Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.21 打出の小槌
Uchide no Kotsuchi
Little Hammer of Escape

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.22 ソロモンの指輪
Soromon no Yubiwa
Solomon's Ring

Battle Simulatig Target (TAGET) Enemy Zukangami, Target Class: Tsukumogami
Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.23 あぶない相棒
Abunai Aibou
A Dangerous Buddy

"Plots, plans and traitors." "A spy's life was enjoyable." Souta shakes his head frantically.
"Haha! Now it's our turn!" Realization that when he'd picked Souta up, the boy had picked his pocket for the key to the cuffs.
Toba presses the buttons on his cellphone, and explosions go off in the new Quester Robot.
Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.24 初音の鼓
Hazune no Tsuzumi
Sound of the Drum

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.25 禁断の果実
Kindan no Kajitsu
Berries of Interdiction

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.26 ガラスの靴
Garasu no Kutsu
Glass Shoes

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.27 風水占いの罠
Fusui Uranai no Wana
Feng Shui Fortune Telling Snare

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.28 伝説の鎧
Densetsu no Yoroi
Legendary Armor

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.29 黄金の剣
Ougon no Ken
Golden Sword

Twenty-one | Twenty-two | Twenty-three | Twenty-four | Twenty-five | Twenty-six | Twenty-seven | Twenty-eight | Twenty-nine | Thirty
Task.30 怒りの黄金魔人
Ikari no Ougon Majin
Anger of the Golden Wizard

Episodes 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-49 The Movie