclaims in relief. "Long time no see!" Black raises the subject of the Soul Bird and Blue is sure it'll work out. Red leans forward to give the critter a kiss and it bites his nose angrily. Red is not angry, just surprised. Gives the bird a once over and tells the others to wait, then bounds out of the main room. The others gather close and speak gently to it, but when Black reaches out to touch, gets his finger snapped at. Tetomu tenderly touches the bottom of the shell between White's fingers and tells them that this isn't exactly Pyon-chan. This is half of Pyon. Blue follows that and announces that Pyon-chan has the P, and Yellow continues that this then is just Yon and is bad. They all nod thoughtful agreement, thoroughly offending their little visitor who turns around in his shell and shuts it, as if the egg had never opened. They all stare in astonishment. Tetomu turns toward Yellow, "He's sulking," she says reprovingly. "Like that's MY Fault?" he gapes back.
The piece torn off of Tsubo Aurg's back needs to be fixed on. Yaba-iba has it and is squeezing glue out all over the inside. Finally he gets it back on and tries to reassure the Aurg, holding the piece on so it can dry. But Tsubo stands up and keeps moving, because an angry Tsue Tsue is pacing back and forth in front of him and he's trying to follow her. When she says it's time to go, they all raise their arms to say of course. Except when Yaba-iba raises his, he finds his hand is stuck to the piece. When Tsubo Aurg turns around to see why the other Duke isn't following him, Yaba-iba quickly shoves his hand behind his back and plays innocent. They head off.
Yellow sets the reddish egg down beside a crowbar. Then he heaves a frying pan high over his head intending to smash the egg open. A sudden flare of light, the egg starts spinning. Suddenly white glimmers come flying off of it. Yellow, hit by some, starts to grin slightly. "Great. Bird-poop." White dives behind Black quickly. Thus she and Tetomu are the only ones spared the white shower. But then the scrying pool erupts. While White struggles to protect the egg from the vengeful men, Tetomu quickly checks the pool and tells them to go out and face the Aurg. The egg, sitting safely on the table, opens again and the bird-critter glares fiercely at the team. But Yellow leads them out, sparing an annoyed glance at it. Just then, Red dashes back in with a bowl full of orange power. "An Aurg, Tetomu?" She nods. "Right. Give this to Pyon! See you later!" He gives her the bowl and dashes off after the others. The bird grumps on their going.
Tsubo Aurg is swallowing up office buildings to draw in the Gao Ranger. Silver and the others arrive together and Red confirms Silver's agreement that they will fight together. The team bears down on the trio of Aurg. Transforming into their battle armor, they face a totally not intimidated trio. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba engage in a brief discussion, but among our heroes Silver says he will prevent Tsue Tsue from deploying the Aurg Seeds. The others will attack Tsubo Aurg. The argument between the two Dukes ends in a stalemate, and Tsue Tsue sets Tsubo Aurg against the Gaoranger. He upends his vase and out comes a liquid that eats through the cement and, to White's enquiry, perhaps the Aurg says it is acid or something like that. But he sends out his power and Red windmills his arms in shock when a paper affixes itself to his face. Tsubo Aurg smugly opens his vase and Red is dragged towards him along the cement. Yellow and Black dive for his feet, White and Blue catch theirs and Silver at the end of the line hangs onto those two's ankles, but they are all being drawn slowly towards the vase. Red, caught in the tug of war, calls for help while the Aurg laughs. Silver breaks from the game to use his Hustler Rod in Sniper Mode, blasting Tsubo Aurg. With it injured, the paper vanishes and Red gasps out, "I'm saved!" He gets back to his feet immediately. The assembled group battles.
Tetomu is at home with the egg, the bird having hidden away inside again. With a nose plug over her nostrils she is spooning out the mixture Red gave her for it, and gently trying to persuade the ornery creature to come out and help the Gaoranger. When she gives up and pulls off the noseplugs, she gets a whiff of the powder and wishes she hadn't. Worrying about the others she turns away. And little You opens the egg a crack to watch her, before his gaze is drawn with interest to the bowl in front of his egg.
Tsubo Aurg is sent tumbling, and soon caught by Yellow and Blue, who smash him into a tree. White hits him next, then Black, and then Red hauls out the Gao Main Buster in Final Mode. While the Aurg is stunned, they haul out the Hyakujuuken and slice and dice it. Reduced to green foam, it is no longer a threat. But Tsue Tsue is furious and will make it one again. Silver dives in front of her, catches her staff, lands rolling and straightends up and... SNAPS the staff over his knee! Tsue Tsue is not a happy camper. Silver points out mockingly that now they can't make the monster a giant, and tosses the broken staff to the ground in front of the two Aurg. Tsue Tsue cries out in dismay. Yaba-iba laughs, however. "Did you forget we've been powered up?" "What?!" gasps Silver back. "See what I can do!" A gleam of power fromhis mouth, and Yaba-iba injests the staff. As Tsue Tsue gasps in delighted surprise, he turns around and spits the Aurg Seeds from his mouth like a machine gun, calling the words that seem part of the spell. And the pile of green foam sprouts a giant. Tsue Tsue is quite impressed. With a wiggle and an effort that we do not see in the screen, Yaba-iba produces the staff intact and hands it to a very happy Tsue Tsue. She takes it and then pauses to wonder, asking him, "Where did it come out?" Yaba-iba begs off on answering that one, blushing.
Tetomu is still working on the egg, speaking of the Gaoranger and the vital need, while our heroes face the giant vase, which smashes Yellow from the sky. Red and Silver, side by side, fire on it and are blown away from the field of battle, along with the others. And Tetomu finishes her long speech, huddling on the floor, mourning that she cannot do more for them. You peeks out of its egg, uttering a mournful sound. And Tsubo Aurg tries to stomp on the heroes. They fall beside his footprint. Tetomu is about to call to them when she hears noises behind her. You has come out and is gobbling up the red-orange powder with enthusiasm. Relieved and delighted to see it, Tetomu encourages the little guy. Its face is covered in the powder and now it straightens up, flaps its wings and glows brightly into a bird shape, Tetomu is delighted as it rises into the air. At least until it poops on her, but I think she ignores that.
