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Everywoman's Lament
©1990 by Zen Nine Productions to the tune of "Nights in White Satin"

Studs in black leather
Where does one begin?
Is it all done with mirrors?
Is it glued to the skin
Clearly it's poured on
It must shrink to size
But no means of removal
Appear to my eyes.

Studs and leather
Studs and leather
Shrink-to-fit leather OoooOOOOooooOOOoh!

What goes on must come off
There's no doubt in my mind
The challenge is merely
A fastener to find.
Does it take special training?
Some knowledge arcane?
It's plainly the work of
A sick, twisted brain!

Studs and leather
Studs and leather
Shrink-to-fit leather OoooOOOOooooOOOoh!

(sounds of crowbars at use, then sawing, an electric drill, a table-saw, a pneumatic drill, a machine gun, a bomb going off)

Well the crowbar was futile
And the hacksaw no use.
Why would anyone wear this?
There can be no excuse.
It's exhausted my patience
I've not more at hand.
Why you must wear black leather
I just don't understand.

Studs and leather
Studs and leather
Shrink-to-fit leather OoooOOOOooooOOOoh!

Studs and leather
Studs and leather
Shrink-to-fit leather OoooOOOOooooOOOoh!