Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.31 亡国の炎
Boukoku no Honoo
Ruined Country Blaze

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.32 ボウケン学校の秘密
Bouken Gakkou no Himitsu
Secret of the Adventure School

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.33 レムリアの太陽
Remuria no Taiyo
Sun of Lemuria

Natsuki's name is Ririna.
Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.34 遼かなる記憶
Harukanaru Kioku
Distant Memories

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.35 神の頭
Kami no Kashira
God's Head

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.36 鬼の金棒
Oni no Kanabou
Demon's Golden Staff

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.37 憧れの芸能界
Akogare no Geinoukai
Yearning of the World of Show Business

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.38 虹の反物
Niji no Tanmono
Rainbow Cloth

Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.39 プロメテウスの石
Purometeusu no Ishi
Prometheus Stone
Thirty-one | Thirty-two | Thirty-three | Thirty-four | Thirty-five | Thirty-six | Thirty-seven | Thirty-eight | Thirty-nine | Forty
Task.40 西のアシュ
Nishi no Ashu
Western Ashu

"And I think your name is Ooga!"
お袋 Ofukuro = Mother
Episodes 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-49 The Movie