Red resorts to slashing at the giant's feet with his dagger. Amused and annoyed, Tsubo Aurg kicks him away and he lands heavily against a hill. The others assemble around him and they are all about to get smashed, when the glowing bird flies in and hits it back. It transforms, becoming the Soul Bird. They prepare to summon Gao Muscle Striker. Yellow complains indignantly that he has nothing to call, but Black lends him one of HIS orbs, and they summon their companions. Gao Muscle Striker forms, and our heroes ride in on the Soul Bird. Tsubo Aurg is not impressed, and when he tries to get them with his paper, Gao Muscle cuts it from the sky. And then they use Striker Bomber, after which they do a bit of chest pounding, and Yellow calls for the Gao Muscle Kick Off. Gao Majiro hits hard and Yellow cries, "GAOL!" and the resulting explosion destroys the Aurg. Below them, Silver cheers them on. The two Dukes head off with indignation. An instant later in a flash of light Gao King and Gao Hunter Justice reappear to everyone's relief. Our heroes are out, in their regular clothes, to stare up at their three formations and delight. But Silver speaks softly of his inability to help them, and Red tries to reasure him. The others are also happy to encourage him. And then they hear "Pi!" "You!" and from the great formations fly two Soul Birds, swooping enthusiastically about each other. Finally they join together to become one. "Pyou!" White announces the reformation of the complete Soul Bird. (no more poop)
A green hand unfolds to release power into the sky, power that rolls and tumbles. The power of a thousand years ago.
Next Quest 28: 奥義、伝承 Ougi, Denshou Handing down the Secrets
Blue needs to learn a special bowling technique called Tornado Speed, to help in facing Bowling Aurg. There is an elderly man who is part of this mission.
Quest 28: 奥義、伝承 Ougi, Denshou Handing down the Secrets
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba kneel and watch Ura cautiously as he moves between them to the edge of the large fountain. Speaking of Loki and the power of a thousand years ago, he sets down a new clay model he's made, a round head with spikes, and broad grin. Ura is summoning that ancient power into the model, and a new Aurg is born.
Red walks in a green valley ahead of Silver. He finally stops and turns around hopefully. "Silver, won't you come to Gao's Rock?" He tries harder, excited and hopeful, but Silver won't look at him, staring miserably down at his feet instead. Red hesitates and then says gently, "You aren't the Loki of long ago anymore, you know. We all welcome you." Silver manages a wincing smile. He says heavily, "I'm the one who brought the evil of a thousand years ago here." Red is not certain what he can say to that and bites the insides of his cheek and he searches for words.
In Gao's Rock, White hovers by Tetomu, who seems to be busy carving something. She is fretting about Silver and whether or not he will come. Tetomu concentrates on her carving, indicating a certain lack of concern on the subject. White continues fretting that Red's managed to contact Silver but... then Yellow says, "But if he comes..." then he bounces with excitement, "let's have that Karaoke party!" Black grabs his hand and pulls it down. "We still have to apologize about the last Karaoke Party!" he scholds. Yellow pouts, but now Blue bounds over to the others. "Hey, how's about a Bowling competition?" That gets enthusiastic response. While White and Tetomu are delightedly discussing bowling, Black and Blue wrestle over something Blue holds, with Yellow trapped between them. And then the scrying pool bubbles. Yellow releases Blue and he stumbles aside, then hands off his item (it proves to be a very large conch shell) to White. They all check the pool, and Red finds his G-Phone ringing its summons. "There's another Aurg," says Tetomu quickly. "What?" Red answers, and beside him, Silver looks up with worried alertness.
Something hurtles down a sidewalk, startled people dive aside. Those who were not quick enough are nocked flying, their bodies stiff and straight like bowling pins. Cars blow up. Buildings go (I'd swear I've seen that particular building blown up before, they're probably recycling footage even possibly from other Sentai). Bowling Aurg is happily tending to his business, under the happy encouragement of the two Duke Aurgs, when Silver and Red arrives, the other four on their heels, and change into armor to fight. They actually make their self-introductions quickly this time. Tsue Tsue sends the Aurg out, and the Gaoranger gape in surprise, and then the bowling ball hurtles along the cement towards them, a trail of flame in its wake. Blue gasps, "That's... everyone look out!!" but it is too late, and the team goes flying in many directions, while Tsue Tsue marks the score card for Bowling Aurg. "Another strike!" Yaba-iba pulls her aside for a quick chat, while the Bowling Aurg frets about its head.
Our heroes were sent rather far afield. Still badly shaken, they assemble together to check on each other. White asks, "But we're missing someone?!" as Silver hovers at the edges and watches, they all gasp, "BLACK!" and turn frantically. A bit aways from them they see... well, he's headfirst in the ground, chest deep. They race over to him. Red, Blue and Yellow struggle to pull him out, while Silver prays and White gapes. They have him out and he gasps in several breaths of air, "I'm SAVED!" he manages between gasps. The others chuckle. Silver, though, frets about the Aurg's strength and says he thinks perhaps there's something he can do, something about instability. Yellow, Blue and Black scramble to their feet to ask him what, but he just heads off. Red takes a step after him but stays with the others, and wonders what Silver was talking about. Blue may have some idea. He tells them he's seen the bowling strike the Aurg performed before. At a bowling alley. It was called "Tornado Speed."
