Black Blue Red Yellow Killer Of Ryunosuke and Emiri The Bakuryu | Other People | The Evorian
Aou[cycăÄ (Shou Tomita) Abareblue is Yukito Sanjou, The Clever Warrior (brains of the outfit?) who has the Triceratops. He is twenty-one years old. He's a Chiropractor, making about 400 million yen anually. He is not humble. He knows exactly what he can do and does it well. He has a strong sense of his own personal space. He doesn't like for anyone to come into it, doesn't like to be touched. It's not easy for him to adjust to being an Abaranger. Suddenly the life he's gotten so under control is disrupted. With great reluctance he has to move to Tokyo. He must live in a crowded household with a bunch of strangers his life normally would never have taken him near. And yet I think he is not quite so reluctant as he wants everyone to believe, for he DOES move in there, and takes steps to streamline operations. He calls in these three guys he knows from America and has them build a command center behind the kitchen. The equipment he's put in there! I hesitate to speculate on the amount he must have spent. Yes, he DOES make a lot of money. However he is also only twenty-one. He can't have been making so much for that many years and he may exhaust his savings. He is still working, though, plying his trade.
As I said, he is very cold. He does not get involved with his patients, preferring to keep an emotional distance. This is probably a very good thing. He is an attractive young man and I'm sure has been propositioned hundreds of times by his clients. The cold prevents girls from falling in love or becoming dependant on him. He leaves their emotional well being to the province of the experts and takes care of their bodies. He has no patience with someone who puts up mental barriers to getting well, but inside feels some sympathy. If he comes up with a treatment that he thinks will help, he implements it.
Dreading that Barnes will kiss him again.
He can amuse himself by doing other things. He made his idea of a nummy treat, Curry-ful Sponge. The rest of his team were revolted by even the idea of it, and Asuka's reaction to eating some was nausea. However, that was over-dramatic. Sanjo offered it to the famous baseball player Barnes (Banzu, who knows what the real name was meant to be?), he was delighted when the other man enjoyed it tremendously.
Yukito is the son of one Souichirou Sanjyou (Kanji: Ođ ęY). President of Sanjo Corporation, and blatantly the wellspring of much of Yukito's more unpleasant personality traits. He had Yukito studying ten hours a day from the time he was a little child. And when in Junior High Yukito got a girlfriend, his father paid the girl's parents to move far away. This was the final break between father and son. When lectured that anyone could be bought off by his father, Yukito yelled, "My life is NOT GOING TO BE ABOUT MONEY!" and left home forever. He had inside him a loathing of himself that he never admitted, pinning it all on his father.