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Gara Shaddam 15th Emperor Other
 Zaidosu |

It's hard to say things about Zaidosu. He was brutal, and not prone to deep thinking. Why people did things, what they felt, held no interest for him. He may have been born a Gohma. Like his two friends, he was around during the initial attack six thousand years ago. What Zaidosu had the most of was brute power. He was a key player amongst the Gohma because of his power and he could create extremely dangerous new Gohma. He did so with Jin. The Three Stupid Gohma were under his jurisdiction and reflected it in their own foolishness. Zaidosu was always the type to go through things and leave them in a million pieces. He believed utterly in Shaddam as his leader, but was also prone to doing his own things. And when he finally died, it was slowly as his body fell to pieces, returned to the clay from which Shaddam had formed him, and all the others, so long ago.