He takes the others to a farely large bowling alley, they follow excitedly behind him. There are groups of young high school students playing already. Blue looks, and looks, and looks. The others puzzle over this. Black carries a yellow bowling ball half slung over his shoulder. Blue sees a man mopping the floor and heads over to him to ask where a particular bowling pro might be. The man says he hasn't heard that name in a long time, but as he turns and starts checking the ashtrays, Blue recognizes him. "Don! It's you, Don!" Yes, this man IS the pro bowler Blue is looking for. When the man tries to ignore him Blue pleads, "Teach me how to do Tornado Speed, please?" The man pauses in mid-step, glances back over his shoulder. It is with some resentment that he reminds Blue of the fact that the young man had run off on him. (It is safe to assume this was because he'd become a Gaoranger) And with some annoyance the man tells him its dead, and heads out. Blue and the others follow quickly. Don dumps out his bucket outside and mourns that it's too late. He rubs tenderly at his right wrist, which a doctor had apparently told him he must not abuse any more. He remembers the day when he had noticed a young boy practicing bowling down an alleyway, and felt an impulse to teach him. Such an eager soul. He is still thinking this when he turns back towards the building he works at and sees that youngster, friends grouped behind him. Tired, he starts to head back in but as he passes the boy, Blue says his name with all the appeal in the world. Again Blue makes the plea, and the others watch sympathetically. Don turns to gather up some balls as part of his work. Red bounds quickly to take over that job and the others follow his urging. White pulls Katayama (that's the old man's family name) over to a chair and starts massaging his shoulders, while the others start trying to do his work. Red sends Yellow off to get some tea. Black polishes a red bowling ball, but Blue stares miserably at his feet. Katayama is not that easy and tells them not to bother, with an aside to Blue about things. He passes Yellow, who holds a tray with tea, and heads back inside the building. It is Red this time who says with serious respect, "Wait, please." Katayama cannot help it, he stops. "I know he left, he had to go. But please teach him anyway." Black is made anxious by this, but Red is starting to get angry at the old man's silent refusal and raises his voice. Yellow gets between them to stop the potential overdoing. White speaks in support of Red's anger, for she feels the same urgency. She comes closer to the unhappy Blue, pointing out that they need this. And Blue adds that if they don't, they can't defeat the Aurg. So now with determination he bounds around in front of Katayama and goes to his knees, curling up in total submission to plead again. The others bite back their gasps, feeling for him. Katayama unconsciously curls his left hand around his right wrist, and refuses again but encourages them to go practice. Red starts to snarl, "Wait, please!" (the snarl negating the please) but Blue cuts him off. "It's all right," he says, getting on his feet and he repeats it. He is fighting tears, struggling to look confident. He races into the bowling alley, the others start after him. Black, still holding the red bowling ball, calls "What do I do with this?!" and starts after them only to fall on his face.
It has been some time, long enough for the Billiard Master to grow a tidy, black moustache. He is playing pool today in private. Footsteps attract his ear and he turns his head. Long legs in black leather step through the door. Silver is here, carrying a large bag. The two men are being cool to each other, but when Silver passes on the master watches after him with an amused gleam in his eye. This probably lasts until Silver sets a black bowling ball on one of the billiard tables and prepares to hit it with a cue. The Billiard Master moves in and gets it off the table calmly before Silver can hit it. Silver looks up at him with raised brows and the man asks our young hero, "What are you doing with this?" Silver straightens up and takes the ball from the man with slight stiffness.
At the bowling alley, Blue practicaes and practices. They others are starting to really worry about him. He is not getting strikes. They are trying to soothe him, but he holds the ball and then mishandles it, twisting his wrist painfully. Katayama, watching from around a corner, stiffens anxiously. White frets about his fingers, but he says "I'm okay." Black tries to stop him, and Red even takes the ball away. When he won't give it back, Blue simply goes to get another ball. Just as he gets his fingers in the holes, a large and powerful hand claps down on his wrist. Katayama has come and tells him to stop. He issues what sounds like a scolding and question, and Blue answers with some explanation of admiration. It is then that Katayama explains about his wrist and the fact that he cannot bowl professionally anymore. The others listen to this quite, private conversation, which concludes with the man explaining this is why he won't teach the boy, but Blue finally gathers up a bowling ball. He is determined, for they face something too dangerous to be allowed to continue. Blue races back to his friends as Katayama starts to protest. Blue tells them he will learn this for their sakes, and Katayama watches guiltily and with some respect as the boy continues to practice.
Silver has found the trio of Aurg, and challenges Bowling Aurg. Tetomus gets the signal in the scrying pool and calls Red to tell him Silver is off fighting Bowling Aurg on his own. The others call to Blue, who is not happy with having to leave his practice, but as he turns to go with them, he finds "Don!" The old man has decided to show the boy the proper technique. "Take a good look," he tells him, and despite the sudden protest, closes on the alley. And as Blue watches, with a strong backstroke he puts the ball down and it tears along the alley, leaving a trail of flame in its wake (it may be noted taht by the time it actually hits the bowling pins, all of this is CGI). The pins go flying in smoke and the four other Gaoranger gape and cheer their amazement, while Blue watches proudly and intently. "Don, are you okay?" he asks, touching the man's right wrist anxiously. Yes, he is okay, but he wonders if Blue understands. Blue says he does and then tries to explain, finding it difficult. White understands what he's trying to say. But Katayama has something special. A golden Bowling ball he gives to Blue, and our Gaoranger accepts it with pride and shining respect.
Silver still fights, talented and fast as he is. Bouncing off something, he kicks Bowling Aurg back, and faces its ball, pulling out his Hustler Rod in Break Mode. Bowling Aurg is happy for the challenge, and sends the ball tearing towards Silver. Silver braces to hit it, "One point!" but instead it rolls up the Hustler Rod and hits him hard, sending him falling back quite far through fencing and large barrels. Not badly hurt at least, he wonders why it didn't work. Bowling Aurg has his ball back and is ready to strike again. However, he is summoned. He turns and finds Blue standing down the road from him in armor, holding a golden bowling ball under his left arm. He challenges the Aurg, which finds this delightful. They stare at each other, prep for a strike, and then both move into action. The two balls hurtle at each other, and Blue's nocks Bowling Aurg's back so that it hits him and sends him flying. Now the group assembles around Blue, and they form Hyakujuuken. Silver uses his three-orb attack with them and the Aurg is reduced to foam, which Tsue Tsue quickly sends the Aurg Seeds out to turn it giant.
And now the regular battle of titans is enjoined. Gao King and Gao Hunter Justice face Bowling Aurg, who prepares and then sends his strike at them. It is Gao King which suffers first, hit and blasted to individual Power Animals. Our heroes fall to the cement. Silver tries next, but before he can black through Gaoligate's great mouth, Bowling Aurg sends its ball down the giant's throat. Now Gao Hunter is also blasted apart, and our six heroes are together. But what can they do? Silver frets and they all have to duck attacking giants. Yellow suggests reforming, and Silver replies that Gaoligator is too damaged. Blue and White note that Tiger and Shark are also too badly damaged. Red turns to Silver and says excitedly, "Gao Wolf and Gao Hammerhead are okay, right?" The two Power Animals answer him themselves. "Yeah, they're fine," says Silver. Red is delighted. It seems to him quite simply that they can use Gao King with Wolf and Shark! This is a new idea. The Power Animals are willing and the new formation is assembled. Our heroes ride in on the Soul Bird (but not with Silver riding it. Red has NO idea what to call this formation. so they simply announce the birth, and Blue tells Yellow to call in Gao Majiro (guess Yellow hasn't given Black his orb back, yet). Majiro comes into their arms like a bowling ball, and Blue guides the return attack, "Tornado Gao Majiro Speed!" they name it, whirling around and sending Majiro flying at Bowling Aurg's ball. It annhilates the ball, and hits the Aurg hard. It stumbles towards them, commends their perfect strike, and dies. Silver cheers them. Tsue Tsue curses and an indignant Yaba-iba stomps off. When Tsue Tsue turns to tell him they should go, he is already gone and she races after, calling him to wait for her.
