And then there were all those other people. For a murderous bunch of villains, the Gohma were remarkably free-wheeling. It seemed, as long as you did what you were told, you basically could do what you wanted otherwise. Thus a great many of the Gohma were characters in their own right. Sometimes quite interesting.
Himodanshaku, or Baron Belt was one such.
He was the first to head the attack, and he liked yoyos and singing. He always sang this old love song, "I like, I like, I like from my heart. I really love you. In the bay of sweet words, it looks like I am alone and lonely." Er, maybe. I'm guessing. It's by Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi. He injested people through the mouths at the end of his tentacles, my guess to use them as blood sacrifices. Never found it out, he died as soon as he appeared, really, in Episode 1. |
Gamaguchi Houshi, The Purse Priest
Another strange soul. He was one of Zaidosu's. He liked basketball. His human form was extremely tall and agile. His attacks were characterised by sending flying at his target seemingly hundreds of goards carved with smiling, human faces. Once these things secured someone's head, basically the body was under total control. I think it also rendered the victims unconscious. It also had another role, as executioner for Gohma sacrifices. It captured Rin, amongst others. And Shouji took that personally. |
Kagidoukeshi, Mr. Keyist?
Now, this guy was funny. He spent most of his time rolling about on rollerblades, choosing children and stealing their souls to give life to his dolls. But of course the dolls were homicidal and crazy. He was featured in Episodes 3 and 4, as he was pretty difficult to get to stand still long enough to catch him. |

Kuchibeniuta Hime, Lipstick Songstress
She came in Episode 5 and 6. Vanity, thy name is lipstick! She was one of Gara's. And she got her face scratched fighting Rin, which she resented deeply. A swipe of her lipstick across a woman's lips turned the victim into a controlled slave, singing a dangerous soprano tone that tended to blow out our heroes' eardrums.
Nokogiri/Riju Daisoujou, High Priest Saw
Now, here was a character. Of European appearance, he was no one's, and too bloody powerful for Shaddam and his three compatriots to intimidate. Why, he was the one that managed to turn the original Ryu Ranger! And had kept him, by the way. He wiped the floor with Zaidosu but, like most powerful Gohma, seemed more than a little... oh, out of his mind. He came in Episode 7 and 8, and died after killing his servant of 6,000 years for betraying him. |
Kagami Keshoushi, Mr. Makeup Mirror
This was quite a guy, too. He was another one of Gara's. The way to get caught by him, was to pause to admire yourself in the mirror. Then he'd swallow you up. However, he didn't like men, they taste bad. And he could keep them in there, indefinitely. He had Kujaku trapped within him for six-thousand years.... He arrived in Episode 9.

Sakura Shishaku, Viscount Cherry Blossom
He arrived in Episode 10, and was another of Gara's. When he lets loose his blossoms, everyone affected by them goes homicidally berserk. And he enjoyed nothing better than watching the fight between Gara and Kujaku. Firmly rooting for his mistress, of course.
Jishakushinpu, Father Magnet
Shown up in Episode 11, he didn't seem to belong to anyone in particular. He dressed like a stray priest of Western origin, and his power was to set up a magnetic field by whomever he touched. North and South, positive and negative. Alarm and hilarity were everywhere, as cars went rolling after people with the opposite mark, or couples were driven apart by the field. Our heroes eventually were able to turn his own power against him.
Toufu Sennin, Immortal Toufu
Showing up in Episode 12, with no apparent controller, he could almost seem harmless. Except of course that he turned anything he touched into strong drink. He led revellers through the streets and ruined businessmen. He and Kazu engaged in a drinking contest, which he would have won but for Kazu's friends making sure the drink was just water.
 Kabuki Kozou, Kabuki Novice
He arrived Episode 13, stayed through 14. Obsessed with Kabuiki, he had incorporated it into his character. He could leap into people's bodies and gain full control over any special talents they had, which presented the Dairanger with difficulty when they had to face him without killing the person he possessed. And Rin's gread-uncle was after him, for he could also injest a person whose talents he wanted. And he had injested Gohan's fiance, Shoukyou, to lend his Kabuki talent greater authenticity when playing feminine roles.

Dendensei Denwasensei, Bakusousei Kamikazetaishou, Hakaishishachou Kokuyouse Yuumeimujitsusankaijin Gohma 3 Chanzu Electric Nebula Miss Telephone, Explosive Nebula General Kamikaze, Fostered President Tombstone The Celebrated False-Three Mystery Gohma
These guys were hilarious, and out of their minds. They first arrived and were defeated in Episode 15, tried again for the deadly baseball game of Episode 24, and their last major appearance was Episode 40, though they popped in with a cameo during the final story arch.

Haniwafukuwajusshi Haniwa Ventriloquist Defense Teacher
A sneaky character, this guy. Which one's the dummy? He arrived Episode 16. Only Kujaku could tell them how to defeat him.

Earring, Ring and Necklace Women
Akomaru's servants/nannies, friends. I'm not sure. They arrived with him in Episodes 17 and 18, Earring died by 18, bringing Akomaru secret knowledge. Necklace was lost in 19 and 20. Ring, she lasted until 22, like her master. And oh, she wanted revenge for her sisters' deaths.
Kagerou Zukin, Heat-wave Hood and Gigantic Head-wave Hood
Arriving in Episode 23, he managed to injest Kujaku and Daigo. Trapped and being baked alive within him, instead of giving up, Daigo decided to literally punch his way out. And a good thing, too, as his team-mates were faced with a choice of killing them with the monster, or letting the monster go.
Kopii Jotei, Empress Copy
She arrived Episode 25 and, playing at being a publicist, successfully took photos of each of our five heroes. Since she found Kazu seperate, she captured him and replaced him with the copy she had made. Our heroes caught on, but not before Kaku was wounded. Then they had to face other copies the Gohma made. And a copy, by destroying the original, could make itself real... Kazu's copy went after him for just that purpose.