The Gaoranger gather together and Red crows his delight in their victory. "No, it's not over yet," Silver answer him. For in the sky they can see the swirling energy, the power of a thousand years ago that still remains, Silver comments unhappily. And then laughter cuts the air. Ura is about. They brace themselves and he turns to them, "And that's not all." He explains amusedly that Loki's power is his to use to defeat them." It whirls and blasts in the sky, and the group knows, realizes, that there are more and more battles to come. Yellow knows their enemies will become stronger, and Ura agrees. He vanishes with mocking laughter and the whirling power in the sky disappears though we know it still exists. Silver takes a slight step forward, speaking of the power and how he will not give up fighting the Aurg. Red takes in his shaken companions and calls them urgently to be ready to fight, though the enemy will become stronger. They hold Silver at their center as they all speak of their will to fight, but what will happen next?
Next Quest 29: 鹿が癒す Shika ga Iyasu The Deer Heals
It is Silver who calls for help, calls for Gao Diesu to lend him his power. Gao Muscle is being cut to pieces by the newest Aurg. Murasaki seems to be present or is this only in memory, for she is not near Tetomu, who walks and speaks, possibly of the past.
Quest 29: 鹿が癒す Shika ga Iyasu The Deer Heals
Tetomu hums and swirls the water of the scrying pool with her fingers. Is she daydreaming, or seeking memory? For there is a valley, floor shrouded in mist. From the mist rises strange, silvery branches. A red eye opens in a green surface, as though something is listening to the sweet humming from Tetomu. The water shines in the scrying pool, brilliant. Then it erupts, laced with green light. Tetomu gasps and identifies it. Once again it is the power of a thousand years ago.
The Gaoranger run through the young woods until they find a stone. An inscription has been carved into it and filled with red as though the stone has open wounds. "Gaoranger's Grave" they read, and White voices all of their tense shivering, "This feels bad." And then Ura's laughter splits the air. He, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba appear beside the stone, and he tells them his basic target for the day, before summoning blue-silver power into his hands. The power becomes a swirling ball of light and he shoves it into the stone to create the new Aurg. It stands, sinisterly beautiful, perfectly balanced. Its horns look like cloudy spikes, one red and one blue. Its clothing is like old samurai light armor, and it holds a staff in its right hand and a stem with white lillies in the left. It is almost priest-like. It - he, rather - steps forward to introduce himself. "I am Gravestone Aurg." The Gaoranger move into fighting position bravely, and Red snaps defiantly back that they won't be defeated by him. Silver arrives at that moment and comes to Red's shoulder in support and to give warning. This is another Aurg created with Loki's power. The Aurg flings its lillies at them, and then those explode at our heroes feet. Recovering from the blast, the six change into their battle armor. Tombstone Aurg is not impressed. When they attack, he cuts them down and then strikes them with flames. The six are hit badly, but Silver recovers and gets through to strike, only to find himself thrown back and mocked. But Red takes the moment, gets in and fires point blank into the Aurg's belly. He is flung back by the explosion. Tombstone Aurg snarls furiously and reaches out for them, but then its eye closes and it topples over backwards, slowly. It explodes. Hmmph. Too easy a defeat. But Tsue Tsue is ready to use the Aurg seeds. However, Silver is there to attack her and try to stop her. She is no easy target, though. While he manages to pin the staff down, Yaba-iba moves to support her and manages to nock Silver away, tumbling. His left hand has been torn, blood stains his glove and he is in considerable pain. The blood drips heavy on the leaves of plants under him. Yaba-iba laughs smugly and encourages Tsue Tsue, who sends the seeds, calling on the thousand year power. Silver staggers back to join the others, cradling his injured hand. When he brings out his three orbs, Hammerhead and Wolf glow brightly for a moment, Alligator stays dark and then they all go dark. "I can't call them yet!" Silver cries, for Gaoligator was badly damaged in their last battle. White hauls out hers to say frantically, "Red, Gao Tiger also can't fight!" and Blue adds that Gao Shark can't, either. Red is flexible as ever, Silver will provide the hands, and they will summon the others. They have finally named it, "Gao King Another Arm," and though they punch at their enemy, he is the one who does the most damage, cutting at them until they fall. Silver cries out, "Gao King!" but then hears something else crying. It is Gao Giraffe, racing along towards the battle. Gao Elephant is also on his way, and they are trying to stop the Aurg, but only succeeding in delaying. Blue calls on the Giraffe, which takes its normal place as the right arm in place of Gao Hammerhead, but when they fight Tombstone Aurg successfully hits hard, and Gao Giraffe falls. Now with only one arm, Gao King staggers back. Tombstone Aurg summons greater power for another attack. The ground quakes when he hits it. The Earth cracks open, and Gao King falls. The Aurg in the Matrix are congratulating themselves when a strange, piercing sound splits the air. Half like a whistle, half like a scream. Hearing it, Silver responds. Atop a stone outcrop appears the source of that call, crying again. "You!" gasps Silver. A giant, green dear. Tombstone Aurg, like Loki before him, remarks upon the appearance of yet another Power Animal. He sends a blast of fire at it. Eyes gleaming defiance, the deer uses his horns to shatter the fire. Eyes go from red to furious white. A curve of its neck, power summoned into the antler and it tosses a silver white arc of light at the Aurg, who suddenly finds himself encased in the antlers and being squeezed! He falls hard, and his eye closes. Silver knows who he sees. "Gao Diesu!" he cries. It turns its head to look down at him. And in the damaged Gao King, Red cries out, "That Power Animal is another ally!" White says, "But there's something strange!" For Gao Diesu turns and leaves, not hurrying but going all the same. And Silver whispers, "He hasn't forgiven."
In Gao King, the other five get Gao King to its feet. But all of the Power Animas have been injured and none of them can fight now. The Aurg lies still on the ground, perhaps unconscious, still encased in the antlers. This is their chance, as Yellow points out. And Ura, watching in his magic mirror, laughs. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are not really certain what is going on.
The Gaoranger walk together, as has become their habit holding Silver at their center though without touching him. Red says, "So that's called Gao Diesu?" he is so delighted. Blue asks, "But why didn't it come until now?" They look asking to Silver, who engages in his favorite pastime of staring at the ground in front of his feet. Yellow says suddenly (the first three words in English) "By the way," then the rest of the question involves the word why and is directed at Silver, who studiously avoids their inquiring gazes while answering it, something about Gao Diesu being a... er... medicine deer. Red explodes in delight, "That's just like me!" and Blue shoves him forward and out of the way to say, "Stop being Doctor Kakeru!" Yellow nods agreement as Blue turns for further explanation to Silver. This gets a short explanation involving the last time, and Loki, and thins like that. He glances at them sometimes as he speaks. Red bounces back up to ask more and gets a noise of agreement from Silver. They are bunching closer around him, looking hopefully at his face. Black wonders if Gao Diesu will help them again or not. White points out that at least the deer can help Gao Tiger and the others, but Silver cuts her off. "No." For there is nowhere to heal... they all puzzle this out. He says painfully, "It hates me." They quick close in on him, White asking softly, "Why?" He steps away from their midst, searching for breathing room or feeling terrible, and tells them it is because he was not able to protect Murasaki. And he is trembling, fighting tears, as memory takes him. A vision glowing in white, long white hair. Most intense spot of color the red flower in her hands. "This is for you," she holds it out to him, smile innocent. The trembling breaks into action and Silver leaps away, fleeing from the comfort the others would have offered. Though they do not pursue him, they watch him run with concern. And he thinks determinedly that they need this power.
The valley Tetomu had seen, but the mist is not so dense higher up. Silver walks there, he carries a flute and his steps are purposeful. Hey, we've been here before! 黒羽の谷 Black Feather Valley! This is a place he'd been with Murasaki. His hand is bandaged, and now he takes the flute to his lips and plays a sweet tune.
In Gao's Rock, Tetomu responds to what the Gaoranger tell her. "Grandmother Murasaki's song?" And so she begins to sing it, her voice in tune with Silver's piping unheard by them but by us, and by one other. "Mimi wo tsunaseta, kikoeru darou. Kaze ga hakonda, itsuka no yobigoe. Yuki nasai, doko ni naru no ha, makoto wo yasuragata, toki wo wasaru hinorino nakade, yakuzoku ga hata kareru. Bukatsu iki wo suhikomi, haruganarudamashinimo, kimigasete, kimigasete." As Tetomu sang, it becomes not her singing, for Silver has gone far back into memory.
He stood in his whites, playing for Murasaki, who sang the song and smiled her approval of his piping. And atop the valley wall stood the mighty deer, eyes half closing, head nodding to the sweet music they played. But just as they finished the song, a discordant noise broke the serenity. Aurgettes! Red Aurgettes whose horns were larger than the ones we currently know, curling over slightly. They attack, and Silver stands between them and Murasaki, slashing with his sword and trying to drive them back. One gets him a good shot and sends his flower flying, then steps on the blossom as it moves to finish him off. "Shirogane!" cries Murasaki. He lifts his head to see in horror, and the world becomes gray around them save for her, a brightness as she takes the blow that would have killed him. One of her scarves, a horrible drip of blood staining it, flutters away in the wind and she falls to land in his arms and he screams her name. The world is stained red as in madness he attacks and destroys the Aurgettes. But Murasaki's throat has been damaged. She can no longer sing. They stare up at the deer, and Shirogane apologizes, but the deer turns angrily and leaves, kicking up dirt in its wake.
Shirogane stops playing, his hand a stab of pain from his own wound. And Tetomu relates a bit more about her grandmother, who'd always missed that. And White points out that the injury had been gained protecting Silver. But at that moment, the imprisoned Aurg wakes and struggles against its bonds. The scrying pool erupts in response. They know what it is, and the Gaoranger leave to fight. Tombstone Aurg is back on his feet, shrugging out of the binding antlers, and he is ready to face them again.
The city blows up in flames, and our heroes come in Gao Muscle Striker to fight. Tetomu calls encouragement to them, but then the scrying pool glows with golden light and Gao God appears in its surface. In Black Feather Valley, the wind comes urgently with its summons. Silver pulls out of his reveries, "That wind! Aurg!" and he is about to race off when he hears a sound. He is frozen in place, turns and looks frantically up. Gao Diesu stands above him, its cry mournful. He calls its name in sudden hope.
Using Polar and Bear, Gao Muscle fires on the Aurg. It winds up its staff and dissipates the attack, so Yellow sends out Gao Majior and they kick it into attack, but he catches it on his staff and sends it back at them. They fall, smashing an office building. And Silver speaks to Gao Diesu, of that day and his failure, and of their desperate need for help, pleading with it on his knees, for the sake of the living if nothing else. And it cries back at him. He stands and stares as it shifts, turns, looks back over its shoulder with a restless rumble. So now he turns in response to its urging. And he freezes again, mouth dropping open in shock. A woman walks towards him. Murasaki in her youth as he'd last known her. But as she gets closer, his vision clears. It is not Murasaki, it is Tetomu. She smiles warmly at him, and above them, Gao Diesu opens its eyes wide in surprise.
Tombstone Aurg has Gao Muscle down, and announces his intentions of finishing them off, uttering a contemptuous laugh. They manage to turn over as he slowly approaches. They can't get up, but then five other voices call them. Eagle, Lion, Shark, Tiger, Bison. They take heart, but are also frantic that the five will not be hurt. Red cries at them not to come. However, Yellow points out they're glad of his leadership, and they will follow him. And Red gets his courage back. When Tombstone Aurg attacks, they still cannot fight.