Tsubo Doujin, Man of Jar
Arriving in Episode 26, staying through 27, this creature was powerful, and you had to be extraordinarily quick and talented to escape his attack. Or just happen to be missed the first time around. Though our heroes tried to develop their skills to face him, he captured first Rin, then Shouji. And while Ryo had found someone to spur him on to greater heights, Kazu and Daigo were also captured. But Ryo had found the way, and retrieved his friends.

Gattai Shitennou, The United Four
Divine Lords of the North, East, West and South
Arriving in Episode 28 and staying through 31, they were the favored servants of the 15th Emperor, who sent them to help our favorite trio and slaughter the Dairanger. Masters of displacement, they captured everyone but Kazu, until a lucky idea got our heroes free. I'm not certain if they really had seperate identities, they never seemed to act independantly. Their unity was their power, and they were deadly. They got control of Kazu in 31, and nearly killed him. But our heroes freed him with Kameo's help, and with Daimugen destroyed the Four.
Hayakuchi Tabigarasu, Fast-talking Vagabond
Episodes 29 and 30 introduced us to this champion talker. His thing was bombs which would only go off if you failed to say a tongue-twister when he'd thrown it to you. It was his power which accidently exposed Ko as the Kibaranger. He was gathering children to slave for the Gohma, to open a crack in the gate to hell, so that Shaddam, Gara and Zaidosu could drink in that power.
Torikago Fuuraibou, Birdcage Vagabond
Episode 32 introduced this fellow, who captured Shouji and a little girl. Within his cage was another world, where the vulture waited for his captives to die so it could feed on them. His left leg was made of gold, and the Gohma third eye was in its knee. With it he was nearly invincible and it was deadly. Except that 6000 years ago it was stolen by a Dai while he slept, and Doushi Kaku had hidden it with magic, in a jar under a lake. Without his leg he was useless to the Gohma, and so while the others died, he wandered the Earth for 6000 years. It seems he spent some time in Spain or Mexico, for he spoke Spanish. Zaidosu managed to get the leg back from Kaku, but Shouji sneakily escaped with the little girl, and the Dairanger destroyed Birdcage Vagabond.
Medeia Majusshi, Media Sorcerer-Teacher
Arrived in Episode 33, disguised as human, he called himself Takamura. He was Gara's, and he was supposed to steal Rin's soul while she was vainly letting him take millions of photographs of her. But when he found out she did so really because she loved him, he went on a pinwheel of shock, for he fell in love with her. He saved her from himself, and then was mortally injured protecting her from Gara. He was born a Gohma, he said. And dying said to Rin he wished to be reborn as a human, so he could see her smiling face once again.
Saboten Shougun, General Cactus
He arrived in Episode 34, and his thing was dolls. Living ones. He captured little girls and paralyzed them with his spines, to dress them up and play with them. He was also rather effeminate, but a deadly creature. He had a total lack of respect for Gara, though he was working for her in a truck yard. I don't know what it was he was SUPPOSED to be doing. Some years ago he had given a cactus a soul, and somehow it had ended up in Daigo's care. The spirit called herself Michiru, and she acted to save Daigo's life. |

Sergeant Great Cannon
Arrived in Episode 35 and we never saw his human face. He worked for Zaidosu, and his cannonballs were absolutely deadly. Zaidosu claimed they would kill whomever they struck. He did not seem terribly bright, was of the shoot first and ask questions later mentality. But his shot enabled Zaidosu to capture Jin.

Mangekyou Hakushaku, Count Kaleidoscope
He arrived in Episode 36. Under Gara's command his purpose was to help prevent Kujaku from finding the Peacock's Tears. He could create solid illusions to set as traps, at one point making her think she had found the tears, but Daigo was in time to keep her from being killed by the poison within. He fired an intensified light-beam. But he was destroyed.
Pachinco Daimeijin, Great Master of Pachinko
Arrived in Episode 37 and staying for 38, as his name implies he was obsessed with Pachinko. He was also part of Shaddam's plan to turn Kou into a Gohma. But this was all briefly foiled by the arrival of Daijinryuu, an irritable stellar power about 15 times as big as it.

Garouki, Starving Wolf-Demon
Gestated within Jin, this creature didn't really seem to have any will of its own. It belonged to Zaidosu, and obeyed him. Yet within Garouki Jin remained. He just had no control whatsoever, and little or no awareness of what had happened to him. It appeared in Episode 39.

Himodanshaku, Baron Belt
The New Gohma Mystery Men! (or Gohma, the Next Generation)
50 years after the war ended, they returned. Showed at the end of Episode 50, our heroes watched in envious memory as their Grandchildren called in their former companions and faced the Gohma.
Toranpu Koushaku, Duke of Trumps
Arriving in the short feature movie, he turned children into playing pieces in a card game, and was able to use special trumps of Himodanshaku, Gamaguchi Houshi, Kagidoukeshi and Kuchibeniuta Hime to bring them back and fight our heroes!