And in the valley, Tetomu sings to the sweet notes of Silver's flute. Gao Diesu delights in it, while memory provides Murasaki for Silver's heart, dancing as she'd done for him, black eyes deep and light. And finally Silver lowers his flute while Tetomu sings, and pleads again with the giraffe. He has released his memory of Murasaki and allowed Tetomu to take her place, and now he agrees. A glowing, pale green light comes from him to settle in Tetomu's palms. It is the deer's orb. Silver and Tetomu grin in equal relief and delight as Gao Diesu calls.
Tombstone Aurg takes Gao Muscle by the neck and lifts it to its feet, intending to finish it off. Ura is getting very excited while watching all this, and call encouragement. Just as the Aurg is about to destroy them, Red cries "Now! Muscle Cracker!" and they slam the Aurg back, then start firing on it from the shoulder cannons. Then the Muscle Anchor, and the Aurg finds itself entwined in chains. They stalk to it and grab it, then leap high, high, high into the sky. Then they come hurtling down headfirst and smash it hard into the ground. The Power Animals break formation and our heroes land happily on the ground, then turn to see the results of their work. The Aurg staggers back to its feet, but the power lent it is leaving it now. The Gaoranger note this with delight, but Red frets that now none of the Power Animals can fight. Just as despair is beginning to set in, they hear a high cry.
Atop an office building stands Gao Diesu. Its horns glow, and shimmering power streams out and heads for Animalium. Diesu Healing repairs the others, and our heroes hear that their friends have been healed. Silver calls "Yes!" and they greet him. He tells them the Deer has given them its power. Tetomu gives the deer orb to White to use, Silver encouraging her. As the power is still leaving the Aurg, White places the deer's orb in her dagger, and they call their Power Animals. The formation is assumed, "Gao King Cross Horn!" and the attack is named "Bubble Capture!" This is because, well, the horns put out a bubble. The Aurg is caught and destroyed, much to all of their relief. And in the Matrix, the Dukes and Highness are in a fury. Ura goes a bit wild, and starts blasting around the room with power from his mirror. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba spend a lot of time ducking.
The others gather to Silver to thank him, but he says they have to thank Tetomu. She says they really hve to thank Gao God, who is there, appearing in the sky for them, and then he goes. Tetomu sighs and starts to wander away, fretting about numbers. Silver asks her what she means and she teases him, then while he is blushing, snatches his arm to tell him to come, too. When he gives her a quite confused look, she suddenly looks urgent, then starts teasing him about the power of a thousand years ago. Silver is again stuck practicing "My, what interesting ground that is," though being teased is confusing for him and this time it is embarrassment rather than shame as the other Gaoranger chuckle. At last he meets Tetomu's eyes with a sheepish chuckle. They all turn to look at the sky, where an image of Gao Deer appears and calls.
Next Quest 30: 満月が狼を殺す! Mangetsu ga Ookami wo Korosu! The Full Moon kills the Wolf!
Silver faces Ura and is taken captive, held on a cross by the Dukes and Highness as hostage to the others. He screams his protest, and Gao Wolf howls agreement. Ura turns his magic mirror. And Silver... Silver becomes Loki once again.... Silver falls unconscious to the cement of a deserted street, surrounded by the three Aurg. Ura has a sharply fanged mouth under his nose.
Quest 30: 満月が狼を殺す! Mangetsu ga Ookami wo Korosu! The Full Moon kills the Wolf!
In our last episode, the Gaoranger used the Deer's special attack, "Bubble Capture" to encase the evil of a thousand years ago and expel it from the Aurg it was enhancing. The bubble flew up into the skies, silver magic swirling within. On the now quiet streets, the Gaoranger walked together, very pleased with themselves and all excited at the prospect of their next battle, to defeat Ura, they're sure. However, Silver hangs back behind them, his arms folded and he is deep in thought. Yellow and Red are happily encouraging each other to end with a hand-slap. Silver stops walking altogether, and it is Tetomu who notices and turns back to come to him. "What's the matter, Silver?" she asks him sweetly. He says grimly that it's too early to celebrate. The magic has been contained, but it hasn't been destroyed. With that grim observation, he turns and runs off. "Where are you going?" Yellow calls after him. Blue frets that he worries too much, and Red says that it's natural after being trapped for a thousand years and pats his shoulder reassuringly. They watch Silver leave.
Ura is hammering red nails into two crossed pieces of wood. Amsingly he has a bandana around his horn in which more red nails are waiting, and he reaches now for another to pound in. From behind two stones, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are watching all this in serious confusion. "What is Lord Ura making?" Yaba-iba whispers. "It looks like a cross," she answers him. "Oh, is he making it for the dead hamster?" Tsue Tsue whaps him behind his horn. "Don't be silly! It's way too big for a hamster!" and a little more on the subject. "So what IS he making it for?" Yaba-iba demands. They contemplate the scene again. Ura props up the cross, firmly together now with three bright red nails at the center. Horrified, Tsue Tsue thinks she knows. "It may be for himself!" Dismayed, Yaba-iba agrees, "With the Gaoranger defeating us again and again..!" About that time Ura turns around, patting sweat off from under his eyes with a towel. He sees them and exclaims pleasantly, "Well, what are the two of you doing?" He goes on to tell them they should be out enjoying themselves, for you never know what's going to happen. The two whirl from him in dismay, a quick exchange of miserable comments and then, Yaba-iba first, rush over to him to plead and beg that he not give up. As Tsue Tsue kneels at his feet and the two babble, it is Ura's turn to be confused. "What are you two talking about?" They both straighten up, calming down, and tilt their heads asking for explanation.
The day is dying, sky a bit dusky. Silver has found a place under red machinery atop gray concrete, a dam. He has a leaf in his fingers and to his lips for playing it, the fine shrill whistle of the song he and Murasaki, and more recently Tetomu, played for Gao Deer. He thinks about the power that had contained the magic, and his knowledge that it's not over. And then he is interrupted. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are there and they call his name and fire on him. He changes into his armor immediately, rolls out of the attack and gets ready to start towards them. "Oh he's coming, let's run away!" says Tsue Tsue. The two dukes whirl and dash for the end of the dam where a red drop-top car waits. They drive off in it, Yaba-iba calling mockingly back to Silver to catch them if he can. Irritated, he calls out the "Blue Roader" I'd swear that's what he says, and he follows them. Just as they wanted. "It's almost time," says Tsue Tsue as she drives.
They lead him into the dark of night, under a full moon. But then a shadow begins to move in front of the moon. Yaba-iba cries "Yeehah!" as they drive, Silver on their tail. And Ura watches all this in his magic mirror, as a strange, swirling shadow swiftly eclipses the moon. He gets ready to join the fun. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba stop, turning to see how close Silver is. He frets, but she says reassuringly, "It's all right. This is what Ura planned." And Silver screeches to a halt. He challenges them, and they come to meet his challenge. He is too confident, and doesn't realize this until they turn and look up. The swirling orb eclibses the moon totally, blackness contained in a clear bubble. And the moonlight becomes as red as blood.
The Wolf Roader's glowing red eyes flicker, then go dark. Startled, Silver leaps off to question. "What's the matter? Blue Roader!?" Then he leaps back, for the bike shimmers and becomes the wolf, who leaps atop a building and howls up at the eclipsed moon. And Silver knows what he sees, "The evil of a thousand years! Why - " before he can question, Ura's voice answers. "Shall I tell you?" And he explains about the power, enhanced with the full moon, reaching into Gao Wolf who calls it down. Silver remains confused, but he is told he is following Ura's plan. And then the three Aurg attack. Green power from Ura, blue-white and violet from the other two. Silver is caught dead center between them and it is agonizing. In no time his armor is disrupted and he falls, hitting the cement hard, struggling for breath. "Gao Wolf was what I needed," Ura tells him. "This's crazy," Silver manages to get out before he loses consciousness. The three Aurg approach his limp body, laughing.
Tetomu is busy reading ancient books, and perhaps not finding what she is searching for, I couldn't tell you. She shuts the book she holds and tries to work out the kinks of long hours of studying. She is very pleased with the joining of Gao Deer, and how the Aurg should be easy to defeat. But then the scrying pool bubbles an alert, and when she sees what it is she calls the others to wake up, frantic.
The Gaoranger run where Tetomu has told them to go, as fast as their long legs can take them. Even so morning is well advanced by the time they arrive. And when they recognize what they are seeing, Gao Wolf howling down the malign magic in its imprisoning bubble, they get frantic. Puzzling over what's happening as the wolf howls urgently, they are interrupted by the arrival of the Aurg. Ura, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba. And they have Silver with them, bound hand and foot to the cross Ura had made earlier. He seems unconscious, a fine sheen of sweat on his cheeks. They cry his name in dismay, to Ura's delight. And soon they see what Yaba-iba shows them. For Yaba-iba wears Silver's G Brace Phone on his left wrist. This Red realizes first, "They've taken away his protection from the magic!" Yellow gasps, "You mean he's gonna become Loki again?" Red suspects they've been building up the magic to bring back the incredibly powerful Loki. Silver is not unconscious, however, only exhausted. He lifts his head a bit and calls into his jacket for Gaoligator and Gao Hammerhead to come out and stop Gao Wolf. The two orbs flare out and form in the sky. Gao Wolf howls and his eyes flash. The other two hurtle towards him and then begin the combine sequence to form Gao Hunter. Silver stares in horror. Gao Hunter stands far above them, and the great yellow horn rises proud from its head. Horror strikes all of the heroes, for this is Gao Hunter Evil. And Ura is quite smug. Silver is powerless, and cries to Gao Hunter to wake up and stop, but Gao Wolf continues to raise his head to the sky, even as a left arm, and call down the bubble of evil magic. And so the Gaoranger will call their companions to stop Gao Hunter. They change into their armor and their companions come, forming up as Gao King at once. They ride in on the Soul Bird. Now the struggles is of giants. They try to pin Gao Hunter, who manages to flip them over its head. Shark Shot is countered by Hammerhead. Tiger Punch by Wolf, and Gaoligator shoves them back, Wolf hits them with the moon boomerang. And Ura mocks Silver as the orb continues to descend. "I'm not the same person I was a thousand years ago!" snarls Silver in protest. "I'm not becoming Loki again!!!" "That's what you think," Ura says musedly. "What do you mean?" demands Silver.
Above them Red asks White to call in Gao Deer, and they try the Capture Ring on Hunter. However, Hunter is powerful enough to blast the ring apart so that it falls to the ground. They head towards him, determined to stop him.
Far below, while they are too busy to interfere, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba come dancing over to Silver. They skip circles around him, singing mocking rhymes. They stop to his left and in front of him. "I have a challenge for you!" Tsue Tsue tells Yaba-iba. He readies himself. "How are we going to release the power?" She holds up a card, a rather amusing picture of ... "Number One: Lord Ura flies up and pops the bubble with his horn!" "Hmm... Lord Ura pops it..." She puts down the card for another. "Two, we send up a rocket with a spike, and it pops the bubble." The rocket in the picture has the word "Org" printed on it, for those who are annoying about such things. "Oh, that's pretty good!" laughs Yaba-iba, thinking hard. "AND THREE!" She holds up a sweet, lovely weapon all too familiar. "We use Silver's own Hustler Rod." Silver gives a cry of dismay seeing that. "So, which one?" Tsue Tsue cheerfully asks Yaba-iba. He hems and haws, then says sharply, "Number three!" Tsue Tsue goes all coy on him, "Final answer?" He says firmly, "YES! Final Answer!" She skuttles back several steps from him, considers it for a long moments, then skuttles forward to close on him. "Correct!" As he whoops in smug delight, she waves the weapon mockingly at the horrified Silver, then takes it over to Ura, kneeling to present it to her lord. He takes it gravely. He calmly lectures Silver on what's about to happen, and our young... old hero cries to him not to do it. His voice reaches the Gaoranger's ears, and they look down to see what's happening. To see Ura holding the Hustler Rod. "This is bad!" cries Red. And Ura takes a few steps back and hurtles the Hustler Rod high into the sky. It hits the bubble and burst it, and blue-white lightning comes raining down on the immobilized Silver.
He screams and screams as the pain of that power roars through him. Only he is there, surrounded by blackness and rolling ice cold mist. Of course they can see him from above as they still struggle to contain the evil Gao Hunter. Yellow it is who states the obvious, "The thousand year evil is going into Silver's body!" And Silver screams while Ura and the other two laugh. "I'm human, I'm not Loki!" Silver manages to cry out through the pain. And he manages to turn his scream into a determined agonized, wordless shout, a command or summons. He concentrates all his will. The G Brace Phone flashes, startling Yaba-iba who lifts it to observe, but in a sudden flare of light the tool leaves his wrist and returns to Silver. And once it is on his wrist, it transforms him into his armor.
With the enhancement of his armor he is strong enough to break the immobilizing chains and stagger free of the cross. "I... I am Gao Silver!" he snarls furiously in the rain of power. Shaking violently, he crosses his arms, fighting to negate the alien evil coursing through him. Up in the cockpit of Gao King, the others cry encouragement. As they watch, his form ripples, beocming black and growing ears until it is almost Loki, rippling back to Silver, back to Loki, sometimes himself with no armor as he roars his determination. The cry is agony and fury, and continues when he is human and when he is Loki, and it hurts to witness, the others want to help but how? Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba cheer on Loki, and Ura waits. Light flares, the changes continue at an increasing pace, armored Silver, no armor, Loki, again and again and then it stops... and it is Loki who stands before the three Aurg. Yaba-iba and Tsue Tsue are ecstatic. Oddly, Ura doesn't seem to be happy. Red cries, "It can't be!!"
Loki snarls, his eyes glow bright yellowl. And then he flings his arms out wide, silver white lightning splays all around. Then a burst of smoke and flame. When the flames die down, it is Silver in his armor who stands, pale white energy still swirling over him. He has won. His Hustler Rod falls into his hand and he catches it happily. He is free at last of the evil power that held him in thrall for a thousand years. And with him so too is Gao Hunter. The horn shrinks away again, and in glimmering light the jaws open to reveal the human face at its heart. And the Gaoranger cheer.
Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are really unhappy, but Ura is not. "This is the moment I've been waiting for!" he exults. He turns his mirror quickly to capture Silver's image, then reangles it to himself. "Now the thousand year evil magic will come into me!" And rejected from its previous housing, it does. Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are knocked aside, and it is Ura's turn to cry out in pain as the power flows into him. And flare of light, smoke that pulses out and is sucked back in, and Ura is transformed. His weight has been re-distributed. Enhanced, he now has several noses and bright red eyes that stand our over a mouth full of shark-like teeth. He is now Ura Kyuukyokutai(究極体 -- Ultimate Form). "I finally have the most beautiful body in the whole world! I've been waiting for this for all this time!" he sings out happily. This development is greeted with astonishment on all sides. Yaba-iba backs away in shock, an arm out as though to shield Tsue Tsue whom he keeps behind him. They question in confusion. And when the stunned Gaoranger, Silver heading, also demand, he tells them how he has been watching, waiting, how each Aurg that died left behind the enhanced magic of the thousand year evil. And he has been waiting until he could take it up for himself. Stunned, Tsue Tsue says, "He wanted us to lose all along? Did you know that?" she asks Yaba-iba. He shakes his head in amazement. "This is the first I've heard of it." Ura, though, is amused. "It isn't just that! I woke Loki from his thousand years sleep because I wanted this to happen! Everything's been leading up to this day!" And what he says strikes a chord of pure fury in Silver. "All this -- " and now he launches himself wildly towards the Aurg, and Red has to leap to grab him, hold him tight and prevent him getting himself killed as he cries, "I can't believe it! You made me wake up, you made me fight, all because you wanted to be the strongest evil power!!" Half-pinned by Red, he does not struggle hard. "Just as you said!" Silver has calmed and so Red lets him go, but he still faces Ura with only a few meters distance between. "Everything I did was in your hands?!" Ura mocks him cruelly, and this is too much for Silver, who has had a rather difficult life. The wind blows between the two might beings, and Silver may break and attack, his fists are already clenching. He will never forgive Ura, and now goes into a wild run at the powerful Aurg. He leaps, bringing the Hustler Rod to strike. Ura catches it easily. Then he catches Silver by the throat, just as easily. He tosses Silver flying, but our boy hits the ground on his feet and firing in Sniper Mode. Unfortunately the shots are not effective. Silver is caught in red lightning from Ura. He falls on his back, and Ura lands standing one foot on Silver's chest. Silver frantically changes his blade to Sabre Mode, but Ura only catches it and bends the attack aside. He stomps viciously on Silver's chest, and the rest of the Gaoranger race to help (where've they been, Pittsburgh?). Ura is powerful enough to simply blast them back, but Red rolls out of the main shot and comes at him again. Ura catches him in a red energy lasso and swings him around, keeping Silver pinned all the while, then hurtles Red back to the others' feet. He then gathers Silver up by the throat, tosses him flying and then stalks him. Red and the others pool their power into the Hyaku Juuken. They fling their blast at him and it rebounds off his armored shoulders. He blasts them back powerfully. Sent flying in a dozen directions, they land in bad shape, coughing and struggling. Ura cackles. From the shelter of a hilltop, Tsue Tsue and Yaba-iba are suitably impressed.
"Come on, kiddies," Ura tells the fallen warriors. It is Blue who is able to respond and surely should not have. Furious, he launches himself into attack while the others cry his name, still grounded. Blue runs straight into Ura's clawed hand and is pinned by his helmet. A crackle of terrible power, red and vicious, slices through him. Red cries his name, Silver groans, Yellow, Black and White cry his name. Laughing, Ura releases his captive, who reels. The left side of Blue's helmet has been eaten through as though by acid. A stream of thick, red blood goes down his nose to his cheek and his eye that can be seen is like a dull marble. An aweful sound of pain echoes from him as, without Ura holding him up, he topples over on his back. The others struggle to get their feet under them, calling for him. For a moment his gasping stops and he seems like he's dead, visible eye staring. Then it closes and he goes limp.
Where the other five are still struggling, Silver gives a mournful cry and presses his helmet into the gravel beneath them. The others cry Blue's name again. And Ura, well, he laughs and his laughter has victory and cruelty forever beating into the skies. And Blue lies, helpless and unconscious.
Next Quest 31: 百獣戦隊、全滅!! Hyakujuusentai, Zenmetsu!! The Beast Warriors, Annihilate!!
Outclassed again, only Red still stands. The other four are unconscious and Tetomu either tends or tries to wake them. Red fights alone to protect a class of kindergarten kids. For he has the Falcon Summoner, a weapon like a bow at once, and Gao Falcon will answer his need for help. He and Silver are sent flying in the air by an explosion.

Quests 31-40